Halide external function call from generator - halide

I want to implement simple image processing routine quite similar to Auto Levels, so need to precalculate thresholds, make LUT and then make histogram stretching/normalization applying LUT.
But my question is not about algorithm side, it is about using extern defined functions, because i need a couple of while cycles for LUT calculation and i think using extern is good for it.
I tried following examples from Halide sources and checked this question too
I use AOT compilation currently testing on PC(winx64), aiming for arm in future, and have the following generator code:
Var x("x"), y("y");
Func make_a_root{ "make_a_root" };
Buffer<bitType> Lut{256, "lut"};
make_a_root(x, y) = inputY(x, y);
ExternFuncArgument arg = make_a_root;
Func g;
g.define_extern("generateAutoLevelsLut", { arg }, UInt(8), 2, Halide::NameMangling::CPlusPlus);
inputY has Input<Buffer<uint8_t>> inputY{ "input_y", 2 }; type
First i just want to make it run the call, so function body makes nothing but print (can i define function in same cpp file as generator?)
int generateAutoLevelsLut(halide_buffer_t * input, halide_buffer_t * out)
printf("\nextern call\n");
return 0;
I tried default mangling with extern "C" too.
Never succeeded getting print message though, so my question is, why this happenin. Is it just misunderstanding on some syntax or are there any problem with calling extern function from generator code?
Added usage of extern like 'out(x,y) = g(x,y)' (lvalue should be actually used!) , and it started to make a call. Now struggling with host == NULL. Digging into bounds inference stuff.
I added basic bounds inference checks, now it does not crash.. The next problem i have now, is: Is it possible to make call to external function, without actually influencing output result in direct manner?
Let me concretise what i mean.
The generator code looks like following:
Buffer<bitType> lut{256, "lut"};
args[0] = inputY;
args[1] = lut;
g.define_extern("generateAutoLevelsLut", args, { UInt(8) }, 2, Halide::NameMangling::C);
outputY(x, y) = g(x, y); // Call line
Extern functon code fills second input 'lut' with some dummy LUT:
Halide::Runtime::Buffer<uint16_t> im2Buffer(*input2);
Mat im2Mat(Size(im2Buffer.width(), im2Buffer.height()), CVC_8U, im2Buffer.data(), im2Buffer.stride(1));
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
im2Mat.at<uchar>(i) = i;
And if i comment the 'Call line' in generator, it optimizes away the call to extern at all.
I want to make something like:
Func lutRoot;
lutRoot(x) = lut(x); // to convert from Buffer
outputY(x, y) = autoLevelsPrecalcLut(inputY, lutRoot)(x, y);
And here lut is implicitly passed into extern and filled there. But it doesn't work, as well as other variants which ignore the modification of 'output'... or maybe this whole approach is wrong?
Any suggestions? Thanks
Solved task avoiding extern calls, replacing while cycles with argmin and RDom combo, but original question about extern still remains

That should work (or fail with a linker error if it wasn't going to). It's possible the Halide pipeline doesn't think it needs to call your extern function. E.g. does something use the result?
Alternatively, try stderr instead, just in case it's an output stream buffering issue. That extern function definition is likely to cause Halide to error out (because it doesn't reply to the bounds inference query), and erroring out calls abort by default, which would swallow things printed to stdout.


Pass a vector starting from index i by reference

I am writing a function in C++
int maxsubarray(vector<int>&nums)
say I have a vector
I want to pass
to the function,i.e. pass the vector starting from index 2. In C I know I can call maxsubarray(v+2)
but in C++ it doesn't work. I can modify the function by adding start index parameter to make it work of course. Just want to know can I do it without modifying my original function?
You will have to create a temporary vector with the part you want to pass:
std::vector<int> v = {1,2,3,4,5};
std::vector<int> v2(v.begin() + 2, v.end());
The obvious solution is to make a new vector and pass that one instead. I definitely do not recommend that. The most idiomatic way is to make your function take iterators:
template<typename It>
It::value_type maxsubarray(It begin, It end) { ... }
and then use it like this:
std::vector<int> nums(...);
auto max = maxsubarray(begin(nums) + 2, end(nums));
Anything else involving copies, is just inefficient and not necessary.
Not without constructing another vector.
You can either build a new vector a pass it by reference to the function (but this might not be ideal from a performance point of view. You generally pass by reference to avoid unnecessary copies) or use pointers:
//copy the vector
std::vector<int> copy(v.begin()+2, v.end());
//pass a pointer to the given element
int maxsubarray(int * nums)
You could try calling it with a temporary:
int myMax = maxsubarray(vector<int>(v.begin() + 2, v.end()));
That might require changing the function signature to
int maxsubarray(const vector<int> &nums);
since (I think) temporaries can't bind to non-const references, but that change should be preferred here if maxsubarray won't modify nums.

