GUI or CLI to create parquet file - user-interface

I want to provide the people I work with, a tool to create parquet files to be use for unit-tests of modules that read and process such files.
I use ParquetViewer to view the content of parquet files, but I like to have a tool to make (sample) parquet files. Is there such a tool to create parquet file with a GUI or some practical CLI otherwise?
Note: I would prefer a cross-platform solution, but if not I am looking for a windows/mingw solution in order to use it at work - where I cannot choose the OS :\

parquet-cli written in Java can convert from CSV to parquet.
(This is a sample on Windows)
test.csv is below:
1,1,"test1","2019-02-17 10:00:00","2019-02-17 12:00:00"
2,2,"test2","2019-02-17 10:00:00","2019-02-17 12:00:00"
It requires winutils on Windows. Download and set environment value.
$ set HADOOP_HOME=D:\development\hadoop
Clone parquet-mr, build all and run 'convert-csv' command of parquet-cli.
$ cd parquet-cli
$ java -cp target/classes;target/dependency/* org.apache.parquet.cli.Main convert-csv C:\Users\foo\Downloads\test.csv -o C:\Users\foo\Downloads\test-csv.parquet
'cat' command shows the content of that parquet file.
$ java -cp target/classes;target/dependency/* org.apache.parquet.cli.Main cat C:\Users\foo\Downloads\test-csv.parquet
{"emp_id": 1, "dept_id": 1, "name": "test1", "created_at": "2019-02-17 10:00:00", "updated_at": "2019-02-17 12:00:00"}
{"emp_id": 2, "dept_id": 2, "name": "test2", "created_at": "2019-02-17 10:00:00", "updated_at": "2019-02-17 12:00:00"}

copying from this answer:
You can use DBeaver to create parquet files. Cross-platform. Create an in-memory DuckDB database and then write a query. Some examples here:
It still requires some technical knowledge but it's not too bad.
Example code using to output one record with one column.
COPY (SELECT 'test1' as col1) TO 'C:\Users\name\Desktop\result-snappy.parquet' (FORMAT 'parquet');
You can use the same process to view the file.
SELECT * FROM read_parquet('C:\Users\name\Desktop\result-snappy.parquet');


