Batched requests with modern Google APIs Node.js client - google-api

I've recently been trying to refactor some code that takes advantage of the global batch requests feature for the Google APIs that were recently deprecated. Currently, we use the npm package google-batch, but since it dangerously edits the filesystem and uses the deprecated global endpoint, I'd like to move away from it before the endpoint gets fully removed.
How can I create a batch request using (ideally) only the Node.js client? I want to use methods already present in the client as much as possible since it natively provides Promise and TypeScript support, which I intend to use.
I've looked into the Batchelor package suggested in this answer, but it requires you to manually write the HTTP request object instead of using the Node.js client.

This Github issue discusses the use of batch requests in the new node client.
According to that thread, the new intended method of "batching" (outside of a poorly listed set of endpoints that support it) is to make use of the HTTP/2 feature being shipped with the client- and then just to make your requests all at once it seems.
The reason "Batching" is in quotes is because I do not believe this explanation matches my definition of batching- the client isn't performing the queuing of requests to be executed, but instead managing network traffic better when you execute them yourself.
I'm unsure if I am understanding it correctly, but this HTTP/2 feature doesn't actually batch requests, and requires you to queue things yourself and instead tidys up some TCP overhead. In short, I do not believe that batching itself is possible with the api client alone.
(FWIW, I would have preferred to comment with a link as I'm uncertain I explained this well, but reputation didn't let me)


grpc and protobuf: roles of a server and a client

I'm new to grpc and protobuf, and I'm trying to understand if grpc can fit my needs. Basically I have a piece of software which can invoke a script (bash or python) at certain stages and pass the script some parameters (for example, transaction status, some values, etc.), so I'd like to pass these parameters over grpc, i.e. the grpc communication has to be initiated by my script.
I know there is grpc python library, so I'd like to take advantage of those in my script. However it isn't quite clear to me if my script has to act as grpc client or server? Examples I have seen, are quite simple - request/reply, where requests are made by a client, and the server replies; this is not exactly what I'm having in mind.
Your question is vague making it difficult to provide guidance.
Stackoverflow prefers developer (coding) questions and open-ended guidance tends to be discouraged.
Couple of things:
Essentially gRPC is a mechanism by which something calls (invokes) functions|methods on something else. Usually (but not necessarily) the something else is accessed via a network. The basic idea is that you want to be able to call some procedure (function|method) e.g. something of the form add(a,b) but the thing where add is actually implemented|performed isn't your local machine but is remote. Ergo, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and "g" for (perhaps originally) "Google"
Since gRPC is just (remote) procedure calling, there is often a concept that the caller is the client and the thing being called is a server but, these concepts are fluid and a client can be a server and a server can be a client too (depending on who's initiating the call).
gRPC is often (but not necessarily) used instead of REST, GraphQL and (many) others. It's important that you be aware of the "price" you pay for gRPC's benefits. You must define a schema for your messages. Messages are sent (over a network) using a(n efficient) binary format (i.e. non-human readable). gRPC uses HTTP/2. You must have an implementation for your language to be able to use gRPC (Python is supported; many languages are).
gRPC implementations vary but the major implementations support synchronous and asynchronous calls, request-response and client, server and bidirectional streaming.
In many cases, REST|HTTP is easier to use because it sends human-readable "messages", there are many tools (e.g. curl) available, and everyone's been using it forever.
I encourage you to read the content on the framework's site

Does OkHttp support Link rel=preload header?

My team is working on making our REST API more 'hypermedia' by replacing compound documents with links to related resources. We'd obviously like to use HTTP/2 Server Push to make sure it's as fast as possible. However, because of our hosting provider, we are not able to run HTTP/2.
It seems like the second best option after Server Push would be to have the client prefetch related resources via Preload.
Does anyone know if OkHttp natively supports the Link rel=preload header?
It does not. But you should be able to enqueue these yourself by inspecting the headers.

