How to add icon to Action Sheet Popup on Xamarin forms? - xamarin

I'm using Action Sheet Popup of the library Rg.Plugins.Popup on Xamarin Forms.
I want to display the image as below:
How to add an icon to Action Sheet Popup on Xamarin forms?
This is my code:
public Task<string> ShowActionSheetDialogAsync(string title, string cancelString = null, string destructive = null, CancellationToken? token = null, string[] arrayButtons = null)
return UserDialogs.Instance.ActionSheetAsync(title, cancelString,destructive, cancelToken: token,buttons:arrayButtons);
Or you can suggest another idea which might also show.
Please help me!

Use aritchie/userdialogs instead, it provides icon option for the item in list , check API .
IUserDialogs d = UserDialogs.Instance;
ActionSheetConfig config = new ActionSheetConfig();
List<ActionSheetOption> Options = new List<ActionSheetOption>();
Options.Add(new ActionSheetOption("1" , null , "info.png"));
Options.Add(new ActionSheetOption("2", null, "info.png"));
ActionSheetOption cancel = new ActionSheetOption("Cancel",null,null);
config.Options = Options;
config.Cancel = cancel;
Screen shot

This is platform-specific, so wrap it in DependencyService for example.
This is how you add image to an ActionSheet action:
UIImage img; //the image
var action = new UIAlertAction();
action.SetValueForKey("image", img);
Then add this UIAlertAction to a UIActionSheet. (You should also set Title and Action, of course)


Xamarin Forms iOS TitleBarTextColor not changing

To change the TitleBarTextColor so far I tried a lot and my code now does change the back button color and the area on the very top of the screen, but the title!
in my AppDelegate FinishedLaunching function (it's after Forms.Init() and before LoadApplication()):
UINavigationBar.Appearance.SetTitleTextAttributes(new UITextAttributes
TextColor = UIColor.White
In my ViewModel:
(App.Current.MainPage as NavigationPage).BarBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#990000");
(App.Current.MainPage as NavigationPage).BarTextColor = Color.White;
And this is how I'm navigating between the pages (not all the pages):
await _navigationService.NavigateAsync(new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute));
I even try to call the ViewModel code after the Prism navigation but it doesn't work... I'm a beginner and don't fully comprehend Prism and or Xamarin Forms.
[EDIT] -> I also tried to create a new class and inherit it from NavigationPage, set the BarTextColor in its constructor and use that class in the navigation like this: await _navigationService.NavigateAsync(new Uri("", UriKind.Absolute)); But, as you may know, it is still not working.
Here's a Image ;)
Thank you for your support!
So I finnaly managed to work this out...
What I had to do was to create a custom Content Page because all the other solutions wasn't working. So I created this custom renderer only in my iOS project:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ContentPage), typeof(CustomContentPageRenderer))]
namespace TestProject.iOS.Bll.Utils.Renderers
public class CustomContentPageRenderer : PageRenderer
public override void DidMoveToParentViewController(UIViewController parent)
var titleView = new UITextView();
var page = this.Element as ContentPage;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(page.Title))
titleView.Text = page.Title;
titleView.TextColor = UIColor.White;
titleView.Font = UIFont.SystemFontOfSize(17, UIFontWeight.Regular);
var bgColor = page.BackgroundColor;
titleView.BackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGBA((int)bgColor.R, (int)bgColor.G, (int)bgColor.B, 0);
parent.NavigationItem.TitleView = titleView;
parent.NavigationItem.TitleView.ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.ScaleAspectFit;
catch (Exception e)
And I also removed all the code that I puted before in my AppDelegate file and in the App.xaml.cs file as well. I left the codes from the ViewModels because it was changing the back button to white, and I deleted the new NagivationPage class that I created before.
I'm going to explain why I did some of the things that you saw there:
To change the Title I created a UITextView() and set it to my NavigationItem.TitleView of the parent page. I set titleView.Text = page.Title; because my original page already have a title, so I'm just reusing it. And the backgroundcolor I had to do all of that so the backgroundcolor property works just in the way that I wanted.
And this DidMoveToParentViewController function was just so it can do all that before NavigationAsync from Prism.

