Using nested datatable in laravel and build my own json - ajax

I am using Nested-datatables ( so I have to use JSON.
I want to pass JSON from the controller to ajax and then use it in order to create a nested table.
The problem is that I need the exact JSON format so I will not get "undefined" result.
This is the example of the JSON format that I need (like in the link above) :
var dataInJson = [
data: {
name: 'b1',
street: 's1',
city: 'c1',
departments: 10,
offices: 15
kids: [
data: {
department: 'HR',
supervisor: 'Isidor Bristol',
floor: 1,
employees: 15
kids: [
data: {
name: 'Klement Nikodemos',
phone: '+938462',
hire_date: 'January 1, 2010',
id: 3456
kids: []
data: {
name: 'Madhava Helmuth',
phone: '+348902',
hire_date: 'May 23, 2002',
id: 1234
kids: []
data: {
name: 'Andria Jesse',
phone: '456123',
hire_date: 'October 23, 2011',
id: 9821
kids: []
data: {
department: 'development',
supervisor: 'Jim Linwood',
floor: 2,
employees: 18
kids: [
data: {
name: 'Origenes Maxwell',
phone: '345892',
hire_date: 'February 1, 2004',
id: 6234
kids: []
data: {
department: 'testing',
supervisor: 'Zekeriya Seok',
floor: 4,
employees: 11
kids: []
data: {
name: 'b2',
street: 's10',
city: 'c2',
departments: 3,
offices: 10
kids: [
data: {
department: 'development',
supervisor: 'Gallagher Howie',
floor: 8,
employees: 24
kids: [
data: {
name: 'Wat Dakota'
kids: []
data: {
department: 'testing',
supervisor: 'Shirley Gayle',
floor: 4,
employees: 11
kids: []
data: {
name: 'b3',
street: 's3',
city: 'c3',
departments: 2,
offices: 1
kids: [
data: {
department: 'development'
kids: [
data: {
name: 'Wat Dakota'
kids: []
data: {
name: 'b4',
city: 'c4'
kids: []
In controller I have ajax function:
public function ajax(){
$parent = FirstLine::
->addSelect(DB::raw('SUM(first_period) as first_period'))
$child = FirstLine::
->addSelect(DB::raw('SUM(first_period) as first_period'))
$value = [];
foreach ($parent as $ch) {
$options = [];
foreach($child as $ch2) {
$options[] = ['data' => [
'yehida' => $ch2->yehida,
'hativa' => $ch2->hativa,
'data_type' => $ch2->data_type,
'first_period' => $ch2->first_period],
'kids' => []
if($ch->yehida == $ch2->yehida){
$value[] = [
'data' =>[
'yehida' => $ch->yehida,
'data_type' => $ch->data_type,
'first_period' => $ch->first_period
'kids' =>
$value = json_encode($value);
return response()->json($value);
My script with ajax call:
var temp;
'async': false,
url: '{!! route('get.ajax') !!}',
dataType: 'json',
success: function (data) {
temp = data;
var dataInJson = temp;
var settings = {
iDisplayLength: 20,
bLengthChange: false,
bFilter: false,
bSort: false,
bInfo: false
var tableT = new nestedTables.TableHierarchy(
var tableEle = document.querySelector('#example .table');
tableEle.addEventListener('onShowChildHierarchy', function(e) {
// '#example' is wrapper ID for table hierarchy
var tableEle = document.querySelector('#example .table');
tableEle.addEventListener('onHideChildHierarchy', function(e) {
How am I supposed to build my own JSON format so it will be like the JSON example? please help me


Return the wrong response if type of is number in the graphql

I tried to run the basic query in the graphql. But the below query is always return the no data if the typeof id is number. incase typeof id is string it returns the correct respone.
movie(id: 1) {
"data": {
"movie": null
attached my code below
const graphql = require("graphql");
const _ = require("lodash");
const {
} = graphql;
const movies = [
{ name: "book1", genre: "Thriller", id: 1, directorId: 1 },
{ name: "book2", genre: "Horror", id: 2, directorId: 1 },
{ name: "book3", genre: "Historical", id: 3, directorId: 2 },
{ name: "book4", genre: "Thriller", id: 4, directorId: 1 },
{ name: "book5", genre: "Science Fiction", id: 5, directorId: 2 },
{ name: "book6", genre: "Horror", id: 6, directorId: 3 },
{ name: "book7", genre: "Romance", id: 7, directorId: 1 },
const directors = [
{ name: "directors1", age: "26", id: 1 },
{ name: "directors2", age: "36", id: 2 },
{ name: "directors3", age: "46", id: 3 },
const MovieType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "Movie",
fields: () => ({
id: { type: GraphQLID },
name: { type: GraphQLString },
genre: { type: GraphQLString },
director: {
type: DirectorType,
resolve: (parent, args) => {
return _.find(directors, { id: parent.directorId });
const DirectorType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "Director",
fields: () => ({
id: { type: GraphQLID },
name: { type: GraphQLString },
age: { type: GraphQLInt },
movies: {
type: MovieType,
resolve: (parent, args) => {
return _.find(movies, { directorId: });
const RootQuery = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "RootQueryType",
fields: {
movie: {
type: MovieType,
args: { id: { type: GraphQLID } },
resolve(parent, args) {
return _.find(movies, { id: });
director: {
type: DirectorType,
args: {id: {type: GraphQLID}},
resolve(parent, args) {
return _.find(directors, {id:})
movies: {
type: new GraphQLList(MovieType),
resolve() {
return movies;
directors: {
type: new GraphQLList(DirectorType),
resolve() {
return directors;
module.exports = new GraphQLSchema({
query: RootQuery,
not sure what I have missed.

