How to get images path from golang project file - go

I am a beginner in making a REST full API using golang, what I want to ask is to get an image file from the path in my golang project, before I have successfully uploaded the image and saved it in the path and the path I have saved it in mysql database, how do I do it to be able to display the image in the form of a link, so I can load it on android,
and how to make it like this
"http: // localhost: 3004 / images / imagename.jpg"
inside the json result ( ImgEvent )??
please help me... thanks
func (idb *InDB) GetEvents(c *gin.Context) {
var (
events []structs.Event
newEvents structs.Event
result gin.H
getimage := "img_event"
data := idb.DB.Select(getimage).Find(&events)
if data != nil {
result = gin.H{
"message": "Not found",
newEvents.ImgEvent = getimage
data = idb.DB.Find(&events)
if len(events) <= 0 {
result = gin.H{
"result": nil,
"count": 0,
} else {
result = gin.H{
"data": events,
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, result)
========= Respone Json ===========
"data": [
"ID": 1,
"CreatedAt": "2019-07-28T22:38:20Z",
"UpdatedAt": "2019-08-12T09:51:41Z",
"DeletedAt": null,
"Judul": "test1",
"Isi": "Dalam menyambut ulang tahun Accent-er Regional JawaBarat yang ke 3.\r\n\r\nKami mengundang seluruh member terdaftar maupun non member untuk ikut hadir meramaikan acara ini.\r\n\r\nYang akan di selenggarakan di\r\n\r\nCikole,Lembang Bandung
"ImgEvent": "event-images/event-bukalapak.jpg",
"TotalComments": 1,
"TotalLikes": 5,
"TotalView": 3

You should a create a file server to be able create an http link for files. You can use net/http's Fileserver for the same. Fileserver is a good choice if you want it for a small time, like as long as you API server is running.
Another choice would be to create an FTP server and use that to store images.


In graphql mutation gives error in golang client

Actual Graphql query works fine
mutation createQuestion($data:QuestionInput!) {
createQuestion(data: $data) {
data {
attributes {
When client side(below code in GOLANG) ran this query it's gives an issue
CreateQuestion struct {
Data struct {
ID graphql.ID
Attributes struct {
Question_id graphql.String
Title graphql.String
Description graphql.String
Passing Data like this
variables := map[string]interface{} {
"data": map[string]interface{} {
"title": "My testFirst FbPost",
"description": "dfsdf is the body of my first post.",
"question_id": "35005",
Gives an Error like below
Failed to run mutation: found
non-200 OK status code: 400 Bad Request body:
"message":"Syntax Error: Expected Name",
Trying to Posting data to Server(Strapi CMS) using Golang client Library.
type QuestionInput map[string]interface{}
variables := map[string]interface{}{
"data": QuestionInput {
"title": "My testFirst FbPost",
"description": "dfsdf is the body of my first post.",
"question_id": "35005",

How can I get data inside parent component in strapi?

I have this single type in my strapi dashboard :
I Have a component called Logo
Another component called Links, it contains another component called Link
Finally a component called MenuButton.
When I go to http://localhost:1337/api/global?populate=* I got :
"data": {
"id": 1,
"attributes": {
"createdAt": "2021-12-27T11:54:36.177Z",
"updatedAt": "2021-12-27T11:54:54.737Z",
"publishedAt": "2021-12-27T11:54:54.731Z",
"logo": {
"id": 1,
"name": null
"navigation": {
"id": 1 // why I don't get links here ?
"menuButton": {
"id": 1,
"icon": ""
"meta": {
I Already published my content and allowed permissions for public.
My question is :
How can I access to the links inside navigation object ?
See my earlier answer here
Strapi 4 requires you to populate your request (see: population documentation )
which could look like this (for level 2 population):
// populate request
const qs = require('qs')
const query = qs.stringify(
populate: {
Product: {
populate: ['Image']
encodeValuesOnly: true
// get id
const id = yourId
// get rquest
const Response= await axios.get(
`http://localhost:1337/api/[your api]/${id }/?${query}`
Now media links should be included in your response
To retrieve up to 5 levels deep, you can install this package npm i strapi-plugin-populate-deep

Golang GMAIL API 400: Invalid label:

Using Gmail API to read my mailbox. The message reading process is working as expected but I want to change the label of reading messages just for acknowledgment purposes so that I can have track of the reading messages list in my Gmail inbox only. Tried given two methods to change the label but non of them worked for me. Need suggestion on the same
Codebase is written in Golang (as a backend)
Tried with Google API Explorer
(METHOD 1) -
Go sample code:
gmsg: = gmail.ModifyMessageRequest {
RemoveLabelIds: [] string {
"INBOX". //system defined label
AddLabelIds: [] string {
"INBOXING" //my custom label. created through Gmail
_, errDelete: = gService.Users.Messages.Modify("me", messageid, &gmsg).Do()
if (errDelete != nil) {
logs.Error("GMAIL SERVICE ERROR:: for [", accountEmail, "] while moving message to [INBOXING] folder ", errDelete.Error())
Got below error :
{"level":"error","msg":"GMAIL SERVICE ERROR:: for [] while moving message to [INBOXING] folder googleapi: Error 400: Invalid label: INBOXING, invalidArgument","time":"2021-08-09 20:05:13"}
(METHOD 1) -
Gmail Modify API
"addLabelIds": [
"removeLabelIds": [
Response from Google API -
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid label: INBOXING",
"errors": [
"message": "Invalid label: INBOXING",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "invalidArgument"
Observation - *
On modifying message with custom label's Gmail API return's 400 bad
request, but if we request with system labels it allows us to modify
the label.
You are using the label name instead of label id. To obtain the label id, you have to use the Method: users.labels.list
Once you have the ID, you can now use it in Method: users.messages.modify
Request body:

Getting image from Sharepoint post with Microsoft Graph

My company has made a custom photo-field in Sharepoint for it's news. I'm trying to use Microsoft Graph to fetch the images, but with no success.
This is the columns description:
"columnGroup": "Page Layout Columns",
"description": "",
"displayName": "Thumbnail image",
"enforceUniqueValues": false,
"hidden": false,
"indexed": false,
"name": "PublishingPageImage",
"readOnly": false,
"required": false
In the documentation for Microsoft Graph it is written that you can make a request like this
Although - no matter how I seem to write the request, i can't get the image field.
My most recent try has been this request:
The respons I got from Microsoft was this:
"error": {
"code": "-1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.ClientServiceException",
"message": "Cannot serialize data for type Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.Fields.ImageFieldValue.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "f25e4851-0c1b-4061-ad6a-948d38004046",
"date": "2018-09-17T14:03:01"
Should I use something like .value or .data or .ImageUrl after the request? If i get a link or a data-value doesn't really matter. In the call for /me/ for Microsoft users there is a $value property for getting the user profile photo. Is it something like this?
It depends how image is stored.
If it is attachment you can do following:
string baseURL = $"https://{spTenant}/_api/web/lists('{ AA.config.listID}')/items({ siteData.Id})/AttachmentFiles";
string fileName = await GetFileNameAsync(baseURL);
string getPictureReqUrl = $"{baseURL}('{fileName}')/$value";
Stream responseStream = await GetPictureAsync(getPictureReqUrl);
private static async Task<Stream> GetPictureAsync(string reqUrl)
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", SPOToken);
HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(reqUrl);
return await response.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
Important! This is not supported by graph yet, but you can use SharePoint Rest API
If picture is stored in document library you need to use Drive object instead manipulate Response Object

I am trying to work Ember with using
ember-model-parse-adapter by samharnack.
I add added a function to make multiple work search(like search engine) for which I have defined a function on cloud using Parse.Cloud.define and run from client.
The problem is the Array that my cloud response returns is not compatible with Ember Model because of two attributes they are __type and className. how can I modify the response to get response similar to that i get when I run a find query from client. i.e without __type and className
Example responses
for App.List.find() = {
for App.List.cloudFunction("sliptSearch",{"text" : this.get("searchText")})
"__type" : Object, //undesired
"className" : "Lists" //undesired
Thanks Vlad something like this worked for me for array
resultobj = [];
success: function(results) {
for( var i=0, l=results.length; i<l; i++ ) {
temp = results.pop();
text: temp.get("text"),
createdAt: temp.createdAt,
updatedAt: temp.updatedAt,
words: "",
hashtags: ""
In your cloud code before you make any response, create and object and extract from it the attributes/members you need and then response it. like so:
//lets say result is some Parse.User or any other Parse.Object
var responseObj = {}; = responseObj.get("name");
responseObj.age = responseObj.get("age"); =;
on the response side you will get {"result": {"name": "jhon", "age": "26", "id": "zxc123s21"}}
Hope this would help you
