JGraphT: How to use JSONImporter to Import my DirectedMultigraph with Labeled Edges - java-8

I have created a custom edge class as defined here. The only change I made was a No Arg constructor in order to get the import code below to run. I have successfully generated a DirectedMultigraph via the JSONExporter class and now want to take that exported JSON and re-import it via the JSONImporter class.
I'm having trouble doing this and retaining my edge labels due to my limited understanding of how to build the EdgeProvider required for my JSONImporter constructor.
This is the JSON I'm trying to import:
"edges": [
"id": "{shipmentNumber:12345}",
"source": "DEHAM",
"target": "USNYC"
"nodes": [
"id": "DEHAM"
"id": "USNYC"
"creator": "JGraphT JSON Exporter",
"version": "1"
This is the code that I have so far:
Graph<String, RelationshipEdge> graph = new DirectedMultigraph<>(SupplierUtil.createStringSupplier(), SupplierUtil.createSupplier(RelationshipEdge.class), false);
VertexProvider<String> vertexProvider = (label, attributes) -> label;
EdgeProvider<String, RelationshipEdge> edgeProvider =
(from, to, label, attributes) -> graph.getEdgeSupplier().get();
JSONImporter<String, RelationshipEdge> importer = new JSONImporter<>(vertexProvider, edgeProvider);
importer.importGraph(graph, new StringReader([inputJSON]);
I know the problem is the EdgeProvider assignment because I don't know how to pass the argument constructor for the RelationshipEdge class which is where the actual label is set. If I could figure out how to call the argument constructor of the RelationshipEdge class then I think that would solve my problem.
FYI, this is my JSONExporter Code:
ComponentNameProvider<String> vertexIdProvider = name -> name;
ComponentNameProvider<RelationshipEdge> edgeLabelProvider = component -> component.getLabel();
ComponentAttributeProvider<String> vertexAttributeProvider = component -> new HashMap<>();
ComponentAttributeProvider<RelationshipEdge> edgeAttributeProvider = component -> new HashMap<>();
GraphExporter<String, RelationshipEdge> jsonExporter = new JSONExporter<>(vertexIdProvider, vertexAttributeProvider, edgeLabelProvider, edgeAttributeProvider);
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
jsonExporter.exportGraph(graph, writer);
The following JSON is exported (with the label/id missing):
"creator": "JGraphT JSON Exporter",
"version": "1",
"nodes": [
"id": "DEHAM"
"id": "USNYC"
"edges": [
"source": "DEHAM",
"target": "USNYC"

Since your graph is using the SupplierUtil factory methods, the graph importer will use no-arg constructors as it visits/parses the json file, iterates over all the nodes/edges in the file and creates instances for them. In order to set your node/edge attributes during import you need to provide appropriate Vertex/Edge Attribute Consumers to the importer. Additionally, your node/edge classes need methods to access/modify their attributes:
JSONImporter<String, RelationshipEdge> importer = new JSONImporter<>(vertexProvider, edgeProvider);
importer.addEdgeAttributeConsumer((edgeField, value) -> {
// edgeField: Pair<Edge, String> / Edge instance, field name
// value: instance of org.jgrapht.nio.Attribute / getValue(); getType();
RelationshipEdge = edgeField.getFirst();
e.setLabel(value.getValue()); // Note that since you only have one field I am not finding the
// correct setter. I don't like reflection so I would probably
// add a 'setField(name, value)' method to my edge/node implementation.
To persist your graph, the idea is the same. But in this case you need Vertex/Edge AttributeProviders (You added them but they always returned empty maps):
GraphExporter<String, RelationshipEdge> jsonExporter = new JSONExporter<>();
exporter.setEdgeAttributeProvider(e -> {
Map<String, Attribute> attribs = new HashMap<>();
attribs.put("label", new DefaultAttribute<String>(e.getLabel(), AttributeType.STRING));
return attribs;


