Yii2 - Attributes in DynamicModel - model-view-controller

I created a yii\base\DynamicModel in controller and I have one form with attributes from this model. I need access these attributes after submitting form in controller.
public function actionCreate()
$model = new DynamicModel([
'name', 'age', 'city'
$model->age = $model->age + 5;
* code....
* */
return $this->redirect(['index']);
} else {
return $this->render('create', [
'model' => $model,
But $model->age, $model->name etc. returns nothing.
I could only access the attribute this way: Yii::$app->request->get('DynamicModel')['age']
What is the correct way to access these attributes?

You need to configure validation rules in order to automatically load attributes by load():
$model = new DynamicModel(['name', 'age', 'city']);
$model->addRule(['name', 'age', 'city'], 'safe');
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
// ...
Using safe will accept values as is without actual validation, but you may consider adding real validation rules to ensure correct state of your model.


Put other function on FormRequest in Laravel

I'm building a Laravel 6 application, and I am concerned about "best practices." I have one controller named CustomerController. In my controller, I want to update the Customer model, so I will have a function like the following.
public function update(UpdateCustomer $request, Customer $customer){
UpdateCustomer is my form request and where I will do the validation. In my update() method, I have classic validation.
public function rules()
$validationArray = [];
$validationArray['customer.name'] = 'string|required';
$validationArray['customer.vat'] = 'string|required';
$validationArray['customer.email'] = 'email|required';
return $validationArray;
Now I have to do some particular validation other the classic.
Let's assume that I have more data in my model, and I don't want these values to be changed.
For example, I have the following: address, cap, locality. I have a second method on the UpdateCustomer request that I can validate.
public function validateForDataCantChange()
$data = $this->input("customer");
$customer = $this->route("customerID");
$validator = Validator::make([], []); // Empty data and rules fields
$arrayDataThatCantChange = [
'address' => $data['address'] ?? NULL,
'cap' => $data['cap'] ?? NULL,
'locality' => $data['locality'] ?? NULL
foreach ($arrayDataThatCantChange as $key => $v) {
if ($customer->{$key} !== $v) {
$validator->errors()->add($key, __("messages.the field :field can't be changed", ['field' => $key]));
if ($validator->errors()->any()) {
throw new ValidationException($validator);
And then in my controller, I've added the following.
public function update(UpdateCustomer $request, Customer $customer){
Is this a bad practice? Should I create a new FormRequest? How, in this case (two form requests), can I use two different requests for a single controller?
For the little effort required, I'd personally create a new form request.
If you wish to use the same form request you can do the following:
public function rules()
$rules = [
'title' => 'required:unique:posts'
// when editing i.e. /posts/2/edit
if ($id = $this->segment(2)) {
$rules['title'] .= ",$id";
return $rules;
However, I always use a separate class for each action.

What is the correct way to add validation on the form level in ZF2?

There is a complex form with a lot of nested fieldsets. Some fields need to be validated depending on field(-s) in another fieldset. So I cannot define all the validation rules directly in the getInputFilterSpecification() of the Fieldset, since there I cannot access other fieldsets (only the sub-fieldsets). The only way to do this is to extend the Form validation. Right? If so, how to do this?
MyForm extends Form
public function isValid()
$isFormValid = parent::isValid();
$isFieldXyzValid = // my additional validation logic
if(! $isFieldXyzValid) {
return $isFormValid && $isFieldXyzValid;
Like this? Or is a cleaner way to solve this problem?
I've already developed something similar in my previous project.
For doing this i used a service which take my form and set dynamic fieldset, and obviously custom validation rules.
In your controller, get your form (via the dependancy injection formManager (polyfilled or not).
$form = $this->formManager->get('{your form}');
Call your service and give it your form.
And in your service you can do anything you want like :
get your stuff (from DB or others) to determine wich fields are mandatory
Foreach on your form
Add or remove fieldset
Add or remove validationGroup fields
Add or remove filters
Add or remove validators
I performed those via (sample) in a foreach where $stuff is an element of doctrine collection
$nameFieldset = 'my_fieldset-'.$stuff->getId();
$globalValidator = new GlobalValidator();
$uoValidator = new UcValidator();
'idToValidate' => $stuff->getId(),
'translator' => $this->translator
'idToValidate' => $stuff->getId(),
'translator' => $this->translator
$name = 'qty-'.$stuff->getId();
$form = $this->setFilters($form, $name, $nameFieldset);
$form = $this->setValidators($form, $name, $globalValidator, $uoValidator, $nameFieldset);
Where setFilters and setValidators are custom methods wich add filters and validator to my fields (also custom)
* #param myForm $form
* #param $name
* #param string $nameFieldset
* #return myForm
public function setFilters($form, $name, $nameFieldset)
->insert(new StripTags())
->insert(new StringTrim());
return $form;
* #param myForm $form
* #param $name
* #param $globalValidator
* #param $uoValidator
* #param $nameFieldset
* #return myForm
public function setValidators($form, $name, $globalValidator, $uoValidator, $nameFieldset)
$optionsSpace = [
'translator' => $this->translator,
'type' => NotEmpty::SPACE
$optionsString = [
'translator' => $this->translator,
'type' => NotEmpty::STRING
$optionsDigits = [
'translator' => $this->translator,
->attach($uoValidator, true, 1)
->attach($globalValidator, true, 1)
// We authorize zéro but not space nor strings
->attach(new NotEmpty($optionsSpace), true, 2)
->attach(new NotEmpty($optionsString), true, 2)
->attach(new Digits($optionsDigits), true, 2);
return $form;

