Haskell - Grouping specific nearest neighbours in a cartesian grid - algorithm

I'm after some direction in this puzzle where I need to group specific nearest neighbours together.
my input data is:
myList :: Map (Int, Int) Int
myList =
Which is a data representation of this 5 x 5 grid (brown land, blue water):
I'm using (Int,Int) as XY coordinates, because the way the list had to be generated (thus its ordering) was in a spiral on a cartesian coordinate grid (0,0) being the origin. The remaining Int is size of population 0 being water, 1..9 being land.
Because of the ordering of my Map I've been struggling with finding a way I can traverse my data and return 4 grouped land items that are grouped due to each others connected proximity (including diagonal), so I'm looking for a result like bellow:
[ [(-1 , 2)]
, [(1, 2),(1,1)]
, [(-2, -0),(-1,-1),(-1,-2)]
, [(2, -1)]]
I've researched and tried various algorithm like BFS, Flood Fill but my input data never fit the structural requirements or my understanding of the subjects doesn't allow me to convert it to using coordinates.
Is there a way I can run an algorithm directly on the data, or should I be looking at another direction?
I'm sorry there is no code examples of what I have so far but I've not even been able to create anything remotely useful to use.

I recommend using a union-find data structure. Loop over all positions; if it is land, mark it equivalent to any positions immediately NE, N, NW, or W of it that are also land. (It will automatically get marked equivalent to any land that exists E, SW, S, or SE of it when you visit that other land. The critical property of the set D={NE, N, NW, W} is that if you mirror all the directions in D to get M, then M∪D contains every direction; any other set D with this property will do fine, too.) The equivalence classes returned by the data structure at the end of this process will be your connected land chunks.
If n is the total number of positions, this process is O(n*log n); the log n component comes from the Map lookups needed to determine if a neighbor is land or water.
You should consider making the Map sparse if you can -- storing only the key-value pairs corresponding to land and skipping the water keys -- to graduate to O(m*log m) where m is the total number of lands, rather than the total number of positions. If you cannot (because you must remember the difference between water and not-existing positions, say), you could consider switching to an array as your backing store to graduate to O(n*a n), where a is the inverse Ackermann function, and so the whole shebang would basically be as close to O(n) as it is possible to get without actually being O(n).
Whether O(m*log m) or O(n*a n) is preferable when both are an option is a matter for empirical exploration on some data sets that you believe represent your typical use case.

I ended up going with this solution by Chris Penner via FP slack channel, it uses Union Find Algorithm (I've added comments to code to help a little):
-- | Take Map of land coordinates and return list of grouped land items forming islands
-- | Using Union find algorythm
findIslands :: M.Map Coordinate Coordinate -> IO [[Coordinate]]
findIslands land = do
-- create fresh point map
pointMap <- traverse U.fresh land
-- traverse each point checking for neighbours
void . flip M.traverseWithKey pointMap $ \(x, y) point ->
for_ (catMaybes (flip M.lookup pointMap <$> [(x + 1, y), (x, y + 1),(x +1, y +1), (x - 1, y + 1)]))
$ \neighbourPoint ->
U.union point neighbourPoint
-- traverse ppintMap and representative and their descriptors
withUnionKey :: (M.Map Coordinate Coordinate) <- for pointMap (U.repr >=> U.descriptor)
-- swap cordinates arround
let unionKeyToCoord :: [(Coordinate, Coordinate)] = (swap <$> M.toList withUnionKey)
-- combine coordinates to create islands
results :: M.Map Coordinate [Coordinate] = M.fromListWith (<>) (fmap (:[]) <$> unionKeyToCoord)
-- return just the elements from the Map
return (M.elems results)
convertTolandGrid :: [Coordinate] -> M.Map Coordinate Coordinate
convertTolandGrid = M.fromList . fmap (id &&& id)


algorithm to find unique, non equivalent configurations given the height, the width, and the number of states each element can be

SO recently, I have been attempting to solve a code challenge and can not find the answer. The issue is not the implementation, but rather what to implement. The prompt can be found here http://pastebin.com/DxQssyKd
the main useful information from the prompt is as follows
"Write a function answer(w, h, s) that takes 3 integers and returns the number of unique, non-equivalent configurations that can be found on a star grid w blocks wide and h blocks tall where each celestial body has s possible states. Equivalency is defined as above: any two star grids with each celestial body in the same state where the actual order of the rows and columns do not matter (and can thus be freely swapped around). Star grid standardization means that the width and height of the grid will always be between 1 and 12, inclusive. And while there are a variety of celestial bodies in each grid, the number of states of those bodies is between 2 and 20, inclusive. The answer can be over 20 digits long, so return it as a decimal string."
