Replace string path in log file with current folder name - shell

I'm new here and already tried to find solution to the following requirement without success. I'm trying to achieve this:
I have these 5 folders:
Inside each of these folders, I have a log file with default path location to store the log files e.g. ServiceEngine/logs
The log file contain the following path structure:
name="RollingRandomAccessFile" fileName="logs/engine.log"
I expect to find a way that I retrieve the name of the current folder which I'm in and replace the string engine with folder name
Example: I'm in ServiceEngine folder and execute a command that retrieve the current folder name. The expected result is:
name="RollingRandomAccessFile" fileName="logs/ServiceEngine.log"
Later I change the directory to PaymentEngine and the expected result is:
name="RollingRandomAccessFile" fileName="logs/PaymentEngine.log"
and so on. Maybe there is a smarter way to create a script that update the string in a loop like do; if ... fi; done or to use the for in ... loop.

Do you mean something like this?
~/ServiceEngine$ cat logfile
name="RollingRandomAccessFile" fileName="logs/engine.log"
~/ServiceEngine$ awk -v path=$(basename $(pwd)) 'gsub("engine", path)' logfile
name="RollingRandomAccessFile" fileName="logs/ServiceEngine.log"
See basename, declaring variables in awk and awk gsub.

I guess I don't understand your question, but:
dir=$( basename $( pwd ) )
echo name="RollingRandomAccessFile" \
fileName="logs/$dir.log" \
Is that what you're looking for?

It sounds like you are looking for something like this:
$ sed 's/\bengine\b/'$(basename $(pwd))'/' logs
When run from within one of your folders, it spits out the text you're asking for. It wasn't clear what you wanted to do with that text though.


How to iteratively rename files in Bash

I am trying to iterate over files in a folder, renaming them as foldername1, foldername2, etc. However, I'm getting an error which says that the mv isn't being used correctly.
So far my code looks like this:
FILES='(Full Path)/Macbeth/audio/'
for file in "$FILES"*
mv $file 'Macbeth'$i''
The final code should iterate through the files and rename them as, in this case Macbeth1.mp3, but I'm not sure how the Bash syntax works.
As suggested by Cyrus, the solution was to use the full path

Entering a directory whose name matches a substring

I want to enter several directories in a for loop. I do not have the complete name of the directories, only a part of it.
I would like to do something like what you would write on the terminal, something like cd *IncompleteDirName*
This is a MVE of the loop: IncompleteDirName's are obtained from the file IncompleteDirNames.
while read anotherFILE; do
IncompleteDirName=$(sed "${cont}q;d" IncompleteDirNames)
cd *"${IncompleteDirName}"*
# Do stuff
cd ..
cont=$((cont + sum))
done <anotherFILE
This is not working, I don't know if this has to do with wildcard not expanding or with variable not working properly.
It is throwing me this error message:
*: No such file or directory
I suppose this means asterisk is not working as intended. It is not entering the directories, and there is a directory that matches every pattern. Anyway, no directory is being entered.
This is how IncompleteDirNames file looks like:
It is a column of names.
These are the directory names corresponding to the IncompleteDirNames above:
Try this code -
while read FILE; do
IncompleteDirName=$(sed "${cont}q;d" FILE)
cd *"${IncompleteDirName}"*
# Do stuff
cd ..
cont=$((cont + sum))
done <IncompleteDirNames
You can do the following:
while read -r line; do
cd /absolute/path/to/*$line*
# do stuff
done < filename
This will enter each directory whose name partially matches a line in filename, and "does stuff".

How to exclude files using ls?

I'm using a python script I wrote to take some standard input from ls and load the data in the files described by that path. It looks something like this:
ls -d /path/to/files/* | python
The files have a certain name structure based on what data they have in them but are all stored in the same directory. The files I want to use have the name structure A<fileID>_###.txt (where ### is always some 3 digit number). I can accomplish getting only the files that start with A by just changing what I have above slightly to ls -d /path/to/files/A*. HOWEVER, some files have a suffix flag called B (so the file looks like A<fileID>_###B.txt) and I DO NOT want to include those.
So, my question is, is there a way to exclude those files that end in ...B.txt (or a way to only include files that end in a number)? I thought about something to the effect of:
ls -d /path/to/file/R*%d.txt
to only include files that end in a number followed by the file extension, but couldn't find any documentation on anything of the sort.
You could try this : ls A*[^B].txt
With extended globbing.
shopt -s extglob
ls R*!(B).txt

Simple Bash Script: Change names of files to mimic directories

I have 312 directories labeled,
Ion_0001- Ion_0312.
In each directory I have a file light.out. I'd like to change the file names in each directory to, for example:
I believe I also need to substitute the / so that my output DOESNT look this this:
Can any one help me out with a simple script??
This is what I've tried:
for dir in */
cd $dir
for filename in *.out; do
mv $filename ${filename//$dir.out}
cd ..
Not a free coding service, but it's simple enough to not make it worth arguing about...
Assuming this file structure:
Run this code in a script or just at the command line:
for i in Ion_0*
mv "${i}/light.out" "${i}/${i}.out"
Resulting in this structure:
Is that what you were looking for?
for dir in Ion*/; do
mv "${dir}light.out" "${dir}${dir%/}.out"
The trailing slash in the Ion*/ pattern limits the results to directories only, but the slash will be present in the variable's value.

Batch file rename based on pattern in bash

So I have a bunch of files named like this:
Movie Name Here [720p].mp4
And I want to rename them like this:
Movie Name.mp4
I have tried stuff like:
mv ./*\ [720p].mp4 ./*.mp4
But it doesn't work, for whatever reason. Any ideas on the quickest way to do this?
Use this code to remove all ' [720p]':
rename 's/ \[720p\]//g' ./*
