Why would pom.xml fail to find Maven repository? - maven

I need to use this repository from maven central for my application. But my application is failing to locate it. I use IntelliJ Idea and the Sync window gives me error -
Could not find artifact com.vertica:vertica-jdbc:pom:9.1.1 in central (https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2)
This is how my pom.xml looks like -
Can anyone please let me know how can i configure my application so it can locate this vertica jdbc driver from maven central repo?

There is simply no pom nor jar for this artifact and version, in the maven central, only the sources.
This is why it can't find it.
You can download it here https://www.vertica.com/client-drivers/


How to include csjdbc.jar as part of maven dependency?

I have been looking for a dependency for csjdbc.jar in Maven repository so that I can build my app using maven and retrieve that jar on the fly. However, I cannot find a dependency in Maven repository related to that jar. Can anyone help, please?
Hopefully you have already resolved this issue.
csjdbc.jar is not listed in maven repositories. If you have composite software installed you can copy the jar from
~\Composite Software\CIS 6.1.0\apps\jdbc\lib
directory to your local machine's maven repository like below with proper versioning:
(I have 6.1 jar)

Missing artifact in pom.xml

I'm facing a problem in the pom.xml. It is showing the below error. I'm trying to update maven by adding the required dependencies but unable to solve the issue .
Resource Path Location Type Missing artifact org.springframework.security:spring-security-web:jar:4.2.2.BUILD-SNAPSHOT pom.xml /spring-security-samples-xml-insecure line 171 Maven Dependency Problem
SNAPSHOT dependencies are not retrieved by default. If you really need that specific version you will need to add the spring snapshot repository to maven. Usually one relies on released versions only: maven central
The version you are looking for is in the spring snapshots repository.
The maven manual describes how to work with multiple repositories. Usually people use a repository proxy like Nexus or Artifactory to simplify this.

Maven repository usage to download artifacts

I have added a repository to download artifacts and I have seen maven using that repository to download artifacts, but only for particular artifacts of that repository maven tries to download from mvn central repository. When I chek that artifact on added repository it's available. What could be the issue ? In which situations maven tries to download from central repository ?
Specific issues is highlighted in ,
Magnolia Demo project mvn build failed due to not able to fetch magnolia-setproperty-maven-plugin
All the Maven dependencies are first downloaded from your local repository, then if they are not found, Maven will try in any remote repository that you define in your POM file or the settings.xml and for last it will try to download from Maven Central.

How to configure maven to copy dependencies from central repo to local repository mirror (not local repo)

Need to get maven to copy central dependencies to local filesystem repository mirror. Can't work out how to do this in maven (3.3.1).
We have:
[1] maven central, which for the UK is: "http://uk.maven.org/maven2"
[2] local remote filesystem repository mirror: "c:/mylocalRepository"
[3] local repo "c:/users/myuser/.m2/repository"
Version of maven is 3.3.1 (doing a migration from 2.0.10).
We need to run our system without connecting to central (behind firewalls) and also without using a repository manager (Nexus, Archiva or the like) - it's something we would like to change but cannot change our infrastructure immediately. Please don't reply just saying do this.
Therefore we need our dependencies in a local file system that maven will then be use as a mirror of central.
I can't find a way to configure maven to build this - I'm getting dependencies - jar + pom and then using
To install jars:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy-file
-s "C:/apache-maven-3.3.1/conf/settings_centralRepo.xml"
To install Poms:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin:2.8.2:deploy-file
-s "C:/apache-maven-3.3.1/conf/settings_centralRepo.xml"
Ideally would like a configuration that we could put in the parent pom that would trigger all dependencies to be copied over. However the documentation implies this is for build artifacts rather than dependencies. There's usually a way in maven, but it can be hard to find.
Any help much appreciated - I've currently jury-rigged a script to do this and it tedious and labour intensive.

Is there a way to say maven not to use timestamp for dependency resolution

I am using MAVEN3 and I have a project XXX with version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT and it is being uploaded to artifactory.I can find the jar uploaded to artifactory as XXX-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar.
Another project YYY uses XXX-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar as its dependency and it is declared as
When I try to build YYY maven is trying to download XXX jar file from artifactory and it fails to find.
I get the following error
Could not resolve dependencies for project com......YYY:jar:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact com....XXX:jar:1.0.0-20130710.163046-1 in repo1 (https://artifactory.xxx.com/artifactory/REPO1)
I can see that it tries to download a jar with specific timestamp.How can I tell maven not to use timestamp to download my dependency.
Any help on this is appreciated.
Support for non-unique snapshots was removed in Maven 3 (see related JIRA issue).
I found an Artifactory document mentioning one way to handle this, near the bottom of the page.
My team has noticed problems if developers publishing snapshots to the same group/artifact in the snapshot repository are not all using the same Maven version. Either everyone needs to stick with Maven 2, or everyone uses Maven 3. Mixing doesn't work well.