The equivalency is in a way that
is equivalent to
and so on.
The problem is, what algorithm(s) should I use? i know this is somewhat related to permutations, combinations, and group theory, but I can not find anything specific.
The key weapon is Burnside's lemma, which equates the number of orbits of the symmetry group G = Sw × Sh acting on the set of configurations X = ([w] × [h] → [s]) (i.e., the answer) to the sum 1/|G| ∑g&in;G |Xg|, where Xg = {x | g.x = x} is the set of elements fixed by g.
Given g, it's straightforward to compute |Xg|: use g to construct a graph on vertices [w] × [h] where there is an edge between (i, j) and g(i, j) for all (i, j). Count c, the number of connected components, and return sc. The reasoning is that every vertex in a connected component must have the same state, but vertices in different components are unrelated.
Now, for 12 × 12 grids, there are far too many values of g to do this calculation on. Fortunately, when g and g' are conjugate (i.e., there exists some h such that h.g.h-1 = g') we find that |Xg'| = |{x | g'.x = x}| = |{x | h.g.h-1.x = x}| = |{x | g.h-1.x = h-1.x}| = |{h.y | g.y = y}| = |{y | g.y = y}| = |Xg|. We can thus sum over conjugacy classes and multiply each term by the number of group elements in the class.
The last piece is the conjugacy class structure of G = Sw × Sh. The conjugacy class structure of this direct product is really just the direct product of the conjugacy classes of Sw and Sh. The conjugacy classes of Sn are in one-to-one correspondence with integer partitions of n, enumerable by standard recursive methods. To compute the size of the class, you'll divide n! by the product of the partition terms (because circular permutations of the cycles are equivalent) and also by the product of the number of symmetries between cycles of the same size (product of the factorials of the multiplicities). See https://groupprops.subwiki.org/wiki/Conjugacy_class_size_formula_in_symmetric_group.

How to implement dp?

I recently have encountered a question where I have been given two types of person: Left-handed and Right-handed (writing style). They all are to be seated in a class row and to avoid any disturbance their hands must not collide i.e. pattern may be like LR or LL or RR.
I tried using recursion (taking two branches of L and R for every seat) but number of computations would be very high even for a row size of 100.
Somehow I need to implement DP to reduce the computations. Please suggest.
Actually there is a matrix (like a classroom) in which three types (L R B) of people can be seated with no collisions of hand. I have to generate the maximum number of people that can be seated. Suppose I have a 2x2 matrix and to fill it with Left, Right and Both handed type of persons L=0, R=1 ,B =3 are given. So one valid arrangement would be Row0: B R and row1: B - where - means blank seat.
Actually the fact that you have a matrix doesn't make a difference in the solution you can transform it to an array without losing generality because each state depends on its left or right not its up and down. A bottom-up approach: In each state you have three things L, B and R , index of the seat you want to fill and its left person. Now we can fill the table from right to left. The answer is dp[inedx=0][L][B][R][left_person=' '].
recursive [index][L][B][R][left_person] :
if left_person = ' ' or 'L':
LVal = recursive[index+1][L-1][B][R]['L']
if left_person = ' ' or 'L' or 'R'
RVal = recursive[index+1][L][B][R-1]['R']
if left_person = ' ' or 'L':
BVal = recursive[index+1][L][B-1][R]['B']
NVal = recursive[index+1][L][B][R][' ']
max(LVal, RVal, BVal, NVal) -> dp[index][L][B][R][left_person]
Of course this is not complete and I'm just giving you the genereal idea. You should add some details like the base case and checking if there is anymore person of that kind before assigning it and some other details.

Construct a full rank matrix by adding vectors from the standard basis

I have a nxn singular matrix. I want to add k rows (which must be from the standard basis e1, e2, ..., en) to this matrix such that the new (n+k)xn matrix is full column rank. The number of added rows k must be minimum and they can be added in any order (not just e1, e2 ,..., it can be e4, e10, e1, ...) as long as k is minimum.
Does anybody know a simple way to do this? Any help is appreciated.
You can achieve this by doing a QR decomposition with column pivoting, then taking the transpose of the last n-rank(A) columns of the permutation matrix.
In matlab, this is achieved by the qr function(See the matlab documentation here):
Each row of transpose(E(:,end-r+1:end)) will be a member of standard basis, rank of newA will be n, and this is also the minimal number of standard basis you will need to do so.
Here is how this works:
QR decomposition with column pivoting is a standard procedure to decompose a matrix A into products:
where Q is an orthogonal matrix if A is real, or an unitary matrix if A is complex; R is upper triangular matrix, and E is a permutation matrix.