Producer Avro data from Windows with Docker

I'm following How to transform a stream of events tutorial.
Everything works fine until topic creation part:
Under title Produce events to the input topic:
docker exec -i schema-registry /usr/bin/kafka-avro-console-producer --topic raw-movies --bootstrap-server broker:9092 --property value.schema="$(< src/main/avro/input_movie_event.avsc)"
I'm getting:
<: The term '<' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,
script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or
if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
What would be proper way of calling Avro schema file in --property value.schema ?
All Confluent Kafka servers are running fine.
Schema registry is empty at this point:
PS C:\Users\Joe> curl -X GET http://localhost:8081/subjects
How can I register Avro file in Schema manually from CLI? I'm not finding options for that in Schema Registry API..
My thinking was - if I insert schema manually than I would be able to call it this way.
Tried entering Avro file path as variable in Power shell like:
$avroPath = 'D:\ConfluentKafkaDocker\kafkaStreamsDemoProject\src\main\avro\input_movie_event.avsc'
And than executing:
docker exec -i schema-registry /usr/bin/kafka-avro-console-producer --topic raw-movies --bootstrap-server broker:9092 --property value.schema=$avroPath
But that didn't work.
Manage to get it working with:
$avroPath = 'D:\ConfluentKafkaDocker\kafkaStreamsDemoProject\src\main\avro\input_movie_event.avsc'
docker exec -i schema-registry /usr/bin/kafka-avro-console-producer --topic raw-movies --bootstrap-server broker:9092 --property value.schema.file=$avroPath
But now I'm getting:
org.apache.kafka.common.config.ConfigException: Error reading schema
at io.confluent.kafka.formatter.SchemaMessageReader.getSchemaString(
at io.confluent.kafka.formatter.SchemaMessageReader.getSchema(
at io.confluent.kafka.formatter.SchemaMessageReader.init(
"namespace": "io.confluent.developer.avro",
"type": "record",
"name": "RawMovie",
"fields": [
{"name": "id", "type": "long"},
{"name": "title", "type": "string"},
{"name": "genre", "type": "string"}
It's copy-pasted from example so I see not reason why it would be incorrectly formatted.
Tried with forward slash since Power shell works now with it:
and than with backslash:
I'm getting same error as in Edit 2 - so it looks like this flag value.schema.file is not working properly.
tried with value.schema="$(cat src/main/avro/input_movie_event.avsc)" as suggested here:
Error I'm getting now is:
[2022-04-05 10:17:24,135] ERROR Could not parse Avro schema
com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException: Unexpected character
('n' (code 110)): was expecting double-quote to start field name at
[Source: (String)"{ namespace: io.confluent.developer.avro, type:
record, name: RawMovie, fields: [ {name: id, type: long},
{name: title, type: string}, {name: genre, type: string} ] }";
line: 1, column: 6]
at org.apache.avro.Schema$Parser.parse(
at org.apache.avro.Schema$Parser.parse(
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.avro.AvroSchema.(
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.avro.AvroSchemaProvider.parseSchema(
at io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.SchemaProvider.parseSchema(
at io.confluent.kafka.formatter.SchemaMessageReader.parseSchema(
at io.confluent.kafka.formatter.SchemaMessageReader.getSchema(
at io.confluent.kafka.formatter.SchemaMessageReader.init(
In error it says that it was expecting double-quote to start field name and also that name: id and in file I have:
"fields": [
{"name": "id", "type": "long"},
{"name": "title", "type": "string"},
{"name": "genre", "type": "string"}
Why is it parsing it incorrectly, like there are not double-quotes when in file they are actually there?
tried with value.schema="$(type src/main/avro/input_movie_event.avsc)"
since type is equivalent for cat on Windows - got same error as in Edit 5.
Tried with get-content as suggested here - same error.
How can I register Avro file in Schema manually from CLI?
You would not use a Producer, or Docker.
You can use Postman and send POST request (or the Powershell equivalent of curl) to the /subjects endpoint, like the Schema Registry API documentation says for registering schemas.
After that, using, as linked, will work.
Or, if you don't want to install anything else, I'd stick with value.schema.file. That being said, you must start the container with this file (or whole src\main\avro folder) mounted as a Docker volume, which would not be referenced by a Windows path when you actually use it as part of a docker exec command. My linked answer referring to the cat usage assumes your files are on the same filesystem.
Otherwise, the exec command is being interpreted by Powershell, first, so input redirection won't work for value.schema, and type would be the correct CMD command, but $() syntax might not be, as that's for UNIX shells;
Related - PowerShell: Store Entire Text File Contents in Variable

Parse VMware REST API response

I'm trying to parse a json response from a REST API call. My awk is not strong. This is a bash shell script, and I use curl to get the response and write it to a file. My problem is solely trying to cut the response up into useful parts.
The response is all run together on one line and looks like this:
"value": {
"summary": "Patch for VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.5.0",
"install_time": "2017-03-22T22:43:25 UTC",
"product": "VMware vCenter Server Appliance",
"build": "5178943",
"releasedate": "March 14, 2017",
"type": "vCenter Server with an external Platform Services Controller",
"version": ""
I'm interested in simply writing the type, version, and product strings into a log file. Ideally on 3 lines, but I really don't care; I simply need to be able to identify the build etc at the time this backup script ran, so if I need to rebuild & restore I can make sure I have a compatible build.
Your Rest API gives you JSON format, it's best suited for a JSON parser like jq :
curl -s '/rest/endpoint' | jq -r '.value | .type,.version,.product' > config.txt

