Does Aweber have a send email API but broadcast does not solve the problem? - laravel

I was about to start developing my companies website which is currently in research phase. I was researching with the Aweber API ( but did not find the API for using a send mail function.
I came across Create Broadcast API here{accountId}~1lists~1{listId}~1broadcasts/post
but this requires a list to be used I want to send email to individual contact in the list separately. Any help would be appreciated.

AWeber's API can only send broadcast messages to a list, or a previously created segment of subscribers. You cannot send messages out to a single person solely using the API.
You could use the web UI to create a segment of "email address is ...", then get the segment and send the message to it using the API, but that requires an extra step.


Sending/Receiving multi-recipient SMS - Twilio API

I am writing an app that will facilitate the sending and receiving of SMS messages via a web application. I would like to allow for multiple recipients (not bulk, just a few recipients at most).
I understand that in order to send to multiple recipients, I have to make multiple API calls, and that is fine. The problem I am having is receiving text messages via the Webhook callback. If the SMS was sent to multiple recipients, I cannot see the other recipients in the callback, just myself as the recipient.
Because of this, I have no idea whether this message was intended for just me, or for other recipients as well. This is a problem, because I would like to show threaded conversations similar to Google hangouts, or the SMS applications on all Andorid and iPhones.
I cannot figure out a way to track conversations, if I can't tell if a received message was sent to just me, or a group of recipients. Any suggestions? I do not yes use Twilio on a production server, so if this is not possible to do using Twilio, but is possible using another service, that would be an option for me as well.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Twilio doesn't fully support group messaging the way that you are used to it when using a phone. That actually relies on MMS under the hood to keep the members of the group chat synced up.
Where you make multiple API calls to send messages to each user, that is manifested as just a single message with no group attached. Thus, any reply to that message comes solely from that person you sent the message to. There is no group at all at this point.
The link that Alex shared in the comments is the closest way you can get group messaging to work. It relies on everyone messaging one Twilio number and the application behind it fanning the messages out to all the recipients. The blog post also comes with some handy subscribe/unsubscribe administration for the group.

Automated/Bot message posting to Microsoft-Teams chat room

How can I automatically post messages to chat rooms in Microsoft-Teams? This is for one-way messaging: i.e. posting messages, not reading messages.
The big picture here is we are evaluating different Group Chat solutions, and one requirement is to post error messages to chat rooms from various services & programs.
A sensible approach seems to be to build a Bot using the REST API however just the authentication seems crazy complex, even then I can't work out how to just post a message. We're looking for a general solution that can be used simply in different scripting languages (Perl, Python, shell scripts, etc), so we don't want to use the .NET SDK or Node.js SDK.
We've already looked at Slack and Cisco Spark. Posting messages in both of these is super simple, so I'm hoping there's a similarly simple solution for Microsoft-Teams?!
For example:
In Slack you can use incoming webhooks to post messages. You use the web interface to get a unique webhook URL for each chat room, and then do simple HTTP POST to that URL (with a JSON message payload) to post to that chat room as the Bot. I had it working in 10 minutes.
In Cisco Spark you create a Bot which gives you a unique Access Token. You then get a room_id for the chat room and use those together to do an HTTP POST (again with a JSON payload) to create a message in the chat room.
So how do you programmatically post/create/send messages to a chat room in Microsoft-Teams?
The simplest way to do what you want is to post a message to a channel using an "Incoming Webhook" connector. For more information, see here:
What you're describing is precisely how the Office 365 Connectors work. A Connector allows you to post messages into a Group or Team using web-hooks and a simple JSON payload.
There is a playground for playing with these that is super helpful. One note however, there is a bug in the playground's webhook implementation, so for testing purposes, I would stick to the Send via Email option. This doesn't affect how these work in production, the bug is isolated to the Playground app itself.

