How to style one of the li that generate with repeat.for in aurelia? - sass

<li repeat.for="row of router.navigation" > ${row.title}
infact i want to style one of the router button that generate with repeat.for method
want to make left border radius for navigation bar like the right of the navigation bar

As a one-liner option, you could bind your class attribute with ...
<li repeat.for="row of router.navigation" class="${myBool ? 'a-class' : 'another-class'}">${row.title}</li>
You can bind class with string interpolation or with .bind syntax. See
UPDATE: Sorry...should have read your other comment further down. If it's just for the first , why not just use CSS?
   // my CSS here

You can identify the first repeated element with the $index context variable.
This would lead to something like this:
<li repeat.for="row of router.navigation" >
<a if.bind="$index === 0" class="blah"> ${row.title} </a>
<a else class="another class"> ${row.title} </a>
If you need to do the styling on the <li> tag, the solution could be like this:
<template repeat.for="row of router.navigation" >
<li if.bind="$index === 0" class="blah"> ${row.title} </li>
<li else class="another class"> ${row.title} </li>


After parsing a valid expression, there is still more data in the expression pageCount

I'm making an E-commerce website and in the products section (inside admin), I was trying to display only 10 products per page. I'm new to Spring and while writing the code, I encountered an error (given in title) when trying to add the next page button. However, the code works fine with the Previous button and all the page numbers. Here's my code for the pagnation section:
<nav class="mt-3" th:if="${count > perPage}">
<ul class="pagination">
<li class="page-item" th:if="${page > 0}">
<a th:href="#{${#httpServletRequest.requestURI}} + '?page=__${page-1}__'" class="page-link">Previous</a>
<li class="page-item" th:each="number: ${#numbers.sequence(0, pageCount-1)}" th:classappend="${page==number} ? 'active' : ''">
<a th:href="#{${#httpServletRequest.requestURI}} + '?page=__${number}__'" class="page-link" th:text="${number+1}"></a>
<li class="page-item" th:if="${page pageCount-1}">
<a th:href="#{${#httpServletRequest.requestURI}} + '?page=__${page+1}__'" class="page-link">Next</a>
The first 2 li's work fine and I get the list of pages and also the previous button. But on adding the Next button, I get the error mentioned above.
First of all, please always provide the actual error message. Otherwise we are just guessing.
My guess is that th:if expects a boolean expression and what you have doesn't look like boolean to me: th:if="${page pageCount-1}"
Change that to something like page == pageCount-1, but again depends on what you want to display there

Thymeleaf display element as active when using layout

I wanted to display navigation element as active (class nav-item active) when that element is clicked and the other elements with the non active class (nav-item). I am also using Thymeleaf layouts.
In the controller i have following code
public String getLoginPage(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("activeLink", "Login");
return "login";
In the layout.html file (this file contains common header and footer for all pages), i have following code
<nav th:replace="navigation.html :: navibar(activeLink=${activeLink})"></nav>
In the navigation.html (this file only has navigation related code), i have code similar to
<nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-dark bg-dark fixed-top" th:fragment="navibar(activeLink)">
<a class="navbar-brand" href="/title">Title</a>
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbarsExampleDefault">
<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
<li th:class="${#strings.equals(activeLink, 'Home')} ? 'nav-item active' : 'nav-item'"><a class="nav-link" href="/">Home<span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a></li>
<li th:class="${#strings.equals(activeLink, 'Register')} ? 'nav-item active' : 'nav-item'"><a class="nav-link" href="/register">Register</a></li>
<li th:class="${#strings.equals(activeLink, 'Login')} ? 'nav-item active' : 'nav-item'" sec:authorize="isAnonymous()"><a class="nav-link" th:href="#{/login}">Login <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a></li>
<li class="nav-item active" sec:authorize="isAuthenticated()"><a class="nav-link" th:href="#{/logout}">Logout <span class="sr-only">(current)</span></a></li>
In the template returned by the controller (login), I do not have any navigation links specific code.
The above code is working, but is there a better simpler way to active navigation items?
Also, if I use flash attributes
redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("activeLink", "Register");
in the controller, then the functionality doesn't work
To avoid adding the activeLink to the model you can pass the activeLink when you include the fragment.
<div th:replace="nagivation :: navibar('Login')"></div>
Btw. you can remove the .html after the layout name.

