Beego POST method always looks for template file - go

I am writing a simple login/logout feature using Beego.
My init() in router.go file is given below:
func init() {
beego.Router("/", &controllers.MainController{})
beego.Router("/login", &controllers.AuthController{})
beego.Router("/verify", &controllers.AuthController{}, "post:Verify")
In AuthController:
func (c *AuthController) Verify() {
email := c.GetString("email")
password := c.GetString("password")
fmt.Printf("email: %v password: %v", email, password)
I just want to print the details to browser (for debugging purpose) and later redirect it to another page if the user is authenticated. But the issue here is that Beego always looks for a template file and throws the below error:
can't find templatefile in the path:views/authcontroller/verify.tpl
How can I stop Beego from acting like that or am I doing something that is "not-beego-like"?

if you don't set response type, beego is always looking for default template path.
if you don't want to render template you can set response type as;
func (c *AuthController) Verify() {
defer c.ServerJSON() // response type
email := c.GetString("email")
password := c.GetString("password")
fmt.Printf("email: %v password: %v", email, password)


GO Gin Keeps returning empty status if Any part of my code returns false

I am relatively new to Golang and Gin(framework)
I am writing some really simple API endpoints . But I notice something really weird about Gin, if there is any codition or function within my code that returns false the rest of my code or conditions does not get executed and Gin just returns a JSON with empty status :
Here is a very simple code to explain what I mean
In a functions.go file I have :
func VerifyUserLogin(username,password,userAgent string) (string, string) {
userData := Users{}
userQueryColumn := "username=?"
// if they are trying to login with email
if nEmailHelpers.EmailIsValid(username) == true{
userQueryColumn = "email=?"
if getUserData := db.Select("password").Where(userQueryColumn, strings.ToLower(username)).First(&userData); getUserData.Error != nil {
// Meaning there was an error, most likely no data found , so we just return false todo improve this error handling later to handle more specific errors
return "", feedback["InvalidLogin"]
} else {
if getUserData.RowsAffected == 1 {
if nSecurityHelpers.CheckPasswordHash(password, userData.Password)==true {
token, tokenError := CreateToken(username, userAgent, false, 60)
if tokenError == nil {
return token, feedback["ValidLogin"]
} else {
return "", feedback["TokenNotGenerated"]
} else {
return "", feedback["InvalidLogin"]
return "", feedback["InvalidLogin"]
In another go file that references the functions.go file I have :
func main(){
router := gin.Default()
router.POST ("login",loginUser)
var feedback = userFeedback.Users()
// loginUser function to login a user
func loginUser(c *gin.Context){
requestBody := neielRequestsHelpers.RequestBody(c)
username := requestBody["username"]
password := requestBody["password"]
userAgent := c.Request.Header.Get("User-Agent")
token, loginMessage := userFunctions.VerifyUserLogin(username,password,userAgent)
// todo come back and fix proper error message when user does not exist
if loginMessage==feedback["ValidLogin"]{
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"status":loginMessage,"token":token})
c.JSON(http.StatusUnauthorized, gin.H{"status":feedback["InvalidLogin"]})
If all my inputs are correct , all goes well (Username exists and password is correct). But I have to handle scenario where username or password is invalid .If for any reason getUserData or nSecurityHelpers.CheckPasswordHash() is false , or any function for that matter returns a boolean of false . The entire function just terminates and doesn't allow me handle the error the way I want and output custom JSON response. I just get this {"status":""}
I am 100% sure this issue is from Gin , but I don't know what to activate or deactivate to allow me handle errors on my own. I have read the docs, but its obvious I am missing something .
Kindly help me please .
I have resolved this, thanks to everyone that tried to help
It was a typo error causing the issue "InValidLogin" instead of "InvalidLogin" in another file.
It was really subtle

