How to implement AutoFill functionality in Xamarin Forms for iOS? - xamarin

I have to implement autofill service for iOS in Xamarin forms, Is there any sample code ? How we can achieve it?

You can use package dotMorten.Xamarin.Forms.AutoSuggestBox from nuget .
<AutoSuggestBox PlaceholderText="Search" WidthRequest="200"
Code Behind
private void AutoSuggestBox_TextChanged(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxTextChangedEventArgs args)
// Only get results when it was a user typing,
// otherwise assume the value got filled in by TextMemberPath
// or the handler for SuggestionChosen.
if (args.Reason == AutoSuggestionBoxTextChangeReason.UserInput)
//Set the ItemsSource to be your filtered dataset
//sender.ItemsSource = dataset;
private void AutoSuggestBox_SuggestionChosen(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxSuggestionChosenEventArgs args)
// Set sender.Text. You can use args.SelectedItem to build your text string.
private void AutoSuggestBox_QuerySubmitted(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs args)
if (args.ChosenSuggestion != null)
// User selected an item from the suggestion list, take an action on it here.
// User hit Enter from the search box. Use args.QueryText to determine what to do.
For more details you can check


How to play default button's sound on Xamarin.Android?

I'm making an app with using Xamarin.forms.
You might know forms' button is not enough to use as image button if you tried one.
So I use Image as a button and add gesturerecogniger. It's working fine.
Good thing is that I can use all Image's bindable property same like using Image. (like 'Aspect property' and else)
Only problem is that Android button has sound effect when it's pressed.
Mine doesn't have.
How to play default button sound on Android?
[another try]
I tried to make layout and put Image and empty dummy button on it.
But If I do this, I can't use any property of Image or Button unless I manually link it.
So I think it's not the right way.
var root = FindViewById<View>(Android.Resource.Id.Content);
Android playSoundEffect(int soundConstant)
Xamarin.Forms via Dependency Service:
public interface ISound
void KeyboardClick () ;
And then implement the platform specific function.
public void KeyboardClick()
public View root;
public void KeyboardClick()
if (root == null)
root = FindViewById<View>(Android.Resource.Id.Content);
Xamarin Forms:
PCL interface:
interface ISoundService { void Click(); }
Click handler:
void Handle_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e) {
public class MainActivity {
static MainActivity Instance { get; private set; }
OnCreate() {
Instance = this;
class SoundService : ISoundService {
public void Click() {
var activity = MainActivity.Instance;
var view = activity.FindViewById<View>(
Take a look at the following:
Interface that, together with the UIInputViewAudioFeedback_Extensions class, comprise the UIInputViewAudioFeedback protocol.
See Also: IUIInputViewAudioFeedback
You'll want something like this (untested):
public void SomeButtonFunction()
SomeBtn.TouchUpInside += (s, e) => {

windows phone 7 how to pass Array value from one scree to another screen

///first I have crated Popular class for storing values
public class Popular
public string trk_mnetid,trk_title , art_mnetid, art_name, image_url;
/// create popularplaylist class
public partial class PopularPlaylist : PhoneApplicationPage
Popular popobj = new Popular();
List<Popular> pop = new List<Popular>();
/* call json parsing it and show only "titles" in List form when i m click on perticular title i need to show details in next screen which i paser and store in popular popularplaylist class.
i use navigationservice call new screen
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/Popular_Module/PopularPlaylist.xaml", System.UriKind.Relative));
// plz tell me how to get list data in next screen
Use querystring.
Passing Value: In MainPage.xaml.cs add the following
The easiest way to pass a parameter is just to use a string, something like:
private void btnNavigate_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
string url=String.Format("/Page1.xaml?parameter={0}",popular);
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri(url, UriKind.Relative));
Getting Value: In Page.xaml.cs add the following
Note: It is important to override the OnNavigatedTo and after that you can use the NavigationContext to get the passed parameter.
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
List<string> parameterValue = NavigationContext.QueryString["parameter"];
Another popular syntax to get the value of the parameter is:
List<string> parameter = string.Empty;
if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("parameter", out parameter))
//do something with the parameter

WP7 delete item from listBox via message box

need some help, when i click the tap_event I get a message box delete or cancel which works and the price is taken off the total but it does'nt update the shopping cart after, it crashes on "ListBoxCart.Items.Remove(curr), thanks in advance!
private void listBoxCart_Tap(object sender, GestureEventArgs e)
if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure!", "Delete", MessageBoxButton.OKCancel)
== MessageBoxResult.OK)
foreach (Dvd curr in thisapp.ShoppingCart)
if (curr.Equals(listBoxCart.SelectedItem))
listBoxCart.SelectedIndex = -1;
total -= Convert.ToDecimal(curr.price);
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/ShoppingCart.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
txtBoxTotal.Text = total.ToString();
listBoxCart.ItemsSource = thisapp.ShoppingCart;
NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/ShoppingCart.xaml", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute));
I have wrote an artile (sorry in french but you can read the XAML) :
and in the code-behind : an example :
private void MenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var menuItem = sender as MenuItem;
var fe = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(menuItem) as FrameworkElement;
Dvd _fig = fe.DataContext as Dvd;
When you set the ItemsSource property for the ListBox, it generates a read-only collection and displays them. What you're trying to do is access this read-only collection and modify it but because it's read-only, you can't do that.
Instead you can either have your collection implement the INotifyCollectionChanged interface and raise a collection changed event when the user has deleted the item or use an ObservableCollection instead to store your items. ObservableCollection implements the INotifyCollectionChanged interface for you so you can remove items from the ObservableCollection and the changes will reflect in the Listbox automatically.
ObservableCollection also implements INotifyPropertyChanged so any property updates will also be updated in the ListBox.