In short, the permutations are chosen so that the diagonal elements are larger than the off-diagonals in the same row, and that size of the diagonal elements are non-increasing. More detailed description can be found on the netlib QR factorization page.
Since Q and E are both orthogonal (or unitary) matrices, the rank of R is the same as the rank of A. To bring up the rank of A, we just need to find ways to increase the rank of R; and this is much more straight forward thanks to the structure of R as the result of pivoting and the fact that it is upper-triangular.
Now, with the requirement placed on pivoting procedure, if any diagonal element of R is 0, the entire row has to be 0. The n-rank(A) rows of 0s in the bottom if R is responsible for the nullity. If we replace the lower right corner with an identity matrix, the that new matrix would be full rank. Well, we cannot really do the replacement, but we can append the rows matrix to the bottom of R and form a new matrix that has the same rank:
B==[ 0 I ] => newR=[ R ; B ]
Here the dimensionality of I is the nullity of A and that of R.
It is readily seen that rank(newR)=n. Then we can also define a new unitary Q matrix by expanding its dimensionality in a trivial manner:
newQ=[Q 0 ; 0 I]
With that, our new rank n matrix can be obtained as
newA=newQ*newR.transpose(E)=[Q*R ; B ]*transpose(E) =[A ; B*transpose(E)]
Note that B is [0 I] and E is a permutation matrix, so B*transpose(E) is simply the transpose
of the last n-rank(A) columns of E, and thus a set of rows made of standard basis, and that's just what you wanted!
Is n very large? The simplest solution without using any math would be to try adding e_i and seeing if the rank increases. If it does, keep e_i. proceed until finished.
I like #Xiaolei Zhu's solution because it's elegant, but another way to go (that's even more computationally efficient is):
Determine if any rows, indexed by i, of your matrix A are all zero. If so, then the corresponding e_i must be concatenated.
After that process, you can simply concatenate any subset of the n - rank(A) columns of the identity matrix that you didn't add in step 1.
rows/cols from Identity matrix can be added in any order. it does not need to be added in usual order as e1,e2,... in general situation for making matrix full rank.

Trying to build algorithm for optimal tower placement in a game

This is going to be a long post and just for fun, so if you don't have much time better go help folks with more important questions instead :)
There is a game called "Tower Bloxx" recently released on xbox. One part of the game is to place different colored towers on a field in a most optimal way in order to maximize number of most valuable towers. I wrote an algorithm that would determine the most efficient tower placement but it is not very efficient and pretty much just brute forcing all possible combinations. For 4x4 field with 4 tower types it solves it in about 1 hr, 5 tower types would take about 40 hours which is too much.
Here are the rules:
There are 5 types of towers that could be placed on a field. There are several types of fields, the easiest one is just 4x4 matrix, others fields have some "blanks" where you can't build. Your aim is to put as many the most valuable towers on a field as possible to maximize total tower value on a field (lets assume that all towers are built at once, there is no turns).
Tower types (in order from less to most valuable):
Blue - can be placed anywhere, value = 10
Red - can be placed only besides blue, value = 20
Green - placed besides red and blue, value = 30
Yellow - besides green, red and blue, value = 40
White - besides yellow, green, red and blue, value = 100
Which means that for example green tower should have at least 1 red and 1 blue towers at either north, south, west or east neighbor cells (diagonals don't count). White tower should be surrounded with all other colors.
Here is my algorithm for 4 towers on 4x4 field:
Total number of combinations = 4^16
Loop through [1..4^16] and convert every number to base4 string in order to encode tower placement, so 4^16 = "3333 3333 3333 3333" which would represent our tower types (0=blue,...,3=yellow)
Convert tower placement string into matrix.
For every tower in a matrix check its neighbors and if any of requirements fails this whole combination fails.
Put all correct combinations into an array and then sort this array as strings in lexicographic order to find best possible combination (first need to sort characters in a string).
The only optimization I came up with is to skip combinations that don't contain any most valuable towers. It skips some processing but I still loop through all 4^16 combinations.
Any thought how this can be improved? Code samples would be helpful if in java or php.
After adding more illegal states (yellow cannot be built in the corners, white cannot be built in corners and on the edges, field should contain at least one tower of each type), realizing that only 1 white tower could be possibly built on 4x4 field and optimizing java code the total time was brought down from 40 to ~16 hours. Maybe threading would bring it down to 10 hrs but that's probably brute forcing limit.
I found this question intriguing, and since I'm teaching myself Haskell, I decided to try my hand at implementing a solution in that language.