Specific Column Dump from Parquet File using Parquet-tools.jar

I want to dump only a specific column on some text file using parquet-tools-1.8.1.jar.But not able to do so. I am trying below command. Please note my column name has forward slash.
parquet-tools-1.8.1.jar dump --column 'dir1/log1/job12121' '/hdfs-path/to/parquet file with space.parquet' > /home/local/parquet/output.text
hadoop jar parquet-tools-1.8.1.jar dump --column 'dir1/log1/job12121' '/hdfs-path/to/parquet file with space.parquet' > /home/local/parquet/output.text
Please use the following:
hadoop jar parquet-tools-1.8.1.jar dump -c dir1 log1 job12121 -m /hdfs-path/to/parquet file with space.parquet >> /home/local/parquet/output.text
Note:No single quotes for input arguments.

Collecting Parquet data from HDFS to local file system

Given a Parquet dataset distributed on HDFS (metadata file + may .parquet parts), how to correctly merge parts and collect the data onto local file system? dfs -getmerge ... doesn't work - it merges metadata with actual parquet files..
There is a way involving Apache Spark APIs - which provides a solution, but more efficient method without third-party tools may exist.
spark> val parquetData = sqlContext.parquetFile("pathToMultipartParquetHDFS")
spark> parquet.repartition(1).saveAsParquetFile("pathToSinglePartParquetHDFS")
bash> ../bin/hadoop dfs -get pathToSinglePartParquetHDFS localPath
Since Spark 1.4 it's better to use DataFrame::coalesce(1) instead of DataFrame::repartition(1)
you may use pig
A = LOAD '/path/to parquet/files' USING parquet.pig.ParquetLoader as (x,y,z) ;
STORE A INTO 'xyz path' USING PigStorage('|');
You may create Impala table on to it, & then use
impala-shell -e "query" -o <output>
same way you may use Mapreduce as well
You may use parquet tools
java -jar parquet-tools.jar merge source/ target/

How can multiple files be specified with "-files" in the CLI of Amazon for EMR?

I am trying to start an amazon cluster via the amazon CLI, but I am a little bit confused how I should specify multiple files. My current call is as follows:
aws emr create-cluster --steps Type=STREAMING,Name='Intra country development',ActionOnFailure=CONTINUE,Args=[-files,s3://betaestimationtest/,-
--ami-version 3.1.0
InstanceGroupType=CORE,InstanceCount=2,InstanceType=m3.xlarge --auto-terminate
--log-uri s3://betaestimationtest/logs
However, Hadoop now complains that it cannot find the reducer file:
Caused by: Cannot run program "": error=2, No such file or directory
What am I doing wrong? The file does exist in the folder I specify
For passing multiple files in a streaming step, you need to use file:// to pass the steps as a json file.
AWS CLI shorthand syntax uses comma as delimeter to separate a list of args. So when we try to pass in parameters like: "-files","s3://betaestimationtest/,s3://betaestimationtest/", then the shorthand syntax parser will treat and files as two parameters.
The workaround is to use the json format. Please see the examples below.
aws emr create-cluster --steps file://./mysteps.json --ami-version 3.1.0 --instance-groups InstanceGroupType=MASTER,InstanceCount=1,InstanceType=m3.xlarge InstanceGroupType=CORE,InstanceCount=2,InstanceType=m3.xlarge --auto-terminate --log-uri s3://betaestimationtest/logs
mysteps.json looks like:
"Name": "Intra country development",
"Type": "STREAMING",
"ActionOnFailure": "CONTINUE",
"Args": [
" s3://betaestimationtest/output_0_inte",
" s3://betaestimationtest/output_1_intra"
You can also find examples here: See example 13.
Hope it helps!
You are specifying -files twice, you only need to specify once. I forget if the CLI needs the separator to be a space or a comma for multiple values, but you can try that out.
You should replace:
Args=[-files,s3://betaestimationtest/ s3://betaestimationtest/,-mapper,,-reducer,,-input,s3://betaestimationtest/output_0_inter,-output,s3://betaestimationtest/output_1_intra]
or if that fails, with:
Add an escape for comma separating files:
