How to access Visual Studio 2019 report designer? - visual-studio

Recently had need to edit some existing reports and have not been able to access the report designer in Visual Studio 2019. My application is WPF using SQLite and Entity Framework in C#. I haven't had to work with reports in a couple of years and don't have good notes from the original development. App, including reports, runs fine.
Recently upgraded to Visual Studio 16.3.0 Preview 2.0. Have SSDT included. Installed Reporting Service Projects 2.5.9. Have run Repair on VS 2019.
Perhaps need a reporting services project? Sorry don't have good notes from original development.


Migrating report app from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2013

I have looked through a several forums and cannot find an answer to my specific question so don't hurt me if I have asked something that has been answered before. I have a SSRS report project that was created in Visual Studio 2005 (then upgraded to 2008) before my time at my company and i need to upgrade it to 2013 Visual studio. I know normally you just open the file and use the migration wizard, however i get an error because my Visual Studio 2013 does not recognize the .rptproj file and thus does not fully migrate the solution. I have a copy of VS Shell 2010 that was able to upgrade it to 2010 but this did not help me to migrate it to 2013. Is there a way i can migrate this over without having to buy more copies of VS to do a stair step migration?
You can first check if the Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013 module is installed on your computer.

SSDT disappeared! in VS 2013

I have started to prefer SSDT to SQL Management studio. But suddenly when I needed it I could not find SQL Server Object Explorer in view menu.
Not sure who took it away, I recently pushed update-2 for visual studio.
I could not locate stand-alone version of SSDT for VS-2013
Can any one please save me from re-installing Visual Studio :-(
According to this blog post on MSDN SSDT is now an integrated part of VS:
Visual Studio 2013 - VS 2013 now has SQL Server tooling built in and
shipped as part of the core product. Database Projects, SQL tools
(such as schema compare & data compare), and the online experiences
through SSOX are all included with the RTM version. We have full
project and SSOX support in VS Express for Web and Express for Windows
Desktop, so we have discontinued our stand-alone integrated shell
When I looked at the Extensions and Updatesin VS2013 I had an update available for SQL Server Data Tools and when I clicked it I got a downloadable installer (SSDTsetup.exe) which might be what you are looking for.
The link that gave the download was this:

Crystal Reports for VS2012 - VS2013 - VS2015 - VS2017 - VS2019

I have installed VS2012 Ultimate on a fresh PC. I tried adding the Crystal Reports file in my project but there is no crystal report .crt Item avaliable into Add New Item menu of the VS2012
Is there a version for VS2012? or do I have to install an extra setup file for crystal reports which is redundant since I already have VS2012 installed.
Here it is! - SP 25 works on Visual Studio 2019, SP 21 on Visual Studio 2017
SAP released SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio
You can get it here (click "Installation package for Visual Studio IDE")
To integrate “SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio” you must run the Install Executable. Running the MSI will not fully integrate Crystal Reports into VS. MSI files by definition are for runtime distribution only.
New In SP25 Release
Visual Studio 2019, Addressed incidents, Win10 1809, Security update
This post is right from SAP on Sep 20, 2012.
In short, they are still working on a release of Crystal Reports that will support VS2012 (including support for Windows 8) It will come in the form of a service pack release that updates the version currently supporting VS2010. At that time they will drop 2010/2012 from the name and simply call it Crystal Reports Developer.
If you want to download that version you can find it here.
Further, service packs etc. when released can be found here.
I would also add that I am currently using Visual Studio 2012. As long as you don't edit existing reports they continue to compile and work fine. Even on Windows 8. When I need to modify a report I can still open the project with VS2010, do my work, save my changes, and then switch back to 2012. It's a little bit of a pain but the ability for VS2010 and VS2012 to co-exist is nice in this regard. I'm also using TFS2012 and so far it hasn't had a problem with me modifying files in 2010 on a "2012" solution.
There is also someone who managed to modify CR for VS.NET 2010 to install on 2012, using MS ORCA in this thread: . I couldn't get it to work myself, though.
"SP25 work on Visual Studio 2019" is an exaggeration. It is extremely unreliable and should be avoided at all costs. I currently have to maintain a second development environment with V2015 for report development.

Can Visual Studio installe with ms sql server be used to modify a .net windows app?

I am trying to modify a .net written in visual studio 2008. However, when I loaded and try to build the website, I get a bunch of errors that several controls like firstname.text are not declared even though the app has been working.
It is possible that I am getting this error because I am using the BI version fo visual studio?
Thanks alot for all the help.
No it is not possible. If I understand correctly, you're using BIDS to modify a .NET project.
Business Intelligence Studio is a completely different program than Visual Studio (though they are based on the same editor). If you want to modify the .NET project, you will need an Instance of Visual Studio, not BIDS (Business Intelligence Developer Studio).

Unable to open project in VisualStudio 2010

I created a SilverLight solution in Visual Web Developer Express 2010. Now, my system got installed with Visual Studio 2010 Professional. On opening the existing express solution, I got the below error:
Unable to open project. An update to Microsoft Visual Studio is required to support the targeted version of SilverLight. Download the update at
It takes to install the add-on Microsoft Silverlight 4 Tools for Visual Studio 2010. My question is 'Why itz not part and parcel of professional edition?'
If I recall correctly, the silverlight tools for VS2010 were released very shortly after VS2010 went RTM. Silverlight is a separate technology that isn't dependent on Visual Studio. It's developed by a different group and they have separate release schedules.