I thought about branch-and-bound, but couldn't come up with a good way to bound the solutions, so I just did some pruning by discarding boards that violate the rules.
My algorithm works by starting with an "empty" board. It places each possible color of tower in the first empty slot and in each case (each color) then recursively calls itself. The recursed calls try each color in the second slot, recursing again, until the board is full.
As each tower is placed, I check the just-placed tower and all of it's neighbors to verify that they're obeying the rules, treating any empty neighbors as wild cards. So if a white tower has four empty neighbors, I consider it valid. If a placement is invalid, I do not recurse on that placement, effectively pruning the entire tree of possibilities under it.
The way the code is written, I generate a list of all possible solutions, then look through the list to find the best one. In actuality, thanks to Haskell's lazy evaluation, the list elements are generated as the search function needs them, and since they're never referred to again they become available for garbage collection right away, so even for a 5x5 board memory usage is fairly small (2 MB).
Performance is pretty good. On my 2.1 GHz laptop, the compiled version of the program solves the 4x4 case in ~50 seconds, using one core. I'm running a 5x5 example right now to see how long it will take. Since functional code is quite easy to parallelize, I'm also going to experiment with parallel processing. There's a parallelized Haskell compiler that will not only spread the work across multiple cores, but across multiple machines as well, and this is a very parallelizable problem.
Here's my code so far. I realize that you specified Java or PHP, and Haskell is quite different. If you want to play with it, you can modify the definition of the variable "bnd" just above the bottom to set the board size. Just set it to ((1,1),(x, y)), where x and y are the number of columns and rows, respectively.
import Array
import Data.List
-- Enumeration of Tower types. "Empty" isn't really a tower color,
-- but it allows boards to have empty cells
data Tower = Empty | Blue | Red | Green | Yellow | White
deriving(Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)
type Location = (Int, Int)
type Board = Array Location Tower
-- towerScore omputes the score of a single tower
towerScore :: Tower -> Int
towerScore White = 100
towerScore t = (fromEnum t) * 10
-- towerUpper computes the upper bound for a single tower
towerUpper :: Tower -> Int
towerUpper Empty = 100
towerUpper t = towerScore t
-- boardScore computes the score of a board
boardScore :: Board -> Int
boardScore b = sum [ towerScore (b!loc) | loc <- range (bounds b) ]
-- boardUpper computes the upper bound of the score of a board
boardUpper :: Board -> Int
boardUpper b = sum [ bestScore loc | loc <- range (bounds b) ]
bestScore l | tower == Empty =
towerScore (head [ t | t <- colors, canPlace b l t ])
| otherwise = towerScore tower
tower = b!l
colors = reverse (enumFromTo Empty White)
-- Compute the neighbor locations of the specified location
neighborLoc :: ((Int,Int),(Int,Int)) -> (Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int)]
neighborLoc bounds (col, row) = filter valid neighborLoc'
valid loc = inRange bounds loc
neighborLoc' = [(col-1,row),(col+1,row),(col,row-1),(col,row+1)]
-- Array to store all of the neighbors of each location, so we don't
-- have to recalculate them repeatedly.
neighborArr = array bnd [(loc, neighborLoc bnd loc) | loc <- range bnd]
-- Get the contents of neighboring cells
neighborTowers :: Board -> Location -> [Tower]
neighborTowers board loc = [ board!l | l <- (neighborArr!loc) ]
-- The tower placement rule. Yields a list of tower colors that must
-- be adjacent to a tower of the specified color.
requiredTowers :: Tower -> [Tower]
requiredTowers Empty = []
requiredTowers Blue = []
requiredTowers Red = [Blue]
requiredTowers Green = [Red, Blue]
requiredTowers Yellow = [Green, Red, Blue]
requiredTowers White = [Yellow, Green, Red, Blue]
-- cellValid determines if a cell satisfies the rule.
cellValid :: Board -> Location -> Bool
cellValid board loc = null required ||
null needed ||
(length needed <= length empties)
neighbors = neighborTowers board loc
required = requiredTowers (board!loc)
needed = required \\ neighbors
empties = filter (==Empty) neighbors
-- canPlace determines if 'tower' can be placed in 'cell' without
-- violating the rule.
