No such DSL method 'steps' found among steps - continuous-integration

I'm trying to post to a Slack channel whenever CI fails using a groovy script. But however when I try to implement this inside failure block I'm getting this error
Error when executing failure post condition:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No such DSL method 'steps' found among steps [archive, bat, build, catchError, checkout, deleteDir, dir, dockerFingerprintFrom, dockerFingerprintRun, echo, envVarsForTool, error, fileExists, getContext, git, input, isUnix, junit, library, libraryResource, load, lock, mail, milestone, node, parallel
However, I was able to apply this same code to send Slack notifications in other pipelines under stages blocks. Looks as if it's having issues when applied to post block.
post {
always {
failure {
steps {
slackSend baseUrl: '',
channel: '#build-failures',
iconEmoji: '',
message: "CI failing for - #${env.BRANCH_NAME} - ${currentBuild.currentResult} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)",
teamDomain: 'differentau',
tokenCredentialId: 'slack-token-build-failures',
username: ''

this should work:
post {
always {
failure {
slackSend baseUrl: '',
channel: '#build-failures',
iconEmoji: '',
message: "CI failing for - #${env.BRANCH_NAME} - ${currentBuild.currentResult} (<${env.BUILD_URL}|Open>)",
teamDomain: 'differentau',
tokenCredentialId: 'slack-token-build-failures',
username: ''


Parallel Stages with parallel input message in Jenkins pipe line

I have the following pipeline:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('CI') {
parallel {
stage('גמלאות') {
steps {
input message: "Pass Sanity?"
stage('וועדות') {
steps {
input message: "Pass Sanity?"
stage('מבוטח') {
steps {
input message: "Pass Sanity?"
I'm expecting to see in the UI 3 option to select in each stage. but getting only one instead.
If I will look at tradinall console then I will be able to select if to proceed or to abort.
Is there a way to get this function thru the UI?
Here is an example of the UI:
It seems that the code is correct. The problem is with the Jenkins plugin.
I mooved to work with Blueocean plugin, and now it seems to work fine:

parameterized-remote-trigger is throwing 405 exception

I am trying to trigger a job A(this is configured as trigger remote) remotely from another job B, and job B needs to hold until results come back to show success or failure, I initially tried using rest API using curl command, it perfectly's the curl code:
curl -v -X POST '' --user xxxx:110f4dfa33ba8f8ef5d8d299beb6aa1543
I choose parameterized plugin code which installed on Jenkins server because it handles the polling mechanism internally and also has handler friendly methods. please see below code for remoteJob, but it fails with 405 error, that means method not allowed in HTTP language, looks like plugin is using GET method instead of post. I added an option for logging , but it does not seems to be showing more log.
def handle = triggerRemoteJob(
remoteJenkinsName: 'remote-master',
job: '',
remoteJenkinsUrl: '',
auth: TokenAuth(apiToken: hudson.util.Secret.fromString('110f4dfa33ba8f8ef5d8d299beb6aa1543'), userName: 'xxxx'),
parameters: 'config_files=./jenkins/unit-tests')
I am getting following error -
[Pipeline] triggerRemoteJob
Parameterized Remote Trigger Configuration:
- job:
- remoteJenkinsUrl:
- auth: 'Token Authentication' as user 'sseri'
- parameters: [config_files=./jenkins/unit-tests]
- blockBuildUntilComplete: true
- connectionRetryLimit: 5
- trustAllCertificates: false
Connection to remote server failed [405], waiting to retry - 10 seconds until next attempt. URL:, parameters:
Retry attempt #1 out of 5
Please help me in this regard!
I am not sure about the plugins you are using, but it's quite simple to implement this scenario "call a downstream job from upstream and fail upstream if the downstream fail" without any plugins.
Take a look at my example below.
let say if you have 2 jobs called jobA and jobB and your goal is to call jobB from jobA and fail the jobA if jobB fail.
**Scripted Pipeline for jobA **
node() {
try {
def jobB = build(job: jobName,parameters: [string(name:"parameterName",value: "parameterValue")])
def jobBStatus = jobB.getResult()
if(jobBStatus == "failed") {
throw new RuntimeException("Downstream job-b failed with reason ...");
}catch(Exception e) {
throw e
Declarative Pipeline for jobA
pipeline {
agent any;
stages {
stage('call jobB') {
steps {
script {
def jobB = build(job: jobName,parameters: [
string(name:"parameterName",value: "parameterValue")
def jobBStatus = jobB.getResult()
if(jobBStatus == "failed") {
error("Downstream job-b failed with reason ...")
Try using this Parameterized-Remote-Trigger-Plugin. It should give you what you want. I'm having some problems configuring it using authentication tokens and users using Jenkinsfile but if you are using the GUI im sure you will get the job done.

