Same query executed in sequence, same execution time? - caching

I was measuring execution time of one query to my locally hosted Postgresql 9.4. I did it in sequence in Java application (JDBC) and made 100 runs in loop. Whole loop was made in one connection.
Everytime the query took about 10 seconds to execute.
I use default postgresql.conf with one modification:
shared_buffers = 4GB
I got 16GB of RAM, OS is Debian 9.
Why is that query not cached?


Azure SQL Data IO 100% for extended periods for no apparent reason

I have an Azure website running about 100K requests/hour and it connects to Azure SQL S2 database with about 8GB throughput/day. I've spent a lot of time optimizing the database indexes, queries, etc. Normally the Data IO, CPU and Log IO percentages are well behaved in the 20% range.
A recent portion of the data throughput is retained for supporting our customers. I have a nightly maintenance procedure that removes obsolete data to manage database size. This mostly works well with the exception of removing image blobs in a varbinary(max) field.
The nightly procedure has a loop that sets 10 records varbinary(max) field to null at a time, waits a couple seconds, then sets the next 10. Nightly total for this loop is about 2000.
This loop will run for about 45 - 60 minutes and then stop running with no return to my remote Sql Agent job and no error reported. A second and sometimes third running of the procedure is necessary to finish setting the desired blobs to null.
In an attempt to alleviate the load on the nightly procedure, I started running a job once every 30 seconds throughout the day - it sets one blob to null each time.
Normally this trickle job is fine and runs in 1 - 6 seconds. However, once or twice a day something goes wrong and I can find no explanation for it. The Data I/O percentage peaks at 100% and stays there for 30 - 60 minutes or longer. This causes the database responsiveness to suffer and the website performance goes with it. The trickle job also reports running for this extended period of time. If I stop the Sql Agent job, it can take a few minutes to stop but the Data I/O continues at 100% for the 30 - 60 minute period.
The web service requests and database demands are relatively steady throughout the business day - no volatile demands that would explain this. No database deadlocks or other errors are reported. It's as if the database hits some kind of backlog limit where its ability to keep up suddenly drops and then it can't catch up until something that is jammed finally clears. Then the performance will suddenly return to normal.
Do you have any ideas what might be causing this intermittent and unpredictable issue? Any ideas what I could look at when one of these events is happening to determine why the Data I/O is 100% for an extended period of time? Thank you.
If you are on SQL DB V12, you may also consider using the Query Store feature to root cause this performance problem. It's now in public preview.
In order to turn on Query Store just run the following statement:

Cognos report performance and cache

I am working on Cognos 8, one of my report take roughly 1 minute to run but sometime 20 seconds as it loads from cache. Now for few needs I want to prove that report ran from cache for second time, how can I prove that? Is the performance is logged some where?
Cognos 8 uses old 32-bit CQM engine.
The cache of this engine is very primitive:
Cache only works in same session.
Only works if the query is identical.
By defualt it cache the last 5 queries.
So based on limitation I wrote above you can do the following:
Run the report in different session (different browser or user or user).
Change any value in the prompt for different value.
This will ensure the report is not running from cache.
if you want to trace performance of queries, then using DB to capture the queries is the most efficient way. The alternative would be activating Congos ipf trace:
Cognos 8 report performance issues

Expected Insert Rate in Neo4j

What would an average insert rate be for a Neo4j server running on something like an AWS m1.xlarge? We're running into write bottlenecks in our instance but it appears memory, CPU, and disk are all not heavily loaded.
Is there some configuration to help make Neo4j run faster on machines where it has more headroom to run?
Cypher looks something like:
to=node:node_auto_index('key:"string1" AND type:"type1"')
from=node:node_auto_index('key:"string2" AND type:"type2"')
CREATE UNIQUE from-[:TYPE1_TO_TYPE2 {count:1}]->to
UPDATE: Inserts seem to be fine when I do batches of 100-300 sequentially but if they run in parallel I begin to see more problems with writes taking a long time.