Can evaluation of functions happen during compile time?

Consider the below function,
public static int foo(int x){
return x + 5;
Now, let us call it,
int in = /*Input taken from the user*/;
int x = foo(10); // ... (1)
int y = foo(in); // ... (2)
Here, can the compiler change
int x = foo(10); // ... (1)
int x = 15; // ... (1)
by evaluating the function call during compile time since the input to the function is available during compile time ?
I understand this is not possible during the call marked (2) because the input is available only during run time.
I do not want to know a way of doing it in any specific language. I would like to know why this can or can not be a feature of a compiler itself.
C++ does have a method for this:
Have a read up on the 'constexpr' keyword in C++11, it allows compile time evaluation of functions.
They have a limitation: the function must be a return statement (not multiple lines of code), but can call other constexpr functions (C++14 does not have this limitation AFAIK).
static constexpr int foo(int x){
return x + 5;
Why a compiler might not evaluate a function (just my guess):
It might not be appropriate to remove a function by evaluating it without being told.
The function could be used in different compilation units, and with static/dynamic inputs: thus evaluating it in some circumstances and adding a call in other places.
This use would provide inconsistent execution times (especially on a deterministic platform like AVR) where timing may be important, or at least need to be predictable.
Also interrupts (and how the compiler interacts with them) may come into play here.
constexpr is actually stronger -- it requires that the compiler do this. The compiler is free to fold away functions without constexpr, but the programmer can't rely on it doing so.
Can you give an example in the case where the user would have benefited from this but the compiler chose not to do it ?
inline functions may, or may not resolve to constant expressions which could be optimized into the end result.
However, a constexpr guarantees it. An inline function cannot be used as a compile time constant whereas constexpr can allow you to formulate compile time functions and more so, objects.
A basic example where constexpr makes a guarantee that inline cannot.
constexpr int foo( int a, int b, int c ){
return a+b+c;
int array[ foo(1, 2, 3) ];
And the same as a simple object.
struct Foo{
constexpr Foo( int a, int b, int c ) : val(a+b+c){}
int val;
constexpr Foo foo( 1,2,4 );
int array[ foo.val ];
Unless foo.val is a compile time constant, the code above will not compile.
Even as just a function, an inline function has no guarantee. And the linker can also do inlining over multiple compilation units, after the syntax has been compiled (array bounds checked for integer constants).
This is kind of like meta-programming, but without the templates. Of course these examples do not do the topic justice, however very complex solutions would benefit from the ability to use objects and functional programming to achieve a result.
Yes, evaluation can happen during compile time. This comes under the heading of constant folding and function inlining, both of which are common optimizations for optimizing compilers.
Many languages do not have strong distinction between "compile time" and "run time", but the general rule is that the language defines an "execution model" which defines the behavior of any particular program with any particular input (or specifies that it is undefined). The compiler must produce an executable that can read any input and produce the corresponding output as defined by the execution model. What happens inside the executable doesn't matter -- as long as the externally viewed behavior is correct.
Here "input", "output" and "behavior" includes all possible interactions with the environment that are defined in the execution model, including timing effects.

Pass parameters between method name

I was wondering if you know of any programming language in which we can pass parameters inside method name. I'm guessing this could improve the code readability. I.e.
Lets say I want to multiply to integers in a method. Normally my method declaration would be something like:
function multiply(int a, int b){
return a*b;
However, it may be nice to be able to define it this way also:
function multiply (int a) times (int b){
return a*b;
This way, we could make a more explicit call in the code by calling:
var c = multiply(4)times(2);
This could have a greater impact on more complicated code and programming syntax.
Do you know if something like this exists?
Of course, there is Smalltalk which is really expressive with its keyword messages...
n := collection size // 2.
head := collection copyFrom: 1 to: n.
Other than that, you will find that in ADA or Python, and probably some others you can prefix each argument with a key (which should match the function parameter names)...