canPlace :: Board -> Location -> Tower -> Bool
canPlace board loc tower =
let b' = board // [(loc,tower)]
in cellValid b' loc && and [ cellValid b' l | l <- neighborArr!loc ]
-- Generate a board full of empty cells
cleanBoard :: Array Location Tower
cleanBoard = listArray bnd (replicate 80 Empty)
-- The heart of the algorithm, this function takes a partial board
-- (and a list of empty locations, just to avoid having to search for
-- them) and a score and returns the best board obtainable by filling
-- in the partial board
solutions :: Board -> [Location] -> Int -> Board
solutions b empties best | null empties = b
solutions b empties best =
fst (foldl' f (cleanBoard, best) [ b // [(l,t)] | t <- colors, canPlace b l t ])
f :: (Board, Int) -> Board -> (Board, Int)
f (b1, best) b2 | boardUpper b2 <= best = (b1, best)
| otherwise = if newScore > lstScore
then (new, max newScore best)
else (b1, best)
lstScore = boardScore b1
new = solutions b2 e' best
newScore = boardScore new
l = head empties
e' = tail empties
colors = reverse (enumFromTo Blue White)
-- showBoard converts a board to a printable string representation
showBoard :: Board -> String
showBoard board = unlines [ printRow row | row <- [minrow..maxrow] ]
((mincol, minrow), (maxcol, maxrow)) = bounds board
printRow row = unwords [ printCell col row | col <- [mincol..maxcol] ]
printCell col row = take 1 (show (board!(col,row)))
-- Set 'bnd' to the size of the desired board.
bnd = ((1,1),(4,4))
-- Main function generates the solutions, finds the best and prints
-- it out, along with its score
main = do putStrLn (showBoard best); putStrLn (show (boardScore best))
s = solutions cleanBoard (range (bounds cleanBoard)) 0
best = s
Also, please remember this is my first non-trivial Haskell program. I'm sure it can be done much more elegantly and succinctly.
Update: Since it was still very time-consuming to do a 5x5 with 5 colors (I waited 12 hours and it hadn't finished), I took another look at how to use bounding to prune more of the search tree.
My first approach was to estimate the upper bound of a partially-filled board by assuming every empty cell is filled with a white tower. I then modified the 'solution' function to track the best score seen and to ignore any board whose upper bound is less than than that best score.
That helped some, reducing a 4x4x5 board from 23s to 15s. To improve it further, I modified the upper bound function to assume that each Empty is filled with the best tower possible, consistent with the existing non-empty cell contents. That helped a great deal, reducing the 4x4x5 time to 2s.
Running it on 5x5x5 took 2600s, giving the following board:
with a score of 730.
I may make another modification and have it find all of the maximal-scoring boards, rather than just one.
If you don't want to do A*, use a branch and bound approach. The problem should be relatively easy to code up because your value functions are well defined. I imagine you should be able to prune off huge sections of the search space with relative ease. However because your search space is pretty large it may still take some time. Only one way to find out :)
The wiki article isn't the best in the world. Google can find you a ton of nice examples and trees and stuff to further illustrate the approach.
One easy way to improve the brute force method is to explore only legal states. For example, if you are trying all possible states, you will be testing many states where the top right corner is a white tower. All of these states will be illegal. It doesn't make sense to generate and test all of those states. So you want to generate your states one block at a time, and only go deeper into the tree when you are actually at a potentially valid state. This will cut down your search tree by many orders of magnitude.
There may be further fancy things you can do, but this is an easy to understand (hopefully) improvement to your current solution.
I think you will want to use a branch-and-bound algorithm because I think coming up with a good heuristic for an A* implementation will be hard (but, that's just my intuitition).
The pseudo-code for a branch-and-bound implementation is:
board = initial board with nothing on it, probably a 2D array
bestBoard = {}
function findBest(board)
if no more pieces can be added to board then
if score(board) > score(bestBoard) then
bestBoard = board
for each piece P we can legally add to board
newBoard = board with piece P added
//loose upper bound, could be improved
if score(newBoard) + 100*number of blanks in newBoard > score(bestBoard)
The idea is that we search all possible boards, in order, but we keep track of the best one we have found so far (this is the bound). Then, if we find a partial board which we know will never be better than the best one so far then we stop looking working on that partial board: we trim that branch of the search tree.
In the code above I am doing the check by assuming that all the blanks would be filled by the white pieces, as we can't do better than that. I am sure that with a little bit of thought you can come up with a tighter bound than that.
Another place where you can try to optimize is in the order of the for-each loop. You want to try pieces in the order correct order. That is, optimally you want the first solution found to be the best one, or at least one with a really high score.
It seems like a good approach would be to start with a white tower and then build a set of towers around it based on the requirements, trying to find the smallest possible colored set of shapes which can act as interlocking tiles.
I wanted to advocate linear programming with integer unknowns, but it turns out that it's NP-hard even in the binary case. However, you can still get great success at optimizing a problem like yours, where there are many valid solutions and you simply want the best one.