yii2 custom validation not working

I need to compare 2 attribute value in the model and only if first value is lower than second value form can validate.I try with below code but it not worked.
public function actionOpanningBalance(){
$model = new Bill();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
$model->created_at = \Yii::$app->user->identity->id;
return $this->render('OpanningBalance', [
'model' => $model,
public function rules()
return [
[['outlet_id', 'sr_id', 'bill_number', 'bill_date', 'created_at', 'created_date','bill_amount','credit_amount'], 'required'],
[['outlet_id', 'sr_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], 'integer'],
[['bill_date', 'd_slip_date', 'cheque_date', 'created_date', 'updated_date','status'], 'safe'],
[['bill_amount', 'cash_amount', 'cheque_amount', 'credit_amount'], 'number'],
[['comment'], 'string'],
['credit_amount',function compareValue($attribute,$param){
if($this->$attribute > $this->bill_amount){
$this->addError($attribute, 'Credit amount should less than Bill amount');
[['bill_number', 'd_slip_no', 'bank', 'branch'], 'string', 'max' => 225],
[['cheque_number'], 'string', 'max' => 100],
[['bill_number'], 'unique']
It's going in to the validator function but not add the error like i wanted
$this->addError($attribute, 'Credit amount should less than Bill amount');
anyone can help me with this?
If the validation is not adding any error, it's most likely being skipped. The issue is most likely becasue of default rules behaviour whereby it skips empty or already error given values as per here: https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/2.0/en/input-validation#inline-validators
By default, inline validators will not be applied if their associated attributes receive empty inputs or if they have already failed some validation rules. If you want to make sure a rule is always applied, you may configure the skipOnEmpty and/or skipOnError properties to be false in the rule declarations.
So you would need to set up the skipOnEmpty or skipOnError values depending on what works for you:
['country', 'validateCountry', 'skipOnEmpty' => false, 'skipOnError' => false],
Try this:
public function actionOpanningBalance(){
$model = new Bill();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate()) {
$model->created_at = \Yii::$app->user->identity->id;
return $this->render('OpanningBalance', [
'model' => $model,
For Validation
You can use anonymous function :
['credit_amount',function ($attribute, $params) {
if ($this->$attribute > $this->bill_amount)) {
$this->addError($attribute, 'Credit amount should less than Bill amount.');
return false;
you can use like this below answer is also write
public function rules(){
return [
['credit_amount','custom_function_validation', 'on' =>'scenario'];
public function custom_function_validation($attribute){
// add custom validation
if ($this->$attribute < $this->cash_amount)
$this->addError($attribute,'Credit amount should less than Bill amount.');
I've made custom_function_validation working using 3rd params like this:
public function is18yo($attribute, $params, $validator)
$dobDate = new DateTime($this->$attribute);
$now = new DateTime();
if ($now->diff($dobDate)->y < 18) {
$validator->addError($this, $attribute, 'At least 18 years old');
return false;
This is a back end validation and it will trigger on submit only. So you can try something like this inside your validation function.
if (!$this->hasErrors()) {
// Your validation code goes here.
If you check the basic Yii2 app generated you can see that example in file models/LoginForm.php, there is a function named validatePassword.
Validation will trigger only after submitting the form.