Find usage of HTTP Batch in storage api

I got notified that Googles JSON-RPC and Global HTTP Batch Endpoints are deprecated. The affected api is "storage#v1" and "Global Batch Endpoints" in my case.
I tried to find, where the depricated api call comes from. But I'm using 24 buckets with several tools accessing it. So is there a way to log depricated calls? I enabled logging for buckets. I could not find any difference in the access log when doing batch request and when doing single requests.
Yes "Batching across multiple APIs in a single request" is being discontinued Discontinuing support for JSON-RPC and Global HTTP Batch Endpoints
But what its hard to understand is exactly what is being discontinued.
There are two batching endpoints. The Global one
And the API specific one<api>/<version>.
So whats changing?
The global batching endpoing is going down. This means you wont be able to make calls to anymore. What does that really mean in the worse case if you were making batch requests mixing two apis at the same time for example Drive and Gmail you wont be able to do that anymore.
In the future you are going to have to split batch requests up by API.
Will this effect you?
Code wise this depends on which client library you are currrently using. Some of them have already been updated to use the single api endpoint (JavaScript and .net) there are a few which have not been updated yet (php and java last i checked)
Now as for your buckets if i understand them correctly they all insert into the same place so your using the same api this probably inst going to effect you. You are also using Googles SDK and they are going to keep that updated.
The blog post is very confusing and there is some internal emails going around Google right now in attempt to get things cleared up as far as what this means for developers.
You have to find where you are doing heterogeneous batch requests either directly or through libraries in your code. In any case batch requests are not reflected in your bucket logs because no API or API method per se was deprecated just a way to call send them.
In detail
You can bundle many requests to different APIs into one batch request. This batch will be sent to a one magical Google server that splits the batch and routes all the API requests in it into their respective service.
This Google server is going to be removed so everything has to be sent directly to the service.
What should you do?
I looks like you are making heterogeneous batch requests because only one service is mentioned, Storage. Probably you should do one of these options.
if you are using Cloud Libraries -> update them.
find if you are accessing the URL below
and replace it with the appropriate homogeneous batch API, which in your case is
in case you use batchPath, this seems to be a relevant article
Otherwise, if you make heterogeneous calls with gapi, which doesn't seem to be your case, split something like this:
request1 = gapi.client.urlshortener(...)
request2 =
request3 =
heterogeneousBatchRequest = gapi.client.newBatch();
into something like this
request1 = gapi.client.urlshortener(...)
urlshortnerbatch = gapi.client.newBatch();
request2 =
request3 =
Official Documentation
Here it's described how to make batch request specifically with Storage API.

Async DataCache API (.NET)

I'm using the DataCache API that is part of the Windows Azure Caching Nuget package and I was wondering why there isn't a way to make non-blocking calls against the constituent methods. Am I missing something? I understand that the latencies on these calls are going to be low but it's still a network call - if you're not using the local cache setting.
Suggestions, thoughts?
If you want to understand why the library is this way then I'd have a read of this article on exposing async wrappers for synchronous methods. TL:DR; There are two distinct reasons for wanting to do async, scalability and responsiveness. You really only need an async version of a method if it will help with the former, the latter you can leave to the consumers of your API because it's easy.
EDIT: It seems people have missed my intent in this answer, so I'll try adding some more clarification.
Yes, the cache client may make a network call and MS are trying to get everyone to make all their network calls in a non-blocking manner so that apps remain responsive. However this is a cache and it is designed to be very fast. If you make a request to the cache and the item is not in local cache (according to Scott Guthrie) the response should take 1ms. Given that the response is so quick (and if you are using local cache it will be even quicker), they would have likely added more overhead by creating tasks to run it in the background than they would have gained.

