Spring interceptor intercepting late - spring

Spring boot 2.1.7 running a test server -- need to check my cache for a hit using the url as key, and then act based on a cache hit or not.
I send a request from my browser for https://localhost:8443/test/param=value --- my filter picks it up, and using code from another answer on SO, the filter constructs the url -- the filter code sees the url is https://localhost:8443/test?param=value
Then my interceptor gets hit (thanks to Theo on SO), but it thinks the url is https://localhost:8443/favicon.ico -- what's up with that? Not much of an interceptor if I didn't get to intercept the original /test url.
To get around that, in the filter, I stored the "real" url in the ServletContext, and that variable is read out correctly in the interceptor. Seems like an awful hack, and silly that I have to do it. For now I've hard-coded the decision to redirect to url /test2, but back in Chrome, I see the output from test1, not test2.
The network tab in Chrome seems to suggest:
that I was redirected to test2, but only after a request for favicon got inserted (for whatever mysterious reason) and yet as the image shows, the output is clearly test1, not test2.
Something I don't understand is that devtools also shows a response from test2:
#WebFilter( urlPatterns = "/test", description = "a filter for test servlet", initParams = {
#WebInitParam( name = "msg", value = "==> " ) }, filterName = "test filter" )
public class TestFilter implements Filter
private FilterConfig filterConfig;
public void doFilter( ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain )
throws IOException, ServletException
String url = getCurrentUrlFromRequest( servletRequest );
// in the debugger, url is correctly shown as
// https://localhost:8443/test/param=value
if ( null != url )
ServletContext s = servletRequest.getServletContext();
s.setAttribute( "realUrl", url );
servletResponse.getOutputStream().print( filterConfig.getInitParameter( "msg" ) );
filterChain.doFilter( servletRequest, servletResponse );
public String getCurrentUrlFromRequest( ServletRequest request )
if ( !( request instanceof HttpServletRequest ) ) return null;
return getCurrentUrlFromRequest( (HttpServletRequest) request );
public String getCurrentUrlFromRequest( HttpServletRequest request )
StringBuffer requestURL = request.getRequestURL();
String queryString = request.getQueryString();
if ( queryString == null ) return requestURL.toString();
return requestURL.append( '?' ).append( queryString ).toString();
public void destroy()
public void init( FilterConfig filterConfig ) throws ServletException
this.filterConfig = filterConfig;
//then the interceptor:
public class CheckForCacheInterceptor implements HandlerInterceptor
public MappedInterceptor myInterceptor()
CheckForCacheInterceptor ci = new CheckForCacheInterceptor();
ci.setRedirectMapping( "/test2" );
return new MappedInterceptor( null, ci );
private String redirectMapping;
public boolean preHandle( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler )
String url = (String) request.getServletContext().getAttribute( "realUrl" );
// "realUrl" has https://localhost:8443/test/param=value, but I'd like
// to get rid of hack. Problem is that right here, running the same
// exact code (copy/paste of filter's
// getCurrentUrlFromRequest( HttpServletRequest request ) method )
//which gets the correct url in the filter yields
// https://localhost:8443/favicon.ico -- where did that come from?
// TODO check cache using requestUrl as key
boolean foundInCache = false;
if ( foundInCache )
// TODO: somehow write cache value to response
// then send response
return false;
} else
// TODO: make direct request,
// get response body, then
response.sendRedirect( redirectMapping );
return false;
} catch ( IOException e )
return false;
So before my questions pile up to the ceiling, I'll ask for help -- how is this favicon request sneaking in before my interceptor even has a crack at the original url, why can't I get the original url in my interceptor, and given that the Chrome devtools shows I am getting through to test2, how is the output coming from the test1 servlet instead of the test2 servlet?
FWIW, I'm getting the exact same behavior in Postman. Thanks so much for any help!