400 Bad request when generating the Google API access token using Go iamcredentials client API

I am trying to implement iamcredentials Go API client to generate an Access Token to access some Google APIs via REST API, I am using this code
package main
import (
func main() {
iamcredentialsService, err := iamcredentials.NewService(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Println("error initialize iamcredential Service ", err)
accessTokenCall := iamcredentialsService.Projects.ServiceAccounts.GenerateAccessToken(
Scope: []string{
iamResp, err := accessTokenCall.Do()
if err != nil {
log.Println("error generate access token", err)
But when I tried to run the above snippet, I got this message
go run main.go
error generate access token googleapi: Error 400: Request contains an invalid argument., badRequest
Is there any way to check which one is causing the above response? I am not sure since there isn't any good example of implementation. Any help would be appreciated, Thanks.
Notes :
I have checked following documentation on this topic and this
I have already setup the Service account using Service Account Token Creator role on IAM and also enabled the IAM API from the console
Also I have added GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to the environment variables as suggested
#DanielFarrell is right, you need to remove the :generateAccessToken at the end. Here the documentation in the code. Don't hesitate to explore it, it's open source ;)
// GenerateAccessToken: Generates an OAuth 2.0 access token for a
// service account.
// - name: The resource name of the service account for which the
// credentials are requested, in the following format:
// `projects/-/serviceAccounts/{ACCOUNT_EMAIL_OR_UNIQUEID}`. The `-`
// wildcard character is required; replacing it with a project ID is
// invalid.
func (r *ProjectsServiceAccountsService) GenerateAccessToken(name string, generateaccesstokenrequest *GenerateAccessTokenRequest) *ProjectsServiceAccountsGenerateAccessTokenCall {
c := &ProjectsServiceAccountsGenerateAccessTokenCall{s: r.s, urlParams_: make(gensupport.URLParams)} = name
c.generateaccesstokenrequest = generateaccesstokenrequest
return c

cloudtasks.CreateTask fails: `lacks IAM permission "cloudtasks.tasks.create"` even though my account has that permission

I'm following the Creating HTTP Target tasks guide.
When I run the code posted below I get this error:
cloudtasks.CreateTask: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied
desc = The principal (user or service account)
lacks IAM permission "cloudtasks.tasks.create" for the resource
(or the resource may not exist).
I have signed in with gcloud auth login has the following permissions set by my custom cloud task role:
I don't get it. What more should I check?
// Run `PROJECT_ID=my_project QUEUE_ID=my_queue go run main.go`
package main
import (
cloudtasks ""
taskspb ""
var (
locationID = "europe-west1"
url = ""
message = "testing"
func main() {
projectID := os.Getenv("PROJECT_ID")
queueID := os.Getenv("QUEUE_ID")
task, err := createHTTPTask(projectID, locationID, queueID, url, message)
if err != nil {
// createHTTPTask creates a new task with a HTTP target then adds it to a Queue.
func createHTTPTask(projectID, locationID, queueID, url, message string) (*taskspb.Task, error) {
// Create a new Cloud Tasks client instance.
// See
ctx := context.Background()
client, err := cloudtasks.NewClient(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %v", err)
// Build the Task queue path.
queuePath := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/queues/%s", projectID, locationID, queueID)
// Build the Task payload.
req := &taskspb.CreateTaskRequest{
Parent: queuePath,
Task: &taskspb.Task{
MessageType: &taskspb.Task_HttpRequest{
HttpRequest: &taskspb.HttpRequest{
HttpMethod: taskspb.HttpMethod_POST,
Url: url,
// Add a payload message if one is present.
req.Task.GetHttpRequest().Body = []byte(message)
createdTask, err := client.CreateTask(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cloudtasks.CreateTask: %v", err)
return createdTask, nil
The Cloud Tasks API is enabled.
I've been having the same issue for the past couple of days and figured it out. The library I was using to create the API client and create a task was using different credentials than I expected.
For those that are using "application default credentials", or at least letting the client find credentials automatically, take a look at this page:
I had created a service account with all the right roles and was assuming the API client was using the service account. Turns out I wasn't passing in the key file and thus it was using the "application default credentials". For my use case, "application default credentials" referred to the App Engine default service account. When I supplied the API client with a key file for my custom service account, it worked.
Application Default Credentials (ADC) provide a method to get credentials used in calling Google APIs. The gcloud auth application-default command group allows you to manage active credentials on your machine that are used for local application development.
Acquire new user credentials to use for ADC with the following command:
gcloud auth application-default login

