Makefile check if a block of commands succeeded - makefile

I have a target such as this:
.PHONY: do-symlink
# check if those succeed or failed. I want to make sure both have passed
if succeeded:
How can i check that they are both succeed? and if so, do something based on it?

So first of all, if a make recipe line fails, make fails, and stops executing the recipe. So if you put a recipe line at the end #echo "succeeded", then this will on run if all previous lines worked. As far as printing if something specific if one fails, you can use bash || for that
#command1 || { echo "command1 failed"; exit 1 }
#command2 || { echo "command2 failed"; exit 1 }
#echo "command1 and command2 passed"
Notice the exit 1's in there. Normally, false || echo "false" would have a return status of 0 (pass), because the exit status is taken from the last command run (echo "false"), which will always succeed. This would cause make to always continue running the next recipe line. You may want this, however, you can preserve the failure by compounding the statement and doing an exit 1 at the end.
For running both commands regardless of exit status, and then handling the exits after, prefix the recipe lines with -. This will cause make to not stop running if the command fails. Notice however that each recipe line is run in its own shell, so one recipe line cannot directly access the return code from another line. You could output to a file and then access that file in a later recipe line:
-#command1; echo $? > .commands.result
-#command2; echo $? >> .commands.result
#if grep -q "^00$" .commands.result; then \
echo both commands passed; \
else \
echo "at least one command failed"
(or you could always concatenate all the recipes lines into a single bash command and pass the variables around as well).


A way to ignore exit status in gitlab job pipeline [duplicate]

In our project we have a shell script which is to be sourced to set up environment variables for the subsequent build process or to run the built applications.
It contains a block which checks the already set variables and does some adjustment.
# part of
echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH | \grep $LIBRARY > /dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo Adding $LIBRARY
echo Not adding $LIBRARY
i.e. it checks if a path to a library is already in $LD_LIBRARY_PATH and if not, adds it.
(To be fair, this could be written differently (like here), but assume the script is supposed to achieve something which is very hard to do without calling a program, checking $? and then either doing one thing or doing another thing).
The .gitlab-ci.yml then contains
- yum install -y <various packages>
- source
but the runner decides to stop the before script the very moment $? is non-zero, i.e. when the if-statement decides to add a path to $LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Now it is nice that the gitlab runner checks $? after each line of my script, but here it'd be great if the lines in .gitlab-ci.yml were considered atomic.
Is there a way to avoid the intermediate checks of $? in a script that's sourced in .gitlab-ci.yml?
Use command_that_might_fail || true to mask the exit status of said command.
Also note that you can use grep -q to prevent output:
echo "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" | grep -q "$LIBRARY" || true
This will however also mask $? which you might not want. If you want to check if the command exits correct you might use:
if echo "$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" | grep -q "$LIBRARY"; then
echo "Adding $LIBRARY"
I suspect that gitlab-ci sets -e which you can disabled with set +e:
set +e # Disable exit on error
for library in "${LIBRARIES_WE_NEED[#]}"; do
set -e # Enable exit on error
Future reading: Why double quotes matter and Pitfalls with set -e
Another trick that I am using is a special kind of "|| true", combined with having access to previous exit code.
- exit_code=0
- ./ || exit_code=$?
- if [ ${exit_code} -ne 0 ]; then echo "It failed!" ; else echo "It worked!"; fi
The $exit_code=$? always evaluates to "true" so you get a non failing command but you also receive exit_code and you can do whatever you want with it.
Note please, that you shouldn't skip the first line or exit_code will be uninitialized (since on successful run of script, the or'ed part is never executed and the if ends up being)
if [ -ne 0 ];
instead of
if [ 0 -ne 0 ];
Which causes syntax error.

