Store the state inside golang binary - go

I am Developing an onpremise solution for a client without any control and internet connection on the machine.
The solution is to be monetized based on number of allowed requests(REST API calls) for a bought license. So currently we store the request count in an encrypted file on the file system itself. But this solution is not perfect as the file can be copied somewhere and then replaced when the requests quota is over. Also if the file is deleted then there's manual intervention needed from support.
I'm looking for a solution to store the state/data in binary and update it runtime (consider usage count that updates in binary itself)
Looking for a better approach.
Also binary should start from the previous stored State
Is there a way to do it?
P.S. I know writing to binary won't solve the issue but I think it'll increase the difficulty by increasing number of permutation and combinations for places where the state can be stored and since it's not a common knowledge that you can change the executable that would be the last place to look for the state if someone's trying to mess with the system (security by obscurity)

Is there a way to do it?
(At least no official, portable way. Of course you can modify a binary and change e.g. the data or BSS segment, but this is hard, OS-dependent and does not solve your problem as it has the same problem like an external file: You can just keep the original executable and start over with that one. Some things simply cannot be solved technically.)

If your rest API is within your control and is the part that you are monetizing surely this is the point at which you would be filtering the licensed perhaps some kind of certificate authentication or key to the API and then you can keep then count on the API side that you can control and then it wont matter if it is in a flat file or a DB etc, because you control it.

Here is a solution to what you are trying to do (not to writing to the executable which) that will defeat casual copying of files.
A possible approach is to regularly write the request count and the current system time to file. This file does not even have to be encrypted - you just need to generate a hash of the data (eg using SHA2) and sign it with a private key then append to the file.
Then when you (re)start the service read and verify the file using your public key and check that it has not been too long since the time that was written to the file. Note that some initial file will have to be written on installation and your service will need to be running continually - only allowing for brief restarts. You also would probably verify that the time is not in the future as this would indicate an attempt to circumvent the system.
Of course this approach has problems such as the client fiddling with the system time or even debugging your code to find the private key and probably others. Hopefully these are hard enough to act as a deterrent. Also if the service or system is shut down for an extended period of time then some sort of manual intervention would be required.


Why do software updates exist?

I know this may sound crazy but hear me out...
Say you have a game and you want to update it (add new features / redecorate for seasonal themes / add LTMs etc.) Now, instead of editing your code and then waiting days for your app market provider (Google/Microsoft/Apple etc.) to approve the update and roll out the changes, why not:
Put all of your code into a database
Remove all of your existing code from your code files
Add code which can run code from a database (reads it in and eval()s it)
This way, there'd be no need for software updates unless you wanted to change your database-related code, and you could simply update your database to change what the app does when it's live.
My Question: Why hasn't this been done?
For example:
Fortnite (a real game) often has LTMs (Limited Time Modes) which are available for a few weeks and are then removed. Generally, the software updates are ~ 5GB and take a lot of time unless your broadband is fast. If the code was fetched from a database and then executed, there'd be no need for these updates and the changes could be instantaneous.
EDIT: (In response to the close votes)
I'm looking for facts and statistics to back up reasons rather than just pure opinions. Answers like 'I think this would be good/bad ... ' aren't needed (that's why there's comments); answers like are 'This would be good/bad as this fact shows that ...' are much better and desired.
There are few challenges in your suggested approach.
putting everything in database will make increase the size of db. But that doest affect much.
If all the code is there in db, its possible to decompile your software and get a way to connect to your code?
too much performance overhead of evals. Precompiled code is optimized for their respective runtime
multiple versions? What to do when you want to have multiple versions of your software?
The main reason updates exists is they are easy to maintain, flexible and allows the developer to ship fastest optimized tool.
Put all of your code into a database
Remove all of your existing code from your code files
Add code which can run code from a database (reads it in and eval()s it)
My Question: Why hasn't this been done?
This is exactly how every game works already.
Each time you launch a game, an executable binary game engine (which you describe in step 3) already reads the rest of your code (often some embedded language like LUA) from a "database" (the file system) and "evals" (interprets) it to run the game, as well as assets like level geometry, textures, sounds and music.
You're talking about introducing a layer of abstraction (a real database) between the engine and its data to hide some of your assets, but the database stores its data on the file system, so you really haven't gained anything, you've just changed the way the data is encoded at rest and queried during runtime, and introduce a ton of overhead in both cases.
On the other hand, you're intentionally cheating your way through the app reviewal process this way, and whatever real technical problems you would have are moot, because your app would not be allowed in the app store. The entire point of the app reviewal process is to prevent people from shipping unverified unreviewed code to users, and if your program is obviously designed to circumvent this, your app will be rejected.
Fortnite (a real game) often has LTMs (Limited Time Modes) which are available for a few weeks and are then removed. Generally, the software updates are ~ 5GB and take a lot of time unless your broadband is fast.
Fotenite will have a small binary executable that is the game engine. Updates to this binary will account for a fraction of a percentage of that 5GB. The rest will be some kind of interpreted/embedded language describing the game's levels (also a tiny fraction) and then assets which account for the rest (geometry, textures, sound, music).
If the code was fetched from a database and then executed, there'd be no need for these updates and the changes could be instantaneous
This makes no sense. If you move that entire 5GB from the file system into a database, you still have to transfer around 5GB worth of database updates. 5GB of data in a database still lives as 5GB of data on the file system, it's just that you can't access it directly anymore. You have to transfer around the exact same amount of data, regardless of how you store it.

