how to call clear method on the element object - ruby

In my project I have located the text_Field via some other element(via label), something like
element.following_sibling(tag_name: 'input').send_keys 'something'
But now it's typing into the text_field without any problem but I am missing clear method of text_field as it combines both clear and type together. Now I have to call clear method on element.following_sibling(tag_name: 'input') but since it's returning element object, I couldn't do that. Is there any way I can call clear method here? Or can I pass this object by some way to the text_field() method? Any help appreciated.
I know it can be called by converting the watir element into selenium element as given below
element.following_sibling(tag_name: 'input').wd.clear
But here I am missing WATIR waiting time for an element.

This appears to be a limitation in Watir's adjacent methods:
klass = if !plural && opt[:tag_name]
elsif !plural
elsif opt[:tag_name]
Notice that only the :tag_name is used for determining the element's class. For input elements, we need to also consider the type attribute so that we can the right sub-class.
We should fix this in Watir (logged as Issue 878), but in the mean time, you can manually correct the class (ie Watir::TextField) using #to_subtype:
element.following_sibling(tag_name: 'input').to_subtype.clear

I got an answer to my question now.
Here is the answer.
b.text_field(element: element.following_sibling(tag_name: 'input').wd).set 'something'
If anybody has any better idea, please write your answer.Thanks.


How to call a method on a local variable in Ruby?

Probably a stupid question but I was following along this article and came across a bit of code I couldn't quite grasp. Here it is:
class CreateArticle
attr_reader :validate_article, :persist_article
def initialize(validate_article, persist_article)
#validate_article = validate_article
#persist_article = persist_article
def call(params)
result =
if result.success?
More specifically, the problematic line is this:
if result.success?
Here's my problem with it: where did the success? method come from? It's not default in Ruby, and result is a local variable, so it should be nearby. But even if it's just omitted in the code sample, where would it have to be defined for that line to work? Everywhere I tried to define it just gave me an 'undefined method' error.
For example, I tried to define it both in the CreateArticle class and in the (only alluded to) ValidateArticle class, the obvious culprits, but no dice.
The reason I ask is not so much about what success? does as it is because I'm interested in using the pattern in my code. So, for example, my version of the success? method could be just checking whether a value got updated, or an item was inserted into an array. For example, let's say it's just this:
def success? # or self.success?
return true
Problem is, I can find no place where I can put this that works. I even created a module just for it and included it into the class, and still it doesn't work (it just returns 'undefined method'). So I'm still at a loss as to where I would have to define such a method so that it would work the way it looks like it should.
It's a method that comes with rails. It checks.for a server response with a 200 code. If it gets a 200 code it returns true else it returns false. Read the rails API docs about it...
Actually . success? is a built in ruby method. Check here. What it actually does is checking Stat and returns a boolean.
I did some more digging around the blog and from what I found I suspect that the code is probably making use of the dry-monads gem:
You can explicitly check the type by calling failure? or success? on a monadic value.
It's not explicit in the code excerpt but it's the only thing that makes sense.

Ruby cucumber automation suite - parameter received as null while iterating

I inherited a test automation suite and while modifying it I am trying to write a function to test similar links which are present in the same web page but in different divs and the tag ids are dynamic.
I have a function defined below which accepts an HTML element and sends an action to the element
def element_do(html_element, html_element_type, html_element_value, action)
#browser.send(html_element.to_sym,html_element_type.to_sym ,html_element_value).send(action)
I have a method defined as somemethod and I am trying to call the method in a particular div using the some_element#{i} as below
def multiple_accounts
#num_accts.each do |i|
p "validating for account #{i}"
The issue I am facing is that on second iteration the action parameter is passed as null instead of the somemethod. I am new to ruby automation and I am not sure what exactly is happening. Any help is appreciated
Additional details - based on the questions
1) #num_accts is an array which is got by scanning the text of the webpage and contains account numbers (eg: [56544, 87990])
2) This forms a part of the id for the divs as in "acct#56544". So I am passing the array elements from num_accts to "acct#{i}" referred as 'some_element'
3) 'Somemethod' is a method defined to click on a particular link in the div and verifies a text to confirm that the link redirects to the correct page. The some method works fine when there is only one div.
It is not evident from the question, but my suspicion is that you try to pass the name of the method (which returns null), but instead you call the method. I think your call should be:

if page has selector - Capybara

I'm trying to implement a simple piece of logic that says if element exists on page do something`
The issue I am facing is that if the element doesn't exist then the find method provided returns an exception and will fail my test.
so for example I want to do something like:
if page.find(".element")
do something
If the element doesn't exist then the test should just carry on as normal.
Is there a way to do this?
Consider using something like this:
if page.has_css?('selector')
do something
This method is described here

What can I put as my watir-webdriver page "element" in a condition where it's not there?

