How to create batch file to run my code igniter function from window task schedules - codeigniter-2

enter image description hereI'm trying to schedule my codeigniter function from window task scheduler my code igniter file structure is "C:\wamp\www\tas\application\controllers\my_controller\my_function" , I prepared my batch file like this
php C:\wamp\www\tas\application\controllers my_controller my_function
but it is not working.
My codeigniter version is 2.2


How to write Exceptions into custome file in laravel 5.5

iam not able to write laravel exception into custome file.
for example: iam running a crone job in laravel 5.5 and i want to write any exception that comes by running the crone job want to save on custome file.
So i can track all exception with time.
For cron jobs, if you are using Laravel's tasks, then you can schedule it like this :
you can replace the sendOUtputTo params to the path you want, just make sure that you have enough access to it.

Unable to fetch BasicReport.htm_source.xml in Openscript Test Result folder after execution

I'm trying to create a custom HTML report out of BasicReport.htm_source.xml in the Test Result folder.
I'm not able to access the xml file during script execution. Eventhough I used the XML rendering function in the finish() node.
Is their anyway I can use the BasicReport.htm_source.xml after script execution?
finish section is still execution, in short no way to do this.
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how do you call R scripts via ajax in IIS server

I am running jquery ajax call to php file to get data and display the data in highcharts. What I would like to do is do my data analysis in R and call the r script to get the data to highcharts.
Is it possible to call R scripts via ajax on windows IIS?
Your server-side PHP script should shell out and execute the desired R script. See for information on shelling out from a PHP script.

Java Script user defined functions are not working in windows 7 phone gap

I have created windows phone gap application. In that it internally uses browser called mypgview . I have created JavaScript function in index.html page but it is not working properly. I have written html5 code.
Can any one resolve my problem?
Actually i called alert function directly .It's not working while i call it directly ,then i changed like this navigator.notification.alert("Hi"); now it is working.
Thank You

CRON job for codeigniter

I am using codeigniter. I want to know how to set up a cron job to check a table for expiring users and insert data in to another table with the list of expiring users. How to do that.
When i tried to write a script with controller and model to insert the table:
Fatal error: Class 'Controller' not found in /home/content/html/test/live/application/controllers/cron.php on line 2
You can find some more information on making CodeIgniter CLI-accessible here:
Next step is just using crontab -e to set up the cronjob.
This might not be what you're looking for, but it works just fine for me:
Create your CRON job logic as a 'normal' controller function.
Then, in your standard, non-CI, PHP cronjob file just load the URL via
This will treat the URL as being hit just as by any other user and the entire CI framework will be at your disposal.
If you are looking on how to create cron job, then have a look at this:
But if you mean how to put expired users into another table, then you should show your table structure.
My hosting site is godaddy which give the option to create a cron. All we need to do is write a plainphp page to do the job, with sql connection and all stuff and just upload to the godaddy server and create the cron. Thats it. Job is easier.
