Connection Refused for Consul - spring-boot

I am starting a Spring Boot Application with Consul.
I am getting the following error
2019-08-30 12:34:22.650 ERROR 23428 --- [ main] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Application run failed
com.ecwid.consul.transport.TransportException: org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectException: Connect to localhost:8090 [localhost/, localhost/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1] failed: Connection refused: connect`
I changed the default port in file.
I also used another non-Consul Spring Boot Application and it worked fine for that use-case with same port.

8090 is not the default port for Consul. You didn't say if your other successful app was on the same host or not, but make sure Consul is actually listening on that port with netstat or ss.
By default, Consul listens for API requests on port 8500.


Quarkus grpc is throwing start up error: Unable to start the gRPC server: java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException

I am trying to start the grpc server with the property
in that case, i am getting the below error during server start up
2023-01-19 13:12:51,762 WARN [] (main) Using legacy gRPC support, with separate new HTTP server instance. Switch to single HTTP server instance usage with quarkus.grpc.server.use-separate-server=false property
2023-01-19 13:12:51,824 INFO [] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) Registering gRPC reflection service
2023-01-19 13:12:51,934 ERROR [] (vert.x-eventloop-thread-0) Unable to start the gRPC server: java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
at java.base/
But when I start the grpc server with property
the grpc server starts but the client is not able to access the server
I am getting the below error on the client side
13:54:28 ERROR line=111 traceId=, parentId=, spanId=, sampled= [] (executor-thread-0) Exception: UNAVAILABLE: upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure, transport failure reason: delayed connect error: 111: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException: UNAVAILABLE: upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: connection failure, transport failure reason: delayed connect error: 111
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.toStatusRuntimeException(
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.getUnchecked(
at io.grpc.stub.ClientCalls.blockingUnaryCall(
How do we overcome this issue?

Springboot application unable to recover after jms connection failure

We have a sprinboot application which stops retrying to connect with solace queues after 3 connection attempts. We get below information logged and then application just does not respond and we have to restart the application:
2021-09-15 16:49:08.021 INFO 4444 --- [recovery-thread] : recoverer is already running, abandoning this recovery request
2021-09-15 16:50:04.862 INFO 4444 --- [connect_service] c.s.j.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel : Connection attempt failed to host '<<hostname>>' ReconnectException com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPSecurityException: Error performing login to LoginContext (*****) cause: *****
2021-09-15 16:50:07.865 INFO 4444 --- [connect_service] c.s.j.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel : Connecting to host 'orig=tcp://<<hostname>>:55555, scheme=tcp://, host=<<hostname>>, port=55555' (host 1 of 1, smfclient 2, attempt 3 of 3, this_host_attempt: 1 of 1)
2021-09-15 16:50:07.877 INFO 4444 --- [connect_service] c.s.j.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel : Connection attempt failed to host '<<hostname>>' ReconnectException com.solacesystems.jcsmp.JCSMPSecurityException: Error performing login to LoginContext (*****) cause: *****
2021-09-15 16:50:10.878 INFO 4444 --- [connect_service] c.s.j.protocol.impl.TcpClientChannel : Stale reconnect task, aborting reconnect.
Below is our configuration for connecting to solace queues:
In our service class we are just autowiring the object of jmsTemplate and publishing messages on the queue.
I went through few documentations and tried adding below configuration:
But still I am facing the same issue. Any suggestions
I face this issue only when I put my laptop in airplane mode and reconnect. If I just disconnect from VPN and connect back solace connection is getting reestablished
The SolXAConnectionFactory interface allows for you to tune the connect and reconnect parameters. Docs here.
You'll want to checkout these and maybe a few others. I suggest searching the javadoc for "retry" and "retries":
I did more research and found the following helpful, would try it in my application : To set it at JNDI, I think this should also be configured at SolAdmin -> JMS Administration -> connection factory -> Transport Properties.
After going through the various documentations and doing some hit and trials, below properties turn out too be useful. Hope it can help somebody:
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.driverProperties.reconnectRetries = -1
spring.jta.bitronix.connectionfactory.driverProperties.connectRetries = -1