I read another answer on SO (sorry I don't have the link) which has fixed the issue of not intercepting the initial get request to /test -- it said that interceptors only intercept requests going to Controllers, so I needed to have a Controller which was mapped to /test. After writing a quickie Controller, the interceptor is now intercepting as one might expect.


Spring controller should not do anything (void, response body)

I have an issue similar to this one, the solution does not work as I wished however:
Spring MVC how to create controller without return (String) view?
I have a form which should pass the file:
And the controller for it:
public #ResponseBody void uploadFile(Model model, #RequestParam("file") MultipartFile multipartFile) throws InterruptedException {
//, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) throws InterruptedException {
Reservation reservation=new Reservation( );
fileService.uploadFile( multipartFile );
File file = new File("\\car-rental\\src\\main\\resources\\static\\attachments", multipartFile.getOriginalFilename());
log.info( "name and path " + file.getName() + file.getPath() );
Picname picname=new Picname();
picname.setPicnameAsString(file.getName() );
log.info( "picname file " + picname.getPicnameAsString() );
I want the controller ONLY to perform the logic without returning anything: it returns however an empty page:
empty page returned
How can I make it not returning anything, just staying on the site with the form? The only idea was to set an delay with the .sleep(), but it would be a workaround and I would like to solve it with a cleaner solution
It is the nature of controllers to return a response since you are developing an MVC application which will receive POST requests to the endpoint you specified.
What you can do is declare the controller to be a #RestController which returns a ResponseEntity indicating that everything went OK or any other appropriate response in case some failure happens.
public class ControllerClassName{
public ResponseEntity<?> uploadFile(Model model, #RequestParam("file") MultipartFile multipartFile) throws InterruptedException {
// logic
return ResponseEntity.ok().build();
}catch(Exception e){
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().build();
To address your issue you may need to change the return type of your function.
Using a ResponseEntity return type may be more appropriate than using a ResponseBody return type.

How to pass/inject a session-specific info to the below level?

I have a rest controller and I want to give means to access to a "Session" bean that I create by extracting the infos from the http header.
For this reason I created an HttpInterceptor that pre-handles the request by extracting the headers:
public boolean preHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler)
throws Exception {
String remoteUser = request.getHeader("x-remote-user");
log.info("Helo {}", remoteUser);
MySession session = new MySession();
//what now?
return true;
But, how can I do something like this:
public MyController {
public ResponseEntitity<String> action(Request a){
MySession user = getUserSession(); //here I should be able to retrieve the session for that specific user

How to reject the request and send custom message if extra params present in Spring boot REST Api

public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> createContact(
#RequestBody ContactRequest contactRequest) throws IOException {
How to reject the API request, if extra params present in the request, by default spring boot ignoring extra parameters.
I believe you can add an HttpServletRequest as a parameter to the controller method (createContact in this case). Then you'll get access to all the parameters that come with the requests (query params, headers, etc.):
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> createContact(HttpServletRequest request,
#RequestBody ContactRequest contactRequest) throws IOException {
boolean isValid = ...// validate for extra parameters
if(!isValid) {
// "reject the request" as you call it...
First add an additional parameter to the method. This gives you access to information about the request. If Spring sees this parameter then it provides it.
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> createContact(
#RequestBody ContactRequest contactRequest,
WebRequest webRequest) throws IOException {
if (reportUnknownParameters(webRequest) {
return new ResponseEntity<>(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
I do something like this to get the bad request into the log.
private boolean reportUnknownParameters(WebRequest webRequest) {
LongAdder unknownCount = new LongAdder();
.filter(key -> !knownParameters.contains(key))
.forEach(key -> {
log.trace("unknown request parameter \"{}\"=\"{}\"", key, webRequest.getParameter(key));});
return unknownCount.longValue() > 0;
add #RequestParam annotation in your methods parameter list and add it as a map, then you can access for it's key list and check if it contains anything else other than your required params.
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse> createContact(#RequestParam Map<String,String> requestParams, #RequestBody ContactRequest contactRequest) throws IOException {
//Check for requestParams maps keyList and then pass accordingly.