How do I get access to the QueryString in Windows Phone 7 from a user control

I have a simple user control in Windows Phone 7 and I want to get access to the querystring collection from the user controls Constructor. I have tried many ways and cannot seem to get acess to the containing XAML's querystring collection.
Essentially I am navigating to the page and the my user control is going to access the querystring value to write the value back to the interface.
Am I missing adding an assembly or reference or something?
I am not sure you should be trying to get at the information from the page's constructor, as it won't necessairly get called every time you land on this page. A better approach is to override the OnNavigatedTo method inherited from PhoneApplicationPage. Looking a little more carefully at your question, you may be trying to do this within a control embedded in the page, in which case you need to get at the Page in order to obtain the navigation information.
Regardless, the NavigationContext property from the page has a QueryString parameter that you can use to access the information you're after.
The following example assumes I have a parameter named "Message" in the query string when navigating to this page:
public partial class MyPage : PhoneApplicationPage
// Constructor
public MyPage()
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(System.Windows.Navigation.NavigationEventArgs e)
String navigationMessage;
if (NavigationContext.QueryString.TryGetValue("Message", out navigationMessage))
this.textBlock1.Text = navigationMessage;
Sorry about that - I started to get there, and thanks for the clarification. Your best bet then is to walk up the visual tree from your control to find the Page, then you can have at the NavigationContext. In my sample below, I have a button on a custom control within the page, whose click event finds the nav context and looks for a certain navigation parameter - I couldn't tell from the question or your follow-up what would drive the control to "want" to find the content of the query string.
(Note about getting info from the ctor follows the code below)
public partial class WindowsPhoneControl1 : UserControl
public WindowsPhoneControl1()
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
private void GetTheQueryString()
var result = "No Joy";
var page = FindRootPage(this);
if (page != null)
if (page.NavigationContext.QueryString.ContainsKey("Param"))
result = page.NavigationContext.QueryString["Param"];
queryStringText.Text = result;
private static PhoneApplicationPage FindRootPage(FrameworkElement item)
if (item != null && !(item is PhoneApplicationPage))
item = FindRootPage(item.Parent as FrameworkElement);
return item as PhoneApplicationPage;
Note that this won't work from the ctor because of how Xaml works...the Xml tag drives the ctor to be called, then properties are set as indicated, then it is added as a child/item/etc in its container. If you do need to get at the context ASAP using this "walk up the tree" technique, handle the Control's Loaded event, by which time the control does have a parent and a tree that can be walked...
public WindowsPhoneControl1()
Loaded += WindowsPhoneControl1_Loaded;
private void WindowsPhoneControl1_Loaded(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
I would add a property to the UserControl subclass that would be set by the page in its OnNavigatedTo() method.

wicket - Implement Ajax add/remove items ListView

Im getting crazy about this issue. I implemented a ListView which you can add/remove TextField dinamically, but only the last TextField is removed.
An example:
// Object type which is used in the list
public class ExampleObject implements Serializable{
private String keyword;
public String getKeyword() {
return this.keyword;
public void setKeyword(String s) {
keyword = s;
List<ExampleObject> keywordList = new ArrayList<ExampleObject>();
keywordList.add(new ExampleObject());
ListView keywordView = new ListView("keywordView", keywordList) {
protected void populateItem(final ListItem item) {
ExampleObject model = (ExampleObject) item.getModelObject();
item.add(new TextField("subKeyword", new PropertyModel(model, "keyword")));
// keyword remove link
AjaxSubmitLink removeKeyword = new AjaxSubmitLink("removeKeyword", myForm)
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
ExampleObject selected = (ExampleObject) item.getModelObject();
// I also tried deleting by index. println shows the
// selected object is the element I want to remove, so why always
// remove last object of the list?
if (target != null) {
// keyword add link
AjaxSubmitLink addKeyword = new AjaxSubmitLink("addKeyword", metadataForm)
protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
keywordList.add(new ExampleObject());
if (target != null) {
Any help would be very appreciate, because I thing this issue is really a very stupid mistake but I cant get it!
It might be as simple as getting rid of the line
The reuseItems flag is an efficiency so that the page does not rebuild the ListView items unnecessarily, but it can lead to confusion such as what you're seeing.
ListView really wasn't made for use with forms though, and you'll probably be better off with another tactic entirely.
This blog entry on building a list editor form component might be useful. It will need some changes if you're not on Wicket 1.4, but similar stuff is definitely possible in Wicket 1.3, and the comments have some hints.
Read the javadoc of ListView#setReuseItems():
"But if you modify the listView model object, than you must manually call listView.removeAll() in order to rebuild the ListItems."
You can not use a ListView this way. Either use the members of ListView provided:
removeLink(java.lang.String id, ListItem<T> item)
newItem(int index)
but, I never used those. If I have to display a List and be able to add remove Items dynamically, I prefer the RefreshingView.
If you do use FormComponents inside a RefreshingView, make sure you set a Reusestartegy (setItemReuseStrategy())
