How to use and someClass.ios.ts without errors - nativescript

I'm using nativescript angular. I have a class called SomeClass that access the native API of iOS and Android separately.
I've written two files:
export class SomeClass {
someFunction() {
if(isAndroid) {
// do some android specific code
export class SomeClass {
someFunction() {
if(isIOS) {
// do some ios specific code
Now, in app.component.ts, I'm using SomeClass like this:
import { SomeClass } from './../shared-code/someclass';
without .android.ts or .ios.ts, to enable nativescript to pick the right file depending on the running platform.
and then in the code, I user SomeFunction like this:
const someClass = new SomeClass();
With this setting, everything works perfectly on both iOS and Android, but I get the following error
error TS2307: Cannot find module './../shared-code/someclass'.
Do you have any idea how to tell nativescript/tslint to take into account the .android and .ios files and not to display this error?

Here's the solution:
Alongside 'someclass.ios.ts' and '', create a definitions file and name it 'someclass.d.ts' (Not index.d.ts). No need to put the files in a separate folder.
In someclass.d.ts, export declare the class like this:
export declare class SomeClass {
* someFunction, is a function that does this and that (description)
someFunction(): void;
Then, you can use this from another file like this:
In app.component.ts:
import { SomeClass } from './../shared-code/someclass';
Remember to use /someclass without any extensions.
This would solve build and tslint errors.


parse-server dotnotation nested subclassing not working

I'm a iOS dev now writing a react app and got an issue with dotnotation when using parse-server with nested subclassing. Value is always undefined even when data is present.
I am using the JS-SDK (Android and iOS SDK works just fine with similar scenario)
Bike class:
import PriceTier from "./PriceTier";
export default class Bike extends Parse.Object {
constructor() {
get price_tier(): PriceTier {
return this.get("price_tier");
Parse.Object.registerSubclass("bike", Bike);
PriceTier Class
export default class PriceTier extends Parse.Object {
constructor() {
get standard_price(): number {
return this.get("standard_price");
Parse.Object.registerSubclass("price_tier", PriceTier);
In a part of my app i do a query and want to read the standard_price like this:
const query = new Parse.Query(Bike);
const bikes = await query.find();
console.log(bikes[0].price_tier.standard_price) // undefined <-- Why is this undefined when i have a getter in subclass
console.log(bikes[0].price_tier.get("standard_price")) // 100 <-- Why does this work but not above?
Above works perfectly fine in both iOS and Android SDK but not the JS-SDK
So what am i missing or what is the JS-SDK missing?

Typescript reference comment for working

I am using Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Update 4 and Typescript.
I have a class like MyClass.ts:
/// <reference path="interfaces/IMyClass"/>
export = MyModule;
module MyModule {
class MyClass {
constructor(myObject: IMyClass){....}
And another MyInterface.ts:
export = MyModule;
module MyModule {
interface IMyClass {
VS2013 is not acknowledging the IMyClass reference in the MyClass file (no intellisense either), but the reference is acting like VS can see it (no red underlines saying it can't find the file).
If I change the interface filename to MyInterface.d.ts, it does the same thing.
If I change the interface inside MyInterface.d.ts to this:
//export = MyModule ;
declare module MyModule {
interface IMyClass {
it fails as well.
If I change the interface inside MyInterface.d.ts to this:
//export = MyInterfaces ;
declare module MyInterfaces {
interface IMyClass {
it works.
Am I missing something? So we can only use reference comments for .d.ts files and the exported module names can be the same??
I'm finding a lot of the stuff around modules in typescript to be confusing.
Thanks in advance.
VS2013 is not acknowledging the IMyClass reference in the MyClass file (no intellisense either),
The modules MyModule between two TypeScript files that use external modules are distinct. And therefore you don't get interface IMyClass available in the second files MyModule.
Tip: You might want to review internal vs. external modules in TypeScript (hint: don't use internal ones if you are using external modules).

Is it possible require file content "as is" in TypeScript?

Typescript defines comment with xml tag <reference path=""/> to source local files to current file. But that tag could be placed only in file header before declaring any structures such us other modules.
// File1.ts - correct
///<reference path="./Common.ts"/>
module Test {
export class TestClass {
// File2.ts - incorrect
module Test {
///<reference path="./Common.ts"/> // <<< Here is an compile error
export class TestClass {
Is it possible to source content of other typescript file to custom place of current file?
No. You cannot require code inplace as you have already found:
// File2.ts - incorrect
module Test {
///<reference path="./Common.ts"/> // <<< Here is an compile error
export class TestClass {
However you can effectively get the same effect by using functions.
// File1.ts - correct
///<reference path="./Common.ts"/>
module Test {
export class TestClass {
In the latest version of TypeScript, it is not necessary to reference files manually like that. You can simply remove the reference and TypeScript will be able to figure everything out automatically.

TypeScript dynamic loading of AMD module ends in "Could not find symbol '...'

No, this topic won't answer my question and NO, the solution is not simply importing Command in the nav.ts file. nav.ts is one of many viewModel-files and they will be loaded dynamically on demand. The only problem is to set the parameter's type in the constructor of the class. (Type has to be "Command")
In the following class, which will be loaded by require.js, the method viewModel() requires a new class dynamically. In this case NavViewModel .
export class Command {
public viewModel(name: string, callback: Function) {
require(["noext!boot/getViewModel/" + name], function (viewModel) {
This is the class which will be fetched by viewModel():
export class NavViewModel extends kendo.Router {
constructor(command: Command) {
this.route('/:name', function (name) {
command.view(name, $('div.content'));
Here is the entry-point (requested in comment 2)
main.ts (EntryPoint)
import lib = require("command");
var cmd = new lib.Command();
cmd.viewModel('nav', function (o) {
cmd.view('nav', $('div.header'), function () {
kendo.bind($('.header .nav'), new o.NavViewModel(cmd));
The Problem:
Visual Studio will throw the error TS2095: Could not find symbol 'Command', because the "Command" class ist not defined in this Module.
The program works fine if the "Command"-Type will be removed from the NavViewModel constructor. Is there any solution to reference the Command class in the NavViewModel?
This won't work:
/// <reference path="../../Scripts/command.ts" />
When using RequireJS, the import statement should be the full path from the root of the application.
I also use a slightly different export syntax
class command {
export = command;
// I'm assuming the Scripts folder is at the root of the application
import Command = require('Scripts/command');
var cmd = new Command();
I'm using Typescript I can't upgrade my machine to 0.9.5 as a large internal application is affected by some breaking changes between versions

Selenium RC User Defined Functions

Trying to do something simple -
I have a set of statements to clear browser cookies:
public void clearCookies () {"");
Now, if I use this function in a test script (using TestNG), calls to this work perfectly. However, if I moved this function to a separate class and change the declaration to include "static", the "selenium" keyword is not recognized.
In a configuration class (say configClass),
public static void clearCookies () {"");
Now, in my test script, if I call configClass.clearCookies();, I get a runtime error
I tried declaring DefaultSelenium selenium = new DefaultSelenium(null);, in the clearCookies() function, but that too results in a runtime error.
I do have the import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; import in my configClass.
Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.
You can do two things.
Refer to the same selenium object in both the classes i.e. in configClass and the class you are calling configClass.clearCookies().
or else
send selenium object to the clearCookies. So the code would be like this
public static void clearCookies (DefaultSelenium selenium) {"");