Linear programming, for this kind of problem, essentially amounts to having a lot of variables (for example, the number of red towers present in cell (M, N)) and relationships among the variables (for example, the number of white towers in cell (M, N) must be less than or equal to the number of towers of the non-white color that has the smallest such number, among all its neighbors). It's kind of a pain to write up a linear program, but if you want a solution that runs in seconds, it's probably your best bet.
You've received a lot of good advice on the algorithmic side of things, so I don't have a lot to add. But, assuming Java as the language, here are a few fairly obvious suggestions for performance improvement.
Make sure you're not instantiating any objects inside that 4^16 loop. It's much, much cheaper for the JVM to re-initialize an existing object than to create a new one. Even cheaper to use arrays of primitives. :)
If you can help it, step away from the collection classes. They'll add a lot of overhead that you probably don't need.
Make sure you're not concatenating any strings. Use StringBuilder.
And lastly, consider re-writing the whole thing in C.

Representing continuous probability distributions

I have a problem involving a collection of continuous probability distribution functions, most of which are determined empirically (e.g. departure times, transit times). What I need is some way of taking two of these PDFs and doing arithmetic on them. E.g. if I have two values x taken from PDF X, and y taken from PDF Y, I need to get the PDF for (x+y), or any other operation f(x,y).
An analytical solution is not possible, so what I'm looking for is some representation of PDFs that allows such things. An obvious (but computationally expensive) solution is monte-carlo: generate lots of values of x and y, and then just measure f(x, y). But that takes too much CPU time.
I did think about representing the PDF as a list of ranges where each range has a roughly equal probability, effectively representing the PDF as the union of a list of uniform distributions. But I can't see how to combine them.
Does anyone have any good solutions to this problem?
Edit: The goal is to create a mini-language (aka Domain Specific Language) for manipulating PDFs. But first I need to sort out the underlying representation and algorithms.
Edit 2: dmckee suggests a histogram implementation. That is what I was getting at with my list of uniform distributions. But I don't see how to combine them to create new distributions. Ultimately I need to find things like P(x < y) in cases where this may be quite small.
Edit 3: I have a bunch of histograms. They are not evenly distributed because I'm generating them from occurance data, so basically if I have 100 samples and I want ten points in the histogram then I allocate 10 samples to each bar, and make the bars variable width but constant area.
I've figured out that to add PDFs you convolve them, and I've boned up on the maths for that. When you convolve two uniform distributions you get a new distribution with three sections: the wider uniform distribution is still there, but with a triangle stuck on each side the width of the narrower one. So if I convolve each element of X and Y I'll get a bunch of these, all overlapping. Now I'm trying to figure out how to sum them all and then get a histogram that is the best approximation to it.
I'm beginning to wonder if Monte-Carlo wasn't such a bad idea after all.
Edit 4: This paper discusses convolutions of uniform distributions in some detail. In general you get a "trapezoid" distribution. Since each "column" in the histograms is a uniform distribution, I had hoped that the problem could be solved by convolving these columns and summing the results.
However the result is considerably more complex than the inputs, and also includes triangles. Edit 5: [Wrong stuff removed]. But if these trapezoids are approximated to rectangles with the same area then you get the Right Answer, and reducing the number of rectangles in the result looks pretty straightforward too. This might be the solution I've been trying to find.
Edit 6: Solved! Here is the final Haskell code for this problem:
-- | Continuous distributions of scalars are represented as a
-- | histogram where each bar has approximately constant area but
-- | variable width and height. A histogram with N bars is stored as
-- | a list of N+1 values.
data Continuous = C {
cN :: Int,
-- ^ Number of bars in the histogram.
cAreas :: [Double],
-- ^ Areas of the bars. #length cAreas == cN#
cBars :: [Double]
-- ^ Boundaries of the bars. #length cBars == cN + 1#
} deriving (Show, Read)
{- | Add distributions. If two random variables #vX# and #vY# are
taken from distributions #x# and #y# respectively then the
distribution of #(vX + vY)# will be #(x .+. y).
This is implemented as the convolution of distributions x and y.
Each is a histogram, which is to say the sum of a collection of
uniform distributions (the "bars"). Therefore the convolution can be
computed as the sum of the convolutions of the cross product of the
components of x and y.