Using performAjaxValidation inside a widget (Yii)

I've created a widget with a CActiveForm in it. Everything works ok, but now i want to enable ajax validation for it.
The problem is that the output of my ajax validation is containing, besides the validation JSON string, all (well a part of it, since Yii::app()->end() stops the rest) of my html as well. Not weird, because i'm using it within a widget and the validation request is done to the controller/action where i've placed this widget on.
Is there some way to prevent outputting all the html, so a valid JSON string is returned?
I've already tried to set the validationUrl in the CActiveForm to another controller/action, but the problem is that i have to send the model with it and this model is determined in my widget and not on the validationUrl.
public function run()
$model = new User;
$model->scenario = 'create';
if (isset($_POST['User'])) {
$model->attributes = $_POST['User'];
if ($model->save()) {
$this->render('register-form', array(
'model' => $model
* Performs the AJAX validation.
* #param User $model the model to be validated
protected function performAjaxValidation($model)
echo CActiveForm::validate($model);
Output of performAjaxValidation() (the ajax call):
.. more html here ..
<section class="box">
<h1>Register form simple</h1>
{"UserPartialSignup_email":["Email is geen geldig emailadres."]}
I solved it this way:
I've created an AJAX controller where the validation is done:
* Validates a model.
* Validates a model, POST containing the data. This method is usually used for widget based forms.
* #param $m model name which have to be validated
* #param $s scenario for this model, optional.
* #return string JSON containing the validation data
public function actionValidate($m, $s = null)
if ($this->checkValidationData($m, $s) && isset($_POST['ajax']))
$model = new $m;
$model->scenario = $s;
echo CActiveForm::validate($model);
} else {
throw new CHttpException(500, 'No valid validation combination used');
You can give the model name and a scenario as GET parameters with it, i'm checking if this combination is allowed by the checkValidationData() method.
In the view of my widget where the CActiveForm is placed, i've added the validationUrl, referring to ajax/validate:
<?php $form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
'clientOptions' => array(
'validationUrl' => array('ajax/validate', 'm' => get_class($model), 's' => 'create')
)); ?>

laravel validate multiple models

I would like a best practice for this kind of problem
I have items, categories and category_item table for a many to many relationship
I have 2 models with these validations rules
class Category extends Basemodel {
public static $rules = array(
'name' => 'required|min:2|max:255'
class Item extends BaseModel {
public static $rules = array(
'title' => 'required|min:5|max:255',
'content' => 'required'
class Basemodel extends Eloquent{
public static function validate($data){
return Validator::make($data, static::$rules);
I don't know how to validate these 2 sets of rules from only one form with category, title and content fields.
For the moment I just have a validation for the item but I don't know what's the best to do:
create a new set of rules in my controller -> but it seems redundant
sequentially validate Item then category -> but I don't know how to handle validations errors, do I have to merges them? and how?
a 3rd solution I'm unaware of
here is my ItemsController#store method
* Store a newly created item in storage.
* #return Redirect
public function store()
$validation= Item::validate(Input::all());
$new_recipe = new Item();
$new_recipe->title = Input::get('title');
$new_recipe->content = Input::get('content');
$new_recipe->creator_id = Auth::user()->id;
return Redirect::route('home')
->with('message','your item has been added');
return Redirect::route('items.create')->withErrors($validation)->withInput();
I am very interested on some clue about this subject
One way, as you pointed yourself, is to validate it sequentially:
* Store a newly created item in storage.
* #return Redirect
public function store()
$itemValidation = Item::validate(Input::all());
$categoryValidation = Category::validate(Input::all());
if($itemValidation->passes() and $categoryValidation->passes()){
$new_recipe = new Item();
$new_recipe->title = Input::get('title');
$new_recipe->content = Input::get('content');
$new_recipe->creator_id = Auth::user()->id;
return Redirect::route('home')
->with('message','your item has been added');
return Redirect::route('items.create')
->with('errors', array_merge_recursive(
The other way would be to create something like an Item Repository (domain) to orchestrate your items and categories (models) and use a Validation Service (that you'll need to create too) to validate your forms.
Chris Fidao book, Implementing Laravel, explains that wonderfully.
You can also use this:
$validationMessages =
return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validationMessages)->withInput();
and call it in the same way.
$validateUser = Validator::make(Input::all(), User::$rules);
$validateRole = Validator::make(Input::all(), Role::$rules);
if ($validateUser->fails() OR $validateRole->fails()) :
$validationMessages = array_merge_recursive($validateUser->messages()->toArray(), $validateRole->messages()->toArray());
return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validationMessages)->withInput();