How to loop through JSON Object in vue js

I am working on vue.js and backend is laravel. I am new to these technologies.
I am trying to display data in parent and child rows in a table base on vue material syntax.
My Laravel controlller function contains the code
$tasks = Task::select('tasks_status', DB::raw("group_concat(CONCAT('{\"id\":\"',id,'\",\"name\":\"',name,'\"}') ) as subrow"))
->where('tasks_status', '<>', "Sent Tasks")
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
I am trying to get data grouped by task_status. For each task status there are multiple rows.
My JSON is like below -
"tasks_status": "Completed Task",
"subrow": "{\"id\":\"4\",\"name\":\"d1\"}"
"tasks_status": "My Tasks",
"subrow": "{\"id\":\"2\",\"name\":\"b1\"},{\"id\":\"7\",\"name\":\"g1\"}"
Online JSON Parser validates it.
in Vue Front end I try to display this JSON data using 2 for loops Like below
<md-table v-model="searched" md-sort="name" md-sort-order="asc" md-fixed-header class="table-sort">
<div class="md-toolbar-section-start">
<h1 class="md-title">Tasks</h1>
<md-field md-clearable class="md-toolbar-section-end">
<label for="Tasks">Tasks</label>
<md-select v-model="fieldsSearchTerm.searchTermForDataTable" name="search" id="search" #input="searchOnTable" >
<md-option value="">All Tasks</md-option>
<md-option value="My Tasks">My Tasks</md-option>
<md-option value="Organization Tasks"
>Organization Tasks</md-option
<md-option value="Received Tasks"
>Received Tasks</md-option
<md-option value="Completed Task"
>Completed Task</md-option
<md-option value="Incomplete Tasks"
>Incomplete Tasks</md-option
<md-option value="Sent Tasks">Sent Tasks</md-option>
<md-field md-clearable class="md-toolbar-section-end">
<b-button class="btn btn-danger modal-btn" block #click="changeStatusToDone">Done</b-button>
md-label="No data found">
<md-table-row slot="md-table-row" v-for="rowHeading in searched" >
<md-table-cell md-label="Task Name" md-sort-by="name">{{ rowHeading.tasks_status }}</md-table-cell>
<md-table-cell md-label="Task Status" md-sort-by="tasks_status"></md-table-cell>
<md-table-cell md-label="Due Date" md-sort-by="due_date"></md-table-cell>
<md-table-cell md-label="Priority" md-sort-by="priority"></md-table-cell>
<md-table-cell md-label="Actions" md-sort-by="">
<md-table-row slot="md-table-row" v-for="subRowElements in rowHeading.subrow">
<md-table-cell md-label="" md-sort-by="" >
<md-table-cell colspan=4 md-label="Task Name" md-sort-by="name">hi {{ subRowElements }}</md-table-cell>
In My JS I have code like this below
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
import axios from "axios"
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueResource from 'vue-resource'
import Form from 'vform'
const toLower = text => {
return text.toString().toLowerCase()
const searchByName = (items, term) => {
if (term) {
return items.filter(item => toLower(item.tasks_status).includes(toLower(term)))
return items
export default {
name: 'TableSearch',
components: {
data() {
form: new Form({
tasks_statusUpdate: '',
nameUpdate: '',
priorityUpdate: '',
task_descriptionUpdate: '',
dueDateUpdate: '',
taskAssignedToUserUpdate: '',
_token: Cookies.get('token')
return {
goods: [],
fieldsUpdate: {
tasks_statusUpdate: "",
nameUpdate: "",
priorityUpdate: "",
task_descriptionUpdate: '',
dueDateUpdate: "",
taskAssignedToUserUpdate: "",
_token: Cookies.get('token'),
fieldsView: {
tasks_statusView: "",
nameView: "",
priorityView: "",
task_descriptionView: '',
dueDateView: "",
taskAssignedToUserView: "",
userNameView: "",
fieldsTaskDone: {
tasks_status: 1,
fieldsSearchTerm: {
searchTermForDataTable: '',
fieldsCheckBox: {
cboTaskName: true,
cboTaskStatus: true,
cboDueDate: true,
cboPriority: true,
isOpen: true,
rows: null,
allUsersUpdate: [],
searched: [],
users: [
id: 1,
name: "Shawna Dubbin",
email: "",
