Makefile function with multiple statements - makefile

[HEADS UP] : There are some similar questions that are already present here on stackoverflow but they seem to not completely resolve my issue. Therefore, I am posting this question.
I am trying to write a makefile function that should set a value to a variable that is passed as argument to the function.
So, I am calling this function as -
$(eval $(call myfunction,RESULT,value,res1,res2))
here 'res1' and 'res2' are two possible resulting values for RESULT and the argument 'value' will be used for some test condition.
Following is my attempt of the definition of myfunction. But it seems that it is not working.
define myfunction
TEST1 := $(shell test `mybinary` -ge 5 && printf "TEST")
TEST2 := $(findstring $(2),$(SOME_SHELL_ENV))
$(info "$(TEST1)")
$(info "$(TEST2)")
ifneq "$$(or $(TEST1),$(TEST2)" ""
$(1) = $(3)
$(1) = $(4)
To me it appears that the local variables TEST1 and TEST2 are not even getting set.
Can somebody tell me why my function is not working correctly and what changes do I have to make to resolve the issues?

Quoting eval manual page:
The eval function is very special: [...] The argument to the eval function is expanded, then the results of that expansion are parsed as makefile syntax.
It’s important to realize that the eval argument is expanded twice; first by the eval function, then the results of that expansion are expanded again when they are parsed as makefile syntax. This means you may need to provide extra levels of escaping for “$” characters when using eval.
This happens after $(call) arguments are substituted, so $1 etc are already expanded by the time $(eval) is called, and need not to be $-escaped.
To make variables expand during the last (parsing) stage of $(eval), escape $s of non-numeric variables by doubling them.
define myfunction
TEST1 := $$(shell test `echo 6` -ge 5 && printf "TEST")
TEST2 := $$(findstring $(2),$$(PATH))
$$(info "$$(TEST1)")
$$(info "$$(TEST2)")
ifneq "$$(or $$(TEST1),$$(TEST2))" ""
ifeq ($$(LOCAL_RESULT), true)
$(1) = $(3)
$(1) = $(4)
$(eval $(call myfunction,RESULT,value,res1,res2))
echo "$(LOCAL_RESULT)"
Plus, you had a missing closing brace in $(or).
It's not clear if res1 and res2 are variable names or values; depending on this, the last two assignments need or need not to look like $(1) := $($(4)).
Try to always use eager assignments: :=, for fewer surprises from lazy variable expansion.


GNU Make: Test if either OR variables are null or undefined

As I understand it $(and should short circuit and return "" if either VAR1 OR VAR2 is null or undefined. This should make the ifeq true and print the message. Otherwise if both variables have values it should return the value of VAR2 which is obviously not "" making the ifeq evaluation false and not printing the message.
It's not working. What am I missing?
ifeq ($(and $(VAR1),$(VAR2)), "")
$(info *************************************)
$(info * To avoid prompts set *)
$(info * VAR1 and VAR2 *)
$(info * prior to running make *)
$(info *************************************)
Yes. Basically: all arguments have contents, then the expansion is the contents of the last one. Otherwise, the expansion is empty.
Note, none of these situations result in the expansion being the value "", which is not empty it's two " characters in a row. Make doesn't do anything special with quotes: they are just like any other character. So, saying ifeq (,"") is always false. You don't want to compare a string with "" unless you want to check if the string literally contains two double-quote characters in a row.
So I think (if I understand you correctly) you want:
ifeq ($(and $(VAR1),$(VAR2)),)

Makefile compare string input

To understand better string variables in a Makefile, I have tried to do this example :
$(call myFunc)
define myFunc
ifeq ($(KEYWORD), "Apple")
echo "You have found the key"
echo "Try again"
But when I'm typing
make test KEYWORD="Fork"
It prints errors
syntax error near unexpected token `Fork,'
`ifeq (Fork, "Apple")'
I have also tried :
Put Apple or 'Apple' in ifeq
Put a space or not after "," : ifeq ($(KEYWORD), "Apple")
Run command with KEYWORD=Fork
Did it using shell (if [ ${KEYWORD} -eq "Apple" ])
I'm running out of ideas because I don't understand how Makefille / Shell interpret the assignment KEYWORD="Fork"
MadScientist identifies the problem. Perhaps the solution you're looking for is simply evaluating the conditional earlier. eg:
ifeq ($(KEYWORD), Apple)
define myFunc
echo "You have found the key"
define myFunc
echo "Try again"
First, $(call myfunc) is 100% identical to writing $(myfunc). The call function in make merely expands a variable with some other local values (the arguments) bound first. If you don't provide any local values, then you're just expanding the variable.
Expanding a variable just replaces the variable reference with what it expands to. So writing:
FOO = bar
echo $(FOO)
is 100% identical to writing:
echo bar
So in your situation,
$(call myFunc)
is the same as:
which is the same as:
ifeq ($(KEYWORD), "Apple")
echo "You have found the key"
echo "Try again"
which is why you get the output you did: these are not valid shell commands, but since you've expanded the variable as part of a recipe, they are sent to the shell as part of the recipe.

