Cannot mount a volume without using sudo - macos

The following command works and mounts the local volume:
sudo docker run -ti -v "$PWD/codebase/realsmart-saml-copy":/var/www/html realsmart-docker_smartlogin bash
The following command does not work and does not mount the volume
docker run -ti -v "$PWD/codebase/realsmart-saml-copy":/var/www/html realsmart-docker_smartlogin bash
For some reason, docker is only able to mount volumes using the sudo command, rendering our local docker environment useless on a colleagues laptop. The same docker-compose file works on my laptop (also a mac, same OS).
Any idea as to what the issue might be with his laptop configuration? Or indeed the docker setup.
(The code extract is to make clear the problem with mounting volumes, the same issue presents itself using a compose.yml file.)
Non working code:
docker run -ti -v "$PWD/codebase/realsmart-saml-copy":/var/www/html realsmart-docker_smartlogin bash
No error messages are displayed, but the results are not as expected as the volume does not mount without using sudo.

Try to see if the user is part of the docker group.
It would make sense that sudo works, but not for the local user, if that local user is not part of the docker group.

The solution for anyone interested.
After upgrading to Docker Desktop Boot2Docker has been replaced.
Steps to fix the issue:
docker-machine rm machine-name
restart Docker Desktop
cd path/to/docker-project.
docker-compose build
docker-compose up (or docker run)
project now available on localhost
Further details:

Add your user to the docker group.
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER


Access local dags folder from docker bash that runs in Window 10(20.04 LTS Ubuntu)

I first installed the docker in my laptop(docker desktop) and then I run the docker using the Ubuntu 20.04 LST in windows 10.
later I exec the bash so that I could link the local dags folder to my docker dags folder.
bash code:
docker exec -ti 718257f95ec4 bash
Below is my current directory shown in the bash:
I then try to use the below code to link my local Ubuntu 20.04 LTS windows 10 app to the dags but I could not properly find my local dags in my laptop.
Below is the code:
usually when I use only the ubuntu command it will be "/mnt/c/Users/username-name/Documents/dags" but after I access the bash, I do not know how to get into it.
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v "This part I do not know how to access it":/dags puckel/docker-airflow webserver
You can use this command to copy your dag code from your host to your docker
docker cp /yourlocalmachinepath/ 718:/opt/airflow/dags

Run a docker image on Windows results in "oci runtime error: exec: "bash": executable file not found in $PATH."

I'm running Docker on Windows ("Docker Toolbox", not "Docker for Windows").
I've built an image with a rails app inside. It works properly on my Mac OS but stucks on production on Windows.
Using Docker 1.12 and docker-machine 0.8.0 on both machines.
When I create a machine and try to run the container from image, I do:
docker run -it myRepo:myTag bash
which opens me a interactive terminal on Mac OS, but Windows 7 and Windows Server 2011 are both responding with:
"Error response from daemon: oci runtime error: exec: "bash":
executable file not found in $PATH."
I use the MINGW64 shell via the Docker Quickstart Terminal but the old cmd.exe returns the same.
Can anybody help me with this issue? I've tried several hours to find a solution but there are too few answers for Windows.
Thank you in advance!
I also use Windows 7 with MINGW64. Here is what I get using nginx as example:
$docker run -it nginx bash
cannot enable tty mode on non tty input
I don't think you can open a tty using MINGW64.
You can try:
$docker run -i nginx bash
You will so no prompt or any indication you are inside the container. Just run ls and it should work inside your container.
Another option is to try to use winpty for the tty:
$ winpty docker run -it myRepo:myTag bash
Have you tried?
$ winpty docker run -it myRepo:myTag /bin/bash
I haven't got the problem you are mentioning but I have seen it before when I was mapping volumes.
If you are mapping volumes using MINGW64, you will need to add an extra / before the local mapping. For example:
docker run -p 8080:80 -v "/$PWD":/var/share/nginx/html nginx
Let me know your findings.

Can't mount Windows host directory to Docker container

I'm on Windows 10 Pro with Docker Version 1.12.0-rc3-beta18 (build: 5226). I would like use Docker for PHP development on Windows machine. I tried all possible (I hope) variations of mounting host directory into Docker container:
Neither of variants launch container. Yes, docker run creates container and I can see it with docker ps --all. But I can't it start. E.g. I tried simple documentation example:
docker run -d -P -v "C:\temp":/opt/webapp training/webapp python
docker logs e030ba0f7807
replays as
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
What happened?
If you are using docker with docker-machine, you would need to register c:\temp first as a shared folder in VirtualBox.
See "docker with shared folder d drive"
From within a docker-machine ssh session:
sudo touch /mnt/sda1/var/lib/boot2docker/
Add to that file:
mkdir -p /mnt/temp
mount -t vboxsf -o defaults,uid=`id -u docker`,gid=`id -g docker` temp /mnt/temp
That path would then be accessible through /mnt/temp for instance.
The same applies for C:\Users, which is already a shared folder c/Users.
It is accessible with /c/Users.
With Hyper-V, see "Running Docker on Hyper-V" from Henning M Stephansen:
Hyper-V is a more isolated and restrictive environment than VMWare or VirtualBox is, so there’s no concept of shared folders.
However we can mount and access Windows shares from our Docker VM.
The first thing you need to do is to share a folder. This folder can be restricted to just your user.
If the VM has access to the network through an External Virtual Switch or an Internal Virtual Switch you should be able to mount your folder from the docker VM.
To be able to mount a windows share from Boot2Docker/Tiny Core Linux we need to install some additional module (This might be included in your image):
tce-load -i cifs-utils.tcz
Now we can mount the shared folder using the following command
sudo mount -t cifs //HOST-IP-HERE/SharedFolderPath /path/where/we/want/it/mounted -o username=HOST_USERNAME_HERE