Google Directory API add Custom Schema/Update it to Users per google API (in go)

I am trying to upload a CustomSchema to all Users of a company in GSuite. This Custom Schema contains their Github Usernames, which I extracted with the github API.
The problem is, after running the code, the account in Gsuite is not added.
Relevant code (A connection to GSuite with admin Authentication is established, the map has all user entries. If you still want more code, I can provide you with it - just trying to keep it simple):
for _, u := range allUsers.Users {
if u.CustomSchemas != nil {
log.Printf("%v", string(u.CustomSchemas["User_Names"]))
u.CustomSchemas = map[string]googleapi.RawMessage{}
nameFromGsuite := u.Name.FullName
if githubLogin, ok := gitHubAccs[nameFromGsuite]; ok {
userSchemaForGithub := GithubAcc{GitHub: githubLogin}
jsonRaw, err := json.Marshal(userSchemaForGithub)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Something went wrong logging: %v", err)
u.CustomSchemas["User_Names"] = jsonRaw
adminService.Users.Update(u.Id, u)
} else {
log.Printf("User not found for %v\n", nameFromGsuite)
This is the struct for the json encoding:
type GithubAcc struct {
GitHub string `json:"GitHub"`
For anyone stumbling upon this.
Everything in the code snippet is correct. By the way the method is written, I expected that adminService.Users.Update() actually updates the user. Instead, it returns an UserUpdatesCall.
You need to execute that update by calling .Do()
From the API:
Do executes the "directory.users.update" call.
So the solution is to change adminService.Users.Update(u.Id, u)
into adminService.Users.Update(u.Id, u).Do()

