Setting the Elasticsearch routing_partition_size using NEST - elasticsearch

I'm using NEST to create an index in Elasticsearch 5.5. I need to update the index.routing_partition_size setting on index creation but don't see that setting in the in CreateIndexDescriptor object. How can I specify what this value is in NEST?
My settings currently looks like this:
return createIndexSelector
//add analyzers and tokenizers
.Settings(s => s
.Setting("refresh_interval", 10)
.Analysis(a => a
.Analyzers(az => az
.Custom("str_search_analyzer", c1 => GetCustomSearchAnalyzer())
.Custom("str_index_analyzer", c2 => GetCustomNgramAnalyzer()))
.Tokenizers(tz => tz
.NGram("autocomplete_ngram_tokenizer", ng => GetCustomAutoCompleteTokenizer()))))
//add mappings for invoice and contact doc types
.Mappings(m => m
.Map<DocType>(mDocType => mDocType .Properties(DocType.AddAllMappings)));

Assuming you are using NEST 5.x, it's under IndexSettingsDescriptor
var createIndexResponse = await client.CreateIndexAsync("index", c => c
.Settings(s => s.RoutingPartitionSize(10)));
Which produces the following request
"settings": {
"index.routing_partition_size": 10
Hope that helps.


How to add conditional properties for index creation in elasticsearch nest?

I want to create index with some condition,like with querycontainer to add conditional filters.
PropertiesDescriptor<object> ps = new PropertiesDescriptor<object>();
if (condition)
ps.Text(s => s.Name(name[1]));
ps.Number(s => s.Name(name[1]));
if (!_con.client.Indices.Exists(indexname).Exists)
var createIndexResponse = _con.client.Indices.Create(indexname, index => index.Settings(s => s.NumberOfShards(1).NumberOfReplicas(0))
But i receive following error, can you guide me how to acheive this.
cannot convert from 'Nest.PropertiesDescriptor<object>' to 'System.Func<Nest.PropertiesDescriptor<object>, Nest.IPromise<Nest.IProperties>>'
You are almost there, just change Properties part to m.Properties(p => ps).
index => index.Settings(s => s.NumberOfShards(1).NumberOfReplicas(0)).Map(m=>m.Properties(p => ps)));
Hope that helps.

BulkAll only works with default mapping

I am trying to use the BulkAll() method to add documents to my index.
The index is created using a mapping which works using IndexMany():
client.CreateIndex(indexName, c => c
.Settings(s => s
.Mappings(ms => ms
.Map<MyDocument>(m => m.AutoMap())
I then try to use BulkAll():
Console.WriteLine("Indexing documents into elasticsearch...");
var waitHandle = new CountdownEvent(1);
var bulkAll = client.BulkAll(docsToUpload, b => b
bulkAll.Subscribe(new BulkAllObserver(
onNext: (b) => { Console.Write("."); },
onError: (e) => { throw e; },
onCompleted: () => waitHandle.Signal()
This logs out a row of "....." followed by "Done" as expected, but my index is empty when I check it.
If I don't do the first step of creating the index then the bulk upload creates an index with default mappings, but I can't use it without my mappings.

What is the equivalent of FilterDescriptor in NEST 2.3.3

I am in the process of upgrading NEST from 1.6.2 to 2.3.3. Getting type not found for FilterDescriptor, FilterContainer.
What are the equivalent types in NEST 2.3.3?
Thanks in advance.
Based on the response from #RussCam, here is what I got
in 1.6.2
public static Func<FilterDescriptor<Property>, FilterContainer> AddressComponents(string address)
return filter => filter
.Query(q => q
.MultiMatch(multimatch => multimatch
f => f.Address,
f => f.Address.Suffix("shingles"))
to 2.3.3
public static Func<QueryContainerDescriptor<Property>, QueryContainer> AddressComponents(string address)
return q => q
.MultiMatch(multimatch => multimatch
.Fields(f => f
.Field(p => p.Address)
.Field(p => p.Address.Suffix("shingles")))
The equivalent types in NEST 2.3.3 are QueryContainerDescriptor<T> and QueryContainer; filters and queries merged in Elasticsearch 2.0 into one concept, queries, that can be used in either a query context or a filter context, so the change in NEST reflects this.
There's a blog post talking about the high level changes, as well as some documentation for 2.x clients.

