Server-to-server Facebook Access Token expires - facebook-ads-api

I am building an Integration that allows users to schedule creation of Custom Audiences on the Facebook Ads platform. Once the user authenticates, we pass the client side token to the server from the client and then exchange their short lived token with the ads_management permission for a long-lived token, but that token only lasts 60 days?
The idea of the integration is that the user can set it and forget it (but disconnect any time). Now it seems like they need to visit the app at least once every 60 days. Is there any way around this? In my app, the person who turns on the Integration might not necessarily visit the app, or could leave the company and the integration would then break in 60 days.

You can simply ask Facebook for a new access token by passing your current access token.
It's as easy as exchanging the long-lived token, just re-call the same operation (using the current long-lived token). You will get a new one.
I suggest doing so some days before it expires (say, 10 days). This will ensure your system is going to have a spare time if any error occurs (e.g. Facebook's server down, User rejected permissions on your app, ...).

Just like Michael Hirschler said in his answer, you can simply use the old (non-expired) access token to fetch a new one. You should save the expiry date returned on every request when getting an access token: (This property is called expires_in)
"token_type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 5183944 //The number of seconds until the token expires
When expiration date is almost reached, you can use the same api endpoint for that with some changed query params. Insert your old access token as the user-access-token.
curl -i -X GET "{graph-api-version}/oauth/access_token?
As you can see, you will also need your app-id and app-secret for doing so.
Further reading:


Delay/Skip Token Expiration

Tokens are valid for 30 days from creation or last use, so that the 30 day expiration automatically refreshes with each API call. Tokens that aren’t used for 30 days expire.
Is there an api that basically doesn’t return anything but acts as a kind of dummy call to keep from token being expired when not used for more than 30days.
Basically this is when the test sites which uses token if not used for a longer period expires.
I am aware that refresh tokens is a way to get around token Expiration but rather than getting refresh token ,I just need to keep making a call for the token be to active.
So its typically recommend that we have a script hit one of the basic endpoints to keep on calling after every few days to keep the token from expiration.
Here's a response from okta forum

I want to use Google API refresh tokens forever

There is a process to obtain a refresh token via OAuth authentication for Google API, and then obtain an access token from the refresh token to validate the receipt.
The other day the refresh token suddenly expired and the receipt validation failed. Our service stopped processing billing.
Below is the error when it failed.
"error": "invalid_grant",
"error_description": "Token has been expired or revoked."
I thought refresh tokens reset their expiration date each time they are used, so why did they expire?
I don't think the following rules apply.
You must write your code to anticipate the possibility that a granted refresh token might no longer work. these reasons:
The user has revoked your app's access.
The refresh token has not been used for six months.
The user changed passwords and the refresh token contains Gmail scopes.
The user account has exceeded a maximum number of granted (live) refresh tokens.
The user belongs to a Google Cloud Platform organization that has session control policies in effect.
I want to use the refresh token forever.
Thank you in advance.
Refresh tokens do not expire by design there are a few things that can cause them to expire as you have listed. However there is one you have not listed.
If you check the docs for Experation you will find it also says.
If your app is in testing set it to production and your refresh token will stop expiring.
So as long as your app is in production, the user does not revoke your access, and they have less then 50 outstanding refresh tokens for that user, and you have used it at least once in the last six months. (gmail scope the user does not change their password). The refresh token should not be expiring.
That being said your system should be designed to handle a refresh token expiring and request access of the user again. or notifying the admin if this is a backend system.
Thank you for this interesting conversation. It looks like in my case, after having got an access_token and a refresh_token, which I use regulary to invoke the Gmail API, it no longer works after 6 months.
Could someone point me to a code example in Node, showing how to update the tokens on a regular basis? (I store them in a database, and wonder how to update the record appropriately via the google.auth.OAuth2 API).
I have made hundreds of searches but could not find anything else than "you should refresh your tokens" :)
It looks like
oauth2Client.on('tokens', (tokens) => {"tokens=%o", tokens)
is only invoked once when establishing the connection, so it will not help.
I have also tried:
let x = await oauth2Client.refreshToken(database_refresh_token)
let refreshedToken = x.tokens.access_token
To store the new refreshed token in the database, but this does not help after 6 months. FYI, thanks to oauth2Client.getTokenInfo(refreshedToken) I can see that refreshedToken expires in 1 hour.
Finally, is there a way to test, without having to wait for 6 months?
Many thanks!
By last answer...
It means we can used one refresh token for 6 month. right ?
And after 6 month we have to update refresh token. right ?