Creating a Slackbot that adds

Hey in my team's slack (messaging system for those who don't know) we have an automatic response, so that when anyone says "trump", slackbot automatically responds with "the wall just got ten feet higher". Now I want to make a counter that essentially allows slackbot to state "the wall just got ten feet higher, wall height:(have a updated value according to number of times "trump" has been stated)" So basically I want a way to have a value that updates the wall height but I am lost on how to do that within slackbot. Any help is much appreciated, thanks to all!
The default features provided by Slackbot only allows it to respond to keywords, but not much more. So to provide that additional feature you would need to develop a custom bot.
For your use case I would recommend building a so called internal integration for Slack using the Events API.
Internal integration allows you to add custom functions for your Slack team only (as opposed to a full fledged Slack app, that could also be installed and used for other Slack teams).
The Events API allows you to set up a bot that listens to messages and can react to keywords like "trump".
An alternative approach to the events API would be the outgoing webhook. However this function is now deprecated and should no longer be used. Also it only works with public channels.
To set this up you will need to develop a small webservice (e.g. in PHP) that listens on a webserver for requests from the events API, keeps count of how many times the keyword has been invoked in the past and sends an appropriate message back to your Slack team every time the keyword is used.
I can recommend reading the excellent official Slack API documentation if you want to learn more.
If you are familiar with PHP this can be done easily using the Slackbot Framework. It supports Events API allowing you to listen to messages in channels or direct messages (depending on the permission scopes of your APP). So all the conversations on Slack can be sent to your server and you can search for the specific keyword in every message. Then send back an appropriate message to Slack. In summary, the first step is to create an APP for your slack team at Next step is to install the Slackbot Framework which is explained here. Hope this is helpful.
That can also be done by integrating custom slack bot using Django. You'll have to subscribe events and based on events, Slack will send conversation message to the given url, and based on the event, you can write your logic to increase count and post message back to slack work space.

Sending MMSs with a subject line

We have been recently asked to add ability to send and receive MMS to our FLEX application. Our initial plan was to use our existing functionality instead i.e. send an SMS with a subject line. When the client responses to the message with an MMS (because the SMS will become an MMS when the client attaches the required picture) the message will be routed to MMSC who has been requested to forward that message to us an email (because again our application already has ability to receive and process emails built in).
Based on my research I've found that:
1. If you add a subject line to an SMS, the SMS automatically because an MMS meaning we will need to add ability to interact with the MMS gateway. I'm fine with this.
Now my question is, if we send an MMS with a specific subject line, when that the client receives and responds to the MMS, will the subject line be automatically carried back to us like it is done on emails? The information that we will be carrying on that subject line is very important for the correct routing of that reply. Secondly, does anyone know of a website that already has MMS sending functionality. I would like to test this before going further with my design.

How track responses for an SMS to multiple recipients with the Twilio API?

I would like to send a text message survey (eg. "How happy were you with X service? Reply 1 for satisified, Reply 2 for not satisfied") to multiple recipients. From the responses, I would like to create a report on the recipients that responded 1 vs the ones that responded 2. What is the best way to do this with the Twilio API? Does my app need to store the results from my incoming SMS message or does Twilio store these so I can query the results? If the former is the case and TwiML is involved, how do I parse the response and store the result? Thanks!
** Disclaimer: Twilio evangelist here **
So it sounds like you have two requirements here:
Use Twilio to send outbound text messages to different recipients
Capture a users reply to that message
For the first requirement, you can start by going to and signing up for a new account. Its free to start and we give you a Twilio phone number you can use to start to build your app. Once you have the Twilio phone number, you can use the REST API to start sending outbound text messages from that Twilio phone number. We have a quickstart that shows you how to do this:
Note that this link goes to the PHP sample, but you can use the drop down at the top of the page to pick from other stacks like .NET, Java, Python or Ruby.
Once you've sent an outbound message you need to capture the replies to that message (your second requirement). Twilio uses something called a webhook to notify you about incoming SMS messages.
A webhook is basically a URL exposed by your application and associated with your Twilio phone number. You can configure the URL associated with your phone number in the Twilio dashboard.
Each time we receive an incoming SMS message on your Twilio phone number, we will make an HTTP request to that URL. As part of that HTTP request we send along metadata about the inbound message like the phone number that the message was sent from and the Body of the message. The full list of parameters we send is here:
Now your app can pull those parameters out of the request and do whatever it wants with them. Since we already are sending the body of the message as we receive it, Tims suggestion of tracking the responses based on the From parameter and storing the message body in your own database is a good suggestion.
This quickstart shows receving an incoming text message, grabbing the From parameter and then responding by sending back from TwiML:
In your case, if you don't want to reply to the incoming message, just omit the TwiML response.
Hope the helps. Lets me know if you need more info.
Track the responses using the From parameter (and using Body to identify the selection). Yes, Twilio stores those messages, and you could query the API - but it's likely better to just store it in your own database.
