How can I get only the JAR file? - maven

I had two projects using the same code for a functionality. To avoid that, I isolated this code in a new project so the two projects can use this functionality by indicating the dependency in their pom.xml file. So, once that I created the new project with the repeated, I save in innersource as a maven repository.
In the pom.xml file of both projects I used tag with and inside to indicate where is the repository. When I update the projects the dependency is downloaded from the remote repository and it works, but when I saw the Maven dependencies section of my project, where all needed JARs are, I found that is not only downloaded the JAR file of the third project, but there is a folder with the project.
So how I can get the JAR and not a folder?
Thank you so much for your help!


Which project files contain information that this is a maven project

There is a project on Spring. If I clone it from GitHub, then open it in IDEA, then it understands that this is a maven project, i.e. it highlights all the project folders with the right color - java, resources, etc. And if I just copy the source files of the project to another directory with all the folders, then IDEA does not perceive it as a maven project, but simply as a set of folders.
But on Github I don't see any other files except the source. And then where is all this information about the structure of the project stored?
That is, what files do I still need to copy so that the IDE recreates the entire folder structure as in the original project?
Usually, if it is a maven project, we use a pom.xml file. In case of gradle, we use build.gradle file.
Whenever a spring project is build, it reads one these files to get all dependancies.

How to convert alfresco ant based project in alfresco5 maven based?

I am using alfresco 4.1.3 having following project structure.
I am using the ant script to build project.
Now I want to convert this project into maven based alfresco5.
I have configured alfresco5 using all-in-one archetype and I am able to run it successfully. My questions are:
How can I convert my alfresco ant based project in alfresco5 maven based?
Do I need to add src files in repo or repo-amp?
Do I need to copy all share related files in share or share-amp?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thanks in Advance.!!
That totally depends on the ant build setup. But one good guess is that you will have to put the files residing in the "Alfresco" folder of your old project into different subfolders of the repo-amp, and the same way around with the "Share" folder. Most files will go into those folders, you have to study the SDK-docs carefully to know into which folders the files will go. Depending of the nature of your extensions some files could go into the Share and Alfresco war-structure as well (additions to web.xml for example).
There are no "Swiss army knife" for that works for all cases here.
Good luck
Do the following things:
Create new project as maven project and provide group id (it's yours) artifact id as alfresco5 and version (ex:43.0.1-SNAPSHOT)
With this it creates maven based folder structure
src/main/java -> replace it with your src folder
3.src/main/resources ->add your Share, reference and Alfresco folders.
look at you lib directory..what ever .jar will be there you need to define it in dependencies under pom.xml
compile the whole project..if there are compilation errors then add required dependencies in pom.xml

Maven build dependency through pom.xml

For my project, I'm using code from another project found on github. I've included the project as a separate folder in my project. My project uses code from that project, so I want to build that project and include it in my project without really making any changes to that project. So how do I specify in my pom.xml to run the sub-projects pom.xml?
If it helps, here is the repository of the other project that I am using: Soda Java
If you're not planning on changing it, simply download it & build it once using Maven. This will install it into your local repository, and you can simply reference it in your pom without any issue.
If you can find it in an external maven repo somewhere, you wouldn't even have to download & build it.
Only if you're planning on changing it do you need the aggregate project approach.
You create an aggregate project with packaging=pom and a modules element that has one module for the dependency and one module for your project, and you build that.

Maven Copy jar with dependencies into another project

I have two maven projects, the second project extends some classes of first project. I want to create the jar file with all dependencies of first project and include it to another project as dependency. I am searching this since long time, is it possible to do it?
I am new to maven, any help on this would be highly appreciated.
If you just want to add the dependencies to another project you add the second project dependency to your new project and the first one will be inherited and automatically included. This is what is called a transitive dependency. Read more about it in the free book Maven: The Complete Reference.
If I understand you right, you want to create a uber-jar containing all dependencies, right ?
Please refer to this question How can I create an executable JAR with dependencies using Maven?
In the second project's POM file, specify the first projects maven co-ordinates (groupId,artifactId,version,packaging) under the 'dependency' section. It will transitively acquire all the dependent artifacts.
Although it is possible in Maven to generate a standalone jar with all its dependencies. For that purpose, you can use the maven-shade-plugin. ( Reference )
There are two ways you are create a fat jar. You include the jar itself in the jar of dependent. You will not have much control in this case and the maven assembly plugin would do the work. Alternatively, you can unzip the jar and zip everything together to create the new jar. You have to decide which one best suits you. If you have multiple versions of same class, then include the whole jar in the new jar would help, but if the versions are coherent, it's best to create a jar by unzipping and zipping everything. For the second procedure, I recommend using the maven shade plugin to create uber jar.

2 WARs in maven EAR build

I am new to maven and as a matter of fact new to the build tools and process or should i say the whole web structure. I have a slight problem for which i need help.
I am going to make a web project which on compiling/deployment will give a war file. And i have a separate project for which the war(just the war file after bundling the project) file will be given to me.
Now my requirement is to make a EAR file comprising both my project bundle and also including the war of the other completed project. I need to use maven for this.
I know the multi-module projects can be created using maven. But i am not sure how it will handle isolated war file. I mean for my project it will have the whole structure , artifactId and groupId. What about the other war how will it be handled.
I know this may be a novice question. But can someone please help.
The way this would typically be handled would be making the isolated WAR file a dependency. Install it in your local maven repo and just list it as a dependency in the POM for your EAR module. Also, making your WAR project a module under your EAR project would handle the WAR that you're actually building.
