Ansible how to ignore undefined item in a loop - ansible

I'm trying to have list of paths.
The variables folder (web_folder, app_folder or db_folder ) may be undefined and is expected to be undefined.
In this case I just don't want the undefined value in the the list.
- set_fact: root_paths="{{ root_paths | default([]) + [ item ] }}"
- "{{ web_folder }}"
- "{{ app_folder }}"
- "{{ db_folder }}"
when: item is defined
When I do this I get an error message 'The task includes an option with an undefined variable.'
I can make this work if I define default values e.g. '-' and replace the when condition with
when: item != '-'
I don't like this solution.
I tried a few things like
'when: vars[item] is undefined' from this post, but it didn't work for me.
I also replaces 'loop' with 'with_items' didn't work either
Any suggestions?

The variables folder (web_folder, app_folder or db_folder ) may be undefined and is expected to be undefined.
you could use the default filter to initialize them to an empty array, in case they are not defined:
- set_fact: root_paths="{{ root_paths | default([]) + [ item ] }}"
- "{{ web_folder | default([]) }}"
- "{{ app_folder | default([]) }}"
- "{{ db_folder | default([]) }}"
when: item is defined
hope it helps.

Q: I get an error message 'The task includes an option with an undefined variable.' I can make this work if I define default values e.g. '-' and replace the when condition with when: item != '-'. I don't like this solution.
A: The expansion of an undefined variable causes the error. Either the variables are tested explicitly or default filter is used.
Testing each variable is cumbersome
- set_fact:
folders_defined: []
- set_fact:
folders_defined: "{{ folders_defined + [web_folder] }}"
when: web_folder is defined
- set_fact:
folders_defined: "{{ folders_defined + [app_folder] }}"
when: app_folder is defined
- set_fact:
folders_defined: "{{ folders_defined + [db_folder] }}"
when: db_folder is defined
- debug:
var: folders_defined
The next option (which is very similar to the one you don't like) is to test a default value assigned to undefined variables. For example, the playbook below tests default empty string. If necessary fit this condition to your needs.
- hosts: localhost
web_folder: /my/web/folder
app_folder: /my/app/folder
folders: [web_folder, app_folder, db_folder]
- set_fact:
folders_defined: "{{ folders_defined|default([]) +
[lookup('vars', item)] }}"
loop: "{{ folders }}"
when: lookup('vars', item, default='')|length > 0
- debug:
var: folders_defined
ok: [localhost] => {
"folders_defined": [


how to set default value if key is not available in dict in ansible play

I am setting fact as dict using host names like below,
processed_hosts: "{{ processed_hosts | default([]) + [dict(host_name=item, result=hostvars[item]['_OS_upgraded'])] }}"
- "{{ groups['reachable_a_hosts'] }}"
Its working good when all the host has "_OS_upgraded".
But when task failed in any of the host then "_OS_upgraded" is not set, on that scenario i am getting error when i call this hostvars[item]['_OS_upgraded']
so want to set it false by default if that item is not in hostvars,
Can some one let me know how to do that?
It worked after adding | default(False)
processed_hosts: "{{ processed_hosts | default([]) + [dict(host_name=item, result=hostvars[item]['_OS_upgraded']|default(False))] }}"
- "{{ groups['reachable_a_hosts'] }}"