Showing a dialog on top right corner

I want to create a dialog with a custom layout and no title. Also, the dialog should open on the top right corner of the screen. Here is the screenshot of what I want.
In xamarin.iOS is something like PopOverViewContainer. May it's in Android the same.
Maybe by changing the gravity of the dialog using the WindowManager Attributes property:
Android.App.AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(Activity);
AlertDialog alertName = builder.Create();
alertName.SetMessage("This is a warning message");
alertName.SetButton("OK", (s, ev) =>
var window = alertName.Window;
var wlp = window.Attributes;
wlp.Gravity = GravityFlags.Top;
wlp.Flags = WindowManagerFlags.DimBehind;
window.Attributes = wlp;
You should be able to change the gravity parameter and the flags (which currently stops the background to the dialog from dimming
I have used below code to achieve my requirement.
Window window = dialog.Window;
WindowManager.LayoutParams wlp = window.Attributes;
wlp.Gravity = GravityFlags.Top | GravityFlags.Right;
window.Attributes = wlp;

Change text of textview in custom toolbar in Xamarin Forms

I am trying to create custom toolbar. I followed this post. And i could achive toolbar change, but i cant change toolbar text. Here is what i am doing
var toolbarTop = FindViewById<Toolbar>(Resource.Id.toolbar_top);
var titleTextView = toolbarTop.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.toolbar_title);
titleTextView.Text = title;
But title is not changed. What is wrong here?
BTW: I am changing title on every new navigation to different pages. Not on activity create.
Thanks for any help.
Don't do it in "OnCreate". Do it here
public override void OnAttachedToWindow()
Title = "Title Text";
Title = "Title Text";
Or maybe this will help:

how to add/show a UserControl (e.g. popup) in a WP7 app page?

hi i have created a user control.
now i want to add this control to a page e.g. when the user clicks a button (important is, that i dont want to add it direcly in xaml, i want to add id in the c# code section)
how to so this?
In your button's Click event, you could do something like:
MyControl control = new MyControl();
// Set whatever properties you need in your control here
if (listBox1.Items.Count == 0)
Popup popup = new Popup();
WPCpopup po = new WPCpopup(popup);
popup.Width = System.Windows.Application.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth;
popup.Child = po;
popup.VerticalOffset = 300;
popup.IsOpen = true;
WPCpopup is usercontrol

Relative or absolute path mess

I'm developing a Windows Phone 7.1 application.
I have the following folders structure:
- Images (**folder**)
- Views(**folder**)
- About.xaml
- MainPage.xaml
I'm trying to create an app bar programmatically with:
private void SetUpAppBar()
// Set the page's ApplicationBar to a new instance of ApplicationBar.
ApplicationBar = new ApplicationBar();
// Create a new button and set the text value to the localized string from AppResources.
ApplicationBarIconButton helpButton = new ApplicationBarIconButton(new Uri("..//Images//", UriKind.Relative));
helpButton.Text = AppResources.Help;
helpButton.Click += new EventHandler(helpButton_Click);
// Create a new menu item with the localized string from AppResources.
ApplicationBarMenuItem appBarHelpMenuItem = new ApplicationBarMenuItem(AppResources.Help);
appBarHelpMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(helpButton_Click);
But I can't see the icon on app bar. What am I doing wrong?
I have test with this:
ApplicationBarIconButton helpButton = new ApplicationBarIconButton(new Uri("..//Images//", UriKind.Relative))
But I get an invalid path exception. I've also changed UriKind to Relative, Absolute and with AbsoluteOrRelative. is marked as Resource, and copy to directory is set to "don't copy".
The pictures Build Action should be Content.
ApplicationBarIconButton helpButton = new ApplicationBarIconButton(new Uri("/Images/", UriKind.Relative));
Try this i hope this will work.:)
This is how MSDN describes how to add a button to the AppBar
ApplicationBarIconButton button1 = new ApplicationBarIconButton();
button1.IconUri = new Uri("/Images/YourImage.png", UriKind.Relative);
button1.Text = "button 1";
I think your problem is that your picture is set as a Resource and not as Content.