I'm testing a nightmarish website that in most situations sticks all the important stuff in an iframe.
However, there are other common situations where the system will, annoyingly, open a page in a new tab, but not wrapped in the iframe.
I'm trying to figure out a conditional method that will check for the existence of the iframe and use it, otherwise not.
Here's what I've come up with, so far:
# The browser object...
#br =
"frm" is the conditional method I'm trying to get working...
# Just an example element definition...
def click_my_button
#br.frm.button(id: "button").click
I define it in Watir's Container module, like so:
module Watir
module Container
def frm
if frame(id: "iframeportlet").exist?
frame(id: "iframeportlet")
# This is the part that I can't figure out.
That works fine when the iframe is there, but not surprisingly I get a NilClass error when it's not.
So, my question is: what can go into the else clause to make it work? More broadly, is there perhaps a better way to accomplish this? As you can imagine, I really want to avoid having to define every element in the web site twice.
I figured it out, and it's quite simple. The frm method's else clause just needs a "self"...
That's it. I'd love to know if there are any hidden pitfalls with this approach, though.

PageObject with Ruby - set text in a text field only works in the main file

I'm automating a site that has a page with a list of options selected by a radio button. When selecting one of the radios, a text field and a select list are presented.
I created a file (test_contracting.rb) that is the one through which I execute the test (ruby test_contracting.rb) and some other classes to represent my page.
On my class ContractPage, I have the following element declaration:
checkbox(:option_sub_domain, :id => "option_sub_domain")
text_field(:domain, :id => "domain_text")
select_list(:tld, :id => "domain_tld")
I've created in the ContractPage a method that sets the configuration of the domain like this:
def configure_domain(config={})
domain = config[:domain]
tld = config[:tld]
When I call the method configure_domain from the test_contracting.rb, it selects the radio button, but it doesn't fill the field with the values. The params are getting into the method correctly. I've checked it using "puts". Even if I change the params to a general string like "bla" it doesnt work. The annoying point is that if on test_contracting.rb I call the exact same components, it works.
my_page_instance =
my_page_instance.domain = "bla"
my_page_instance.tld = ".com"
What I found to work was to in the configure_domain method, implement the following:
domain_element.value = config[:domain]
tld_element.send_keys config[:locaweb_domain]
Then it worked.
The documentation for the PageObjects module that I'm using as reference can be found here:
Do you guys have any explation on why the method auto generated by the pageobject to set the value of the object didnt work in this scope/context ?
By the way, a friend tried the same thing with Java and it failed as well.
In ruby all equals methods (methods that end with the = sign) need to have a receiver. Let me show you some code that will demonstrate why. Here is the code that sets a local variable to a value:
domain = "blah"
and here is the code that calls the domain= method:
domain = "blah"
In order for ruby to know that you are calling a method instead of setting a local variable you need to add a receiver. Simply change your method above to this and it will work:
def configure_domain(config={})
self.domain = config[:domain]
self.tld = config[:tld]
I'm pretty new to this world of Selenium and page objects but maybe one of my very recent discoveries might help you.
I found that that assignment methods for the select_list fields only worked for me once I started using "self" in front. This is what I have used to access it within my page object code. e.g., self.my_select_list="my select list value"
Another note - The send_keys workaround you mention is clever and might do the trick for a number of uses, but in my case the select list values are variable and may have several options starting with the same letter.
I hope something in here is useful to you.
UPDATE (Jan 3/12)
On diving further into the actual Ruby code for the page object I discovered that the select_list set is also using send_keys, so in actuality I still have the same limitation here as the one I noted using the send_keys workaround directly. sigh So much to learn, so little time!