Make args: is there a variable that contains all of them?

In make, I can define a file as follows:
.PHONY: echo-foo
echo ${foo}
make echo-foo foo=foo
Now suppose I would like to do the following:
make echo-vars foo=foo bar=bar
And I start by writing:
echo ${???}
Is there a variable automatically defined which will output:
// either
foo=foo bar=bar
// or
foo bar
In other words: is there a MAKEARGS or some variable along those lines defined as part of the make env?
There's a special variable just for that:
.VARIABLES is somewhat close.
This prints only command-line variables:
echo "$(foreach VAR_NAME,$(.VARIABLES),\
$(if $(filter command line,$(origin $(VAR_NAME))),$(VAR_NAME)))"
$(filter command line,$(origin VAR_NAME)) equals to "command line" if it's the value of $(origin VAR_NAME), and is empty otherwise. $(filter <needle>,<haystack>) is a make's boolean test for "<needle> is in or equals to <haystack> and is not empty".
$(if <condition>,<value>) returns <value> if <condition> is nonempty, otherwise an empty string.
$(foreach VAR_NAME,SET,EXPRESSION) returns a joined result of EXPRESSION applied to each element of a (space-separated) SET, where VAR_NAME is substituted with each element of the SET.
Add $(strip) to get rid of excess spaces.

How to declare a deferred variable that is computed only once for all?

I have a shell program that takes ages to complete. As written, executing make build takes 4 x 2 seconds to complete because $(value) is computed for each file.
A solution is to declare value a deferred variable by using := instead of =.
Unfortunately this is not a solution either because it slows down the execution of make clean and any other targets by 2 seconds because value is computed for nothing.
value = $(shell sleep 2 && echo 42)
in = a b c d
out = $(addsuffix .out,$(in))
build: $(out)
%.out: %
echo $(value) > $< || [ rm $# -a true ]
touch $(in)
rm -vf $(out)
How can I set a variable what is assigned only if used, but only computed once ?
Said differently, I would like build to take 2 seconds to complete and clean to be immediate.
I am not interested to a solution that involves conditionals in order to bypass the assignment of value if the target is not build.
An alternative solution would be this. Unfortunately in this case I need to check whether or not the shelve file needs to be regenerated.
value = $(cat shelve)
sleep 2 && echo 42 > $# || [ rm $# -a true ]
in = a b c d
out = $(addsuffix .out,$(in))
build: $(out)
%.out: %
echo $(value) > $< || [ rm $# -a true ]
touch $(in)
rm -vf $(out)
Here's a trick you can play:
value = $(eval value := $(shell cat shelve))$(value)
How this works: value is first assigned using recursive assignment so the value on the RHS is not expanded.
The first time value is expanded the make parser will first run the $(eval ...) which starts up a "new parser" for makefiles. In that parser, the content value := $(cat shelve) is evaluated. Here, value is a simple variable assignment so the RHS is expanded immediately and the $(shell ...) is run and assigned to value.
Remember make doesn't really have a concept of variable scope, so this value is just the same global value variable that we are setting in the outer parser.
Then the eval completes and expands to the empty string, and make continues parsing things. Here it finds the value $(value) and expands that... value now has the result from the eval, not the eval text itself, so that's what will be expanded.
Maybe this will help:
value = $(eval value := $(shell cat shelve))$(value)
Here value contains the string $(eval value := $(shell cat shelve))$(value)
Now you expand it:
%.out: %
echo $(value) > $< ...
Make starts to expand this recipe. It gets to $(value) and sees it needs to expand the variable value: since it's recursive it expands the value:
$(eval value := $(shell cat shelve))$(value)
First it expands the eval, which parses this:
value := $(shell cat shelve)
That sets the value variable as a simply-expanded variable, so the RHS is expanded immediately. Say the results of cat shelve are "foo", so value is now set to foo (and it's marked simply expanded).
That's the end of the eval, so then make starts the next part which is $(value), so it looks up the variable value and discovers it's a simply-expanded variable with the value foo.
One solution would be to turn that value into a regular file target that gets updated only when its prerequisites change. If you insist on rebuilding that target for every build, mark it as phony.
When clean target does not depend on that file, then it won't be rebuilt when you invoke make clean.
%.out: %
echo $(value) > $< || [ rm $# -a true ]
echo $(value) > $< updates the prerequisite, whereas make expects it to update the target only. Updating a prerequisite must be done by a separate rule with that prerequisite being the target.
You can make the assignment depend on the target name in $(MAKECMDGOALS):
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
value := $(shell sleep 2 && echo 42)
See also the docs for details.

