Output file isn't encoded in UTF-8 when using a standalone Talend job - utf-8

I have a simple Talend job that reads a CSV file as entry, sends a SOAP request to a webservice and then returns some fields of the response in a CSV file as output. The job deals with adresses throughout Europe, so the various fields of the output can have accents or non-latin characters (e.g. for adresses in Belarus) in them.
When I run the job inside Talend Open Studio, my output file is correctly encoded in UTF-8 and all the special characters appear fine when I open the file in Notepad++. However, when I export the job as a standalone (using the "Build Job" menu option) and run the .bat file, none of the special characters are correctly encoded. When I open the file in Notepad++ it clearly says that it's encoded in UTF-8, but the end result is still wrong.
Am I missing something, or doing something wrong? I haven't found any option in Talend besides choosing "UTF-8" as encoding in the advanced options of my tFileOutputDelimited component.
Thanks in advance for your help

Passing -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 as an argument to your JVM should solve the issue.
In order to set this in Talend, you can use the advanced settings tab in the Run view, and add a JVM argument: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
You can set this globally in Talend preferences as well: Windows > Preferences > Talend > Run/Debug


How do i create page.properties file for Bonitasoft

Please How do i create file with encoding ISO 8859-1 files on windows Machine? I am kind of lost here and i actually don't know where to start.
I wanted to use Notepad or Notepad++ to create a pages.properties file for Bonitasoft as i built a REST api so i can use to test the REST (Webservice was coded in groovy Rest) and later on use in my UI designer, I built using the Java and Bonitasoft Jar files, but when i click save as , i only see for UTF-8 How do i go about it.
page.properties file in Bonita will be read by Bonita Engine, a Java application, and so need to use, as you find out, ISO 8859-1 character encoding (see Java Properties class documentation for the details).
When creating a file using Notepad++ you can choose the character sets from the "Encoding" menu -> "Character sets" -> "Western Europe" -> "8859-1". For encoding you should select "ANSI" from the "Encoding" menu. "ANSI" should be compatible with "8859-1".

SSIS how to save all files in UTF-8 format in a particular folder?

I have many files 100 + in a folder which particular package is giving as a output.
From this folder I am currently manually saving all files in UTF -8 format before giving them for load into SAP server. This I am doing manually , Opening file in notepad then click on Save as , select UTF-8 as encoding and then save it.
But to do this for more than 100 files is really very time wasting and also leads to some human error.
I am aware about Flat file destination encoding but that is not converting the files in UTF-8 format , If i select this encoding on flat file destination and write output , then when i open that file in notepad again and when i click on save as I should see UTF-8 as encoding , but it is showing me ANSI.
Any help will save much time..
You can do this using an 'execute process task'.
1. Create a powershell script that changes the encoding on each file:
2. Save this script in a directory that is accessible by the ssis service account.
3. Add an 'execute process task' to your control flow.
4. Set the appropriate configuration values.

In sqlplus how to change or specific file encoding to utf8

in sql plus I created a file :
>EDIT test.sql
the file encoding is ansi. I want to change it to ut8, I tried by save-as but it didnt work
how to change test.sql from ansi to utf8 in sql plus ?
If you want to change your default editor for sqlplus, you can do this:
logon to sqlplus
use "define" command to set the path to the new editor. I like TextPad (which handles utf8 automatically), so the command (for my machine anyway) would be:
define _editor="c:\Program Files\TextPad 7\TextPad.exe";
Now, the edit command will bring up the new editor.
For TextPad, you can change the encoding by doing the following:
Conversion: Conversion between various file formats and encodings can
be made using the Save As command on the File menu. The options for
encoding are ANSI, DOS, Unicode, Unicode (big endian) and UTF-8.
So after doing the steps above, edit will bring up Textpad, and using Save As you can save the file using various encodings.
This is one benefit of changing the default editor from Notepad.

In DBF, "Ñ" character is showed as "¥"

I open a DBF file in Visual FoxPro and it shows "Ñ" character as "¥". I haven't created that DBF, I just open it and read it.
My question is: Is there any way to show those "¥" characters correctly in FoxPro? Or does it mean that this DBF file was created wrongly?
You probably need to know which encoding was used when the file was saved, depending on the version number of the file. Also the MSDN has a dedicated page about this topic. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/5b10d8b6(v=vs.80).aspx
In specific the first paragraph might be for your interest:
When you create .dbf files, Visual FoxPro automatically gives them
code page marks so that you can tell which code pages they use.
However, if you use .dbf files from previous versions of FoxPro, they
might not have code page marks. You can determine whether a .dbf file
has a code page mark by using the CPDBF( ) function after opening the
file or by having Visual FoxPro check when you open the file.
You need to set the proper code page of your DBF file.
To know it, open the file with DBF Commander Pro, click 'Tools -> Set Codepage', then try to set the proper encoding by choosing various encodings from the list (leave 'Preview' check box turned on):
The program has 30-day fully functional trial period, so you can do your task at no charge.

How can I make TFS2010/VS2010 save one solution file with a given encoding?

I have a batch file that executes during my build. Every time I check it in with changes, the file gets saved as UTF-8 (or UTF-16, hell I don't know), and thus gets a BOM. That makes it so that whenever the batch file is run, execution will fail because batch files have to be encoded as plain ASCII.
While it is simple to change the encoding on the file when I save it, I forget a lot of times.
Is there a way that I can get TFS or Visual Studio to ALWAYS save that one file in the proper format? (I know I can set VS up to always save all files as a certain type, but I was hoping I could make the change for just one file)
From within Source Control Explorer right-click the file you 're interested in & select 'Properties'.
On the 'General' tab there's the option to "Set Encoding". Check it out to see if you can find a suitable encoding to your purpose.