How do you get the property value from a FHIR property using FhirClient

I am using the following code to call the NHS Retrieve Reference Data method
var result = await fhirClient.ReadAsync<CodeSystem>(url);
which returns the following Json (this is a snippet of the full json)
concept": [
"display": "Booked more urgently due to clinical need",
"property": [
"code": "effectiveFrom",
"valueDateTime": "2019-07-23T17:09:56.000Z"
"code": "commentIsMandatory",
"valueBoolean": true
"code": "canCancelAppointment",
"valueBoolean": false
I have used the GetExtensionValue method for other calls when the data is within an extension but I can't find a similar method for properties.
Is there a simple method or do I need to just cast into the required type manually?
Thanks in advance
There is no convenience method for this. However, the properties per concept are a list, so you could for example iterate over the concepts and select the properties with boolean values using regular list methods:
foreach (var c in myCodeSystem.Concept)
var booleanProperties = c.Property.Where(p => (p.Value.TypeName == "boolean"));
// do something with these properties
or find all concepts that have a boolean property:
var conceptsWithDateTimeProperties = myCodeSystem.Concept.Where(c => c.Property.Exists(p => (p.Value.TypeName == "dateTime")));
Of course you can make your selections as specific as you need.

Abstract object not mapped correctly in Elasticsearch using Nest 7.0.0-alpha1

I am using NEST (.NET 4.8) to import my data, and I have a problem getting the mapping to work in NEST 7.0.0-alpha1.
I have the following class structure:
class LinkActor
public Actor Actor { get; set; }
abstract class Actor
public string Description { get; set; }
class Person : Actor
public string Name { get; set; }
I connect to Elasticsearch this way:
var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(new Uri(connection));
var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
The actual data looks like this:
var personActor = new Person
Description = "Description",
Name = "Name"
var linkActor = new LinkActor
Actor = personActor
And the data is indexed like this:
result = client.IndexDocument(linkActor);
Using NEST 6.6 I am getting the following data in Elasticsearch 6.5.2:
"actor": {
"name": "Name",
"description": "Description"
However when using NEST 7.0.0-alpha1 I get the following data in Elasticsearch 7.0.0:
"actor": {
"description": "Description"
So the data from the concrete class is missing. I am obviously missing / not understanding some new mapping feature, but my attempts with AutoMap has failed:
client.Map<(attempt with each of the above classes)>(m => m.AutoMap());
Is is still possible to map the data from the concrete class in NEST 7.0.0-alpha1?
I found a workaround using the NEST.JsonNetSerializer (remember to install this), which allows me to pass a JObject directly:
Connect to Elasticsearch using a pool so you can add the JsonNetSerializer.Default:
var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri(connection));
var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool, JsonNetSerializer.Default);
var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);
Convert the linkActor object from above to a JObject (JsonSerializerSettings omitted for clarity, add them to get CamelCasing):
var linkActorSerialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(linkActor);
var linkActorJObject = JObject.Parse(linkActorSerialized);
result = client.IndexDocument(linkActorJObject);
This gives the desired result:
"actor": {
"name": "Name",
"description": "Description"
It is a workaround, hopefully someone will be able to explain the mapping in the question.

Express that, for a given property value, a property with the same name should exist using json schema?

I'm trying to validate json files which have an element that has a property which contains a value that should exist in another part of the json. I'm using jsonschema Draft 07.
This is a simple little example that shows the scenario I'm trying to validate in my data.
"objects": {
"object1": {
"colorKey": "orange"
"colors": {
"orange": {
"red": "FF",
"green": "AF",
"blue": "00"
How can I validate that the 'value' of colorKey (in this case 'orange') actually exists as a property of the 'colors' object? The data isn't stored in arrays, just defined properties.
For official JSON Schema...
You cannot check that a key in the data is the same as a value of the data.
You cannot extract the value of data from your JSON instance to use in your JSON Schema.
That being said, ajv, the most popular validator, implements some unofficial extensions. One of which is $data.
Example taken from: https://github.com/epoberezkin/ajv#data-reference
var ajv = new Ajv({$data: true});
var schema = {
"properties": {
"smaller": {
"type": "number",
"maximum": { "$data": "1/larger" }
"larger": { "type": "number" }
var validData = {
smaller: 5,
larger: 7
ajv.validate(schema, validData); // true
This would not work for anyone else using your schemas.