Oauth with same credentials and multiple sessions

I am working on an eCommerce Website and an App. We use SAP Hybris for OAuth 2.0.
To get an access token I send a Cliend ID, Client secret, Username and Password to the auth server.
Problem Example:
If I log in with the App first and then the Website, I won't be able to refresh my token in one of the sessions.
The token I receive from the server is pretty standard and looks like this:
The only difference is that in the "Website Token" the expires_in would have a lower value than 43199 since it was requested after the "App Token".
Since both the access_token as well as the refresh_token are identical, the moment one of them expire and we try to fetch a new token the first session that does it will receive completely different credentials. As soon as the second session (which is now expired) tries to also refresh it's credentials the server will deny new credentials since the old credentials can be used only once to get new tokens.
Every 12 hours the tokens become expired and the first client to request a new token effectively logs out the other client by doing so.
What could I do to deal with this problem?
I was thinking it should be possible to send a unique ID to my request to generate a unique token. However I cannot find any information about this on the SAP Docs.

How to increase the expiry date of access token + Spring boot + OAuth?

We have a restful API developed on spring-boot V1.5.7 and it is secured by OAuth with "password" grant type. We are using only access token, the refresh token is not being used. The validity of access token is set to 15 mins. Initially, we hit the token endpoint and get the token and consuming the services. Though the services are being consumed very frequently the access token is getting expired after 15 mins. What we are expected to do is, when the services are not being called for 15 mins only then the token should be expired.
Can anyone please help me on this?
Looks, First we need to know Why we used access token?
Access token is used for accessing protected resource. It has a validity periods say for example 1min, 10min etc. After that time, token becomes invalid. To get a new valid token you should use refresh token.Though you can get a completely new token using your username and password. Even if you invoke any api within the expiry time though, the token invalid after the expiry time. If you don't invoke any api within the expiry time, token becomes also invalid. This is expected behavior.
Why this is expected?
Suppose you get an access token from server and access protected resource from server with access token. Somehow man in the middle get the token by sniffing packet. Then intruders can get easily access the resource as you can and as much time he want's. So technically we can say that, your account is being hacked.
To prevent this attack, you should define a token validity periods that would be suit for your use case. So this is more secure than previous.
I would strongly recommended that allow refresh token for your system.
However You can also configure your system to reuse the token. This link may be a help.
You can use OauthRestTemplate (if you don't want to write your own logic) which will fetch a new the access token (using refresh token) after it is expired. There is no reason to not use refresh token if you are planning on using OAuth in your application.

Django REST JWT Refresh

Implemented Django REST and authentication using JWT.
For JWT token we have to refresh it before it expire.
After expired JWT wont give new token.
For my mobile device I need to refresh the token every 10 mins (JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA).
and if user is not active for more than 10 minutes, then I need to ask to login.
Is there any way that I can refresh the token even after JWT token expired. (we can limit the time to refresh as 2 day)
Whats the best way to handle this behavior in Mobile.
Refreshing tokens in django-rest-framework-jwt
The django-rest-framework-jwt (v. 1.11.0) does not support "Refresh Tokens" as described for example here. It only supports refreshing non-expired tokens; It makes easy to implement a sliding expiration window with width of JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA. For example, with settings
'JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA': datetime.timedelta(seconds=300),
'JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION_DELTA': datetime.timedelta(days=7),
user cannot be inactive for more than five minutes in order to stay logged in (docs).
Real Refresh Tokens, please?
It is possible to implement the "Refresh Tokens", which are very long lived ("never expiring") tokens, stored in a database, just like in conventional "HTTP Sessions & SessionIDs". This is actually already been implemented for the django-rest-framework-jwt in django-rest-framework-jwt-refresh-token. Another possibility is to use django-rest-framework-simplejwt which also implements the JWT with Access and Refresh Tokens (full example at Medium).
But.. why?
Compared to using only Access Token JWT's, using Refresh Tokens makes possible to revoke access after the Access Token is expired. Refesh Tokens make it possible to have very long ("lifetime of a mobile device") lasting tokens. One may ask why shouldn't you just stick with sessions (sessionid in a Cookie, and session data in database table), if you are creating collection of Refresh Tokens in a database, and accessing that. Using an Access token with expiration time of one hour will mean that database must be accessed once per hour (instead once per PUT/POST request when using "traditional" sessions). In addition, you gain all the usual benefits of JWT tokens (ease of use in microservice network, for example).
You can use refresh tokens, as defined in Oauth2.0
Refresh tokens are credentials used to obtain access tokens. Refresh
tokens are issued to the client by the authorization server and are
used to obtain a new access token when the current access token
becomes invalid or expires,
After a successful login, issue a refresh and an access token. While a access token expires shortly, a refresh token is long lived. Store it securely, and use it to issue new access tokens when the current one expires
