I've try use MediaUriElement set VideoRenderer to VideoMixingRenderer9 and works well.
I want try use MediaUriElement even set VideoRenderer to EnhancedVideoRenderer to compare performance but I don't be able display anything with EnhancedVideoRenderer mode.
I've try this but anything:
1- Install, for example, K-Lite Codec Pack
2- Open "Lav Video" tool and change "Hardware Decoder to use" field to DXVA2
3- Open EvrPresenter solution and compile it
4- Open WPF-MediaKit solution and replace the EvrPresenter.ddl on "Test Application" project to EvrPresenter.ddl generated in the previous step
5- In MainWindow.xaml add VideoRenderer="EnhancedVideoRenderer" in controls:MediaUriElement tag: controls:MediaUriElement x:Name="mediaUriElement" VideoRenderer="EnhancedVideoRenderer" ...controls:MediaUriElement>; .... Or you can simple change the default value in VideoRendererProperty property to VideoRendererType.EnhancedVideoRenderer
6- Compile and start the "Test Application"
Any suggestion to use MediaUriElement with EnhancedVideoRenderer instead VideoMixingRenderer9 ?
I have commonly copied a folder / contents and added a date to that copy name.
With VS2019, I see "The action can't he completed because the file is open in ServiceHub.Host.x86".
How do I get rid of this message? (I don't want to go back close the project, copy the folder / contents, then re-open it.) I don't use Service Hub (whatever that is)
A quote from a VS agent:
"I test in my side with different kinds of solution/projects and I find that it seems when I use C++ Console Application, it will work and successfully copy and paste/modify. But when I use C# Console Application the dialog window stops me."
"I strongly recommend you to report this condition to product team for further improving or maybe suggest a feature to add an option to disable this auto-locking feature."
"Help -> Send Feedback -> Report a Problem… is appropriate."
First I apologise for my english.
could you help me with small problem :slight_smile:
I want to create *.ipa file from ionic project, but in indentify area xcode told me that I must "Fix Issue".
And if I click on the fix issue, so xcode show me modal window with text An App ID identifier "com.xxxxx.xxxxxx" is not available please enter the different sting, but I need use defined string, concretely defined string in "Bundle indentifier".
What can i do? Could somebody help me width this problem?
I try to change "Bundle indentifier" e.g. com.xxxxx.xxxxxx1. I add only 1 to end and it works but I need use Bundle identfier without 1 number in the end of bundle identifier string.
And one thing under Team item I have text "No provisionig profiles found", but if i add 1 to the end of identifier bundle and click to Fix Issue this text "No provisionig profiles found" disappear.
Thank you for any advice,
best regards Peter
You need to have an apple developer account with enough access to do the following:
Create a development/production certificate
Create provisioning profiles based on the above certificate
In order to be able to build an *.ipa file you need to do the following:
Create the development/production certificate
Add the UDID of all devices on which you want to run the *.ipa install
Based on your choice you need to create a provisioning profile for either Development or Ad Hoc distribution.
Archive your project
Time to create your distribution:
if you chose Development, it's rather straight forward, just follow the steps (disable "Rebuild from bitcode" for faster build) - after this you can e-mail the build, but the build will need to be installed through iTunes on a device whose UDID you've added above
if you chose Ad Hoc, you need to upload your build to a remote HTTPS location, along with the corresponding manifest (*.plist) file (if you need further instructions on this, I can help, don't want to go into too many details if this is not what you want)
The "Fix issue" shows every time when your device UDID has not been added to the provisioning profile of the app bundle ID that's been set within the app.
I'm trying to create a new Run button using "custom runner" in order to automatize compilation of C++ files. I mean, I want to create a new Run button that makes g++ -o ... when it's pressed.
I have seen the tutorial for making it, but is not helpful at all, not well explained. Custom Runner Cloud9 tuto
In the Run panel (usually at the bottom of the UI), click the 'Runner' text input and choose 'New Runner'. In the new Runner file that's now opened, you can configure your runner using a simple JSON format.
Where can I find the "Runner text input", I cannot create any one! Here is a capture, what I'm seeing (still cannot upload images :( )
Cloud9 Image
BTW, i'm running Cloud9 in Ubuntu14.04 BeagleBone Black.
Thanks in advance!
From the screenshot I noticed you're using an old version of Cloud9 on the BeagleBone Black, which doesn't support the custom Runners functionality. The documentation at https://docs.c9.io is based on the hosted, new version of Cloud, which does offer this functionality.
Basically, I created a Visual Studio Installer project. I added a primary output to my project, which was great because it loaded in the dependencies and files automatically for me. The problem I'm facing is that I want to be able to mark my config file as a hidden file, but can't seem to figure out how.
When I go to View>File System it lists:
Primary output from MyProject (Active)
So, is there a way to actually mark my config file as hidden during installation if I add a primary output project instead of the individual files?
I'm not sure if you really want to make it hidden. If you're worried about users looking at it, a more than average user will know how to un-hide things and pilfer around. So, that being said, if you want to keep users from seeing what's in the config you will need to encrypt the config. A good example of that can be found here:
If you still want to hide the config, then you could try hiding it once the application is run for the first time.
Using: ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed && ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.IsFirstRun with a click once application you can tell if this is the first time an application is run.
You could then use File.SetAttributes(path, File.GetAttributes(path) | FileAttributes.Hidden); to actually hide the app.config.
Which would result in:
if (ApplicationDeployment.IsNetworkDeployed && ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.IsFirstRun)
File.SetAttributes(path, File.GetAttributes(path) | FileAttributes.Hidden);
When the build fails, I'd like to execute a program that shoots me in the head with this. I've written the program already - I just need it to run when I break the build.
CCTray has the option to make a sound or icon - but not to run a file. Any simple ideas? I'd rather this not be an all day project. :)
CCTray allows you to run commands. In CCTry, go to File | Settings and then click on the Exec tab.
If you run Outlook, you can set up a rule that runs an application whenever you receive an email saying the build is broken. Just follow the rules wizard and you will find it (in Ootlook 2007 it's on the 3rd page of the wizard, in the select action part).
Cradiator has functionality to monitor build servers and do stuff when a build breaks. It doesn't have code to run an executable but it would be a cinch to download the code, change it and get what you want. Here's what I think is the quickest path to getting this done:
Download the source for Cradiator
Edit the DiscJockey.cs class
Add 1 line of code that starts your program (line 34) eg:
Configure Cradiator to monitor your build server (ie edit app.config and add your url) and run
if (newlyBrokenBuilds.Any())
{ // Add a line of code to start your program here eg