Makefile result message during parallel build

Given a Makefile that's often times run with the -j flag for parallel builds. I want it to terminate with a result message. I would like this message to say if the build failed, and if it failed, what the error was. It doesn't have to say anything if the build succeeded (although it could) but it must warn the user when a target failed to build and why.
This behavior is already there during sequential builds, but not during parallel builds. Parallel builds interweaves the output and an error message is often overlooked because output from other targets might push the failed target's error off screen. A careless developer might see no errors on his/her screen and assume the build succeeded.
It's quite an intuitive feature and I've searched for an answer, but it doesn't seem like there's any straight forward solutions. Any ideas?
You basically run
make -j 8 2> >(tee /tmp/error.log)
test $? -ne 0 && echo "build errors:"
cat /tmp/error.log
and you get all of stderr after the build finishes.
-- EDIT --
Updating to use tee, to output on stdout and into file:
Make returns non-zero if one of its recipe's fails so you could do something like this from the command line (assuming bash shell):
make 2>&1 | tee build.log
[ ${PIPESTATUS}[0] -eq 0 ] || ( echo "MAKE FAILED!"; grep --color build.log "Error:" )
The ${PIPESTATUS}[0] gives you the exit code of the first command (make 2>&1) as opposed to the exit status of the entire command (which would the exit status of tee if the make failed). It is bash specific, so it won't work in zsh for example.
Alternatively you could add the same logic as the top level target of a recursive make.
export IN_RECURSION:=1
$(info At top level -- defining default target)
#echo "doing recursive call of make"
#$(MAKE) $(MAKECMDGOALS) IN_RECURSION=1 2>&1 | tee build.log; \
[ ${PIPESTATUS}[0] -eq 0 ] || ( echo "MAKE FAILED!"; grep --color "Error:" build.log )
.PHONY: _default
Note that in this case the \ used to catinate the two recipe lines is crucial, as the second command must run in the same shell instance as the first.

bash script using && not stopping on error

i have a script that I accidentally ran without an underlying file present, and my script doesn't have a check for this file, because the script should stop when the command that requires that file exits 1.
i got caught out because it went ahead and skipped the sleep command and the ||exit 0 if test that I have as some protection protection. i would really like to know why. the if test and exit works if the preceding command doesn't fail.
if i strip the script down I can see some unexpected behaviour where the script doesn't stop at the && and skips the next sleep command.
is this not the correct way to use &&?
you can test this here:
mkdir /root/simulatecomplexcommandthatreturns1 &&
sleep 5m
echo "let's go ahead and delete all the stuff"
find /blah/ -delete
this is on debian 9
for clarity, I want the script to stop when it encounters an error and I have &&. I just thought it was odd that it didn't run the sleep command.
The && only apply to next command, for a sequence, braces must be added:
mkdir /root/simulatecomplexcommandthatreturns1 && {
sleep 5m
echo "let's go ahead and delete all the stuff"
find /blah/ -delete
or to avoid indent level the condition can be inverted
mkdir /root/simulatecomplexcommandthatreturns1 || {
echo "something goes wrong"
exit 1
# ok, continue
sleep 5m
echo "let's go ahead and delete all the stuff"
find /blah/ -delete
If you want a script to abort/exit as soon as a command pipeline exists with a non-zero status (that means the last command in the pipeline, unless pipefail enabled), you might consider using:
set -e
In your example:
set -e
mkdir /root/simulatecomplexcommandthatreturns1
sleep 5m
echo "let's go ahead and delete all the stuff"
find /blah/ -delete
when any of the commands fails, your script will exit.
Note however, this can sometimes lead to unwanted exits. For example it's normal for grep to exit with error if no match was found (you might "silence" such commands with grep .. || true ensuring the pipeline exits with success).
You'll probably be safer with manually testing for failure. For example:
if ! mkdir /root/simulatecomplexcommandthatreturns1; then
echo "Error description."
exit 1
The usage of shortcircuiting && and || is best reserved for simple command sequences, when the execution of the next depends on successful exit of the previous. For example, the command pipeline:
mkdir /somedir && cp file /somedir && touch /somedir/file
will try to create a directory, if created successfully, it will try to copy the file; and if the file was copied successfully, it will touch the file.
Example with OR:
cp file /somedir || exit 1
where we try to copy the file and we exit if copy failed.
But you should be very careful when combining the two, since the result can be unexpected. For example:
a && b || c
is not equal to:
if a; then b; else c; fi
because c in the former expression will get executed whenever either of a or b fails (exits with a non-zero status). In the latter expression, c is executed only if a fails. For example:
true && false || echo "This also gets executed."
&& is like the AND operator with the property :
fail && <anything> equals fail
<anything> && fail equals fail
success && success equals success
So, if the first operand (or command) fails, there is no point in resolving the second command.
when mkdir /root/simulatecomplexcommandthatreturns1 fails in
mkdir /root/simulatecomplexcommandthatreturns1 &&
sleep 5m
It skips the second command.
What you want here is || or the OR operator
fail || fail equals fail
fail || success equals success
success || <anything> equals success
So, using if the mkdir /root/simulatecomplexcommandthatreturns1 fails in"
mkdir /root/simulatecomplexcommandthatreturns1 || sleep 5m
It will have to evaluate the second operand ie the sleep 5m command.
Note that bash script do not exit if one of its command fails. It only exits when it reaches the end of the script or when exit is called.
if you want to exit when a certain command fails, you would do something like :
$ theCommandThatCanFail || exit 1 # the first command returns fail and
# since its `OR` operator, the second
# command will be resolved
You're using the wrong operator. What you need is || (example 2 below).
`A && B` # => Run `A`, and then `B` if A ran successfully.
`A || B` # => Run `A`, and then `B` if A did not run successfully.

