UITextField showing multiline text in Objective C iOS , Xcode 10.2, iOS 13 - uitextfield

i am assigning URL to textfield but it showing in multi line. But when i assign simple text work fine.
Here is the code.
_searchTF.text = #"asdfasdfaa asdfas asdfasdfasfasdf"; it work fine.
_searchTF.text = #"https://gmailjhasdfhkajhdfahsdfkhaskdfhashdf.com"; showing in multi line

This is beta version issue please update os on latest.


Can't find NavigationStack in autocomplete and can't run playground apps on MacOS

I'm trying to work on editing grids sample app in playgrounds. It works fine on my iPad but it is not working on my Mac. I can see the code but I get an error message that minimum deployment target is 16 and there is no preview showing. MacOS is up to 13 no? So I guess it is refering to iPad OS 16? How do I fix this on my Mac?
Also the code references NavigationStack which now replaced NavigationView but in Xcode it doesn't show up in autocomplete and the compiler doesn't recognize it.
When I go into apple store both xcode and playground just say "open", there is no update option.
What do I do?

What is the reason that TextColor of Xamarin Forms doesn't work on android 7.1.1?

By tests that I and other users have seen that TextColor works correctly on Android 8.0.0 but it doesn't work on a phone with 7.1.1. This question was discovered when the code is correct and Android 8.0 works correctly. This is the before post: how to use textcolor on label of Xamarin forms?
Maybe it a bug, required an upper min-target?
Thank you
I have tried differents BQ phones and I have found the problem. This model, BQ Aquarius X5 Plus has setted by default the high contrast (experimental) so it delete all colors of text. it is strange that it has configurated by serial...

recently upgraded to xCode 7.1. tableView doesn't display correctly

recently upgraded to xCode 7.1. Now when i run my app in the simulator the tableview lines don't display unless i touch the cells. Anyone else experiencing this?
No data was on my app. I tested out some more and it worked.

UIPickerView is not showing and CLLocationManager is not working in iOS 8

I want to my already build app work on iOS 8, so I install Xcode 6.0 and run my app into iOS 8 it is showing me few issues.
Picker view's values are not showing UIPickerView in iOS 8.
Location CLLocationManager is not working in iOS 8.
Kindly help me on these if some body faced these issues already. Looking for response.
In iOS 8 you need 2 parts to get permission for CLLocationManager.
Provide one of the following strings in the info.plist file
Call the appropriate permission method in code which matches the string above

Custom input view does not work anymore in the iPhone iOS 6 simulator

I have made an app, which has a custom input view, it works fine on the ios 4.3.3 and ios 5.1.1 as well as the new ios 6 if compiled using xcode 4.3 with the base SDK 4 but after updating xcode to the latest version and compiling using the ios 6 sdk the input view does not work anymore. if input button are taped the text doesn't show in the textField. Does anyone encounter this problem or now its cause ?
Make sure that you are initializing your custom input view with a frame that has a width or height larger than zero. From what I can tell, if this isn't the case then iOS 6 doesn't even add the view to the view hierarchy.
In my case, the width of my keyboard view's frame was zero when calling initWithFrame:(CGRect). Everything worked fine in iOS 5, as the frame width would get set during layout, but in iOS 6 the keyboard wasn't even in the view hierarchy.
I used iOS Hierarchy Viewer to figure that last bit out with having to fiddle in the debugger too much.