How to get my image (base64) in Google-Cloud-Storage with go script

I have been looking for an example GAE script in go to get my image that I got from the resulted screenshot of PageSpeed Insights and saved it as json_decode object using Kohana/Cache to Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
The reason of this method is simply because I found this Kohana model is the most convenient way writing files to GCS, although I am seeking also other way like this to write files to GCS using Blobstore to serve them while the Go API Files has been deprecate as documented here.
Here is the form of stored object containing the screenshot image data (base64) which is saved as public in default application bucket with object name images/thumb/mythumb.jpg:
stdClass Object
[screenshot] => stdClass Object
[data] => _9j_4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD_...= // base64 data
[height] => 240
[mime_type] => image/jpeg
[width] => 320
[otherdata] => Array
[..] => ..
[..] => ..
I want to get this image that set as public using my customized url as below that to be proceed through go module and also I need it to be expired in a certain time because I have managed to update the image content itself regularly:
I have set in disptach.yaml to send all image request to my go module as below:
- url: "*/images/*"
module: go
and set the handler in go.yaml to proceed the image request as below:
- url: /images/thumb/.*
script: _go_app
- url: /images
static_dir: images
Using this directive I have got that all /images/ request (other than /images/thumb/ request) serve images from the static directory and that /images/thumb/mythumb.jpg goes to the module application.
So left what code I have to use (see ????) in my application file named thumb.go as below:
package thumb
//what to import
const (
googleAccessID = "<serviceAccountEmail>"
serviceAccountPEMFilename = "YOUR_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY.pem"
bucket = ""
var (
expiration = time.Now().Add(time.Second * 60) //expire in 60 seconds
func init() {
http.HandleFunc("/images/thumb/", handleThumb)
func handleThumb(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := cloud.NewContext(appengine.AppID(c), hc)
???? //what code to get the string of 'mythumb.jpg' from url
???? //what code to get the image stored data from GCS
???? //what code to encoce base64 data
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "image/jpeg;")
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v", mythumb.jpg)
I have taken many codes from some examples like this, this or this but could not get one works so far. I have also tried a sample from this which is almost close to my case but also found no luck.
So in generally t was mainly due to lack on what are the correct code to be put on the line that I marked by ???? as well the relevant library or path to be imported. I have also checked the GCS permission if something have been missing as described here and here.
I shall thank you much for your help and advise.
From what I've read in your description, it seems that the only relevant parts are the ???? lines in the actual Go code. Let me know if that's not the case.
First ????: "what code to get the string of 'mythumb.jpg' from url"?
From reading the code, you're looking to extract mythumb.jpg from a url like http://localhost/images/thumb/mythumb.jpg. A working example is available at the Writing Web Applications tutorial:
package main
import (
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hi there, I love %s!", r.URL.Path[1:])
func main() {
http.HandleFunc("/", handler)
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil)
Such that
Hi there, I love monkeys!
Second ????: "what code to get the image stored data from GCS"?
The API method you're probably looking to use is storage.objects.get.
You did link to one of the JSON API Go Examples for Google Cloud Storage, which is a good general reference, but is not related to the problem you're trying to solve. That particular example is put together for Client-side applications (hence the redirectURL = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" line). Additionally, this sample uses deprecated/out-of-date oauth2 and storage packages.
One of the cleanest (and non-deprecated) ways to do this for an application which wants to access its own buckets on behalf of itself would be to use the golang/oauth2 and Google APIs Client Library for Go packages.
An example of how to authenticate with JSON Web Token auth with the golang/oauth2 package is available in the repo:
func ExampleJWTConfig() {
conf := &jwt.Config{
Email: "",
// The contents of your RSA private key or your PEM file
// that contains a private key.
// If you have a p12 file instead, you
// can use `openssl` to export the private key into a pem file.
// $ openssl pkcs12 -in key.p12 -out key.pem -nodes
// It only supports PEM containers with no passphrase.
PrivateKey: []byte("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----..."),
Subject: "",
TokenURL: "",
// Initiate an http.Client, the following GET request will be
// authorized and authenticated on the behalf of
client := conf.Client(oauth2.NoContext)
Next, instead of using the oauth2 client directly, use that client with the Google APIs Client Library for Go mentioned earlier:
service, err := storage.New(client)
if err != nil {
fatalf(service, "Failed to create service %v", err)
Notice the similarity to the out-of-date JSON API Go Examples?
In your handler, you'll want to go out and get the related object using func ObjectsService.Get. Assuming that you know the name of the object and bucket, that is.
Straight from the previous example, you can use code similar to what's below to retrieve the download link:
if res, err := service.Objects.Get(bucketName, objectName).Do(); err == nil {
fmt.Printf("The media download link for %v/%v is %v.\n\n", bucketName, res.Name, res.MediaLink)
} else {
fatalf(service, "Failed to get %s/%s: %s.", bucketName, objectName, err)
Then, fetch the file, or do whatever you want with it. Full example:
import (
const (
bucketName = "YOUR_BUCKET_NAME"
objectName = "mythumb.jpg"
func main() {
conf := &jwt.Config{
Email: "",
PrivateKey: []byte("-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----..."),
Subject: "",
TokenURL: "",
client := conf.Client(oauth2.NoContext)
service, err := storage.New(client)
if err != nil {
fatalf(service, "Failed to create service %v", err)
if res, err := service.Objects.Get(bucketName, objectName).Do(); err == nil {
fmt.Printf("The media download link for %v/%v is %v.\n\n", bucketName, res.Name, res.MediaLink)
} else {
fatalf(service, "Failed to get %s/%s: %s.", bucketName, objectName, err)
// Go fetch the file, etc.
Third ????: "what code to encoce base64 data"?
Pretty simple with the encoding/base64 package. SO simple, that they've included an example:
package main
import (
func main() {
data := []byte("any + old & data")
str := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(data)
Hope that helps.
