Android Room Query cannot use same variable more than once - android-room

I am trying to convert this raw query to Query.
Raw Query:
SELECT * from numbers WHERE number=$numberToSearch OR number LIKE '%$numberToSearch%' OR number LIKE '%$numberToSearch' OR number LIKE '$numberToSearch%'
I started with simple one and created this Query
#Query("SELECT * from numbers WHERE number=:numberToSearch OR number LIKE :numberToSearch")
However, room things that my query needs to variables and creates exception. I can of course provide :numberToSearch few times as variable but that doe not sound right.
Is there any way writing a Query that works?

You should enclose your like query with % before passing as a parameter.
So correct representation of what you original query is goes as follows
val numberToSearch = 123
val numberToSearchLike = `%$numberToSearch%`
// You have to call with two parameters as parameters are not same
searchNumber(numberToSearch, numberToSearchLike)
And your DAO should look like this
#Query("SELECT * from numbers WHERE number=:numberToSearch OR number LIKE :numberToSearchLike")
fun searchNumber(numberToSearch:Int, numberToSearchLike: String)
Thats actually the way your do LIKE operations in Room
In fact you don't have to have WHERE number=:numberToSearch as your LIKE operator will return the same thing.
So your query is same as saying
#Query("SELECT * from numbers WHERE number LIKE :numberToSearchLike")


count get collection and count query giving different results

So i am trying to get distinct collections like this
$data = DB::table('project_1_data')->distinct('Farmer_BankVerificationNumber_Farmer')->get();
But when i do a count($data) I get 1600 but when i run
$data = DB::table('project_1_data')->distinct('Farmer_BankVerificationNumber_Farmer')->count();
I get 1440. This is weird as i only want collection with distinct field 'Farmer_BankVerificationNumber_Farmer'. How do i write the query correctly?
It's because you're asking your query to count the distinct values in the wrong place.
You need to tell your count parameter what field you would like to count on. So you'll basically ask the query to get the database information, separate the distinct values and then count how many of a specific field are distinct.
Your finished query should look like this:
$data = DB::table('project_1_data')

How to properly perform like queries with Quickbase

I am working with quicktable queries and everything seems to be fine.
Now I want to perform queries using like operators. For instance in PHP I can do something like:
$data ='content to search';
$stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM members where name like :name OR email like :email limit 20');
':name' => '%'.$data.'%',
':email' => '%'.$data.'%',
Now in quick table, I have tried using CT, EX or HAS parameter etc with OR Operators. Only CT gives nearby result but not exact as per code below.
//Email = 7
//name =8
"from": "tableId",
"where": "{7.CT.''}OR{8.CT.'nancy'}"
Is there any way I can obtain a better search with like operators with Quickbase. The documentation here does not cover that.
CT is the closest string comparison operator in Quick Base to LIKE in SQL, but since you can't use wildcards in Quick Base queries you might need to group multiple query strings to achieve the same result. The is also a SW operator that can sometimes come in helpful for comparing parts of a strings.