The Tomcat connector configured to listen on port 28081 failed to start in the linux

I'm doing a spring boot project , and this project can run successfully in the eclipse and war use cmd. However it failed to start in the linux environment.
I have used netstat -ano | grep 28081 , the port is not in use.
2019-04-02 05:49:50.628 WARN 25548 --- [localhost-startStop-1] o.a.c.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase : The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [cluster-ClusterId{value='5ca33035b36bfd63cc6ff647', description='null'}] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
2019-04-02 05:49:50.640 INFO 25548 --- [defaultTaskExecutor-4] utoConfigurationReportLoggingInitializer :
Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the auto-configuration report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled.
2019-04-02 05:49:50.646 ERROR 25548 --- [main] o.s.b.d.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter :
The Tomcat connector configured to listen on port 28081 failed to start. The port may already be in use or the connector may be misconfigured.
Verify the connector's configuration, identify and stop any process that's listening on port 28081, or configure this application to listen on another port.
Local war instruction is :
C:\tmp\jdk1.8.0_31_x64\jre\bin\java -DaEnv=UAT -Denv=UAT -Da.domainName=pfDomain -Drealtime.nodeName=Node1 -jar C:\aServices.war\SSL-keystore.UAT.jks\SSLTrust.UAT.jks
The application can start successfully.
In the file , the ssl location is wrong , it should like this :

JMS ActiveMQ SpringBoot .FailoverTransport

iam trying to connected to remote broker url in activeMQ (activemq installed in unix vm)
iam able to connect from browser from my laptop.
while running springboot iam getting this error
--- [ActiveMQ Task-1] o.a.a.t.failover.FailoverTransport : Failed to connect to [tcp://] after: 8 attempt(s) continuing to retry.
what could be the issue?
Please remove https:// from your connection string. Port 61616 is expecting JMS connections.
Your connection string should be tcp:// or something similar. There is a rest API that (I think) goes through the built in HTTP server but it's not going to listen on 61616 and it's going to have a much longer URL. Something like
still issue
yml file
broker-url: failover:(tcp://
2018-05-01 07:41:51.312 WARN 6560 --- [ActiveMQ Task-1] o.a.a.t.failover.FailoverTransport : Failed to connect to [tcp://] after: 2 attempt(s) continuing to retry.

Error starting jHipster Microservices with consul

I'm trying to build sample microservice app using this tutorial.
Jhipster version is 4.0.6
So i've created gateway, service and started consul using this command:
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/consul.yml up
from my gateway directory.
But the error occur on Spring Boot startup, here is the log:
2017-02-22 11:52:25.679 ERROR 3168 --- [ restartedMain] o.s.c.c.c.ConsulPropertySourceLocator : Fail fast is set and there was an error reading configuration from consul.
2017-02-22 11:52:32.491 WARN 3168 --- [ restartedMain] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Error handling failed (ApplicationEventMulticaster not initialized - call 'refresh' before multicasting events via the context: org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext#2a5b2096: startup date [Thu Jan 01 03:00:00 AST 1970]; parent: org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext#5108df79)
com.ecwid.consul.transport.TransportException: Connection refused: connect
Could you please assist with this issue?
I've found that app tries to make GET request to URL on staptup:
But the only data stored in Consul K/V storage is:
KEY: config/application/data
name: Docker Consul Service
status: Connected to Consul Server running in Docker
secret: my-secret-token-to-change-in-production
You must copy your application yaml configurations into your consul instance as explained in the doc into central-server-config directory if consul is running in dev profile or in its git repo if consul is running in prod profile.
So assuming your app is named "armory" you should copy your src/main/resources/config/application.yml to armory.yml and for each profiles (e.g. application-dev.yml to armory-dev.yml)
