Could not find a part of the path 'AccessibilityManagerCompat_AccessibilityStateChangeListenerImplementor.class' - xamarin

while building xamarin forms android app in debug mode
I am getting following error
Unable to remove directory "obj\Debug\90\android\bin\classes". Could not find a part of the path 'AccessibilityManagerCompat_AccessibilityStateChangeListenerImplementor.class'.
unable to find resolution for this as line number is not shown

Your path to the solution could be too long. I solved this by moving my solution closer to the C drive root. Also take into account that your application might not have sufficient rights to access that location, so make sure you give the necessary access rights.

Manually delete your bin/obj folders from your Solution, and then try to rebuild.
Usually this does the trick, since it is trying to remove a class that he cannot find a path of.

Manually deleting the obj\Debug\90 folder and subsequent build worked for me.
Clean and Rebuild didn't do it for me.

You need to make sure that the path is short and you dont have any spaces or special characters in the path to your project
The latter one was the issue that haunted me for a while.
For example: C:/abc xyz/ProjectName/... is unacceptable because there is a space between abc and xyz.
I don't exactly know why but this works for me
Happy coding!


"Resource.Id" does not contain a definition "Home"

I am having a bit of trouble getting Home in Android.Resource.Id to be recognized. If I do global::Android.Resource.Id.Home, it works, but I want to try to avoid using global::. I cleaned the project and rebuilt, many times. I also tried removing the Resource.Designer.cs file, but it was not regenerated because of all the missing references to the file. Can anyone help with this issue?
The problem is that you have Android in your namespace, which is why it only works when you use global:: infront.

How to resolve build error: Unable to copy file. Access to the path is denied

The full error is this:
Error Unable to copy file "C:\TFS.WorkSpace\Argosy\Argosy\Base\Interop\Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.dll" to "..\ArgosyBuild\Interop\Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.dll". Access to the path '..\ArgosyBuild\Interop\Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.dll' is denied.
About 20 developers are working on a same TFS based solution and I'm the only one with this recurring problem.
Things I've tried are cleaning solution and deleting entire folder and downloading again with no effect. The only thing that works is selecting build folder and removing the read only flag from files. But, this solution only works one time. Next build will return some of the flags every time.
We have about 30 referenced dll's in our solution. Those dll's are with the solution and not in GAC and their build action is set to: Copy always. I always get about 2-7 dll's with this error randomly chosen.
Any help will be appreciated, thank you.
You stated ...
The only thing that works is selecting build folder and removing the
read only flag from files.
Have you tried to change the read only flag on the folder that holds these files?
I worked with the "clean" option by right clicking on the project

Compiler warning after install Xcode 7 Directory not found for option '-F ...'

I check this answer with no success.
Maybe sounds obvious but I look for inside the path and effectively does not exist the path, but this path is used for Xcode and not for my code (at least not that I know it)
The folder suppose to be here the but it does not exist (create the folder manually but does not fix it)
Somebody have an idea ?
I had the same problem, here's how I solved it:
Go to the "Build Settings" of the Tests Targets (Make sure it's the "Tests" files with the white building block logo) and erase the Framework Search Paths.
Since you claim that the path doesn't exist, I suppose you were looking under the normal file instead of the "Tests". At least that was my mistake.
Good Luck!
I changed the last "Developer" in the Tests target's "Frameworks Search paths" path to "System" (...iPhoneOS9.0.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks) because there is a System/Library/Frameworks directory. My code builds and the warning goes away.
Ups !!
I have the problem in the Test Compiling.
I delete the path and fix it.
I have the same problem. I can temporarily rectify the issue by selecting "Product - Clean" from the menu. It soon returns though.

MSBuild The import project <x> was not found

I'm getting an error that "The import project '[file path here]' was not found. Confirm that the path in the declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk."
However, I can confirm that [file path here] is correct and does represent an accurate file that does exist on the disk. Running as administrator does not fix the problem, restarting VS does not fix the problem, and expanding the environmental variables that create the path do not fix the problem.
Edit: The file is on a local disk, not a share, and my account is a local administrator, so there are no possible permissions issues here (especially since running as admin didn't resolve the issue)
Edit2: This only happens with isolated files and is not systemic through all imported projects.
Any suggestions?
You can use Process Monitor from Sysinternals tools to check what paths are actually accessed during the build. This should give you the idea of what is missing. Make sure to filter only for required process and from you description it seems you need only to check file system access. Otherwise you will get a lot of events and it will be much harder to troubleshoot the issue.
It would appear that since there was a conditional on the Identifier i was using allowing others to override it, a different file was overriding it with the same identifier but with a space, removing the conditional fixed the problem.
Key takeaway here, make sure you know who and what are setting your variables.

Regenerate missing AssemblyInfo.cs in VS 2005

I'm trying to build a small VS 2005 solution I've just checked out of source control, and I'm getting this easy to understand error:
...\AssemblyInfo.cs' could not be
opened ('The system cannot find the
file specified. ') (The file is fairly
obviously missing)
Because this file's automatically generated, I've never paid it much heed before, and in VS 2003 (which I still work with day to day - pity me) it never seems to matter if it's missing.
So 2 questions:
1. How can I get VS 2005 to regenerate the file.
2. Could anyone explain to me in a couple of sentences what the assembly info file is all about, why it's generated, why it's a good idea to have an automatically generated file critical to my solution building etc etc.
Thanks - Andrew.
Edit: OK, I've googling some more, and it's probably significant that this is in an Nunit Test Project.
Update: Deleting the reference in solution explorer an Alex suggested did the trick, and the project now builds, but I'm not entirely happy with that as a solution. If the file is so unimportant, why is it generated in the first place? And if the file does perform a vital task, what am I missing out on by just deleting it?
Also, is it even possible to get it back? Either by getting VS to regenerate it, or by manually hacking one up (possibly using another as a template)?
This file contains assembly-wide settings like assembly version, name, etc. It is automatically generated when you change those settings using properties pages of the project. You should have this file in the project with sort of transparent icon (I think it is in resource folder or something like this by default). Locate it in the project tree and delete it. Visual studio will stop looking for it during build.
PS: assuming the path starts with .. and not ... then this file should be located one folder up from the project in the source control. So you can try looking there.
