Match all words in any order but duplicates consider as individual - elasticsearch

We have a text field which matches words in any order but when same words exist in query, it needs to give documents which has same no.of duplicates(means doesn't remove duplicate words)
"match": {
"field": {
"operator": "and",
"query": "2019 1 Scc 1"
wrong results : 2019 6 SCC 1, 2019 5 SCC 1,SCC 1 2009 6
correct result : 1 2019 Scc 1

match query only check the matching term by term. So it cant have a notion of term frequency.
The cool way of fulfilling your requirement could be to create a new scripted similatiry for your field, but I'm not sure that such a script can have access to the term frequency of the request :(
But maybe a match_phrase trick can do the job for you. Match phrase query handle request terms as a whole phrase (so it watchs token position to determine the matching). So if you configure a big slop ( like 10 ) the match query will match when every term of the request have a match in the document field (with a distinct position).
So duplicate tokens in the request needs to be find twice in the document
Here an example :
POST <index>/_search
"query": {
"match_phrase": {
"field": {
"slop": 10,
"query": "2019 1 1 Scc 1"
I cant assure it will work for all your use cases, but its a starting point :)


Match multi tokens with proximity search between them

Having a large corpus of texts (100k) and a ngrams, examples :
query - get all texts with the tokens ['united' , 'airlines']
I would like to retrieve only texts with a full match of both tokens ('united' , 'airlines')
but i also want that the distance between any of the tokens (united -> airlines , or 'airlines-> united') will be up to K positions. lets say k=2
my query now is:
query = {
"size": limit,
"query": {
"query_string": {"query": query,
But it seems that it is not the right method because I am getting results with more than 2 positions (tokens) between them.
Any idea?
I have found the answer to my question:
When using the query string type queries in ElasticSearch we can use proximity search by adding ~k , when k is the number of maximum edit distance of words in a phrase.
For the query in the main question, adding proximity search:
query = {
"size": limit,
"query": {
"query_string": {"query":"united airlines"~2,
More information can be found in the documentation

Fuzzy Matching Fails But Exact Match Passes

I've been constructing an ElasticSearch query using Fuzzy Matching to match a user in the system. When running it against a specific group of users (ones with my name), the query appears to work perfectly, but when running it against a random selection of users, it appears to fail.
For the purposes of my testing, I'm passing in the exact values of a specific user, so I would expect at least 1 match.
In narrowing this down, I found that an exact match against a name returns the data as expected, but putting the same value into a fuzzy block causes it to return 0 results.
For Instance, this query returns a user record as expected:
"from": 0,
"size": 1,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"firstName": {
"query": "sVxGBCkPYZ",
"boost": 30
"should": [
"fields": [
However replacing the match element with the below fails to return any records:
"fuzzy": {
"firstName": {
"value": "sVxGBCkPYZ",
"fuzziness": 2,
"boost": 30,
"min_similarity": 0.3
Why would this be happening, and is there anything I can do to remedy the situation?
For reference. This is the ES version i'm currently using:
"version": {
"number": "1.7.1",
"build_hash": "b88f43fc40b0bcd7f173a1f9ee2e97816de80b19",
"build_timestamp": "2015-07-29T09:54:16Z",
"build_snapshot": false,
"lucene_version": "4.10.4"
The match fails because fuzzy searches are term level queries meaning the query string would not be analysed while the data that got indexed, I assume, if of type text with standard analyzer, would be converted to svxgbckpyz in the inverted index.
You can instead, implement fuzziness with match query as below:
POST testindex/_search
You can change the value from AUTO to 2 or 3 depending on your use case.
The exact match you mentioned also works because query string would get analysed and converts the input string into lower case, which is available in inverted index.
As for how fuzzy query (that you've mentioned) works behind the scene, as per this LINK, is as follows:
The fuzzy query works by taking the original term and building a
Levenshtein automaton—like a big graph representing all the strings
that are within the specified edit distance of the original string.
The fuzzy query then uses the automaton to step efficiently through
all of the terms in the term dictionary to see if they match. Once it
has collected all of the matching terms that exist in the term
dictionary, it can compute the list of matching documents.
Of course, depending on the type of data stored in the index, a fuzzy
query with an edit distance of 2 can match a very large number of
terms and perform very badly.
Note this statement in particular, representing all the strings that are within the specified edit distance of the original string
For e.g. some of the words with distance of 1 for life would be aife, bife, cife, dife....lifz.
So in your case, fuzzy search's automaton would not be able to create term svxgbckpyz from input string sVxGBCkPYZ firstly because the distance between them is 7 (Remember distance is 1 between A and a) which I don't think AUTO option can create and even if you configure it to 7, it may not create the string as there would be huge list of words with distance 7
Adding one more LINK for more info. Hope it helps!

Elasticsearch: Constant score applied within match query, but after search terms have been analysed?