Consuming REST Service in Spring

I'm frightfully new to Spring and Java but I'm trying to consume some code for some rule validations in Easy Rules but I can't quite figure it out.
#RequestMapping(method = {RequestMethod.GET}, value = "author/field", produces= MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public #ResponseBody ResponseEntity<Enum> getField(#RequestParam(value="field", required=true) String field){
Enum enum = mongoService.findByField(field);
if(enum == null){
return new ResponseEntity<Enum>(HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT);
return new ResponseEntity<Enum>(enum,HttpStatus.OK);
So I'm trying something like:
import com.mongoservice.Enum
import com.mongoservice.Enums
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
String uri = "http://localhost:9000";
//This is my confusion
List<Enums> response = restTemplate.getForObject(uri +
"/author/field?={field}", Enum.class,"a").getEnums();
String value = response.getValue().toString().trim();
//this is the record i'm checking against that is pulling a specific string value and what i'm expecting
String record = "a";
return (value == record);
The JSON data I'm trying to pull back is modeled like this but I need to validate to make sure that record equals one of the values from enums[] json array
"field": "a",
"descriptor": "blah",
"enums": [
"value": "h",
"description": "blah"
"value": "e",
"description": "blah"
"value": "l",
"description": "blah"
"value": "p",
"description": "blah"
What is the problem that you are seeing is it just not matching? If so it could be because you are using == instead of String.equals. Try modifying your code to:
return record.equals(value);
See Java String.equals versus == for more.
Can you change String uri = "http://localhost:9000"
and missed the path variable name field it should be like author/field?field={field} as per your controller description.

Issue with RANGE_ADD in Relay Mutations

I was going through the relay docs and came to following code in RANGE_ADD.
class IntroduceShipMutation extends Relay.Mutation {
// This mutation declares a dependency on the faction
// into which this ship is to be introduced.
static fragments = {
faction: () => Relay.QL`fragment on Faction { id }`,
// Introducing a ship will add it to a faction's fleet, so we
// specify the faction's ships connection as part of the fat query.
getFatQuery() {
return Relay.QL`
fragment on IntroduceShipPayload {
faction { ships },
getConfigs() {
return [{
type: 'RANGE_ADD',
parentName: 'faction',
parentID: this.props.faction.id,
connectionName: 'ships',
edgeName: 'newShipEdge',
rangeBehaviors: {
// When the ships connection is not under the influence
// of any call, append the ship to the end of the connection
'': 'append',
// Prepend the ship, wherever the connection is sorted by age
'orderby(newest)': 'prepend',
/* ... */
Now over here it is mentioned that edgeName is required for adding new node to the connection. Looks well and fine.
Now, I move further down the documentation and reached the GraphQL implementation of this mutation.
mutation AddBWingQuery($input: IntroduceShipInput!) {
introduceShip(input: $input) {
ship {
faction {
Now according to docs this mutation gives me output as
"introduceShip": {
"ship": {
"id": "U2hpcDo5",
"name": "B-Wing"
"faction": {
"name": "Alliance to Restore the Republic"
"clientMutationId": "abcde"
I cannot see edgeName being present here.
I was using graphene for my project. Over there also I saw something similar only
class IntroduceShip(relay.ClientIDMutation):
class Input:
ship_name = graphene.String(required=True)
faction_id = graphene.String(required=True)
ship = graphene.Field(Ship)
faction = graphene.Field(Faction)
def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, input, context, info):
ship_name = input.get('ship_name')
faction_id = input.get('faction_id')
ship = create_ship(ship_name, faction_id)
faction = get_faction(faction_id)
return IntroduceShip(ship=ship, faction=faction)
Over here also I cannot see edgeName anywhere.
Any help please? I am working on mutations for the first so wanted to confirm a m I missing something or is something wrong here?
This example might be either simplified or a bit obsoloete, because in practice there is need to return edge and that's exactly what is fetched by relay (other fields in RANGE_ADD are more a kind of declaration and are not necessarily fetched).
Here is how you can do it in graphene:
# Import valid as of graphene==0.10.2 and graphql-relay=0.4.4
from graphql_relay.connection.arrayconnection import offset_to_cursor
class IntroduceShip(relay.ClientIDMutation):
class Input:
ship_name = graphene.String(required=True)
faction_id = graphene.String(required=True)
ship = graphene.Field(Ship)
faction = graphene.Field(Faction)
new_ship_edge = graphene.Field(Ship.get_edge_type().for_node(Ship))
def mutate_and_get_payload(cls, input, context, info):
ship_name = input.get('ship_name')
faction_id = input.get('faction_id')
ship = create_ship(ship_name, faction_id)
faction = get_faction(faction_id)
ship_edge_type = Ship.get_edge_type().for_node(Ship)
new_ship_edge = edge_type(
# Assuming get_ships_number supplied
return cls(ship=ship, faction=faction, new_ship_edge=new_ship_edge)
