I'm trying to use the COORD struct of the crate winapi.
btw: I'm pretty new to rust, so I might have missed something obvious.
My code looks like this.
extern crate kernel32;
extern crate winapi;
extern crate libc;
use std::os::windows::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use winapi::um::wincontypes;
The last line shows this error:
unresolved import `winapi::um::wincontypes`
no `wincontypes` in `um`rustc(E0432)
main.rs(7, 5): no `wincontypes` in `um`
I looked at the documentation(https://docs.rs/winapi/0.3.7/winapi/um/wincontypes/struct.COORD.html) and it is there, so I don't know what is wrong here.
On the one hand, it has something to do with the RUST version. Now the latest version is 0.3.7.
Use cargo --version to check
If not the latest version, please use rustup update to update
On the other hand, you did not add dependencies.
How to add dependencies?
And you can refer this article to learn more.
Why no wincontypes in um rustc(E0432)?
Modify dependencies in the Cargo. toml manifest file.
Like this:
winapi = { version = "0.3", features = ["winuser","wincontypes"] }
Does anyone know if this is possible? I have ran into the following solutions:
There is a shell script that can act as 'sbt' and can be invoked in gradle using an 'exec' task but it is limited to a linux OS. I would ideally like an OS independent solution.
There is a gradle plugin for scalajs but it is relatively old (and seems no longer maintained), supporting up to version 0.6, whereas scalajs is already on version 1.3+.
ScalaJs has a 'scalajs-compiler' jar, and I am wondering if this can be used to compile a scalajs project rather than relying on SBT, if there is any documentation covering this, a reference will be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your help.
Scala.js CLI
The Scala.js CLI (GitHub / Download) should work with *NIX systems and windows. However, there is another problem: it doesn't automatically use new versions of Scala.js. So currently, it will only give you Scala.js 1.0.0 functionality. We have not yet figured out how to solve this problem.
Compiling Scala.js yourself
The Scala.js compiler is simply a Scala compiler plugin. You simply need to invoke the Scala compiler with additional arguments:
scalac \
-classpath $CLASSPATH:scalajs-library_2.13-1.4.0.jar \
-Xplugin:scalajs-compiler_2.13.4-1.4.0.jar \
This will produce .class and .sjsir files for the provided .scala files.
The versions of scalajs-library / scalajs-compiler must match the version of Scala you are compiling. Further, note that the compiler version must match exactly, the library needs to match in the minor version.
scalajs-library on maven
scalajs-compiler on maven
example in the Scala.js CLI
Linking Scala.js yourself
Unlike Scala for the JVM, Scala.js requires a linking step. The Scala.js linker comes as a standalone library. (artifacts on maven, Interface API).
Both the Scala.js CLI and the sbt plugin use this library to link Scala.js code. However, the CLI is outdated and the sbt plugin complicated. So instead of linking to an example, I'll just provide one here:
import java.nio.file.Path
import org.scalajs.logging._
import org.scalajs.linker.StandardImpl
import org.scalajs.linker.interface._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
def link(classpath: Seq[Path], outputDir: Path): Unit = {
val logger = new ScalaConsoleLogger(Level.Warn)
val linkerConfig = StandardConfig() // look at the API of this, lots of options.
val linker = StandardImpl.linker(linkerConfig)
// Same as scalaJSModuleInitializers in sbt, add if needed.
val moduleInitializers = Seq()
val cache = StandardImpl.irFileCache().newCache
val result = PathIRContainer
.flatMap(cache.cached _)
.flatMap(linker.link(_, moduleInitializers, PathOutputDirectory(outputDir), logger))
Await.result(result, Duration.Inf)
This will link all the Scala.js code in classpath and put the resulting file(s) into outputDirectory.
I am using the modernize-use-using checker from clang-tidy through the run-clang-tidy-3.9.py script over a whole CMake project (I use the compile_commands.json file generated by cmake).
This works great for other modernize checkers (auto, for loops, override, etc.), but the modernize-use-using checker finds "conflicts" like for instance:
There are conflicting changes to /home/OTB/git/otb/Modules/Filtering/ImageManipulation/include/otbVectorRescaleIntensityImageFilter.h:
The following changes conflict:
Replace 48:3-48:84 with "using RealType = typename itk::NumericTraits<typename TInput::ValueType>::RealType"
Replace 48:3-48:84 with "using RealType = typename itk::NumericTraits<typename VariableLengthVector<double>::ValueType>::RealType"
Replace 48:3-48:84 with "using RealType = typename itk::NumericTraits<typename VariableLengthVector<float>::ValueType>::RealType"
Looking at the source code, I don't understand why there would be such conflicts, but the issue is that because of these, no other fix is applied to my project. These are very few conflicts relative to the number of fixes, but I can't find a way to force clang-tidy to apply the rest.
