d3 set default zoom configuration different from ZoomIdentity - d3.js

like explained here: enter link description here I've added the zoom behavior to my chart.
D3 start the ZoomTransform to K=1, X=0, Y=0.
Is it possible to override those K, X, Y? For example says that the current state of chart (with its axis and scale) is not K=1,x=0,y=0, but it's something like k=0.012, x= 12, y= -18 ?

You can set the transform attribute of the SVG element in question as follows:
svg.attr('transform', 'translate(12, -18) scale(0.012)');
This could be either on initialisation of the visualisation, or in the handler for an event such as the click of a reset button.
It's important to note that this is how the zoom effect is being applied in your example. The result of d3.event.transform.toString() would be something like:
translate(100, 100) scale(2)
and the result of d3.zoomIdentity.toString() is:
translate(0, 0) scale(1)
In other words, you get a correctly formatted argument for an SVG element's transform attribute, which when applied using:
mySvgElement.attr('transform', d3.event.transform);
zooms, or pans the element.


Recharts square zoom implementation

The sample I am talkin' about is here
and here
Please press left button of the mouse and drag it to the right - this is how zoom is currently done. Please take a look at the activeLabel variable.
Currently recharts could make a zoom into the graph by passing the x coordinate (which is stored in activeLabel variable) and zooom looks like a pillar all over the y coordinate.
I want to select an area - square or rectangle to make more customized zoom. The trouble is that I can't get the y value of the graph (not pixel in window). Recharts gives only x coordinate of the graph, but not y.
I've searched all over the issues on gitHub, mailed the creator with no luck.
I've read the
Recharts value at pointer to show in tooltip?
but I could not get how could I count the initial values of chartX and chartY in my responsive container, so it is very depends on the window user has.
Please help me to find a solution to match chartY in pixels to my real values in my chart depending on Responsive Container I am using.
Zoom can be done by using the mouse events of the chart.
You can store the values in a state then call the zoom function on onMouseUp.
And in zoom function, you can set the domains of the axes.
Don't forget to set the axes to allowDataOverflow.
And you can also draw the rectangle by using ReferenceArea
function zoom () {
setXAxisBoundaries([rectangle[0], rectangle[1]])
setYAxisBoundaries([rectangle[2], rectangle[3]])
onMouseDown={(event) => setRectangle([event.xValue, event.yValue])}
onMouseMove={(event) => setRectangle(rectangle => [...rectangle, event.xValue, event.yValue]))}
type="number" />
type="number" />

tick axis getting out of svg barchart

I am trying to do a barchart with Recharts but ticks on both axis are getting out of svg:
Do you know to solve this ?
In your example, your tick labels have an angle that puts them out of the svg zone. To turn back your tick labels like on a line, you need to either update the angle prop to 0, like the following:
<XAxis dataKey="name" angle={0} />
Removing the angle prop from the XAxis would work as well, since its default value is 0.

d3 autospace overlapping tick labels

Is there a way in d3 to not draw overlapping tick labels? For example, if I have a bar chart, but the bars are only 5 pixels wide and the labels are 10 pixels wide, I end up with a cluttered mess. I'm currently working on an implementation to only draw the labels when they do not overlap. I can't find any existing way to do that, but wasn't sure if anyone else had dealt with this problem.
There is no way of doing this automatically in D3. You can set the number of ticks or the tick values explicitly (see the documentation), but you'll have to figure out the respective numbers/values yourself. Another option would be to rotate the labels such that there is less chance of them overlapping.
Alternatively, like suggested in the other answer, you could try using a force layout to place the labels. To clarify, you would use the force layout on the labels only -- this is completely independent of the type of chart. I have done this in this example, which is slightly more relevant than the one linked in the other answer.
Note that if you go with the force layout solution, you don't have to animate the position of the labels. You could simply compute the force layout until it converges and then plot the labels.
I've had a similar problem with multiple (sub-)axis, where the last tick overlaps my vertical axis in some situations (depending on the screen width), so I've just wrote a little function that compares the position of the end of the text label with the position of the next axis. This code is very specific to my use case, but could adapted easily to your needs:
var $svg = $('#svg');
// get the last tick of each of my sub-axis
$('.tick-axis').find('.tick:last-of-type').each(function() {
// get position of the end of this text field
var endOfTextField = $(this).offset().left + $(this).find('text').width();
// get the next vertical axis
var $nextAxis = $('line[data-axis="' + $(this).closest('.tick-axis').attr('data-axis') + '"]');
// there is no axis on the very right, so just use the svg width
var positionOfAxis = ($nextAxis.length > 0) ? $nextAxis.offset().left : $svg.offset().left + $svg.width();
// hide the ugly ones!
if (endOfTextField > positionOfAxis) {
$(this).attr('class', 'tick hide');
The ticks with color: aqua are the hidden ones:

d3 - Axis Label Transition

In Mike Bostock's cubism demo (http://bost.ocks.org/mike/cubism/intro/demo-stocks.html), there is a cursor which displays the values of all horizon charts on display. Furthermore, the cursor text shows the time axis point in time. As the cursor text obscures an axis label, the label fades.
I am working on a similar display with d3.js (but not cubism). I have all working except that fade portion. I have searched through the CSS in the developer's window, searched the source code (as best I could), but I don't understand what manner of magic is being used to accomplish this feat. I've even looked through SO "axis label transition" questions, but I have failed to connect the dots on xaxis label transitions.
How does that fade in/out when obscured by text happen?
I think I located the event script area where this happens - its just a little over my head at the moment - can anyone help me decipher what this event listener is doing? Specifically, in the second g.selectAll in the else clause below - what data (d) is being used here? What is causing this event to fire?
This is the coolest part of the display (outside of the horizon charts), I would love to figure this out ...
context.on("focus.axis-" + id, function(i) {
if (tick) {
if (i == null) {
tick.style("display", "none");
g.selectAll("text").style("fill-opacity", null);
} else {
tick.style("display", null).attr("x", i).text(format(scale.invert(i)));
var dx = tick.node().getComputedTextLength() + 6;
g.selectAll("text").style("fill-opacity", function(d) { return Math.abs(scale(d) - i) < dx ? 0 : 1; });
I used this as reference to accomplish the same effect.
I'm not sure what the context variable is or how the id's are set or what the tick flag references but what I did was simply update the opacity of the ticks according to their proximity to the mouse. With this, the vertical tick fades as well as the label text.
svg.selectAll('.x.axis .tick').style('opacity', function (d) {
return Math.min(1, (Math.round(Math.abs(d3.mouse(svg.node())[0] - x(d))) - 10) / 15.0);
This way, the opacity is set to 0 if it's within 10 pixels, and fades from 1-0 between 10 and 25. Above 25, the opacity would be set to an increasingly large number, so I clamp it to 1.0 using the Math.min function.
My labels are slightly rotated, so I also added an offset not shown inside the formula above (a +3 after [0]) just to make it look a bit nicer. A year late to answer your only question, but hey it's a nice effect.
same answer as Kevin Branigan's post, but using the d3 scale to calculate the opacity value.
var tickFadeScale = d3.scale.linear().domain([10,15]).range([0,1]).clamp(true);
svg.selectAll('.x.axis .tick').style('opacity', function (d) {
return tickFadeScale(Math.abs(d3.mouse(svg.node())[0] - x(d)));

D3.js: Hide the last tick on an axis?

I am using D3.js to draw an axis with ticks. I would like to hide only the last tick on the y-axis.
Maybe a picture will make it clearer. This is what my axis looks like at the moment - I'd like to hide the "21" and its associated tick.
Here is my current code:
var yAxisScale = d3.svg.axis().orient("left");
yAxisScale.ticks(20).tickFormat(function(d) { return d+1; });
var yAxis = vis.selectAll("g.y.axis").data([1]);
Is there a way I can hide only the last tick, regardless of how many ticks there are on the y-axis?
I tried adding this line, but it doesn't work, even though the selectAll expression appears to return the right element.
d3.select(d3.selectAll("g.y.axis g")[0].pop()).style('opacity', 1e-6);
The opacity is still set to 1.
you should to take a look at axis.tickSize(). it allows you to set the size of the major, minor, and end ticks.
also see here for similar question:
Remove end-ticks from D3.js axis