Binding using std::bind vs lambdas. How expensive are they?

I was playing with bind and I was thinking, are lambdas as expensive as function pointers?
What I mean is, as I understand lambdas, they are syntactic sugar for functors and bind is similar. However, if you do this:
void fn2(int a, int b)
std::cout << a << ", " << b << std::endl;
void fn1(int a, int b)
//auto bound = std::bind(fn2, a, b);
//static auto bound = std::bind(fn2, a, b);
//auto bound = [&]{ fn2(a, b); };
static auto bound = [&]{ fn2(a, b); };
int main()
fn1(3, 4);
fn1(1, 2);
return 0;
Now, if I were to use the 1st auto bound = std::bind(fn2, a, b);, I get an output of 3, 4
1, 2, the 2nd I get 3, 4
3, 4. The 3rd and 4th I get output like the 1st.
Now I get why the 1st and 2nd work that way, they are getting initialised at the beginning of the function call (the static one, only the 1st time it is called). However, 3 and 4 seem to have compiler magic going on where the generated functors are not really creating references to the enclosing scope's variables, but are actually latching on to the symbols whether or not it is initialised only the first time or every time.
Can someone clarify what is actually happening here?
Edit: What I was missing is using static auto bound = std::bind(fn2, std::ref(a), std::ref(b)); to have it work as the 4th option.
You have this code:
static auto bound = [&]{ fn2(a, b); };
Assignment is done only first time you are invoking this function because it's static. So in fact it's called only once. Compiler creates closure when you are making lambdas, so references to a and b from first call to fn1 was captured. It's very risky. It may lead to dangling references. I'm surprised it didn't crashed since you are making closure from function parameters passed by value - to local variables.
I recommend this excellent article about lambdas: http://www.cprogramming.com/c++11/c++11-lambda-closures.html .
As a general rule, only use [&] lambdas when your closure is going to go away by the end of the current scope.
If it is going to outlast the current scope, and you need by-reference, explicitly capture the things you are going to capture, or create local pointers to the things you are going to capture and capture them by-value.
In your case, your static lambda code is full of undefined behavior, as you [&] capture a and b in the first call, then use it in the second call.
In theory, the compiler could rewrite your code to capture a and b by value instead of by reference, then call that every time, because the only difference between that implementation and the one you wrote occurs when the behavior is undefined, and the result will be much faster.
It could do a more efficient job by ignoring your static completely, as the entire state of your static object is undefined after you leave scope the first time you call, and the construction has no visible side effects.
To fix your problem with the lambdas, use [=] or [a,b] to introduce the lambda, and it will capture the a and b by value. I prefer to capture state explicitly on lambdas when I expect the lambda to persist longer than the current block.

Is it possible to inject values in the frama-c value analyzer?

I'm experimenting with the frama-c value analyzer to evaluate C-Code, which is actually threaded.
I want to ignore any threading problems that might occur und just inspect the possible values for a single thread. So far this works by setting the entry point to where the thread starts.
Now to my problem: Inside one thread I read values that are written by another thread, because frama-c does not (and should not?) consider threading (currently) it assumes my variable is in some broad range, but I know that the range is in fact much smaller.
Is it possible to tell the value analyzer the value range of this variable?
volatile int x = 0;
void f() {
Here frama-c detects that x is volatile and thus has range [--..--], but I know what the other thread will write into x, and I want to tell the analyzer that x can only be 0 or 1.
Is this possible with frama-c, especially in the gui?
Thanks in advance
This is currently not possible automatically. The value analysis considers that volatile variables always contain the full range of values included in their underlying type. There however exists a proprietary plug-in that transforms accesses to volatile variables into calls to user-supplied function. In your case, your code would be transformed into essentially this:
int x = 0;
void f() {
while(1) {
x = f_volatile_x();
if (x == 0)
By specifying f_volatile_x correctly, you can ensure it returns values between 0 and 1 only.
If the variable 'x' is not modified in the thread you are studying, you could also initialize it at the beginning of the 'main' function with :
x = Frama_C_interval (0, 1);
This is a function defined by Frama-C in ...../share/frama-c/builtin.c so you have to add this file to your inputs when you use it.