Continue make command even if one operation within fails [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Make: how to continue after a command fails?
(8 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm looking for a way to continue a make command in the event of a error failure.
I need a way of wrapping a command so it doesn't respond with a exit code 1.
exit 1 ;\
echo 'hi' ;\
I need a way to wrap something like this:
somecommand && othercommand ;\
echo 'hi' ;\
Where somecommand can exit with a 1 (error) and not run othercommand or a 0 which would run othercommand.
This should do:
commandThatMayFail && otherCommand || true
echo hi
You can try it like this:
rm fileDoesNotExist && echo foo || true
echo bar
You can also use make -i ... to ignore all errors. Per the man page:
-i, --ignore-errors
Ignore all errors in commands executed to remake files.
Prefixing a recipe with - tells make to ignore any errors returned by that line, the only other thing you need to do is run the two recipes separately.
-somecommand && othercommand
echo 'hi'

Grep exit codes in Makefile

I would like to check the result of a grep search in a Makefile. Contrary to this solution, I do not wish to use the shell command.
Also, I don't want the Makefile to raise an error when grep do not find the string (exit code of 1 is treated as an error).
The following tries to ignore the error and check the exit code :
-grep term log*
echo $$?
#case "$$?" in \
echo "found";; \
*) \
echo "not found";;\
Unfortunately, the exit code is always 0.
The separate lines of a series of actions in a makefile are normally executed in separate sub-shells. To code what you're after, then:
if grep term log*; \
then echo found; \
else echo not found; \
That's a single command; it tests the exit status of grep directly. Note the liberal use of semi-colons; that's necessary because it all gets flattened when passed to the shell. Note too that the - is not needed; the statement as a whole exits with status 0 because one of the echo commands is executed, succeeds, and that is the status returned from the sub-shell. But there's another part to the trick; IIRC, the script is invoked with /bin/sh -e so the script exits on the first error (non-zero) status from a shell command — except in explicit conditionals such as an if.
If you want to explicitly capture the status of grep (if only to be sure it's being done right), then:
-grep term log*; \
status=$$?; echo $$status; \
if [ $$status = 0 ]; \
then echo found; \
else echo not found; \
You probably need the - this time because the grep is not executed as part of a shell conditional and a non-zero exit status could trigger the -e processing. I don't recommend futzing with this.
You might note that you can do cd commands in an action and because each action is executed separately, you have to do it repeatedly.
install: ${PROG}
cd ${INSTBIN}; ${RM_F} ${PROG}
Yes, you can do it differently — I'm demonstrating a point, not advocating a style of installing programs.
