encoding problem for SUBJECT of email using CDO - vbscript

Using vbscript (asp) with CDO I have problem with encoding in SUBJECT of email. I have used two solutions for BODY part of email and both works but non of them works for SUBJECT part.
First solution: Endcoding characters of email BODY using chrw (not working for subject):
for x=1567 to 1785
encoded="&#" & x & ";"
Body= Replace(Body, chrw(x), encoded, 1, -1, 1)
Second solution: setting HTMLBodyPart encoding:
objMessage.HTMLBodyPart.Charset = "utf-8"
is there something similar for SUBJECT part of email (e.g. objMessage.SubjectPart.Charset)?

objMessage.TextBodyPart.Charset = "utf-8"
or simply:
objMessage.BodyPart.Charset = "utf-8"
It has been documented elsewhere that modifying the Charset of the TextBodyPart also impacts (the plain/text) Subject.
Hope this helps.


MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP and national characters

This question is related to this one: Character encoding Microsoft.XmlHttp in Vbscript, but differs in one thing, the national characters are in the domain name, not only arguments.
The task is: download a page from the given URL.
I already solved problem of passing UTF8 string into VBScript by reading it from UTF8 encoded file through ADO.
But now when I try opening it MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP returns error: The URL is invalid.
Here is VBScript code:
Set objStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objStream.CharSet = "utf-8"
url = objStream.ReadText()
Set XMLHttpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
XMLHttpReq.Open "GET", url, False
WEBPAGE = XMLHttpReq.responseText
If you put something like hxxp://россия.рф/main/page5.html into the UTF8 encoded fileWithURL.txt the script will raise an error while working ok with hxxp://google.com.
The workaround is to use ascii representation of the domain name - but I yet haven't found PunnyCode encoder for vbscript (apart from Chillkat which is an overkill for my task).
Will appreciate your help on the main problem or workaround.
I've made an amazing journey in to depth of my hard drive and found a code writen by / for Jesper Høy. This was the source code of SimpleDNS Plus' IDN Conversion Tool at that time.
Archive.org page snapshot: http://www.simpledns.com/idn-convert.asp
Archive.org file snapshot: idn-convert-asp.zip
You can also copy the whole code from this gist.
Create a function to convert URLs.
Function DummyPuny(ByVal url)
Dim rSegments : rSegments = Split(url, "/")
If UBound(rSegments) > 1 Then
rSegments(2) = DomainPunyEncode(rSegments(2))
End If
DummyPuny = Join(rSegments, "/")
End Function
Then convert your url before making the request.
XMLHttpReq.Open "GET", DummyPuny(url), False

Outlook 2013 display HTML code instead of actual Data

I am using win32com.client , python 2.7.x and outlook 2013 on windows platform.
I need to post contents of a HTML file to the body of outlook message.
I followed the posts here ,here and here about how to save excel as HTML and paste data within outlook.
However , when I read the file via win32com.client.Dispatch , instead of seeing message, I am seeing HTML code.
Here is the code that converts a processed xlsx file to html format using win32.com.
#Section to convert excel workbook to html
myfile = os.getcwd()+ "\\" + outfile
newfile = os.getcwd()+ "\\" + "emailData.html"
xl = EnsureDispatch('Excel.Application')
#xl.Visible = True
wb3 = xl.Workbooks.Open(myfile)
wb3WorkSheet = wb3.Worksheets(1)
wb3.SaveAs(newfile, constants.xlHtml)
del xl
The output of above is newfile which is basically an export of xlsx file saved as html. It is then opened via mail.body handler which should read and display actual contents within outlook.
Here is the code for that.
from win32com.client.gencache import EnsureDispatch
from win32com.client import constants, Dispatch
#Create and open mail message
def Emailer(text, subject, recipient):
outlook = Dispatch('outlook.application')
mail = outlook.CreateItem(0)
mail.To = recipient
mail.Subject = subject
mail.HtmlBody = text
#mail.HtmlBody = open(newfile).read()
mail.body = open(newfile).read()
attachment1 = os.getcwd()+"//"+outfile
"test subject",
So, when I open newfile (html file) using mail.body = open(newfile).read() it pastes html content within a new outlook email body.
When I open newfile (html file) using mail.HtmlBody = open(newfile).read() it's giving following error within outlook email body
ERROR: This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.
Any ideas on this behavior?
I basically want to copy/paste html file (which is an export of xlsx) within outlook email.
Not sure if above is correct approach or there are other alternatives.
Is there a way to paste /render HTML frames into outlook email body?
Any pointers is appreciated.
You need to set the HTMLBody property, but keep in mind that HTML in Outlook is rendered by Word, not IE, and inline frames are not supported.