Spring MVC #RestController and redirect

I have a REST endpoint implemented with Spring MVC #RestController. Sometime, depends on input parameters in my controller I need to send http redirect on client.
Is it possible with Spring MVC #RestController and if so, could you please show an example ?
Add an HttpServletResponse parameter to your Handler Method then call response.sendRedirect("some-url");
Something like:
public class FooController {
void handleFoo(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
To avoid any direct dependency on HttpServletRequest or HttpServletResponse I suggest a "pure Spring" implementation returning a ResponseEntity like this:
HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
return new ResponseEntity<>(headers, HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY);
If your method always returns a redirect, use ResponseEntity<Void>, otherwise whatever is returned normally as generic type.
Came across this question and was surprised that no-one mentioned RedirectView. I have just tested it, and you can solve this in a clean 100% spring way with:
public class FooController {
public RedirectView handleFoo() {
return new RedirectView("some-url");
redirect means http code 302, which means Found in springMVC.
Here is an util method, which could be placed in some kind of BaseController:
protected ResponseEntity found(HttpServletResponse response, String url) throws IOException { // 302, found, redirect,
return null;
But sometimes might want to return http code 301 instead, which means moved permanently.
In that case, here is the util method:
protected ResponseEntity movedPermanently(HttpServletResponse response, String url) { // 301, moved permanently,
return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.MOVED_PERMANENTLY).header(HttpHeaders.LOCATION, url).build();
As the redirections are usually needed in a not-straightforward path, I think throwing an exception and handling it later is my favourite solution.
Using a ControllerAdvice
public class RestResponseEntityExceptionHandler
extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
#ExceptionHandler(value = {
protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleNotLoggedIn(
final NotLoggedInException ex, final WebRequest request
) {
final String bodyOfResponse = ex.getMessage();
final HttpHeaders headers = new HttpHeaders();
headers.add("Location", ex.getRedirectUri());
return handleExceptionInternal(
ex, bodyOfResponse,
headers, HttpStatus.FOUND, request
The exception class in my case:
public class NotLoggedInException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4900004519786666447L;
String redirectUri;
public NotLoggedInException(final String message, final String uri) {
redirectUri = uri;
And I trigger it like this:
if (null == remoteUser)
throw new NotLoggedInException("please log in", LOGIN_URL);
if you #RestController returns an String you can use something like this
return "redirect:/other/controller/";
and this kind of redirect is only for GET request, if you want to use other type of request use HttpServletResponse

JSF ajax request calls filter (should be ignored!)

I have some filters, which grab e.g. a parameter like "id" to check some right (used to load some contents). These filters should ignore all ajax-requests, because e.g. the rights does not have to be checked after every little request (only on page load)
The Problem is, that when I perform an ajax-request, it throws me a null-pointer, because I don't append the ID with ajax requests. I found out, that it still works, when I use and it fails, when I use (both perform ajax requests).
This is my filter:
public class ExtendedAccessFilter implements Filter {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest req = (HttpServletRequest) request;
HttpServletResponse res = (HttpServletResponse) response;
//ignore filter if it is an ajax-request (DOES NOT WORK if not p:commandButton!)
chain.doFilter(request, response);
System.out.println("ABORT FILTER, AJAX");
//Nullpointer thrown here (because no Id is submitted)
int requestedId = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("id"));
private boolean isAJAXRequest(HttpServletRequest request) {
boolean check = false;
String facesRequest = request.getHeader("Faces-Request");
if (facesRequest != null && facesRequest.equals("partial/ajax")) {
check = true;
return check;
Am I doing something wrong?
You are doing it right way. You can also do it using JSF API by checking if PartialViewContext exists and it is an Ajax Request
if(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPartialViewContext() !=null &&
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPartialViewContext().isAjaxRequest()) {