example of how to use synonyms in nest

i haven't found a solid example on how to create and use synonyms using Nest for Elasticsearch. if anyone has one it would be helpful.
my attempt looks like this, but i don't know how to apply it to a field.
var syn = new SynonymTokenFilter
Synonyms = new [] { "pink, p!nk => pink", "lil, little", "ke$ha, kesha => ke$ha" },
IgnoreCase = true,
Tokenizer = "standard"
client.CreateIndex("myindex", i =>
.Analysis(a => a.Analyzers(an => an
.Add("fullTermCaseInsensitive", fullTermCaseInsensitive)
.TokenFilters(x => x
.Add("synonym", syn)
it's very simple :)
you will need to define first the Synonym filter the you can use it in your custom Analyzer...where you can add also other type of filters.
Small example :
.Analysis(descriptor => descriptor
.Analyzers(bases => bases
.Add("folded_word", new CustomAnalyzer()
Filter = new List<string> { "icu_folding", "trim", "synonym" },
Tokenizer = "standard"
.TokenFilters(i => i
.Add("synonym", new SynonymTokenFilter()
Format = "Solr"
Then you can use the custom analyzer in the mapping part
Assuming your fullTermCaseInsensitive analyzer is custom, you need to add your synonym filter to it:
var fullTermCaseInsensitive = new CustomAnalyzer()
Filter = new string[] { "syn" }
And upon creating your index, you can add a mapping and apply the fullTermCaseInsensitive analyzer to your field(s):
client.CreateIndex("myindex", c => c
.Analysis(a => a
.Analyzers(an => an.Add("fullTermCaseInsensitive", fullTermCaseInsensitive))
.TokenFilters(tf => tf.Add("syn", syn)))
.AddMapping<MyType>(m => m
.Properties(p => p
.String(s => s.Name(t => t.MyField).Analyzer("fullTermCaseInsensitive")))));

Need concrete documentation / examples of building complex index using NEST ElasticSearch library

I would like to use the NEST library's Fluent interface to create an index, which involves setting up custom filters, analyzers, and type mappings. I would like to avoid decorating my classes with NEST-specific annotations.
I have seen the documentation at and This documentation, while showing some examples, is not complete enough to help me figure out how to use the Fluent API to build some complex indexing scenarios.
I have found the tutorial at to be quite helpful; some code showing how to build the filters, analyzers and mappings in this tutorial via the NEST Fluent interface in place of the straight JSON would be a great answer to this question.
The more specific you can be with your question the better the answers you receive will be. Nevertheless, here is an index that sets up an analyzer (with filter) and tokenizer (EdgeNGram) and then uses them to create an autocomplete index on the Name field of a Tag class.
public class Tag
public string Name { get; set; }
Nest.IElasticClient client = null; // Connect to ElasticSearch
var createResult = client.CreateIndex(indexName, index => index
.Analysis(analysis => analysis
.Analyzers(a => a
new Nest.CustomAnalyzer()
Tokenizer = "edgeNGram",
Filter = new string[] { "lowercase" }
.Tokenizers(t => t
new Nest.EdgeNGramTokenizer()
MinGram = 1,
MaxGram = 20
.AddMapping<Tag>(tmd => tmd
.Properties(props => props
.MultiField(p => p
.Name(t => t.Name)
.Fields(tf => tf
.String(s => s
.Name(t => t.Name)
.String(s => s
.Name(t => t.Name.Suffix("autocomplete"))
There is also a fairly complete mapping example in NEST's unit test project on github.
To query the index, do something like the following:
string queryString = ""; // search string
var results = client.Search<Tag>(s => s
.Query(q => q
.Text(tq => tq
.OnField(t => t.Name.Suffix("autocomplete"))