xPath expression is not finding text inside HTML

I have following XML:
Logout 1
Logout 2
Logout 3
Logout 4
And I want to check if a a tag with the text Logout 4exists. I do this with the following expression:
/div/ul/li/a[text() = 'Logout 4']
Which doesnt seem to work, anyone can tell me what I am doing wrong?
I am testing my xPath on this site btw:
Your XPath didn't return any result because the inner text of the a element has leading and trailing spaces, which you can clear using normalize-space() :
/div/ul/li/a[normalize-space() = 'Logout 4']
or, if you really want to evaluate only the first child text node within a :
/div/ul/li/a[normalize-space(text()) = 'Logout 4']

How to use protractor to test class existance

I am using protractor to test my site. I countered a problem.
I have a ul, the number of li inside is dynamic,
<li class='listing-item'>
<div class='prod-price'>$99</div>
<li class='listing-item price-onsale'>
<div class='prod-price'>$99</div>
<div class='prod-saving'>$10</div>
<li class='listing-item'>
<div class='prod-price'>$50</div>
The 'prod-saving' div will only show up when 'price-onsale' class is present. I want to use protractor to test this logic, is there a way to do it? something like:
Your syntax will work almost word-for-word if you rearrange it a bit:
element(by.className('price-onsale')).isPresent().then(function(present) {
if(present) {
It's a matter of testing the pre-condition first, and then testing the main condition based on the result of the first.

jQuery toggle dropdown menu with toggle arrow

I'm trying to do a vertical menu with dropdowns that can be activated by an arrow toggle, while still keeping the top level link active and clickable. I'm using a custom CMS so I have some constraints as far as how I can make this work.
<ul class="topnav">
<li class="tn_first">
<span></span><a class="topmenu" href="/default.asp">Home</a>
<li class="tn_mid">
<span></span><a class="topmenu" href="/listings.asp">My Listings</a>
<ul class="subnav">
<li class="sn_first">
<a class="submenu" href="#">Listing 1</a>
<li class="sn_mid">
<a class="submenu" href="#">Listing 2</a>
<li class="sn_last">
<a class="submenu" href="#">Listing 3</a>
<li class="tn_last">
<span></span><a class="topmenu" href="/links.asp">System Pages</a>
<ul class="subnav">
<li class="sn_first">
<a class="submenu" href="#">Page 1</a>
<li class="sn_mid">
<a class="submenu" href="#">Page 2</a>
<li class="sn_last">
<a class="submenu" href="#">Page 3</a>
So I've got a pretty straightforward UL LI menu system. I've added to the template of the top level nav a span tag, which I wanted to use as a toggle switch. The span can be changed to anything, it's just what I have in there currently.
The issue I've run into is that given this is a template system, I have the option of putting the span in, but don't have the option to show it conditionally based on whether ul.subnav exists in the same li. So I need some way of applying display:block to the ones that actually meet this condition, then I'll just display:none the other spans by default.
I tried using this solution and it did work to a point, but it doesn't work with multiple dropdowns, it only seems to work if you have a single instance of a dropdown in your menu structure.
jQuery Toggle Dropdown Menu
jQuery(document).ready(function () {
var subMenu = jQuery("li ul li");
var linkClick = jQuery("ul li").filter(":has(ul)");
subMenu.hide(); (e) {
I created another example that has 2 sub ULs so you can see where the code is falling down.
Hide with CSS your spans and go for: $('.topnav li:has(ul) span').show();
.topnav li span{ display:none; }
var arrow = ['▼','▲'];
$('.topnav li:has(ul) span').show().html( arrow[0] ).data('a',0);
$('.topnav li > ul').hide();
$('.topnav span').click(function(){
var arrw = $(this).data('a');
$(this).html( arrow[++arrw%2] ).data('a', arrw);
I think this is all you wanted. I may be wrong.
//if we can find a UL with the class of subnav within our LI
//find the span within this LI and give it a display block
$(this).find('span').css('display', 'block')
//otherwise, hide the span.
$(this).find('span').css('display', 'none')