jinja2 turning lists into strings even when from_json is being used

I am trying to run a nested for loop in order to retrieve a nested value.
I would like to retrieve some_value_4 when some_value_3 matches a criteria that's predefined.
"some_dict": {
"some_key_0": "value_0",
"some_key_1": "value_1"
"testval_dict": {
"test_key_0": "some_value_0",
"test_key_1": "some_value_1",
"test_key_2": "some_value_2",
"test_key_3": "some_value_3",
"test_key_4": "some_value_4"
The playbook:
- hosts: localhost
- set_fact:
mydict: "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/file.json' ) | from_json }}"
- debug:
msg: |
"{% for item in mydict %}
{{ item }}
{% endfor %}"
when run, it alreay looks like dict names are treated as string and nothing more:
ansible-playbook /tmp/test_playbook.yml -c local -i ', localhost'
TASK [debug] ******************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {}
" somee_dict
Then when I add an itme.key to the debug task, the playbook fails:
The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: 'str object' has no attribute 'value'
Thank you.
edit for clarification
In the real example, I will not know the names of the dicts, so I cannot use some_dict or testval_dict, that is why I'm trying to go over this data source in an item.key or item.value form.
Q: "{% for item in mydict %} ... dict names are treated as string and nothing more."
A: This is correct. A dictionary, when evaluated as a list, returns the list of its keys. See some examples below
- debug:
msg: "{{ mydict.keys()|list }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ mydict[item] }}"
loop: "{{ mydict.keys()|list }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ mydict|difference(['testval_dict']) }}"
- some_dict
- testval_dict
some_key_0: value_0
some_key_1: value_1
test_key_0: some_value_0
test_key_1: some_value_1
test_key_2: some_value_2
test_key_3: some_value_3
test_key_4: some_value_4
- some_dict
See How to iterate through a list of dictionaries in Jinja template?
If you need to loop over the dictionary, you can use with_dict loop functionality. This way, if you loop over mydict and get item.key you will get somee_dict and testval_dict.
- set_fact:
mydict: "{{ lookup('file', '/tmp/file.json')|from_json }}"
# This will get the top level dictionaries somee_dict and testval_dict
- debug:
var: item.key
with_dict: "{{ mydict }}"
And if you get item.value of mydict you will get the sub-dictionary:
- debug:
var: item.value
with_dict: "{{ mydict }}"
Will produce (showing output only for testval_dict):
"item.value": {
"test_key_0": "some_value_0",
"test_key_1": "some_value_1",
"test_key_2": "some_value_2",
"test_key_3": "some_value_3",
"test_key_4": "some_value_4"

Ansible: tasks to append number to name tag

I'm trying to append a number to the end of the instance name tag, i have the following code but there's a problem with the second task which i cannot find, and i've not been able to find an example of anyone else trying to solve this problem.
I'm also relatively new to Ansible and cannot find the relevant documentation to do certain things like how to lookup a value in a list like how i'm doing with my until: which is probably invalid syntax
Ansible is 2.9 and runs on the instance itself
The Tasks I have are setup to do the following
Get a list of running EC2 instances that belong to the same launch template
Loop the same amount of times as the instance list until the desired name based on item index is not found in the name tags of the ec2 list
Set the updated tag name
Current Code:
- name: "{{ role_name }} | Name Instance: Gather facts about current LT instances"
"aws:autoscaling:groupName": "{{ tag_asg }}"
"aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "{{ tag_lt }}"
Application: "{{ tag_application }}"
instance-state-name: [ "running" ]
no_log: false
failed_when: false
register: ec2_list
- name: "{{ role_name }} | Name Instance: Generate Name"
with_sequence: count="{{ ec2_list.instances|length }}"
until: not "{{ tag_default_name }} {{ '%02d' % (item + 1) }}" in ec2_list.instances[*].tags['Name']
when: tag_name == tag_default_name
no_log: false
failed_when: false
register: item
- name: "{{ role_name }} | Name Instance: Append Name Tag"
region: eu-west-1
resource: "{{ instance_id }}"
state: present
Name: "{{ tag_default_name }} {{ '%02d' % (item + 1) }}"
when: tag_name == tag_default_name
no_log: false
failed_when: false
As requested here's the error I am getting:
ERROR! no module/action detected in task.
The error appears to be in '/app/deploy/Ansible/roles/Boilerplate/tasks/name_instance.yml': line 14, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.
The offending line appears to be:
- name: "{{ role_name }} | Name Instance: Generate Name"
^ here
We could be wrong, but this one looks like it might be an issue with
missing quotes. Always quote template expression brackets when they
start a value. For instance:
- {{ foo }}
Should be written as:
- "{{ foo }}"
The error is not with the name: as i constantly get that error when there's some other error within the task body
You don't appear to have a module listed in the second task. You might be able to use debug as the module, or use set_fact and skip the register line.
I think it might also be possible to combine the last two tasks with some more advanced looping, but I'd have to play around with it to give you a working example.
Thanks to bnabbs answer i realised the problem with that version was the lack of module, after fixing that i then finished creating and testing it and now have a fully working set of tasks which has resulted in the following code.
- name: "{{ role_name }} | Name Instance: Gather facts about current LT instances"
"tag:aws:autoscaling:groupName": "{{ tag_asg }}"
"tag:aws:ec2launchtemplate:id": "{{ tag_lt }}"
"tag:Application": "{{ tag_application }}"
instance-state-name: [ "pending", "running" ]
register: ec2_list
- name: "{{ role_name }} | Name Instance: Set Needed Naming Facts"
tag_name_seperator: " "
start_index: "{{ (ec2_list.instances | sort(attribute='instance_id') | sort(attribute='launch_time') | map(attribute='instance_id') | list).index(instance_id) }}"
name_tag_list: "{{ (ec2_list.instances | map(attribute='tags') | list) | map(attribute='Name') | list }}"
# Generate Name from starting index of array and mod to the length of the amount of instances to help prevent conflicts when multiple instances are launched at the same time
- name: "{{ role_name }} | Name Instance: Generate Name"
desired_tag_name: "{{ tag_default_name }}{{ tag_name_seperator }}{{ '%02d' % (((item|int) + (start_index|int) % (name_tag_list|length)) + 1) }}"
loop: "{{ name_tag_list }}"
until: not "{{ tag_default_name }}{{ tag_name_seperator }}{{ '%02d' % (((item|int) + (start_index|int) % (name_tag_list|length)) + 1) }}" in name_tag_list
- name: "{{ role_name }} | Name Instance: Append Name Tag"
region: eu-west-1
resource: "{{ instance_id }}"
state: present
Name: "{{ desired_tag_name }}"