nodejs: Ajax vs Socket.IO, pros and cons

I thought about getting rid of all client-side Ajax calls (jQuery) and instead use a permanent socket connection (Socket.IO).
Therefore I would use event listeners/emitters client-side and server-side.
Ex. a click event is triggered by user in the browser, client-side emitter pushes the event through socket connection to server. Server-side listener reacts on incoming event, and pushes "done" event back to client. Client's listener reacts on incoming event by fading in DIV element.
Does that make sense at all?
Pros & cons?
There is a lot of common misinformation in this thread that is very inaccurate.
WebSocket replaces HTTP for applications! It was designed by Google with the help of Microsoft and many other leading companies. All browsers support it. There are no cons.
SocketIO is built on top of the WebSocket protocol (RFC 6455). It was designed to replace AJAX entirely. It does not have scalability issues what-so-ever. It works faster than AJAX while consuming an order of magnitude fewer resources.
AJAX is 10 years old and is built on top of a single JavaScript XMLHTTPRequest function that was added to allow callbacks to servers without reloading the entire page.
In other words, AJAX is a document protocol (HTTP) with a single JavaScript function.
In contrast, WebSocket is a application protocol that was designed to replace HTTP entirely. When you upgrade an HTTP connection (by requesting WebSocket protocol), you enable two-way full duplex communication with the server and no protocol handshaking is involved what so ever. With AJAX, you either must enable keep-alive (which is the same as SocketIO, only older protocol) or, force new HTTP handshakes, which bog down the server, every time you make an AJAX request.
A SocketIO server running on top of Node can handle 100,000 concurrent connections in keep-alive mode using only 4gb of ram and a single CPU, and this limit is caused by the V8 garbage collection engine, not the protocol. You will never, ever achieve this with AJAX, even in your wildest dreams.
Why SocketIO so much faster and consumes so much fewer resources
The main reasons for this is again, WebSocket was designed for applications, and AJAX is a work-around to enable applications on top of a document protocol.
If you dive into the HTTP protocol, and use MVC frameworks, you'll see a single AJAX request will actually transmit 700-900 bytes of protocol load just to AJAX to a URL (without any of your own payload). In striking contrast, WebSocket uses about 10 bytes, or about 70x less data to talk with the server.
Since SocketIO maintains an open connection, there's no handshake, and server response time is limited to round-trip or ping time to the server itself.
There is misinformation that a socket connection is a port connection; it is not. A socket connection is just an entry in a table. Very few resources are consumed, and a single server can provide 1,000,000+ WebSocket connections. An AWS XXL server can and does host 1,000,000+ SocketIO connections.
An AJAX connection will gzip/deflate the entire HTTP headers, decode the headers, encode the headers, and spin up a HTTP server thread to process the request, again, because this is a document protocol; the server was designed to spit out documents a single time.
In contrast, WebSocket simply stores an entry in a table for a connection, approximately 40-80 bytes. That's literally it. No polling occurs, at all.
WebSocket was designed to scale.
As far as SocketIO being messy... This is not the case at all. AJAX is messy, you need promise/response.
With SocketIO, you simply have emitters and receivers; they don't even need to know about each-other; no promise system is needed:
To request a list of users you simply send the server a message...
When the server is ready, it will send you back another message. Tada, you're done. So, to process a list of users you simply say what to do when you get a response you're looking for...
socket.on("HereAreTheUsers", showUsers(data) );
That's it. Where is the mess? Well, there is none :) Separation of concerns? Done for you. Locking the client so they know they have to wait? They don't have to wait :) You could get a new list of users whenever... The server could even play back any UI command this way... Clients can connect to each other without even using a server with WebRTC...
Chat system in SocketIO? 10 lines of code. Real-time video conferencing? 80 lines of code Yes... Luke... Join me. use the right protocol for the job... If you're writing an app... use an app protocol.
I think the problem and confusion here is coming from people that are used to using AJAX and thinking they need all the extra promise protocol on the client and a REST API on the back end... Well you don't. :) It's not needed anymore :)
yes, you read that right... a REST API is not needed anymore when you decide to switch to WebSocket. REST is actually outdated. if you write a desktop app, do you communicate with the dialog with REST? No :) That's pretty dumb.
SocketIO, utilizing WebSocket does the same thing for you... you can start to think of the client-side as simple the dialog for your app. You no longer need REST, at all.
In fact, if you try to use REST while using WebSocket, it's just as silly as using REST as the communication protocol for a desktop dialog... there is absolutely no point, at all.
What's that you say Timmy? What about other apps that want to use your app? You should give them access to REST? Timmy... WebSocket has been out for 4 years... Just have them connect to your app using WebSocket, and let them request the messages using that protocol... it will consume 50x fewer resources, be much faster, and 10x easier to develop... Why support the past when you're creating the future?
Sure, there are use cases for REST, but they are all for older and outdated systems... Most people just don't know it yet.
A LOT of people have been asking me recently how can they start writing an app in 2018 (and now soon 2019) using WebSockets, that the barrier seems really high, that once they play with Socket.IO they don't know where else to turn or what to learn.
Fortunately the last 3 years have been very kind to WebSockets...
There are now 3 major frameworks that support BOTH REST and WebSocket, and even IoT protocols or other minimal/speedy protocols like ZeroMQ, and you don't have to worry about any of it; you just get support for it out of the box.