date: "20/02/2021",
priority: "High"
id: 2,
name: "Shawna Dubbin",
email: "",
date: "20/02/2021",
priority: "High"
id: 3,
name: "Shawna Dubbin",
email: "",
date: "20/02/2021",
priority: "High"
id: 4,
name: "Shawna Dubbin",
email: "",
date: "20/02/2021",
priority: "High"
id: 5,
name: "Shawna Dubbin",
email: "",
date: "20/02/2021",
priority: "High"
id: 6,
name: "Shawna Dubbin",
email: "",
date: "20/02/2021",
priority: "High"
id: 7,
name: "Shawna Dubbin",
email: "",
date: "20/02/2021",
priority: "High"
id: 8,
name: "Shawna Dubbin",
email: "",
date: "20/02/2021",
priority: "High"
id: 9,
name: "Shawna Dubbin",
email: "",
date: "20/02/2021",
priority: "High"
id: 10,
name: "Shawna vishal",
email: "",
date: "20/02/2021",
priority: "High"
rows: [],
editing_record_id: 0,
view_record_id: 0,
checkedTaskIDs: [],
dynamicColumn: [],
methods: {
newUser () {
searchOnTable () {
this.searched = searchByName(this.rows,
fnDynamicColumns: function(e){
if ( {
check_task_id: function(e) {
if ( {
changeStatusToDone () {
.then(response => {
alert("Task Done!");
.catch(error => {
async makeGetRequest() {
console.log("makeGetRequest begin ");
var fnRows = [];
await axios.get('api/v1/tasks', {
params: {
searchTermForDataTable: this.fieldsSearchTerm.searchTermForDataTable
.then((response) => {
this.rows =;
fnRows =;
console.log("inside axios > makeGetRequest" + JSON.stringify(this.rows));
this.searched = this.rows
console.log("makeGetRequest later " + this.searched);
async getAllUsers() {
console.log("table > getAllUsers begin ");
await axios.get('api/v1/getallusers')
.then((response) => {
this.allUsersUpdate =;
console.log("table > outside axios user11" + this.allUsersUpdate);
submitUpdateForm() {
.then(response => {
alert("Task Updated!");
//this.fields = {};
.catch(error => {
async getTask() {
await axios.get('api/v1/tasks/'+this.editing_record_id)
.then((response) => {
this.fieldsUpdate.tasks_statusUpdate =[0].tasks_status;
this.fieldsUpdate.nameUpdate =[0].name;
this.fieldsUpdate.taskAssignedToUserUpdate =[0].user_id;
this.fieldsUpdate.priorityUpdate =[0].priority;
this.fieldsUpdate.task_descriptionUpdate =[0].task_description;
if([0].due_date !== null)
this.fieldsUpdate.dueDateUpdate =[0].due_date;
console.log("getTask With Join" + JSON.stringify([0]));
console.log("getTask With Join" + JSON.stringify(this.fieldsUpdate));
showUpdateModal(id) {
this.editing_record_id = id;
softDeleteTask(id) {
if(confirm("Are you sure, you want to delete, this task?")){
.then(response => {
alert("Task Deleted!");
//this.fields = {};
.catch(error => {
async getTaskForView() {
await axios.get('api/v1/tasks/'+this.view_record_id)
.then((response) => {
this.fieldsView.tasks_statusView =[0].tasks_status;
this.fieldsView.nameView =[0].name;
this.fieldsView.taskAssignedToUserView =[0].user_id;
this.fieldsView.priorityView =[0].priority;
this.fieldsView.task_descriptionView =[0].task_description;
this.fieldsView.dueDateView =[0].due_date;
this.fieldsView.userNameView =[0].userName;
console.log("getTask" + JSON.stringify(this.fieldsView));
showViewModal(id) {
this.view_record_id = id;
created () {
console.log("inside created()1");
console.log("outside axios" + this.rows);
enter code here
console.log("inside created() 2");
mounted() {
console.log("inside mounted()")
Can Anybody suggests a way to get valid JSON from controller and display it with correct loops in vue.js page. Thanks in advance.
I think you should use something like this in your Laravel controller, and then it would be easier to use loop to output json
$tasks = Task::select('tasks_status', DB::raw("group_concat(CONCAT('{\"id\":\"',id,'\",\"name\":\"',name,'\"}') ) as subrow"))
->where('tasks_status', '<>', "Sent Tasks")
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
->get()->map(function ($e) {
$e->subrow = json_decode($e->subrow);
return $e;