When you convolve two uniform distributions of unequal size you get a
trapezoidal distribution. Let p = p2-p1, q - q2-q1. Then we get:
> | |
> | ______ |
> | | | with | _____________
> | | | | | |
> +-----+----+------- +--+-----------+-
> p1 p2 q1 q2
> gives h|....... _______________
> | /: :\
> | / : : \ 1
> | / : : \ where h = -
> | / : : \ q
> | / : : \
> +--+-----+-------------+-----+-----
> p1+q1 p2+q1 p1+q2 p2+q2
However we cannot keep the trapezoid in the final result because our
representation is restricted to uniform distributions. So instead we
store a uniform approximation to the trapezoid with the same area:
> h|......___________________
> | | / \ |
> | |/ \|
> | | |
> | /| |\
> | / | | \
> +-----+-------------------+--------
> p1+q1+p/2 p2+q2-p/2
(.+.) :: Continuous -> Continuous -> Continuous
c .+. d = C {cN = length bars - 1,
cBars = map fst bars,
cAreas = zipWith barArea bars (tail bars)}
-- The convolve function returns a list of two (x, deltaY) pairs.
-- These can be sorted by x and then sequentially summed to get
-- the new histogram. The "b" parameter is the product of the
-- height of the input bars, which was omitted from the diagrams
-- above.
convolve b c1 c2 d1 d2 =
if (c2-c1) < (d2-d1) then convolve1 b c1 c2 d1 d2 else convolve1 b d1
d2 c1 c2
convolve1 b p1 p2 q1 q2 =
[(p1+q1+halfP, h), (p2+q2-halfP, (-h))]
halfP = (p2-p1)/2
h = b / (q2-q1)
outline = map sumGroup $ groupBy ((==) `on` fst) $ sortBy (comparing fst)
$ concat
[convolve (areaC*areaD) c1 c2 d1 d2 |
(c1, c2, areaC) <- zip3 (cBars c) (tail $ cBars c) (cAreas c),
(d1, d2, areaD) <- zip3 (cBars d) (tail $ cBars d) (cAreas d)
sumGroup pairs = (fst $ head pairs, sum $ map snd pairs)
bars = tail $ scanl (\(_,y) (x2,dy) -> (x2, y+dy)) (0, 0) outline
barArea (x1, h) (x2, _) = (x2 - x1) * h
Other operators are left as an exercise for the reader.
No need for histograms or symbolic computation: everything can be done at the language level in closed form, if the right point of view is taken.
[I shall use the term "measure" and "distribution" interchangeably. Also, my Haskell is rusty and I ask you to forgive me for being imprecise in this area.]
Probability distributions are really codata.
Let mu be a probability measure. The only thing you can do with a measure is integrate it against a test function (this is one possible mathematical definition of "measure"). Note that this is what you will eventually do: for instance integrating against identity is taking the mean:
mean :: Measure -> Double
mean mu = mu id
another example:
variance :: Measure -> Double
variance mu = (mu $ \x -> x ^ 2) - (mean mu) ^ 2
another example, which computes P(mu < x):
cdf :: Measure -> Double -> Double
cdf mu x = mu $ \z -> if z < x then 1 else 0
This suggests an approach by duality.
The type Measure shall therefore denote the type (Double -> Double) -> Double. This allows you to model results of MC simulation, numerical/symbolic quadrature against a PDF, etc. For instance, the function
empirical :: [Double] -> Measure
empirical h:t f = (f h) + empirical t f
returns the integral of f against an empirical measure obtained by eg. MC sampling. Also
from_pdf :: (Double -> Double) -> Measure
from_pdf rho f = my_favorite_quadrature_method rho f
construct measures from (regular) densities.
Now, the good news. If mu and nu are two measures, the convolution mu ** nu is given by:
(mu ** nu) f = nu $ \y -> (mu $ \x -> f $ x + y)
So, given two measures, you can integrate against their convolution.
Also, given a random variable X of law mu, the law of a * X is given by:
rescale :: Double -> Measure -> Measure
rescale a mu f = mu $ \x -> f(a * x)
Also, the distribution of phi(X) is given by the image measure phi_* X, in our framework:
apply :: (Double -> Double) -> Measure -> Measure
apply phi mu f = mu $ f . phi
So now you can easily work out an embedded language for measures. There are much more things to do here, particularly with respect to sample spaces other than the real line, dependencies between random variables, conditionning, but I hope you get the point.
In particular, the pushforward is functorial:
newtype Measure a = (a -> Double) -> Double
instance Functor Measure a where
fmap f mu = apply f mu
It is a monad too (exercise -- hint: this very much looks like the continuation monad. What is return ? What is the analog of call/cc ?).
Also, combined with a differential geometry framework, this can probably be turned into something which compute Bayesian posterior distributions automatically.
At the end of the day, you can write stuff like
m = mean $ apply cos ((from_pdf gauss) ** (empirical data))
to compute the mean of cos(X + Y) where X has pdf gauss and Y has been sampled by a MC method whose results are in data.