How to Setup a Docker Tomcat Container on Mac OS X

I'm new to Docker...
From my understanding, Docker is only compatible with Linux, is it possible to run docker for development purposes on a Mac?
I installed virtualbox using homebrew and have tried to create a virtualbox instance. I installed docker, but am having trouble getting my mac to communicate with the vm docker instance. My end goal is to get a locally debuggable instance of tomcat running on the docker container.
Any help or tips would be helpful.
Because Docker only runs on Linux you will need to install some kind of virtual instance on your local machine. An easy and popular way to do that is to install
Boot2docker and VirtualBox. VirtualBox is a dependency of Boot2docker. You can download, setup and install the latest versions from their websites or if you are using Homebrew, as you mentioned, you can quickly get the working binaries both in one step.
After installing boot2docker, you're ready to use Boot2docker to create a Tomcat Container. You can find a pre-configured tomcat image by searching Docker's community repository, docker hub registry.
Each time you execute the docker run command a new container is created.
The VM running Docker requires a ssh private/public encryption key handshake to connect to. If you follow my steps below, one will be generated for you.
Steps to Setup Tomcat using the tomcat image:
Open Terminal and run this command: brew install boot2docker
Create a new Boot2Docker VM instance using the init command: boot2docker init
Run this command in Terminal to forward local ports to the vm:
for i in {10000..10999}; do VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "tcp-port$i,tcp,,$i,,$i”; VBoxManage modifyvm "boot2docker-vm" --natpf1 "udp-port$i,udp,,$i,,$i";done
Start the boot2docker daemon: boot2docker start or boot2docker up
After starting docker, copy the exports that are displayed from the previous command to your clipboard
Edit your bash profile file ~/.bash_profile (or if you are using zsh, edit the resource configuration file ~/.zshrc) with a text editor (I prefer using Sublime text): subl .zshrc *note: this will permanently save the docker env variables.
Paste the exports into that file and save
Execute the source command on the file: source .zshrc
Pull the latest tomcat image to create a container and start tomcat: docker run -it --rm -p 10080:8080 tomcat:8.0 *note: this will forward your local 10080 port to the vm's 8080 port.
Go to http://localhost:10080, you should see the tomcat start page!
Useful Docker commands:
$ boot2docker status
$ docker version
$ docker ps #shows running containers
$ docker ps -a # shows all containers
$ docker exec -it NAME /bin/bash #to start a bash session on the container. -i = interactive, -t = tty
External Resources:
Most people use boot2docker to run on Macs. You may also want to take a look at Kitematic, which gives you a GUI to play with.
Finally, the future is probably to use docker machine, which can provision a VM for you.
Docker requires Linux Kernel features, hence it cannot be run natively on OSX.
See instead Boot2Docker. This link gives you instructions on how to get going.

What does the DOCKER_HOST variable do?

I'm new to Docker, using Boot2Docker on OSX. After booting it, this message is given:
To connect the Docker client to the Docker daemon, please set
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
Yet even without it, basic Docker commands (eg, docker run hello-world) work fine.
The install instructions aren't very informative:
Note: If you see a message in the terminal that looks something like this:
To connect the Docker client to the Docker daemon, please set:
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
you can safely set the evironment variable as instructed.
Knowing that it's "safe" doesn't say why it's useful.
What I'm not clear on:
What is the docker "client"?
What is the docker "daemon"?
What is the docker "host"? (The Boot2Docker VM itself?)
Ok, I think I got it.
The client is the docker command installed into OS X.
The host is the Boot2Docker VM.
The daemon is a background service running inside Boot2Docker.
This variable tells the client how to connect to the daemon.
When starting Boot2Docker, the terminal window that pops up already has DOCKER_HOST set, so that's why docker commands work. However, to run Docker commands in other terminal windows, you need to set this variable in those windows.
Failing to set it gives a message like this:
$ docker run hello-world
2014/08/11 11:41:42 Post http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.13/containers/create:
dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory
One way to fix that would be to simply do this:
$ export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
But, as pointed out by others, it's better to do this:
$ $(boot2docker shellinit)
$ docker run hello-world
Hello from Docker. [...]
To spell out this possibly non-intuitive Bash command, running boot2docker shellinit returns a set of Bash commands that set environment variables:
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm
Hence running $(boot2docker shellinit) generates those commands, and then runs them.
Upon investigation, it's also worth noting that when you want to start using docker in a new terminal window, the correct command is:
$(boot2docker shellinit)
I had tested these commands:
>> docker info
Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.15/info: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory
>> boot2docker shellinit
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/ca.pem
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/cert.pem
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/key.pem
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm
>> docker info
Get http:///var/run/docker.sock/v1.15/info: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: no such file or directory
Notice that docker info returned that same error. however.. when using $(boot2docker shellinit)...
>> $(boot2docker init)
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/ca.pem
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/cert.pem
Writing /Users/ddavison/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm/key.pem
>> docker info
Containers: 3
It points to the docker host! I followed these steps:
$ boot2docker start
Waiting for VM and Docker daemon to start...
To connect the Docker client to the Docker daemon, please set:
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
$ export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
$ docker run ubuntu:14.04 /bin/echo 'Hello world'
Unable to find image 'ubuntu:14.04' locally
Pulling repository ubuntu
9cbaf023786c: Download complete
511136ea3c5a: Download complete
97fd97495e49: Download complete
2dcbbf65536c: Download complete
6a459d727ebb: Download complete
8f321fc43180: Download complete
03db2b23cf03: Download complete
Hello world