VBscript for sending mail using SMTP for .mht file attachment

I am using Gmail SMTP server to send out a .mht file. once send out, i am getting a lot of attachemnts and the .mht file were loading in the email body (from yahoo mail). Instead in outlook, i am getting it as a mail attachements.
VB script used for this :
Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objMessage.HTMLBody = "<h1>Matrikon AM</h1>"
objMessage.Subject = "Test 1 -Blank"
objMessage.From = "xxxxx#gmail.com"
objMessage.To = "xxxxx#yahoo.com"
objMessage.TextBody = "From b.vbs"
objMessage.AddAttachment "c:\xxxxxxx\A1.mht"
I had some quick search online that "ContentMediaType" have to be define somewhere since the file extension is .mht.
Need help on this as i could not find a way to define the content-type.
My issue were exactly like mentioned in "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15976836/modifying-the-content-type-of-an-attachment-in-a-cdo-message-object"
This is from Help.
urn:schemas:mailheader: Namespace
The urn:schemas:mailheader: namespace defines fields that contain Internet standard message header values. Each field value (with a few exceptions) is stored as US-ASCII characters and is identical to the ASCII string found in the message stream. Non US-ASCII characters are encoded according to the RFC 1522 specification. No conversion is performed when the property value is set or updated. An application that sets the raw message header property must RFC 1522-encode non US-ASCII characters or the header value will be corrupted.
String constants are provided in the C++ header file cdosysstr.h and type library (cdoMailHeader module) for each field name. You can use these constants when referring to the fields to avoid typos and extra typing.
The following example demonstrates use of the fields in the urn:schemas:mailheader: namespace. First, RFC 822 headers are added for a message. Next, body parts are added and the MIME headers set manually.
This code is for illustrative purposes only.
Copy Code
Dim iMsg as New CDO.Message
Dim Flds as ADODB.Fields
With iMsg
.To = """Someone"" <example#example.com>"
.From = """Me"" <example#example.com>"
.Subject = "Here is a sample message"
' Now set some custom mail headers using the raw fields collection
Set Flds = .Fields
With Flds
.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:X-Mailer") = "Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000"
' I add a custom header here
.Item("urn:schemas:mailheader:Myheader")= "some value"
End With ' Flds
End With ' iMsg
' Create a multipart/alternative (HTML) message below
Dim iBp as CDO.IBodyPart
Dim iBp2 as CDO.IBodyPart
Set iBp = iMsg ' get IBodyPart on Message object
Set Flds = iBp.Fields
Flds("urn:schemas:mailheader:content-type") = "multipart/alternative"
Set iBp2 = iBp.AddBodyPart
Set Flds = iBp2.Fields
Flds("urn:schemas:mailheader:content-type") = "text/plain"
Flds("urn:schemas:mailheader:content-transfer-encoding") = "quoted-printable"
Dim Stm as ADODB.Stream
Set Stm = iBp2.GetDecodedContentStream
Stm.WriteText "This is a test", stWriteLine
Set iBp2 = iBp.AddBodyPart
Set Flds = iBp2.Fields
Flds("urn:schemas:mailheader:content-type") = "text/html"
Flds("urn:schemas:mailheader:content-transfer-encoding") = "quoted-printable"
Set Stm = iBp2.GetDecodedContentStream
Stm.WriteText "This is a <i>test</i>", stWriteLine

Word Document.SaveAs ignores encoding, when calling through OLE, from Ruby or VBS