Probability distributions form a monad; see eg the work of Claire Jones and also the LICS 1989 paper, but the ideas go back to a 1982 paper by Giry (DOI 10.1007/BFb0092872) and to a 1962 note by Lawvere that I cannot track down (http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.science.mathematics.categories/6541).
But I don't see the comonad: there's no way to get an "a" out of an "(a->Double)->Double". Perhaps if you make it polymorphic - (a->r)->r for all r? (That's the continuation monad.)
Is there anything that stops you from employing a mini-language for this?
By that I mean, define a language that lets you write f = x + y and evaluates f for you just as written. And similarly for g = x * z, h = y(x), etc. ad nauseum. (The semantics I'm suggesting call for the evaluator to select a random number on each innermost PDF appearing on the RHS at evaluation time, and not to try to understand the composted form of the resulting PDFs. This may not be fast enough...)
Assuming that you understand the precision limits you need, you can represent a PDF fairly simply with a histogram or spline (the former being a degenerate case of the later). If you need to mix analytically defined PDFs with experimentally determined ones, you'll have to add a type mechanism.
A histogram is just an array, the contents of which represent the incidence in a particular region of the input range. You haven't said if you have a language preference, so I'll assume something c-like. You need to know the bin-structure (uniorm sizes are easy, but not always best) including the high and low limits and possibly the normalizatation:
struct histogram_struct {
int bins; /* Assumed to be uniform */
double low;
double high;
/* double normalization; */
/* double *errors; */ /* if using, intialize with enough space,
* and store _squared_ errors
double contents[];
This kind of thing is very common in scientific analysis software, and you might want to use an existing implementation.
I worked on similar problems for my dissertation.
One way to compute approximate convolutions is to take the Fourier transform of the density functions (histograms in this case), multiply them, then take the inverse Fourier transform to get the convolution.
Look at Appendix C of my dissertation for formulas for various special cases of operations on probability distributions. You can find the dissertation at: http://riso.sourceforge.net
I wrote Java code to carry out those operations. You can find the code at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/riso
Autonomous mobile robotics deals with similar issue in localization and navigation, in particular the Markov localization and Kalman filter (sensor fusion). See An experimental comparison of localization methods continued for example.
Another approach you could borrow from mobile robots is path planning using potential fields.
A couple of responses:
1) If you have empirically determined PDFs they either you have histograms or you have an approximation to a parametric PDF. A PDF is a continuous function and you don't have infinite data...
2) Let's assume that the variables are independent. Then if you make the PDF discrete then P(f(x,y)) = f(x,y)p(x,y) = f(x,y)p(x)p(y) summed over all the combinations of x and y such that f(x,y) meets your target.
If you are going to fit the empirical PDFs to standard PDFs, e.g. the normal distribution, then you can use already-determined functions to figure out the sum, etc.
If the variables are not independent, then you have more trouble on your hands and I think you have to use copulas.
I think that defining your own mini-language, etc., is overkill. you can do this with arrays...
Some initial thoughts:
First, Mathematica has a nice facility for doing this with exact distributions.
Second, representation as histograms (ie, empirical PDFs) is problematic since you have to make choices about bin size. That can be avoided by storing a cumulative distribution instead, ie, an empirical CDF. (In fact, you then retain the ability to recreate the full data set of samples that the empirical distribution is based on.)
Here's some ugly Mathematica code to take a list of samples and return an empirical CDF, namely a list of value-probability pairs. Run the output of this through ListPlot to see a plot of the empirical CDF.
empiricalCDF[t_] :=
Finally, here's some information on combining discrete probability distributions:
I think the histograms or the list of 1/N area regions is a good idea. For the sake of argument, I'll assume that you'll have a fixed N for all distributions.
Use the paper you linked edit 4 to generate the new distribution. Then, approximate it with a new N-element distribution.
If you don't want N to be fixed, it's even easier. Take each convex polygon (trapezoid or triangle) in the new generated distribution and approximate it with a uniform distribution.
Another suggestion is to use kernel densities. Especially if you use Gaussian kernels, then they can be relatively easy to work with... except that the distributions quickly explode in size without care. Depending on the application, there are additional approximation techniques like importance sampling that can be used.
If you want some fun, try representing them symbolically like Maple or Mathemetica would do. Maple uses directed acyclic graphs, while Matematica uses a list/lisp like appoach (I believe, but it's been a loooong time, since I even thought about this).
Do all your manipulations symbolically, then at the end push through numerical values. (Or just find a way to launch off in a shell and do the computations).
