I copy all code from https://unpkg.com/filepond#4.4.12/dist/filepond.min.js
and past into chrome console opened on this (StackOverflow) website(for example). I see in console FilePond object is created. I have an access.
But if I do the same on my website - filePond is not defined
I have no idea what script on my website can broke FilePond initialization.
I've written an Firefox extension to inject some script and css to all web pages loaded while this extension is installed.
Up to now, everything works fine. As soon I open a new page it loads en the script and css are injected. But what I want is that the extension is loaded before the page.
Example; I'm loading the twitter intent page. With my extension I'm customising this page. Right now I first see the twitter page, then the extension is loaded and my changes to the intent page are implemented.
What I want is the opposite. I first want to load everything from the extension, so as soon as the twitter page loads it is directly visible with my custom changes implemented trough my extension.
Currently I'm using the following lines to implement the scripts/styles. Although I've got the "contentScriptWhen" set to start, this won't fix my problem..
include: '*',
contentScriptFile: [data.url('jq.js'), data.url('js.js')],
contentStyleFile: data.url("css.css"),
contentScriptWhen: 'start',
I've 'solved' this problem. I'm loading the Twitter Intent (TI) page in the background as soon my index page is loaded.
While the TI page is loaded, it closes again. The page is in cache now, next time TI is loaded everything is instant correctly.
You can find more about background loading here: developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/High-Level_APIs/tabs
In this fiddle is shown how I did the trick; FIDDLE
You can also start by preventing the document from getting parsed then on the side fetch the same document, make any modifications on the fetched document and inject it in the page. Here is what I currently use https://stackoverflow.com/a/36097573/6085033
I created a Styled Media Receiver. Hosted the css and images on AWS S3. I started showing up after few hours. Then I changed the images for logo and splash, but, still old images are showing up. I even factory reset the chromecast and connected again, but no respite.
Does anyone has any clue?
If you are using the same name for the updated images, maybe S3 is caching the images or css? Try renaming them and update your styled application settings and see if that does any good. You can also start a chrome debug session and see what images are pointing at to catch any possible issues that way as well.
I'm running a Vanilla Forum with a FileUpload plugin, allowing users to upload images and insert the corresponding code directly into the body of their post. These images work with FancyBox when clicked, linking together nicely within the page. However, should a user use a third-party image hosting site (i.e. Imagevenue, Imageshack, Postimage.org) and copy and paste the resulting image code, it deactivates the FancyBox feature associated with all images previously on the page, so when you click on an image uploaded via FileUpload it opens in a new window now instead of in a FancyBox.
My question is one of two things:
a) Is it possible to fix this formatting issue so that if a user does choose to use a third-party image hosting service then it will not affect the fancybox of my previous images.
b) Is it possible to block this type of image code from being inputted in the body of a post to prevent this from ever happening.
Thank you and please reply if you would like more information!
Most likely the generated code from those third-party hosting sites has not an image extension (JPG, PNG, GIF) so fancybox doesn't know what type of content needs to handle.
If you are binding fancybox like
... you could force the type of content to image like
type : "image"
I don't really see how pasting the code of a new image will disable the code for existing ones if you want to elaborate.
I am developing an addon using Firefox's Addon SDK (v. 1.11). My extension dynamically creates an iframe on each website and then loads an html file which includes other resources such as images, font files, etc. from the add on's local directory.
When loading any of such local resources (i.e.: "resource://" schema), the iframe fails to display them and a message is thrown:
Security Error: Content at http: //www.XXX may not load or link to
This is a security measure introduced on Firefox 3. When developing without the Addon SDK, the way around it is declaring a directory with "contentaccessible=yes", making the directory's contents accessible to anyone, including my add on. However, I have not been able to find similar functionality using the Addon SDK. Is there a better way of using local data on an iframe that my addon creates and inserts into a page?
I don't think you can directly load an iFrame that points to a resource inside your URL. The browser complains because it's either breaking same origin policy or cross site scripting one. I can't remember which one right now.
if it is html content you want to load you can always inject it into the DOM and then send a message to the document object using the events API to display your custom html. I've done this in the past and it works.
so from main.js send a message to content script which will then inject your iframe html into the DOM and then you can send the document object a message to display it.
I hope this helps.
Not sure if this was the case when you posted the question, but it appears that "resource://" should no longer be used with the Addon SDK.
If you're using the resource inside of an HTML file in the extension, you can reference it locally, otherwise you should use data.url('whatever.jpg') and pass around that value as needed.
Full info is here: http://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2012/01/11/sdk-1-4-known-issue-with-hard-coding-resource-uris/
I'm developing a JSF application which has an image upload function. I'd like to display the uploaded image. The uploading works fine but when I delete the uploaded picture and upload a new one, the old one is displayed in the browser. I typed the link of the picture in the browser but I sill get the old one. I use the same file name and I would not like to change it. How could I refresh it. (without Javascript). I'm using Glassfish Server. (Redeplyoing the application I get the new picture but it isn't a solution for an online system ;))
Thank you.
Redeplyoing the application I get the new picture
Don't store it in the deploy folder by getRealPath() and consorts. Store it outside the deploy folder.
See also:
Uploaded image only available after refreshing the page