How do I turn AutoImport on in Android Studio? - kotlin-android-extensions

In the build your first Android app Kotlin instructions it is shown to use File-> Other Settings -> Default Settings to enable auto-imports.
However this option is missing in Android Studio 3.4.2

File->Other Settings->Settings for New Projects -> Other Settings -> Auto Import
Then I checked Add unambiguous imports on the fly.


Incremental builds have been disabled with projects that include more than one third-party binding libraries

I get this warning in Visual Studio when building an iOS project:
Incremental builds have been disabled because this version of Xamarin.iOS does not support incremental builds on projects that include more than one third-party binding libraries. (MT0127)
How can I address this warning?
In the solution, select the iOS project (double-click).
Go to Build Settings → Code Generation and Runtime → disable the Incremental builds checkbox for the offending configuration.
Alternatively, edit ...iOS.csproj while the project is closed and remove all instances of
Clean all. Rebuild all.
Some references:
Incremental builds is disabled on GitHub
Xamarin.iOS errors at Microsoft

Visual Studio 2017 Breakpoint Xamarin

Visual Studio Profesional 2017 .
Version: 15.1 (26403.3) Release
Xamarin Portable library and UWP Project (not tested with Android), target to "Localhost" (Windows 10 Aniversary)
Since last update of Visual Studio (updated yesterday), break points doesn't work on an existing project, not work in Portable library and not work in UWP Project. Project was working fine before last VS2017 update, and yesterday after work with Project, i installed last update from VS2017 notification center.
I deleted all bin/obj folders, Clean Project and Rebuild solution, doesn't solve problem.
I've created a new Project with default settings (Master detail/Portable library) and in new project breakpoint Works in UWP Project, at least in MainPage.cs->MainPage() -> LoadApplication(new App3.App()) line. But doesn't work well with some parts of Portable library code, as you can see in picture.
If you are having this problem with a Xamarin.Forms project that is either just updated from PCL to .Net Standard, or just created new as a .Net Standard:
Right click on your .Net Standard proj -> Properties
Build Tab -> Advanced... button
Switch Debugging Information combo box from "Portable" to "Full"
Ok, i solved it, i not very sure how, but i did it, i recover a project backup, and with Winmerge, i compared all .csproj, .csproj.user, .nutget, nutget.targets files (I've replaced all the lines, I thought it appropriate from backup Project, because i created a new Project and i've been adding everything back from scratch)
I try many things, but my lasts steps:
-In UWP Project:
.csproj.user: delete all lines, and now i only have : ShowAllFiles
.csproject: change TargetPlatformMinVersion, to lowest. Add reference: Microsoft.VCLibs, Version=14.0
-In Portable library:
.csproj: Delete line "AllowUnsafeBlocks"
.csproj.user: Delete all lines, and replace with : ProjectView: ShowAllFiles
And finally, but not least, I've updated Xamarin.forms in all projects to version
Really, when i can do work breakpoint has been when i added Microsoft.VCLibs, and update Xamarin.Forms nutget, i do this two steeps at same time, and then works.
Many thanks.
This is how i solved it:
Right click on your Android project -> Properties -> Build -> Uncheck "Optimize Code".
And Android project -> Properties -> Build -> Advanced -> Debugging information -> set it to "Full".

Force visual studio to have same include directories between debug and release mode

I was wondering if there is a way to synchronize settings for include and link directories between debug and release configurations for project/solution?
More precisely, is there any way to tell visual studio I would like project properties
C/C++ - > General -> "Additional Include Directories"
Linker -> General -> "Additional Library Directories"
Linker -> Input -> "Additional Dependencies"
to be same for debug and release configuration, or somehow efficiently/automatically forward those settings from one configuration to the other configurations? Perhaps there is any plugin/script for that, since it is only necessary to change few lines in project text file to do what I want?
I'm currently using visual studio 2005, but I think this feature should not depend too much on version of the studio, so please post answers/solutions for any version of visual studio.
Use property sheets: create a property sheet containing the common properties, then include it in each build configuration. Do everything via the Property Manager window; be careful now: any change you want to make to the common properties must be made in the property sheet, not in the project properties!

Setting up eclipse for windows driver development

I am trying to write a user-mode windows(XP, Vista & 7) virtual printer driver using WDK 7.1.0 . I plan to use eclipse IDE for development, so wanted to know if I can set it up for the same. I am looking to do following:-
1) Eclipse to recognize win32 apis (C and C++) and hence provide features like autocompletion for its function names
2) Eclipse to use compiler provided with WDK
3) Debug the code through eclipse (Not sure if this is possible or not)
OR would you suggest some other development environment for windows driver development ?
Run Eclipse from build environment that you need (free or checked with needed architecture)
Create project or import C/C++ / Existing code as makefile project. Select GNU Toolchain.
Properties -> Builders -> New -> Environment -> Select, select all variables, mark "add to all configurations", select "replace native environment with specified on". On the Main tab select full path to build.exe of the selected build environment. Select your project directory in workspace as "working directory"
Properties -> C/C++ Build -> On Bulder Settings tab remove "Use default build command" flag and type "build"
Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Tool Chain Editor -> Select Tools. Personaly I selected msvc compilers.
Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> select includes that you need including WDK ones
Definitely you should use MS Visual Studio with VisualDDK addon.
It allows you to compile/debug even kernel mode drivers local or remotely.

Windows Driver Development with Eclipse

Is that possible to integrate WDK into Eclipse? WDK seems to have its own compiler and debugger, so I wonder if there is a plug-in or it could be done manually?
See DDKBUILD for an example of how to launch the WDK build procedure from a bath file:
Typically all you need to do is modify this procedure to fit your IDE.
Run Eclipse from build environment that you need (free or checked with needed architecture)
Create project or import C/C++ / Existing code as makefile project. Select GNU Toolchain.
Properties -> Builders -> New -> Environment -> Select, select all variables, mark "add to all configurations", select "replace native environment with specified on". On the Main tab select full path to build.exe of the selected build environment. Select your project directory in workspace as "working directory"
Properties -> C/C++ Build -> On Bulder Settings tab remove "Use default build command" flag and type "build"
Properties -> C/C++ Build -> Tool Chain Editor -> Select Tools. Personaly I selected msvc compilers.
Properties -> C/C++ General -> Paths and Symbols -> select includes that you need including WDK ones