How to create a 'null' default in Ansible

I want 'lucy' to follow the user module creators' default behaviour which is to create and use a group matching the user name 'lucy'. However for 'frank' I want the primary group to be an existing one; gid 1003. So my hash looks like this:
comment: dog
comment: cat
group: 1003
And my task looks like this:
- name: Set up local unix user accounts
name: "{{ item.key }}"
comment: "{{ item.value.comment }}"
group: "{{ | default(undef) }}"
loop: "{{ users|dict2items }}"
This doesn't work, as undef is not recognised. Nor is anything else I can think of. 'null', 'None' etc. all fail. '' creates an empty string which is not right either. I can't find out how to do it.
Any ideas?
default(omit) is what you are looking for. For example,
- name: Set up local Unix user accounts
name: "{{ item.key }}"
comment: "{{ item.value.comment }}"
group: "{{ | default(omit) }}"
loop: "{{ users|dict2items }}"
Comment by Lucas Basquerotto: "... omit only works correctly when used directly in a module, it won't work in a set_fact ..."
A: You're wrong. For example, default(omit) works both in set_fact and in the module. The first item in the list defaults to false with the result "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!". The second item defaults to omit. Omitted parameter get_checksum defaults to true with the checksum in the results
shell> cat pb.yml
- hosts: localhost
- set_fact:
- "{{ gchk|default(false) }}"
- "{{ gchk|default(omit) }}"
- stat:
path: /etc/passwd
get_checksum: "{{ item }}"
loop: "{{ test }}"
register: result
- debug:
var: item.stat.checksum
loop: "{{ result.results }}"
shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml | grep item.stat.checksum
item.stat.checksum: VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!
item.stat.checksum: 7c73e9f589ca1f0a1372aa4cd6944feec459c4a8
In addition to this, default(omit) works as expected also in some expressions. For example
- debug:
msg: "{{ {'a': item}|combine({'b': true}) }}"
loop: "{{ test }}"
a: false
b: true
b: true
See the results without default values
shell> ansible-playbook pb.yml -e "gchk={{ true|bool }}"

Ansible: Access facts set by set_fact

I need to be able to set variables using tasks in Ansible. I use set_fact for this, but cannot seem to access the fact I set with this. What is wrong with the code below:
- name: kludge1
set_fact: fake_y = "{{ [] }}"
- name: Loop
msg: "{{ item }}"
with_items: "{{ fake_y }}"
You have spaces before and after =...
- name: kludge1
set_fact: fake_y="{{ [] }}"
Avoid var= shortcut syntax. Use original YAML syntax instead, it gives less errors:
- name: kludge1
fake_y: "{{ [] }}"
