Xamarin Native map point open infowindow by default - xamarin

Im loading a native map application (android,IOS) with a custom pin location and with a custom marker.What i need is when i load the map i need to open the map pin marker info window by default.
currently what is happening is when user tap the pin info then only the pin info window shows up.
I have seen some code there markerOpt1.showInfoWindow() there is no method like this.
As per the documentation i know only one info window can pops up.In my scenario only one pin is there
Android implementation
public void OnMapReady(GoogleMap map)
MarkerOptions markerOpt1 = new MarkerOptions();
markerOpt1.SetPosition(new LatLng(50.379444, 2.773611));
markerOpt1.SetTitle("Vimy Ridge");
var bmDescriptor = BitmapDescriptorFactory.DefaultMarker (BitmapDescriptorFactory.HueCyan);
I have write custom renders for Android native application markers and ios mkmapview how can i show up the information view when loading the map

Here is the official sample of customrenderers-map-pin, to open infowindow by default,
In iOS:
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<View> e)
if (e.NewElement != null)
var formsMap = (CustomMap)e.NewElement;
var nativeMap = Control as MKMapView;
customPins = formsMap.CustomPins;
//add MapLoaded Event
nativeMap.MapLoaded += NativeMap_MapLoaded;
And in NativeMap_MapLoaded:
private void NativeMap_MapLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
In Android, try this:
protected override void OnMapReady(GoogleMap map)
MarkerOptions markerOpt1 = new MarkerOptions();
markerOpt1.SetPosition(new LatLng(50.379444, 2.773611));
markerOpt1.SetTitle("Vimy Ridge");
var bmDescriptor = BitmapDescriptorFactory.DefaultMarker(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HueCyan);
Marker marker = map.AddMarker(markerOpt1);


How to hide clear button Icon inside SearchBar control Xamarin forms

I am using xamarin forms SearchBar control. I want to remove clear button x icon without using custom renderer.
Text="{Binding SearchText}"
This is ExSearchBar control in shared project
public class ExSearchBar : SearchBar
public static readonly BindableProperty ElevationProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Elevation), typeof(float), typeof(ExFrame), default(float));
public float Elevation
get { return (float)GetValue(ElevationProperty); }
set { SetValue(ElevationProperty, value); }
How can I do that?
The situation you are describing is the exact reason why Xamarin Forms ships with the ability to create custom renderers. The forms team define the UI elements in abstract (seperate from their native implementation) and when there is a specific feature that is not defined in their API, you must go down to the platform level to change it.
You can also use an Effect to achieve the same result, I have provided a custom renderer for iOS & Android to show you how you would go about achieving the UI you desire:
public class SearchBarButtonRenderer : SearchBarRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<SearchBar> e)
if (e.NewElement != null)
Control.SearchTextField.ClearButtonMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Never;
Really simple, just remove the clear button from the underlying UITextField
public class SearchBarButtonRenderer : SearchBarRenderer
private readonly Context _context;
public SearchBarButtonRenderer(Context context)
: base(context)
_context = context;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<SearchBar> e)
if (e.NewElement != null)
// Get Search Close Button Drawable
var closeButtonId = Resources.GetIdentifier("android:id/search_close_btn", null, null);
var searchEditText = Control.FindViewById<ImageView>(closeButtonId);
// Get Close Button Drawable To Replace Existing Drawable
var closeDrawable = GetCloseButtonDrawable() as VectorDrawable;
if (closeDrawable is null) return;
// Apply Transparent Color To Drawable (To Make Invisible)
var buttonColor = Xamarin.Forms.Color.Transparent.ToAndroid();
// Set Drawable On Control
private Drawable GetCloseButtonDrawable()
return ContextCompat.GetDrawable(_context, Resource.Drawable.abc_ic_clear_material);
A little bit of a fiddle, find the close button drawable and replace it with a custom styled drawable

How can I open another activity using spinner item selection in xamarin.forms only?

I've tried this and it looks like majority of search results reference to Android studio. I'm using visual studio, xamarin forms.
protected override void OnCreate (Bundle bundle)
base.OnCreate (bundle);
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);
Spinner spinner = FindViewById<Spinner> (Resource.Id.spinner);
spinner.ItemSelected += new EventHandler<AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs> (spinner_ItemSelected);
var adapter = ArrayAdapter.CreateFromResource (
this, Resource.Array.my_array, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem);
adapter.SetDropDownViewResource (Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerDropDownItem);
spinner.Adapter = adapter;
The spinner loads perfectly but the item selected method opens the activity on loading.
private void spinner_ItemSelected (object sender, AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs e)
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.page1);
How best can I load the activity on specific item selection. Note: the items are referenced in the Strings.xml.
Because Spinner chooses the first item by default when initialized, it will fire spinner_ItemSelected
You can add a conditional judgment to your spinner_ItemSelected method:
private void spinner_ItemSelected (object sender, AdapterView.ItemSelectedEventArgs e)
var index = e.Parent.SelectedItemPosition; //base on the select position
var obj = e.Parent.SelectedItem; // base on the selectitem value(string)
// xxx is your conditions
if(index == xxx)
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.page1);
// or
SetContentView (Resource.Layout.page1);

