Bitbucket pipelines: echo environment variable - bash

I have a very simple pipeline for the tags. When I do the tag, I want to send simple slack webhook. My issue is that environment variable $BITBUCKET_TAG is not rendered neither in echo nor in slack message.
- step:
- curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "cache-control:no-cache" -d '{"username":"CoreLib tag","text":"Tag *$BITBUCKET_TAG* has been created"}'
and I get this in Slack
CoreLib tag [12:50 PM]
Tag $BITBUCKET_TAG has been created
What I want to achieve is to render the $BITBUCKET_TAG value in my echo and in Slack message properly, smth like:
CoreLib tag [12:50 PM]
Tag v2019.1.1 has been created

Basic solution is super simple.
Instead of $BITBUCKET_TAG should be '"$BITBUCKET_TAG"'.
E.g. -d '{"username":"CoreLib tag","text":"Tag *'"$BITBUCKET_TAG"'* has been created"}'
Taken from here:


How to delete a service principal from the sql admin settings page?

I have created a service principal (as per the docs), but I now need to delete it.
I can't see a UI option to delete this - how else can I delete it?
The solution was here:
curl -n -X GET https://${databricks_endpoint}/api/2.0/sql/config/warehouses > my.json
curl -n -X PUT -d #my.json https://${databricks_endpoint}/api/2.0/sql/config/warehouses

How to send a message to Slack using curl from gitlab-ci.yml?

I am using GitLab for a CI/CD process. I want to send messages to my channel in Slack. Following the API works from the terminal:
curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"text":"Hello, World!"}'
However, when I put this line into my .yml file, it gives me a "yaml invalid error". Complete block is here:
stage: slack
- echo "hi there"
- curl -F file=#target/springApp-0.0.1.jar -F channels=#application_dev_backend -F token='xoxb-1111-2222-yyyyyy'
- dev
stage: slack
- echo "Send Slack Messages"
- curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"text":"Hello, World!"}'
- dev
The first stage (sending file) is correct, but the second one is not working. This is the error message I get:
Status: syntax is incorrect Error: jobs:slack_message:script config should be a string or an array of strings
Based on your error message, the curl command in slack_message is incorrect. Try wrapping the entire command in quotes and escaping the internal quotes. The way you have it, the YAML parser thinks the Content-type: application/json is a key:value pair of a dictionary.
Try this instead:
stage: slack
- echo "Send Slack Messages"
- "curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{\"text\":\"Hello, World!\"}'"
- dev
Pro Tip
You can use the CI Lint tool to validate the contents of gitlab-ci.yaml. You can access this in the CI/CD > Pipelines screen. See CI Lint.
There is also a useful website where you can input YAML, and it will (a) validate it, and (b) return a UTF-8 version. If you have string problems, the UTF-8 version will look mangled (which is what happens with your YAML).
Please give required privilege to bot User to post in channel.
follow the below ci.yaml
#please select the image which has curl command
image: ubuntu:latest
- echo "Get user id with curl from Slack"
- curl -X GET -H 'Authorization:Bearer <bot token>'$GITLAB_USER_EMAIL | jq -r ''
# From the above if you change the | jq -r '' then you will get the name of the user from slack.
- echo "Slack post request"
- >
curl -X POST -H 'Authorization:Bearer <bot token>' -H 'Content-type: application/json' --data '{"channel":"<channel id which start CXXXX>","text":"Your job has been finished please validate Job Url '"$CI_PIPELINE_URL"'"}'
CI_PIPELINE_URL: This will give the job url.
Slack reference:

Flock webhook token

I am trying to create webhook as per this document and this doesn't include any clue about where does the token comes from.
My curl command as below
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"text": "This is a test message.","token":"test"}'
Error message:
{"error":"InvalidParameter","description":"A required parameter for the method call is missing or invalid","parameter":"token"}
Can someone point me what's missing here.
Flock gives you the token for the webhook when you finish adding a new one at
You can look it up again when you're done by going to the edit option for the webhook you've added; at the moment the token is given at the bottom of the page:
Webhook URL
Send your JSON payload to this URL

Why Ansible-Tower is ignoring extra variables?

Trying to lunch a job workflow via REST API and passing extra variables for the playbook to consume, but returned body shows that provided variables are put in ignored_fields section.
Used POSTMAN and CURL to run the templates both returned the same result
CURL command
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer Je
gxwfQrdKQXoRUtNWtWFz62FX5bTy" -d "{\"extra_vars\": {\"vendor\":\"juniper\"}}"
Returned body
{"job":34,"ignored_fields":{"extra_vars":{"vendor":"juniper"}},"id":34,"type":"job","url":"/api/v2/jobs/34/","related":{"created_by":"/api/v2/users/1/","modified_by":"/api/v2/users/1/","labels":"/api/v2/jobs/34/labels/","inventory":"/api/v2/inventories/1/","project":"/api/v2/projects/7/","extra_credentials":"/api/v2/jobs/34/extra_credentials/","credentials":"/api/v2/jobs/34/credentials/","unified_job_template":"/api/v2/job_templates/8/","stdout":"/api/v2/jobs/34/stdout/","job_events":"/api/v2/jobs/34/job_events/","job_host_summaries":"/api/v2/jobs/34/job_host_summaries/","activity_stream":"/api/v2/jobs/34/activity_stream/","notifications":"/api/v2/jobs/34/notifications/","job_template":"/api/v2/job_templates/8/","cancel":"/api/v2/jobs/34/cancel/","create_schedule":"/api/v2/jobs/34/create_schedule/","relaunch":"/api/v2/jobs/34/relaunch/"},"summary_fields":{"inventory":{"id":1,"name":"Demo Inventory","description":"","has_active_failures":true,"total_hosts":1,"hosts_with_active_failures":1,"total_groups":0,"groups_with_active_failures":0,"has_inventory_sources":false,"total_inventory_sources":0,"inventory_sources_with_failures":0,"organization_id":1,"kind":""},"project":{"id":7,"name":"Cox-Phase3","description":"","status":"successful","scm_type":"git"},"job_template":{"id":8,"name":"Port Flap","description":""},"unified_job_template":{"id":8,"name":"Port Flap","description":"","unified_job_type":"job"},"created_by":{"id":1,"username":"admin","first_name":"","last_name":""},"modified_by":{"id":1,"username":"admin","first_name":"","last_name":""},"user_capabilities":{"delete":true,"start":true},"labels":{"count":0,"results":[]},"extra_credentials":[],"credentials":[]},"created":"2019-05-14T09:43:16.115516Z","modified":"2019-05-14T09:43:16.177517Z","name":"Port Flap","description":"","job_type":"run","inventory":1,"project":7,"playbook":"main.yml","forks":0,"limit":"","verbosity":1,"extra_vars":"{}","job_tags":"","force_handlers":false,"skip_tags":"","start_at_task":"","timeout":0,"use_fact_cache":false,"unified_job_template":8,"launch_type":"manual","status":"pending","failed":false,"started":null,"finished":null,"elapsed":0.0,"job_args":"","job_cwd":"","job_env":{},"job_explanation":"","execution_node":"","controller_node":"","result_traceback":"","event_processing_finished":false,"job_template":8,"passwords_needed_to_start":[],"ask_diff_mode_on_launch":false,"ask_variables_on_launch":false,"ask_limit_on_launch":false,"ask_tags_on_launch":false,"ask_skip_tags_on_launch":false,"ask_job_type_on_launch":false,"ask_verbosity_on_launch":false,"ask_inventory_on_launch":false,"ask_credential_on_launch":false,"allow_simultaneous":false,"artifacts":{},"scm_revision":"","instance_group":null,"diff_mode":false,"job_slice_number":0,"job_slice_count":1,"credential":null,"vault_credential":null}
According to the fine manual, AWX (and thus Tower) version 3.0 and greater has made extra_vars more strict:
If you are running a version greater than 3.0, you will need to either turn on playbook survey or set ask_variables_on_launch=True for that template
In my case, I'm using curl -L ... and the payload got lost after the redirect. Be sure to double check that if you find the extra_vars still gets ignored after ensuring ask_variables_on_launch=True.
Tangentially related to the API when utilizing the AWX and Tower CLI I ran into a similar issue of variables not being taken when launching jobs. The solution was that on the Job Template in Tower the "Prompt on Launch" setting needed to checked for the variable to pass through. So much time wasted on such a simple miss.

How to use WebAPI in bash for sonarqube?

I want to write a shell script to login and get bugs for a project. I want the dashboard values like bugs, Vulnerabilities, code smells and coverage.
The url of dashboard is:
Here is what I tried:
curl GET -u username:password
So, this prints all the data. I just need the value show in the below image:
Basically What I want to achieve is that I’m using a Sonarqube plugin in Jenkins, so I use extended email plugin to send email for job execution and in that email I want to give details like number of bugs in the repository after the build.
Is there any other way?
Finally after reading the documentation carefully, I got the values. Here is the script that I created.
vul=$(curl -sX GET -u username:password '');
bug=$(curl -sX GET -u username:password '');
no_vul=$(echo $vul | jq -r .total);
no_bug=$(echo $bug | jq -r .total);
echo "Total number of VULNERABILITIES are $no_vul"
echo "Total number of BUGS are $no_bug"
Here is the API documentation URL.