Imagine I have some documents, with the following values contained within a text field called name
Document1: abc xyz group
Document2: group x/group y
Document3: group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4
Now imagine I'm sending a simple match query to ES for the term 'group':
"query": {
"match": {
"name": "group"
My desired outcome would be that all 3 documents would return with the same score, no matter how often the term appears, where it appears, etc.
Now, I already know that I can do this by wrapping my match with a constant_score, like so:
"query": {
"constant_score": {
"filter": {
"match": {
"name": "group"
"boost": 1
BUT, say I now want to query using the search term abc group. In this case, what I want to happen is that Document2 and Document3 will return the same score (matches group), but Document1 to have a better score as it matches both abc and group.
With a constant_score wrapping my match query, documents that contain any of the terms return the same score (i.e Document1, 2 and 3 return the same score for abc group). If I remove the constant_score, then Document 3 has the best score presumably because it contains more matches with the search text (group appearing 4 times).
It seems as though I need a way of moving the constant_score query to after the match query has analyzed my search text. Effectively causing a query of abc group to be two constant_score queries - one for abc and one for group.
Does anyone know of a way to achieve this?
I've managed to solve this by utilising Elasticsearch's unique token filter:
I've added that to my name field in the index mappings, and it looks to be retrieving the desired results without having to worry about constant_score.
Note however all this does is eliminate term frequencies from having any effect on the _score - other metrics (such as fieldLength) still have an effect on the results. This isn't, therefore, the equivalent of using a post-analyzed version of constant_score as I hypothesized in the question, however this will suffice for my current requirements.

What is the difference between must and filter in Query DSL in elasticsearch?

I am new to elastic search and I am confused between must and filter. I want to perform an and operation between my terms, so I did this
POST /xyz/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"city": "city1"
"term": {
"saleType": "sale_type1"
which gave me the required results matching both the terms, and on using filter like this
POST /xyz/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"city": "city1"
"filter": {
"term": {
"saleType": "sale_type1"
I get the same result, so when should I use must and when should I use filter? What is the difference?
must contributes to the score. In filter, the score of the query is ignored.
In both must and filter, the clause(query) must appear in matching documents. This is the reason for getting same results.
You may check this link
The relevance score of each document is represented by a positive floating-point number called the _score. The higher the _score, the more relevant the document.
A query clause generates a _score for each document.
To know how score is calculated, refer this link
must returns a score for every matching document. This score helps you rank the matching documents, and compare the relative relevance between documents (using the magnitude of the score of each document).
With this, one can say, Doc 1 is how many times more relevant than Doc 2. Or that Doc 1 to 7 are of much higher relevancy than Doc 8+.
For how the relative score is determined, you can refer to the references below.
Briefly, it is related to the number of term occurrences in the document, the document length, and the average number of term occurrences in your database index.
filter doesn't return a score. All one can say is, all matching documents are of relevance. But it won't help in evaluating if one is more relevant than the other. You can think of filter as a must with only 2 scores: zero or non-zero, and where all zero-scored documents are dropped.
filter is helpful if you just want to whitelist/blacklist for e.g., all documents belonging to the topic "pets".
In summary, there are 3 points that will help you in deciding when to use what:
must is your only choice when comparing/ranking documents by relevance
filter excludes all documents that don't match
filter is a lot faster because Elasticsearch doesn't need to compute the relative score
Query vs Filter:
Computation of Relevance:

Elasticsearch how to match documents for which the field tokens are a sub-set of the query tokens

I have a keyword/key-phrase field I tokenize using standard analyser. I want this field to match if if there is a search phrase that has all tokens of this field in it.
For example if the field value is "veni, vidi, vici" and the search phrase is "Ceaser veni,vidi,vici" I want this search phrase to match but search phrase "veni, vidi" not match.
I also need "vidi, veni, vici" (weird!) to match. So the positions and ordering of the terms is not really important. A phrase match would not quite work for me I think.
I can use "bool query" with "minimum_should_match" parameter for this specific example but that is not really what I want as minimum should match is about ratio/number of tokens in the search phrase.
Pure ES solution would go like this. You will need two requests.
1) First you need to pass user query through analyze api to get all the search tokens.
curl -XGET 'localhost:9200/_analyze' -d '
"analyzer" : "standard",
"text" : "Ceaser veni,vidi,vici"
you will get 4 tokens ceaser, veni, vidi, vici . You need to pass these tokens as an array to next search request.
2) We need to search for documents whose tokens are subset of search tokens.
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"query": {
"match": {
"title": "Ceaser veni,vidi,vici"
"script": {
"script": "if(search_tokens.containsAll(doc['title'].values)){return true;}",
"params": {
"search_tokens": [
Here job of first match query inside the filter is to narrow down the documents on which script should run. containsAll method will check if the documents tokens are sublist of search tokens. This will be slow but will do the job with your current set up. One big improvement you can do is store tokens as an array so that doc['title'].values can be replaced with that field which will improve the script.
Hope this helps!
No built-in solution but this works:
Add an extra field with the number of terms in the field for each document. So in your "veni, vidi, vici" example, you would have a field like "field_term_count" : 3.
Perform a separate match search for each token in the search query.
Sum the number of searches that matched for each document with at least one match (e.g. a hashtable with key of document ID and value of count).
Compare the number of matches in 3 to the "field_term_count" field for each of the documents with matches. If they are equal then the document is a match.
Then "Ceaser veni,vidi,vici" will match but the search phrases "veni, vidi" will not, as desired. It should be quite fast for reasonable numbers of matches.