The clang-tidy tool, when run alone has a -fix-errors option, but this is not available for the run-clang-tidy script which uses the CMake commands file.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.
<string> is included. What is wrong in std::to_sting(intVar)?
cppreference. Does it mean CLang does not meet STandarD?
Another question helped, but the answers are not good (for me) because:
write own std::to_string() is bad idea. Standard is standard. If i write own implementation. I need to wrap it with defines to prevent errors from another compilers/toolchains which does not leak std features. And this impl still leaks full-featured STD.
Application.mk - is bad idea too since lastest studio offers Gradle+CMake. Makefile is too ugly and hard for manual using.
My solution is better.
Does it mean CLang does not meet STandarD?
No, it is because minimal std library set in Android NDK by default.
I use gradle build system:
android {
defaultConfig {
// This block is different from the one you use to link Gradle
// to your CMake build script.
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
// Use the following syntax when passing arguments to variables:
// arguments "-DVAR_NAME=VALUE"
// ------------------- ANSWER -------------------
arguments "-DANDROID_STL=c++_shared"
buildTypes {...}
// Use this block to link Gradle to your CMake build script.
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {...}
Read these:
I'm trying to compile the MultiBoost Library with C++11 but I can't make it work. The problem seems to be with the BZip2 Library that is used internally. More specificly there is a wrapper called Bzip2Wrapper to provide a c++ interface to the C library. All the files of the C library are included in the same folder. When using the default make file everything works but when I change
project(multiboost CXX)
I get the following errors:
libMultiBoostLib.a(Serialization.cpp.o): In function `Bzip2WrapperReader::open(char const*)':
Serialization.cpp:(.text._ZN18Bzip2WrapperReader4openEPKc[_ZN18Bzip2WrapperReader4openEPKc]+0x97): undefined reference to `BZ2_bzReadOpen'
Serialization.cpp:(.text._ZN18Bzip2WrapperReader4openEPKc[_ZN18Bzip2WrapperReader4openEPKc]+0xc5): undefined reference to `BZ2_bzReadClose'
libMultiBoostLib.a(Serialization.cpp.o): In function `Bzip2WrapperReader::close()': ...
The CMakeList file looks like this
# Bzip2
file(GLOB bzip2_SRCS "${BASEPATH}/Bzip2/*.cpp" "${BASEPATH}/Bzip2/*.c" "${BASEPATH}/Bzip2/*.h")
add_library(Bzip2Lib STATIC ${bzip2_SRCS})
#add_library(bzip2 SHARED ${bzip2_lib_SRCS})
# adding library to the exec
target_link_libraries(multiboost MultiBoostLib Bzip2Lib)
Any ideas what could go wrong? I don't even know what the problem is.
This does not look like a C++11 error but an error in the Build system.
I have not looked at the Code, but from the output you added something like this
target_link_libraries(MultiBoostLib PUBLIC Bzip2Lib)
should add the missing dependency from libMultiBoostLib on libBzip2Lib.
I found the problem. I was adding "CXX" to my project description which disabled the use of C. Therefore the libraries (in C) could not be compiled. Changing it to "project(name C CXX)" solved this issue. I then also needed to include the line "set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")" to enable C++11 support. Now everything is working.
Thanks a lot!
Let's supose my package workspace has github.com/yada/yada third party package. Inside this package there is a yoda.go.h header I would like to reuse (not sure if it's a good idea, but that's a hole new question). How do I import the header from a dependecy package into my own package?
package main
// #cgo pkg-config: my-dep other-dep
// #include <someHeader.h>
// #include <otherHeader.h>
// #include github.com/yada/yada/yoda.go.h // doesn't work :(
import "C"
Apart from being a good idea or not, I still would like to know if it's possible.
PS: If you think it's really a bad idea, what should I do instead?
Use CGO CFLAGS directive to reference additional include path.
//#cgo CFLAGS: -I $GOPATH/src/github.com/yada/yada/
//#include "yoda.go.h"
import "C"
The go tool does not expand $GOPATH variable during build. Instead, the full path should be used there. Corrected code:
//#cgo CFLAGS: -I /full/path/to/src/github.com/yada/yada/
//#include "yoda.go.h"
Probably not a good idea to try and reference it directly, since it's not an exported entity, and is subject to change or removal.
If you really need that header, you'll have to reference it directly in your local filesystem. (of course you're free to copy into your project too)