Xamarin memory leakage

I'm a newbie to Xamarin. I have created an application that uses DrawerLayout(Android). But my problem is that every time i select a item in the menu(DrawerLayout menu), the memory increases, and this causes the app to become slow and crush. I've tried to use Xamarin profiler to analyze memory leaks - it suspects something called String.FastAllocationString, but it doesn't really show the line(code) that causes String.FastAllocationString issue. Please help ? Here is my code :
DrawerLayout drawerLayout;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
// Set our view from the "main" layout resource
drawerLayout = FindViewById<DrawerLayout>(Resource.Id.drawer_layout);
// Init toolbar
var toolbar = FindViewById<Android.Support.V7.Widget.Toolbar>(Resource.Id.app_bar);
// Attach item selected handler to navigation view
var navigationView = FindViewById<NavigationView>(Resource.Id.nav_view);
navigationView.NavigationItemSelected += NavigationView_NavigationItemSelected;
// Create ActionBarDrawerToggle button and add it to the toolbar
var drawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, drawerLayout, toolbar, Resource.String.open_drawer, Resource.String.close_drawer);
void NavigationView_NavigationItemSelected(object sender, NavigationView.NavigationItemSelectedEventArgs e)
var ft = FragmentManager.BeginTransaction();
switch (e.MenuItem.ItemId)
case (Resource.Id.nav_incidents):
ft.Add(Resource.Id.HomeFrameLayout, new Test());
// Close drawer
[Activity(Label = "Test")]
public class Test : Fragment
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
View view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.Test, container, false);
return view;
Xamarin Profiler
you have to check fragment is available before you add new one
switch (e.MenuItem.ItemId)
case (Resource.Id.nav_incidents):
Fragment myFragment =
if (myFragment.IsVisible){
ft.Replace(Resource.Id.HomeFrameLayout, new Test(),"FRAGMENT1");
ft.Add(Resource.Id.HomeFrameLayout, new Test(),"FRAGMENT1");
Hope this help

Applying a style to an iOS custom renderer in Xamarin.Forms

I'm developing a simple Xamarin.Forms app and I have created custom Entry renderers for Android and UWP.
I have successfully applied my own custom styles to the Entry renderers like so :
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
var customControl = e.NewElement;
var nativeControl = new FormsTextBox();
var style = Windows.UI.Xaml.Application.Current.Resources["UserNameEntry"] as Windows.UI.Xaml.Style;
nativeControl.Style = style;
nativeControl.PlaceholderText = customControl.Placeholder;
For Android
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
if (e.OldElement == null)
var nativeEditText = (global::Android.Widget.EditText)Control;
So, it is dead simple to apply any custom style by using the native styling tools from Android and UWP platforms.
My question is, is there any way to do the same with iOS? How can I apply a style using a description-based file like a style.xaml in UWP or style.axml in Android?
You can do for IOS like this :
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
if (Control != null)
Control.BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.None;
UIImage img = UIImage.FromFile("ImageName.png");
Control.Background = img;

How to use Android AutoCompleteTextView on Xamarin.Forms

I'm working on a Xamarin.forms project but i need to use Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView how can i apply that?
When i am trying to add AutoCompleteTextView UserNameAutoComplete; to ContentPage i get the following error:
Content = new StackLayout
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
Padding = new Thickness(25),
Children =
cannot convert from 'Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView' to
Android.Widget.AutoCompleteTextView is a View from Android.
Solution for PCL:
You can't use platform specific View's on Xamarin Forms (PCL) ContentPage.
To use platform specific View you should use a custom render.
There is a blog post from #JamesMontemagno that shows how to do what you need.
This code is draft exemple please use it as such.
1 - Create your own custom Xamarin.Forms control that will be renderered in Android as an AutoCompleteTextView:
public class AutoCompleteView : View
// Place need properties here.
2 - In Android project add a renderer for AutoCompleteView:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(AutoCompleteView), typeof(AutoCompleteViewRenderer))]
namespace App.Droid
public class AutoCompleteViewRenderer : ViewRenderer<AutoCompleteView, AutoCompleteTextView>
// Initialize the AutoCompleteTextView
protected override void OnElementChanged (ElementChangedEventArgs<AutoComplete> e)
base.OnElementChanged (e);
if (e.OldElement != null || this.Element == null)
var autoComplete = new AutoCompleteTextView(Forms.Context);
SetNativeControl (autoComplete);
// Use the control here.
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged (object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e) {
base.OnElementPropertyChanged (sender, e);
if (this.Element == null || this.Control == null)
// variable this.Control is the AutoCompleteTextView, so you an manipulate it.
Solution for Shared Project:
When using Shared Project there is a possibility to use Native Embedding, like:
var textView = new TextView (Forms.Context) { Text = originalText };
stackLayout.Children.Add (textView);
contentView.Content = textView.ToView();