I have a script, VBS or Ruby, that saves a Word document as 'Filtered HTML', but the encoding parameter is ignored. The HTML file is always encoded in Windows-1252. I'm using Word 2007 SP3 on Windows 7 SP1.
Ruby Example:
require 'win32ole'
word = WIN32OLE.new('Word.Application')
word.visible = false
word_document = word.documents.open('C:\whatever.doc')
word_document.saveas({'FileName' => 'C:\whatever.html', 'FileFormat' => 10, 'Encoding' => 65001})
VBS Example:
Option Explicit
Dim MyWord
Dim MyDoc
Set MyWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
MyWord.Visible = False
Set MyDoc = MyWord.Documents.Open("C:\whatever.doc")
MyDoc.SaveAs "C:\whatever2.html", 10, , , , , , , , , , 65001
Set MyDoc = Nothing
Set MyWord = Nothing
Document.SaveAs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb221597.aspx
msoEncoding values: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/aa432511(v=office.12).aspx
Any suggestions, how to make Word save the HTML file in UTF-8?
Hi Bo Frederiksen and kardeiz,
I also encountered the problem of "Word Document.SaveAs ignores encoding" today in my "Word 2003 (11.8411.8202) SP3" version.
Luckily I managed to make msoEncodingUTF8(namely, 65001) work in VBA code. However, I have to change the Word document's settings first. Steps are:
1) From Word's 'Tools' menu, choose 'Options'.
2) Then click 'General'.
3) Press the 'Web Options' button.
4) In the popping-up 'Web Options' dialogue, click 'Encoding'.
5) You can find a combobox, now you can change the encoding, for example, from 'GB2312' to 'Unicode (UTF-8)'.
6) Save the changes and try to rerun the VBA code.
I hope my answer can help you. Below is my code.
Public Sub convert2html()
With ActiveDocument.WebOptions
.Encoding = msoEncodingUTF8
End With
ActiveDocument.SaveAs FileName:=ActiveDocument.Path & "\" & "file_name.html", FileFormat:=wdFormatFilteredHTML, Encoding:=msoEncodingUTF8
End Sub
Word can't do this as far as I know.
However, you could add the following lines to the end of your Ruby script
text_as_utf8 = File.read('C:\whatever.html').encode('UTF-8')
File.open('C:\whatever.html','wb') {|f| f.print text_as_utf8}
If you have an older version of Ruby, you may need to use Iconv. If you have special characters in 'C:\whatever.html', you'll want to look into your invalid/undefined replacement options.
You'll also probably want to update the charset in the HTML meta tag:
text_as_utf8.gsub!('charset=windows-1252', 'charset=UTF-8')
before you write to the file.
My solution was to open the HTML file using the same character set, as Word used to save it.
I also added a whitelist filter (Sanitize), to clean up the HTML. Further cleaning is done using Nokogiri, which Sanitize also rely on.
require 'sanitize'
# ... add some code converting a Word file to HTML.
# Post export cleanup.
html_file = File.open(html_file_name, "r:windows-1252:utf-8")
html = '<!DOCTYPE html>' + html_file.read()
html_document = Nokogiri::HTML::Document.parse(html)
html_document.css('html').first['lang'] = 'en-US'
# ... add more cleaning up of Words HTML noise.
sanitized_html = html_document.to_html({:encoding => 'utf-8', :indent => 0})
# writing output to (new) file
sanitized_html_file_name = word_file_name.sub(/(.*)\..*$/, '\1.html')
File.open(sanitized_html_file_name, 'w:UTF-8') do |f|
f.write sanitized_html
HTML Sanitizer: https://github.com/rgrove/sanitize/
HTML parser and modifier: http://nokogiri.org/
In Word 2010 there is a new method, SaveAs2: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff836084(v=office.14).aspx
I haven't tested SaveAs2, since I don't have Word 2010.

ajax(search suggest) funny character problem

ajax(search suggest), if input funny character(like Ô) and submit it, "?" is displayed in *****.asp. ( response.write (request.form("str")))
i am using
xmlhttp.open("post", "*****.asp", true);
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
and there is <%#CODEPAGE=65001%> in *****.asp file
How can i get the correct word--- "Ô" in *****.asp
escape() is terrible, avoid it at all costs. Try this:
This would encode Ô into %C3%94 - assuming the page decoding it supports utf8 you should be fine.