MongoDB preload documents into RAM for better performance

I want MongoDB to hold query results in RAM for longer period of time (say 30 minutes if memory is available). Is it possible? OR is there any way i can make sure that the data is pre-loaded into RAM before subsequent queries on it.
In fact i am wondering about simple query results performance by MongoDB. I have a dedicated server with 10GB RAM and my db.stats() are as follows;
"db": "test",
Now when i query single document (as mentioned here) from a web service it loads in 1.3 seconds. Subsequent calls of same queries gives response in 400ms and then after few seconds, it again starts taking 1.3 seconds. Looks like MongoDB has lost the previous queried document from Memory, where as there is no other queries asking for data mapped to RAM.
Please explain this and let me know any way to make subsequent queries faster responding.
Your observed performance problem on an initial query is likely one of the following issues (in rough order of likelihood):
1) Your application / web service has some overhead to initialize on first request (i.e. allocating memory, setting up connection pools, resolving DNS, ...).
2) Indexes or data you have requested are not yet in memory, so need to be loaded.
3) The Query Optimizer may take a bit longer to run on the first request, as it is comparing the plan execution for your query pattern.
It would be very helpful to test the query via the mongo shell, and isolate whether the overhead is related to MongoDB or your web service (rather than timing both, as you have done).
Following are some notes related to MongoDB.
MongoDB doesn't have a "caching" time for documents in memory. It uses memory-mapped files for disk I/O and the documents in memory are based on your active queries (documents/indexes you've recently loaded) as well as the available memory. The operating system's virtual memory manager is in charge of caching, and typically will follow a Least-Recently Used (LRU) algorithm to decide which pages to swap out of memory.
Memory Usage
The expected behaviour is that over time MongoDB will grow to use all free memory to store your active working data set.
Looking at your provided db.stats() numbers (and assuming that is your only database), it looks like your database size is current about 1Gb so you should be able to keep everything within your 10Gb total RAM unless:
there are other processes competing for memory
you have restarted your mongod server and those documents/indexes haven't been requested yet
In MongoDB 2.2, there is a new touch command you can use to load indexes or documents into memory after a server restart. This should only be used on initial startup to "warm up" the server, as otherwise you could be unhelpfully forcing actual "active" data out of memory.
On a linux system, for example, you can use the top command and should see that:
virtual bytes/VSIZE will tend to be the size of the entire database
if the server doesn't have other processes running, resident bytes/RSIZE will be the total memory of the machine (this includes file system cache contents)
mongod should not use swap (since the files are memory-mapped)
You can use the mongostat tool to get a quick view of your mongod activity .. or more usefully, use a service like MMS to monitor metrics over time.
Query Optimizer
The MongoDB Query Optimizer compares plan execution for a query pattern every ~1,000 write operations, and then caches the "winning" query plan until the next time the optimizer runs .. or you explicitly call an explain() on that query.
This should be a straightforward one to test: run your query in the mongo shell with .explain() and look at the ms timings, and also the number of index entries and documents scanned. The timing for an explain() isn't the actual time the queries will take to run, as it includes the cost of comparing the plans. The typical execution will be much faster .. and you can look for slow queries in your mongod log.
By default MongoDB will log all queries slower than 100ms, so this provides a good starting point to look for queries to optimize. You can adjust the slow ms value with the --slowms config option, or using the Database Profiler commands.
Further reading in the MongoDB documentation:
Checking Server Memory Usage
Database Profiler
Monitoring & Diagnostics

JDBC Requests High CPU at JMeter Client

I was implemented a JDBC test plan with my database on a web-server (I built a web server by myself). When I start a simple request from JMeter Client (Ex: SELECT * From link d WHERE d.linkLIKE '%com%'), then the CPU of JMeter would high usage (90-100%) for a long time (~5 mins, but I set my test plan in 6s :(. And on server side, CPU high very short time - 5-7seconds (I think this time for the query to database). I tried to change the HEAP in jmeter.bat to more than 1024m, but is wasn't successful.
Can you help me to solve this problem?
I'd run EXPLAIN PLAN on that SQL query. You're likely to see a TABLE SCAN because of the way you wrote the WHERE clause. That takes a lot of time, more as your table grows, because it requires that you examine each and every record.