Windows: redirect ReadFile to run process and pipe it's stdout

I was wondering how hard it would be to create a set-up under Windows where a regular ReadFile on certain files is being redirected by the file system to actually run (e.g. ShellExecute) those files, and then the new process' stdout is being used as the file content streamed out to the ReadFile call to the callee...
What I envision the set-up to look like, is that you can configure it to denote a certain folder as 'special', and that this extra functionality is then only available on that folder's content (so it doesn't need to be disk-wide). It might be accessible under a new drive letter, or a path parallel to the source folder; the location it is hooked up to is irrelevant to me.
To those of you that wonder if this is a classic xy problem: it might very well be ;) It's just that this idea has intrigued me, and I want to know what possibilities there are. In my particular case I want to employ it to #include content in my C++ code base, where the actual content included is being made up on the spot, different on each compile round. I could of course also create a script to create such content to include, call it as a pre-build step and leave it at that, but why choose the easy route.
Maybe there are already ready-made solutions for this? I did an extensive Google search for it, but came out empty handed. But then I'm not sure I already know all the keywords involved to do a good search...
When coding up something myself, I think a minifilter driver might be needed intercepting ReadFile calls, but then it must at that spot run usermode apps from kernel space - not a happy marriage I assume. Or use an existing file system driver framework that allows for usermode parts, but I found the price of existing solutions to be too steep for my taste (several thousand dollars).
And I also assume that a standard file system (minifilter) driver might be required to return a consistent file size for such files, although the actual data size returned through ReadFile would of course differ on each call. Not to mention negating any buffering that takes place.
All in all I think that a create-it-yourself solution will take quite some effort, especially when you have never done Windows driver development in your life :) Although I see myself quite capable of learning up on it, the time invested will be prohibitive I think.
Another approach might be to hook ReadFile calls from the process doing the ReadFile - via IAT hooking, or via code injection. But I want this solution to more work 'out-of-the-box', i.e. all ReadFile requests for these special files trigger the correct behavior, regardless of origin. In my case I'd need to intercept my C++ compiler (G++) behavior, but that one is called on the fly by the IDE, so I see no easy way to detect it's startup and hook it up quickly before it does it's ReadFiles. And besides, I only want certain files to be special in this regard; intercepting all ReadFiles for a certain process is overkill.
You want something like FUSE (which I used with profit many times), but for Windows. Apparently there's Dokan, I've never used it but seems to be well known enough (and, at very least, can be used as an inspiration to see "how it's done").

Is there a file updated always in the windows system, which update includes the time information?

I am programming a 30-Day-trial application, I need to make sure if the user changes the system time it will not harm my application and the 30-day-trial will still be calculated, or at least I will be able to figure he did something wrong.
The best way I found is to check for a system file which its contents updated and every update contains the time with its data, so I can find out if the user changes the date or not, by comparing the dates with each other ...
I know it is not certain way, but it is kind of make it harder and shrink the area of who can crack it.
I found about Event log
windows7 log files
it can help..
Any solution proposed can be hacked. But it sounds like you only want to ward off the casual pirate, not the determined hacker.
Instead of trusting the system clock, how about just making a network request back to your own website or time server to get the current date and time?
Another idea is to just limit the number of times the application can be launched instead of limiting it to a specific amount of time.

How can one detect changes in a directory across program executions?