How to get a SOQL query out of a for loop

Code added.
I have searched endlessly for a solution here and cannot find one, please help!
I have three objects (A, B, and C). A has a lookup to B, and B is the master to C (detail). Both A and C have many records related to each B record.
I want to have a job run that gets a subset of records from object C (it will usually be around 5,000 records). Then go through each of those and get the records on Object A that lookup to the same Object B record, summarize an Object A number field, and put that on the C record.
I have successfully gotten this to work in small scale, <100 Object C records. But each Object C record requires a new SOQL query since I am iterating through them in a for loop after I get all the Object C records. Plus I know this it is not best practice to ever have a query in a loop.
How can I get this to work? Since the records share the relationship with Object B, is there another way to get the data from the Object A records that match? Or is there some way to pull two lists, one Object C and one Object A. Then summarize the Object A records and line the lists up some how?
Thanks in advance!
public class nightlyJob {
public static void updateNumbers(){
integer I = 29;
List<ObjectC__c> CUpdateList = new List<ObjectC__c>();
List<ObjectC__c> CpullList =
[SELECT ID, Index__c,
FROM ObjectC__c
WHERE Index__c = :I];
for(ObjectC__c s : CpullList){
List<ObjectA__c> AList =
[SELECT ObjectB__c, Number__c
FROM ObjectA__c
WHERE ObjectB__c = :s.ObjectB__r.Id];
decimal NumSum = 0;
for(ObjectA__c a : AList){
NumSum = a.Number__c + NumSum;
s.Num__c = NumSum;
update CUpdateList;
It looks like you are really missing several fundamental concepts at the moment.
The biggest problem you are up against in SFDC development is that "database" operations are very expensive and are strictly limited. It's not just a matter of "best practice": if in a single transaction you exceed these limits -- number of SOQL calls, number of records returned, number of records updated, number of DML statements, etc. -- your transaction will fail. For details, search online for "Salesforce Execution Governors and Limits".
You can write code that works within these limitations, but there is a bit of a learning curve.
First, learn to use collections with SOQL queries to get your SOQL queries out of loops. This is a.k.a. "bulkfication" and it fundamental to SFDC development:
List<ObjectC__c> CpullList =
[SELECT ID, Index__c,
FROM ObjectC__c
WHERE Index__c = :I];
// Create a map with the results of this query.
// key=ObjectC__c.Id, value = Object__c record
Map<Id, ObjectC__c> objCmap = Map<Id, ObjectC__c>(CpullList);
// Build a set of all the Object_B id's from this result set
Set<Id> objBids = new Set<Id>();
for (ObjectC__c record : CpullList) {
// Now you can use only one SOQL query instead of a loop
List<ObjectA> AList = [SELECT ObjectB__c, Number__c
FROM ObjectA__c
WHERE ObjectB__c in:objBids];
Next, use "SOQL aggregate functions" whenever you can. Example: in your code here, you could use "SUM()" and "group by" instead of performing these calculations with loops:
// Get the sum of ObjectA__c.Number__c for each Object B in objBIds
AggregateResult[] groupedResults = [select ObjectB__c,
sum(Number__c) sumA
from ObjectA__c
where ObjectB__c in: objBids
group by ObjectB__c];
for (AggregateResult ar : groupedResults) {
System.debug('Object B Id' + ar.get('Objectb__c'));
System.debug('Sum of ObjectA__c.Number__c' + ar.get('sumA'));
// Here, you might want to build a Map<Id, Integer> sumAmap:
// key=Object B ID, value=sumA
// and then use it along with objCmap to build a collection of Object C's
// for your update statement...
You can continue this process and apply these ideas to make the code more efficient.
But even after you have your methods working as efficiently as possible, you still may run into limits due to the number of records you're dealing with. At that point, you will need to learn about the Batchable interface, the Queuable interface and #future calls (how to process a larger number of records, split across transactions) That's really too much to information to cover in a single SO answer.

SAP Business Objects Query Builder Query - SI_SESSION_USER

I am trying to get a list of all connections where the SI_SESSION_USER='xyz'.
When I do a query like
select * from si_infoobjects where si_id='00000', I can see this field in the results with that value (xyz).
When I modify the query to look for that specific field and value, it returns zero rows.
I am using:
select * from si_infoobjects where SI_SESSION_USER='xyz'
What query will return the correct results?
Just a guess here, but si_session_user is probably in the Processing Info bag. So use this:
select *
from ci_infoobjects
where si_processinfo.SI_SESSION_USER='xyz'
Note that that's ci_infoobjects not si_infoobjects, but I assume that's just a typo in your question.

How can I sum one column from the same table, to produce three different aggregates, using Sequel ORM?

My query is this:
left_join(:expense_items___i, :expense_project_id=>:project_id).
select_group(:p__project_name, :p__project_id).
which works.
However, payment methods include cash, card and invoice. So I would like to sum each of those for summary purposes to achieve a discrete total for payments by cash, card, and invoice repsectively. I included the following line into the query
select_more{sum(:i__amount).where(:i__mop => 'card')}.
and the error message was
NoMethodError - undefined method `where' for #<Sequel::SQL::Function:0x007fddd88b5ed0>:
so I created the dataset separately with
ds1 = expense_items.where(:mop=>'card', :expense_company_id=>user_company_id).sum(:amount)
and appended it, at the end of the original query, with
which achieved partial success as the returned json is now:
{"project_name":"project 2","project_id":2,"count":4,"sum":"0.40501E3","?column?":"0.2381E2"}
as can be seen there is no name for this element which I need in order to reference it in my getJSON call. I tried to add an identifier by adding ___a
to the ds1 query as below
ds1 = expense_items.where(:mop=>'card', :expense_company_id=>user_company_id).sum(:amount___a)
but that failed.
In summary, is this the right approach and, in any case, how can I provide an identifier when doing a sequel sum query? In other words sum(:a_column).as(a_name)
Many thanks.
Dataset#sum returns the sum, not a modified dataset. You probably want something like:
ds1 = expense_items.where(:mop=>'card', :expense_company_id=>user_company_id).select{sum(:amount)}
I am not sure for approach ( better ask Jeremy Evans ) but it work.
You just change: .sum(... to .select_more{:amount___a).as(:desired_name)}
ds1 = expense_items.where(:mop=>'card', :expense_company_id=>user_company_id).select_more{:amount___a).as(:desired_name)}
and actually get that desired_name in db response.