How to use Validating String Parameter Plugin in the Jenkins declarative pipeline code?

I'm curious as to if it is possible to define the String Validator Plugin in a Jenkins declarative pipeline code? I already have a working setup defined via job UI, but my intention is to put everything in the pipeline defined as:
string(name='', ......).
Unfortunately, all examples on the web are explaining how to set up the validation in the UI, which I already have. Or is it one of those plugins that is not supported in a pipeline model?
This plugin can be used as a validatingString parameter in the declarative pipeline code.
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
validatingString(name: "test", defaultValue: "", regex: /^abc-[0-9]+$/, failedValidationMessage: "Validation failed!", description: "ABC")
stages {
stage("Test") {
steps {
echo "${params.test}"
Keep in mind, that the first time you will run your pipeline after adding this code, the parameter won't show up - it will be added during the first run of the pipeline. After that you will see the parameter in the pipeline UI:
And when you run the parameterized pipeline, the validation will be applied:
I am not sure why, but when I wrapped each of my arguments into a named key, I was able to bypass this error I received:
So this will give you javaposse.jobdsl.dsl.helpers.BuildParametersContext.validatingString() is applicable for argument types Error:
validatingString (
'Use your email'
However, this worked:
validatingString {
description('Use your email')

Grouping post conditions in a Jenkins declarative pipeline

Is there a way to group post conditions in a Jenkins declarative pipeline ?
For instance, I want to do the same thing for statuses aborted failure and success.
Is there a shorter way to do it than the following ?
post {
aborted { sendNotification(currentBuild.result, "$LIST_NOTIFICATION_JENKINS")
failure { sendNotification(currentBuild.result, "$LIST_NOTIFICATION_JENKINS")
success { sendNotification(currentBuild.result, "$LIST_NOTIFICATION_JENKINS")
There is the 'always' condition:
post {
always {sendNotification(currentBuild.result, "$LIST_NOTIFICATION_JENKINS")}
The 'always' condition will run regardless of the stage result.
See the documentation on the post section.
If you want a set of common actions between just a few conditions, for example if you wanted to do the same thing for failure and aborted, I would recommend creating a function in your script to call from the failure and aborted post conditions.
You can also do something like the following:
always {
if (currentBuild.currentResult == "ABORTED" || currentBuild.currentResult == "FAILURE")
echo "was aborted or failed"

Jenkins declarative pipeline - User input parameters

I've looked for some example of user input parameters using Jenkins declarative pipeline, however all the examples are using the scripted pipelines. Here is a sample of code I'm trying to get working:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Stage 1') {
steps {
input id: 'test', message: 'Hello', parameters: [string(defaultValue: '', description: '', name: 'myparam')]
sh "echo ${env}"
I can't seem to work out how I can access the myparam variable, it would be great if someone could help me out.
When using input, it is very important to use agent none on the global pipeline level, and assign agents to individual stages. Put the input procedures in a separate stage that also uses agent none. If you allocate an agent node for the input stage, that agent executor will remain reserved by this build until a user continues or aborts the build process.
This example should help with using the Input:
def approvalMap // collect data from approval step
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Stage 1') {
agent none
steps {
timeout(60) { // timeout waiting for input after 60 minutes
script {
// capture the approval details in approvalMap.
approvalMap = input
id: 'test',
message: 'Hello',
ok: 'Proceed?',
parameters: [
choices: 'apple\npear\norange',
description: 'Select a fruit for this build',
name: 'FRUIT'
defaultValue: '',
description: '',
name: 'myparam'
submitter: 'user1,user2,group1',
submitterParameter: 'APPROVER'
stage('Stage 2') {
agent any
steps {
// print the details gathered from the approval
echo "This build was approved by: ${approvalMap['APPROVER']}"
echo "This build is brought to you today by the fruit: ${approvalMap['FRUIT']}"
echo "This is myparam: ${approvalMap['myparam']}"
When the input function returns, if it only has a single parameter to return, it returns that value directly. If there are multiple parameters in the input, it returns a map (hash, dictionary), of the values. To capture this value we have to drop to groovy scripting.
It is good practice to wrap your input code in a timeout step so that build don't remain in an unresolved state for an extended time.