Unknown column 'getContent.movie_id' in 'field list

my whole schema
const Films = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'films',
interfaces: () => [MovieStream],
fields: () => ({
movie_id: {
type: GraphQLString,
type: GraphQLID
name: {
type: GraphQLString,
Films._typeConfig = {
sqlTable: "films",
uniqueKey: 'id',
const MovieStream = new GraphQLInterfaceType({
name: 'MovieStream',
fields: () => ({
id: {
type: GraphQLID,
movie_id: {
type: GraphQLString,
MovieStream._typeConfig = {
sqlTable: "movie_streams",
uniqueKey: 'id'
const QueryRoot = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
fields: () => ({
type: new GraphQLList(Films),
args: {
id: {
type: GraphQLInt
permalink: {
type: GraphQLString
language: {
type: GraphQLString
content_types_id: {
type: GraphQLString
type: GraphQLString
resolve: (parent, args, context, resolveInfo) => {
return joinMonster.default(resolveInfo,{}, sql => {
return FilmDb.query(sql).then(function(result) {
return result[0];
} ,{dialect: 'mysql'});
module.exports = new GraphQLSchema({
query: QueryRoot
I have again modified my code still got the error
"errors": [
"message": "Unknown column 'getContent.movie_id' in 'field list'",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"data": {
"getContentList": null
My previous post Is it possible to fetch data from multiple tables using GraphQLList
Please check and tell me where i am wrong??? I have already add the field still it does not access the field of that object type

How can I get graphql to output this list of object for the client?

I have a graphql server, and I am trying to implement a query that will update the client with a list of nodes.
In nodes.js I have:
export const nodes = {
"nodes": [
{id: 1, "name": 'building_1', "hasStrobe": true},
{id: 2, "name": 'building_2', "hasStrobe": false},
{id: 3, "name": 'building_3', "hasStrobe": true}
My query in schema.js is as follows:
const Query = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Query',
description: 'Root query object',
fields() {
return {
message: {
type: Message,
resolve() {
return getMessage();
system: {
type: System,
resolve() {
return getSystemInfo();
nodes: {
type: Nodes,
resolve() {
return nodes.nodes;
// alert: {
// type: Alert,
// resolve() {
// return 'poke';
// }
// }
And my Nodes type is as follows:
const Nodes = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Nodes',
description: 'List of zone nodes and their capabilities.',
fields() {
return {
nodes: {
type: GraphQLString,
resolve(msg) {
return msg;
When the query is run, it logs nodes.nodes correctly to the console:
[ { id: 1, name: 'building_1', hasStrobe: true },
{ id: 2, name: 'building_2', hasStrobe: false },
{ id: 3, name: 'building_3', hasStrobe: true } ]
While the query output is:
"data": {
"system": {
"uname": "4.11.5-2-ck-haswell\n",
"time": "Thu Jun 22 2017 17:39:29 GMT-0500 (CDT)"
"nodes": {
"nodes": "[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]"
I'm unsure of how to process the data array in a way that will work to output the nodes.

Normalizing a nested entity that shares the current schema

My goal is to normalize this object:
talks: [
id: 1755,
speakers: [
id: 1487,
name: 'John Doe',
related_talks: [{
id: 14,
speakers: [{
id: 125,
name: 'Jane Doe',
event: {
id: 181,
name: 'First Annual',
event: {
id: 180,
name: 'July Party',
into this result:
entities: {
events: {
181: {
id: 181,
name: 'First Annual'
180: {
id: 180,
name: 'July Party'
speakers: {
125: {
id: 125,
name: 'Jane Doe'
1487: {
id: 1487,
name: 'John Doe'
talks: {
1755: {
id: 1755,
event: 181,
speakers: [ 1487 ],
related_talks: [ 14 ],
14: {
id: 14,
speakers: [ 125 ],
event: 180,
result: {
talks: [ 1755, 14 ],
If you'll notice, the items in related_talks are treated the same as a talk.
My schemas follow the examples and are set up like this:
const speaker = new schema.Entity('speakers');
const event = new schema.Entity('events');
export const talk = new schema.Entity('talks', {
speakers: [speaker],
talk.define({ related_talks: [talk] });
No matter what I try, I can't get the items in related_talks to be added to the result.talks array. It is, however, in the entities object.
What is my schema configuration missing in order to accommodate this?
Unfortunately, if this is your requirement, Normalizr is not for you. Alternatively, if you're looking for a list of "talks" by ID, you can use Object.keys(data.entities.talks)