I am making a protocol, client and server which provide file transfer functionality similar to FTP (among other features). One difference between my protocol and FTP is that I would like to store a copy of the remote server's directory structure in a local cache. The server will only be running on Windows (written in C++) so any applicable Win32 API calls would be appreciated (if any). When initially connected, the client requests the immediate children (both files and directories, just like "ls" or "dir" with no options), then when a user navigates into a directory, this step repeats with the new parent like you might expect.
Of course, most of the time, if the same directory of a given server is requested twice by a client, the directory's contents will be the same. Therefore I would like to cache the results of each directory listing on the client. I would like a simple way of implementing this, but it would need to take into account expiring cache entries because of file/directory access and modification time and name changes, which is the tricky part. I would ideally like something which would enable almost instant directory listings by the client, with something like a hash which takes into account not only file contents, but also changes in subdirectories' contents' filenames, data, modification and access dates, etc.
This is NOT something that could completely rely on FileSystemWatcher (or similar) objects because it would need to maintain this cache even if the program is only run occasionally. Of course these would be nice to help maintain the cache, but that's only part of the problem.
My best(?) idea so far is using FindFirstFile() and FindNextFile(), and sorting (somehow), concatenating and hashing values found in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structs (with file contents maybe), and using that as a token for expiration (just to indicate change in any of these fields). Then I would have one of these tokens for each directory. When a directory is requested, the server would hash everything and compare that to the cached hash provided by the client, and if it's different, return the normal data, otherwise an HTTP 304 equivalent. Is there a less elaborate way of doing something like this? Does "directory last modified date" take into account every one of its subdirectories' files' modification dates under all circumstances? I'm sure that the built-in Windows indexing service has something like this but ideally I wouldn't need to rely on it.
Because this service is for file sharing, something involving hashes would be especially nice so that I could automatically and efficiently find other people who are sharing a given file, but that's less of a concern then hosing the disk during the hash calculation.
I'm wondering what others who are more experienced than I am with programming would do to solve this problem (rsync and subversion have solved similar problems but not identical).
You're asking a lot of a File System Implementation of Very Little Brain (with apologies to A. A. Milne).
This is actually well-trammeled ground and you'd do well to look at the existing literature on distributed filesystems. AFS comes to mind as an example of a very well studied approach.
I doubt you'll be able to come up with something useful and accurate without doing some serious homework. Put another way, 'twould be folly to ignore all the prior art.

How to set software usage date limitation?

Using VB6
I want to compare the system date, if the exe should not work after 02/11/2009
vb6 code
Dim dte As Date
dte = DateValue(Now)
'MsgBox DateValue(Now)
If dte > DateValue("01/11/2009") Then
Unload Me
End If
But if the user change the system date, it will work, my exe should not work after 10 days. How to set.
Need VB6 CODE Help.
There is no 100% secure way of doing this. Usually software doing that encrypts the date into some obscure registry key. But is not in accord with Kerkhoffs' principle.
Generally speaking you would have to persist the installation or first run date somewhere on the system (where users cannot easily modify or delete it) to compare it to the current system data. Beside this you shall protect your program against tampering attacks.
To protect against system time changes there is also no 100% good solution. An easy one would be to look at some files in the profile of the user and take the newest one. If this time is later than the current system time (with some delta), then someone manipulated the datetime settings.
All this is worth almost nothing, as it is really easy to workaround such a protection (even without deep programming knowledge). I would consider a solution in limiting the functionality of your program and protecting your code against tampering (what you have to do anyway, no matter what you choose as a solution).
The amount of effort to implement a truly robust date-based protection system is not proportional to the protection provided.
In any case, the last scheme I used seemed to work. I stored the last run date and number of days left in some obscure registry keys. Each time the app started I checked that last run date key was still in place and had a valid value and I checked the number of days left. Both these values were stored encrypted. To add a level of confusion I read and wrote a number of garbage keys in more obvious locations.
The trial expired if I found evidence of tampering such as changed garbage keys, a current date that was older than the last run date and a few other things.
To slow down users trying to hack the software I encrypted the names of the registry keys in the code so they wouldn't be obvious when the exe was viewed in a hex editor.
Was all that effort worth it? Probably not. I suspect a lot less would have detered most casual crackers and the serious ones, well, they would have cracked it anyway.
I my opinion, it is possible just save time difference between your exe release date and future locking date.
If user system clock is set back than release date give user to set it right and then simply check if exe is running before future locking date.
I think you got it……
Software copy protection is a big subject, and there's many possible approaches, from commercial libraries and hardware keys, to "roll your own" like you're suggesting.
I advise you read some of the other discussions on copy protection on Stack Overflow. E.g. this or this or this.