gnu make: list the values of all variables (or "macros") in a particular run

How can I list the current value of all variables (also called macros) in a Makefile when running make?
E.g. if this is in the Makefile:
CUR-DIR := $(shell /bin/pwd)
LOG-DIR := $(CUR-DIR)/make-logs
Then I would like it to tell me:
CUR-DIR = /home/johv/src/test
LOG-DIR = /home/johv/src/test/make-logs
GNU make provides .VARIABLES
which holds all global variables' names.
However, this includes built-in variables(like MAKEFLAGS).
If you have to exclude built-in variables, some filtering like the following
might be needed.
The following makefile prints user-defined variables(CUR-DIR, LOG-DIR)
using info:
# Place this line at the top of your Makefile
# Define your variables
CUR-DIR := $(shell pwd)
LOG-DIR := $(CUR-DIR)/make-logs
# Put this at the point where you want to see the variable values
$(foreach v, \
$(filter-out $(VARS_OLD) VARS_OLD,$(.VARIABLES)), \
$(info $(v) = $($(v))))
Thanks to #Ise Wisteria, condensed down, this shows all variables, useful for large projects with multiple makefiles (Buildroot).
$(foreach v, $(.VARIABLES), $(info $(v) = $($(v))))
output: BR2_GCC_TARGET_TUNE = "cortex-a8" ...
If you get an error like: insufficient number of arguments (1) to function 'addprefix' this project had some broken variables... I trimmed the list of variables to show, only with a prefix BR2_
$(foreach v, $(filter BR2_%,$(.VARIABLES)), $(info $(v) = $($(v))))
I ended up doing it like this:
gmake -pn | grep -A1 "^# makefile"| grep -v "^#\|^--" | sort | uniq > makevars.txt
which gives:
CUR-DIR := /home/johv/src/test
LOG-DIR := /home/johv/src/test/make-logs
SHELL = /bin/sh
VARS_OLD := [...]
gmake -pn is really verbose and looks kinda like this:
# environment
GNOME2_PATH = /usr/local:/opt/gnome:/usr:/usr/local:/opt/gnome:/usr
# automatic
#F = $(notdir $#)
# makefile
SHELL = /bin/sh
# default
RM = rm -f
It's also doable without saving all the .VARIABLES and filtering them out.
Moreover, if one of the original .VARIABLES was modified in your makefile, the two most voted answers won't catch it.
Check out $(origin) function. This target filters out and prints all the variables that were defined in a makefile:
$(foreach v, $(.VARIABLES), $(if $(filter file,$(origin $(v))), $(info $(v)=$($(v)))))
I get only a few excess variables this way: CURDIR SHELL MAKEFILE_LIST .DEFAULT_GOAL MAKEFLAGS.
One can replace file with environment or command line to print the respective kinds of variables.
There are a lot of good answers here, but you're going to have problems using $($(v)) if some of your variables are of the recursive flavor. This is why you should use $(value $(v)).
This variation cleans this up a little bit, sorts variables by name and makes the output a bit more readable.
$(foreach v, \
$(shell echo "$(filter-out .VARIABLES,$(.VARIABLES))" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort), \
$(info $(shell printf "%-20s" "$(v)")= $(value $(v))) \
Thanks to #kevinf for the great idea. I would suggest a minor change to prevent .VARIABLE itself from printing out in the variable list:
$(foreach v, $(filter-out .VARIABLES,$(.VARIABLES)), $(info $(v) = $($(v))))
Thanks to #kevinf for the foreach solution -- if one wants to export this list as a somewhat machine-readable file, one will have a hard time with uneven quotes or newlines when using echo or printf, since Make isn't able to quote the data correctly -- one needs to use the $(file ...) function to write the data to avoid sh/bash complaining about invalid syntax. For example, use this in your rule -- it prints variable name, definition and expanded value:
$(file > $(MAKEFILE_ENV_FILE),)
$(foreach v, $(.VARIABLES), \
$(file >> $(MAKEFILE_ENV_FILE),$(v)) \
$(file >> $(MAKEFILE_ENV_FILE), := $(value $(v))) \
$(file >> $(MAKEFILE_ENV_FILE), == $($(v))) \
$(file >> $(MAKEFILE_ENV_FILE),) \
(This will still not allow to always distinguish malicious variables with double newlines from two variables, for this one now add a sufficiently unique separator infront of each Makefile-generated newline just after each comma inside $(file >> NAME,TEXT))
Set MAKEFILE_ENV_FILE to some filename, e.g.:
MAKEFILE_ENV_FILE := $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))).env