Note: Although Meteor is by far the most popular, I am leaving it out because although they are a very, very well-funded WebSocket framework, anyone who has coded with Meteor for a few years will tell you, it's an internal mess and a nightmare to scale. Sort of like WordPress is to PHP, it is there, it is popular, but it is not very well made. It's not well-thought out, and it will soon die. Sorry Meteor folks, but check out these 3 other projects compared to Meteor, and you will throw Meteor away the same day :)
With all of the below frameworks, you write your service once, and you get both REST and WebSocket support. What's more, it's a single line of config code to swap between almost any backend database.
Feathers Easiest to use, works the same on the front and backend, and supports most features, Feathers is a collection of light-weight wrappers for existing tools like express. Using awesome tools like feathers-vuex, you can create immutable services that are fully mockable, support REST, WebSocket and other protocols (using Primus), and get free full CRUD operations, including search and pagination, without a single line of code (just some config). Also works really great with generated data like json-schema-faker so you can not only fully mock things, you can mock it with random yet valid data. You can wire up an app to support type-ahead search, create, delete and edit, with no code (just config). As some of you may know, proper code-through-config is the biggest barrier to self-modifying code. Feathers does it right, and will push you towards the front of the pack in the future of app design.
Moleculer Moleculer is unfortunately an order of magnitude better at the backend than Feathers. While feathers will work, and let you scale to infinity, feathers simply doesn't even begin to think about things like production clustering, live server consoles, fault tolerance, piping logs out of the box, or API Gateways (while I've built a production API gateway out of Feathers, Moleculer does it way, way better). Moleculer is also the fastest growing, both in popularity and new features, than any WebSocket framework.
The winning strike with Moleculer is you can use a Feathers or ActionHero front-end with a Moleculer backend, and although you lose some generators, you gain a lot of production quality.
Because of this I recommend learning Feathers on the front and backend, and once you make your first app, try switching your backend to Moleculer. Moleculer is harder to get started with, but only because it solves all the scaling problems for you, and this information can confuse newer users.
ActionHero Listed here as a viable alternative, but Feathers and Moleculer are better implementations. If anything about ActionHero doesn't Jive with you, don't use it; there are two better ways above that give you more, faster.
NOTE: API Gateways are the future, and all 3 of the above support them, but Moleculer literally gives you it out of the box. An API gateway lets you massage your client interaction, allowing caching, memoization, client-to-client messaging, blacklisting, registration, fault tolerance and all other scaling issues to be handled by a single platform component. Coupling your API Gateway with Kubernetes will let you scale to infinity with the least amount of problems possible. It is the best design method available for scalable apps.
Update for 2021:
The industry has evolved so much that you don't even need to pay attention to the protocol. GraphQL now uses WebSockets by default! Just look up how to use subscriptions, and you're done. The fastest way to handle it will occur for you.
If you use Vue, React or Angular, you're in luck, because there is a native GraphQL implementation for you! Just call your data from the server using a GraphQL subscription, and that data object will stay up to date and reactive on it's own.
GraphQL will even fall-back to REST for you when you need to use legacy systems, and subscriptions will still update using sockets. Everything is solved when you move to GraphQL.
Yes, if you thought "WTH?!?" when you heard you can simply subscribe, like with FireBase, to a server object, and it will update itself for you. Yes. That's now true. Just use a GraphQL subscription. It will use WebSockets.
Chat system? 1 line of code.
Real time video system? 1 line of code.
Video game with 10mb of open world data shared across 1m real-time users? 1 line of code. The code is just your GQL query now.
As long as you build or use the right back-end, all this realtime stuff is now done for you with GQL subscriptions. Make the switch as soon as you can and stop worrying about protocols.
Socket.IO uses persistent connection between client and server, so you will reach a maximum limit of concurrent connections depending on the resources you have on server side, while more Ajax async requests can be served with the same resources.
Socket.IO is mainly designed for realtime and bi-directional connections between client and server and in some applications there is no need to keep permanent connections. On the other hand Ajax async connections should pass the HTTP connection setup phase and send header data and all cookies with every request.
Socket.IO has been designed as a single process server and may have scalability issues depending server resources that you are bound to.
Socket.IO in not well suited for applications when you are better to cache results of client requests.
Socket.IO applications face with difficulties with SEO optimization and search engine indexing.
Socket.IO is not a standard and not equivalent to W3C Web Socket API, It uses current Web Socket API if browser supports, created by a person to resolve cross browser compatibility in real time apps and is so young, about 1 year old. Its learning curve, less developers and community resources compared with ajax/jquery, long term maintenance and less need or better options in future may be important for developer teams to make their code based on or not.
Sending one way messages and invoking callbacks to them can get very messy.
$.get('/api', sendData, returnFunction); is cleaner than
socket.emit('sendApi', sendData); socket.on('receiveApi', returnFunction);
Which is why dnode and nowjs were built on top of to make things manageable. Still event driven but without giving up callbacks.
