How to cancel auto delete blank lines vs code? - settings

I have a typescript files and when I add something and saving, auto delete blank lines is working, after that I have to accept all incoming changing for gitlab. How can I cancel this auto delete blank lines?
"region_of": "Your location",
"list_emtpy": "Your list is empty",
"no_task_for_animal": "There is no task for this animal",
"scanner_select_obj_help": "Please enter barcode number",
"animal_id": "animals IN"
If I will save this file, there will be not any blank lines.

go to settings, write on Search settings -> auto delete blank line choose typescript block's, in the end uncheck Typescript>Format:Enable and saving your settings. Your .json files will not auto delete blank lines.


gSheet - Google Apps Script - copy DataValidation - Dropdown: "Loading ..."

Via Google Apps Script I am copying Data Validation rules from a range with one col to several cols offsetted to said one. Its been done on a freshly duplicated sheet - also by script (with: .insertSheet(newSheetName, {template: sheet});)
Code to copy data validations from one col to the next on the right:
Seems to execute somehow. However, when I want to use the dropdown on that cells to select a data point I just shows a field "Loading ..."
When checking the data validation via the gui the right named range is set as the "list of a range".
Even when then resetting it manually it still shows that "Loading ..." field.
Whats wrong there?

Dynamics 365: How do i concatenate/combine strings in a Action/Work flow

How do i concatenate/combine strings in a Action/Work flow?
I am trying to create a action/workflow that auto populates a disabled text box base on two other text box with a space in between (i.e., Textbox1 & " " & Textbox2).
At the last step of the workflow process, "update", i dont see a way to do it.
It is supported.
Add {Detail ID(Detail)}
Click on the textbox, move the mouse
cursor to the end (end) and press
Add {Drop Off(Detail)}
Here's an example of the end result:

Is there an option to add equals and parenthesis when using autocomplete in an XML document?

I've been working in an XML editor and I'm also working on adding XML autocomplete support in Ace editor.
I'm trying to find if there's an option to automatically add the equals sign and parenthesis and then set the cursor inside the parenthesis when using autocomplete suggestion. I've seen this feature in the other XML editor.
For example, if I'm typing the following word, "lab":
<s:Button lab| />
and then press CTRL+space it will invoke suggestions. Then if I choose "label" from the suggestions list the suggested word, "label" is written for me, an equals sign and parenthesis' are placed after it and the cursor is placed inside as shown below:
<s:Button label="|" />
Is there a way to do this?
I have to set the type property to "snippet" and then set the snippet property to what I want to autocomplete:
var autoCompleteObject = new Object();
autoCompleteObject.value = "Greetings";
autoCompleteObject.type = "snippet";
autoCompleteObject.snippet = "Hello ${1:World}. Welcome to ${2:Earth}";
When your editor uses the object shown above then when the user is using your editor and selects, "Greetings" from the auto complete menu, the text "Hello World. Welcome to Earth" is inserted into the document.
The word "World" is selected and the user can change it or leave it as is. When the user presses tab again the word, "Earth" is selected and shklhee has the same option as before. You can use an empty object to just place the cursor "${3}".
The numbering is the order that the tokens are selected in.

how to delete the content of ace editor on a validation error

My question is related to set focus on ace editor
This time I want to delete the content whenever there is a validation error.
I have the used the pattern like
/^[0-4]$/ and /^([1-9][0-9]{0,3}|[1-5][0-9]{4}|60000)$/;
to check the value between 0-4 and 1-60000 respectively. When user provides invalid data my text area is cleared but not the ace editor. I also tried
$scope.close = function () {
rowObj.entity.value = editor.getValue();
but that is not working.
to clear editor simply call editor.setValue("")

How can I add item in desktop menu/new file (right click on desktop)?

I want to create new TXT file, but for some reason TXT file do not appears anymore when I click with right button on desktop, and go to 'NEW' (list of file types to create).
I saw these instructions somewhere else. They were really useful for me.
To Add an Item in “New” menu:
Type regedit in RUN dialog box and press Enter. Now expand “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT” key.
Now look for the file type which you want to add in “New” menu, e.g. for adding MP3 file type look for .MP3 key.
Right-click on it and select “New -> Key” and give it name “ShellNew”.
In right-side pane, right-click and select “New -> String Value”. Give it name “NullFile” and press Enter.
Thats it. You’ll immediately get the file type entry in “New” menu.
Go to regedit
Find '.txt' and click on it
Check if "(Default)" "Data" value is "textfile", if not, set it to "textfile"
Check if "ShellNew" path exists in '.txt', if not, create it
Check if "NullFile" string value exists in "ShellNew", if not, create it
Find 'textfile' on "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT" , if not exists, create it and set "(Default)" "Data" value to "Text Document" or other than you prefer
Go to desktop / right mouse click / Refresh to see your new item in 'New' list
Basically 4 things are needed:
.txt path with default value set as 'textfile'
ShellNew path into .txt path
'NullFile' string value into ShellNew with no data
textfile path with default value as the description of file
Try using this post
This should show you how to make a text file.
If this doesn't work you can add it in to the context menu by following these instructions
