How to skip cucumber tests during build & deployment when unit test runs but after deployment it should run cucumber tests via Jenkins - Maven - maven

I have a build project in which i implemented Cucumber BDD and wrote features file and test classes. Now, what i want is that during build & deployment in Jenkins pipeline, all Unit tests should get executed but not the Cucumber tests i.e. Integration tests. As soon as deployment is completed then these cucumber tests should get executed. How we can achieve that?
Is there any way to skip cucumber test during the deployment but after the deployment completion it should execute them?

You can tag your tests with annotations as #Deploy and #AfterDeploy,
To maven deployment script, you can add following script :
-Dcucumber.options="--tags #Deploy"
For the tests after deployment you can use following :
-Dcucumber.options="--tags #AfterDeploy"


How to visualize output of JUnit integration tests in IntelliJ when using docker-maven-plugin?

IntelliJ has a nice integration with JUnit that allows me to run some or all of my unit tests and visualize the results of each test and test class with a collapsible/expandable hierarchy that even takes into account JUnit5 nested test classes. I can click on any failed test to see the log output from running just that method. It looks like this:
I have now defined an integration test phase to my project using two popular Maven plugins:
maven-failsafe-plugin separates my JUnit tests into two phases. The test classes ending in "Test" run during the test phase, and those ending in "IT" run during the integration-test phase.
fabric8's docker-maven-plugin which I'm using to spin up a test database in the pre-integration-test phase and shut it down in the post-integration-test phase.
I can tell IntelliJ to run a Maven command (such as maven clean verify) that runs this lifecycle and tells me if the tests have passed. However, a Maven "run configuration" in IntelliJ doesn't produce the same helpful output. All I get is the success or failure status of each phase, and I can navigate to the console output for a phase, but not an individual test. The output looks like this:
So here's my question: Is there any way to configure IntelliJ (or Maven, or both) to give that hierarchical test-by-test output while keeping the Maven lifecycle I've defined, with the temporary use of a docker-container database for my integration tests?
I know that I can manually spin up the test database container, use IntelliJ's JUnit runner for my integration tests, and then manually stop the container. Can I do better?
Unfortunately there is no tool to show test-by-test output while keeping the Maven lifecycle as Maven run configuration is used in this case. Please use Junit run configuration for Class/method output in test runner tab.

How to run multiple cucumber runners from maven command line

I've 2 CI flows , which flow needs to run it's own cucumber runner
I'm using maven command line to run the tests (mvn test)
Is there a way to select a specific Runner from command line ?
Maven Surefire Plugin - Running a Single Test
During development, you may run a single test class repeatedly. To run this through Maven, set the test property to a specific test case.
mvn -Dtest=TestCircle test
So you'd do just that. mvn -Dtest=RunnerATest test.

How to configure build step for maven goal in teamcity to run unit test

I use junit in my java project (developed using intellij idea) for unit test, and I want to configure build step in team city to run my unit tests only. I also use maven to build my project. It works when I set goals for maven to "clean compile" but I dont know how to configure build step to run unit tests.
Also in command line. when i run "maven test" it runs unit tests correctly and shows the failures.
I can't comment on TeamCity, but I'll try to help anyway out of my maven knowledge.
So first of all mvn clean compile will never run your unit tests, because maven has a concept of lifecycle and testing phase is coming after compile phase.
When you run mvn test it will run all the face up to (including) the test phase so the unit tests will run as a part of maven default lifecycle.
Now you're asking about a "build step for running unit tests" from which I conclude that you need a separate step. In maven phase is nothing more than running a series of plugins. In maven plugin has goals, so you can run a plugin responsible for running unit tests directly.
In maven this plugin is called "surefire" and a goal is called "test", so you can run:
mvn surefire:test
Given the classes (production code and tests) are compiled, you will see that this only runs your unit tests. So this probably has to be configured in Team City.

Configure cucumber in TeamCity to run unit tests only using tags (Maven)

I have both unit and acceptance tests in a maven project (spring boot). I would like to run unit tests only when my build runs in TeamCity. I am using cucumber.
When i run the tests via command line, everything works as expected (only unit tests are run)
c:\apache-maven-3.3.9\bin\mvn package -Dcucumber.options="--tags #unit"
However, in teamcity, all tests are being run (unit and acceptance). It seems teamcity ignores my cucumber.options
In addition, when I double click on the 'test' lifecycle in Intellij, all tests are run as well (not just unit tests) So my guess is that TeamCity is doing exactly what the 'test' lifecycle does.
How can i get around this problem (in TeamCity)?. I have tried using a 'Command line' step, which works, however, i lose all the tests reporting as well as test coverage reports.
i have solved the Intellij problem by creating (or changing) a configuration:
Try writing it this way in TeamCity:
"-Dcucumber.options= --tags #unit"

Maven: disabling test phase but not integration test phase

I'm working with a maven project, and are trying to run only the integration tests, while skipping unit tests.
I'm running the integration tests using failsafe plugin, and the plugin execution is bound to the integration-test phase.
Is there any way I can run only the integration tests, while skipping the unit tests (which are run via surefire).
My googling led to a page that shows me how to do the opposite.
If you want to skip the test you have two choices:
mvn -Dskip=true ...
which will not compile the tests nor execute them (logical ;-)). The other option is just to skip the execution of the tests but doesn't skip the compilation of the tests
mvn -DskipTests=true ...
But you can't skip the test lifecycle phase in Maven.
