Access denied calling EnumJobs - windows

I'm trying to get the domain username of jobs in a printer queue on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard. Code snippet below is in Delphi. OpenPrinter and EnumJobs are part of the Windows Spooler API.
Update! Setting maxJobs to a higher multiple of 4 allows for more jobs in the queue to be enumerated. eg. Setting maxJobs=8 allows for two jobs, but not three. maxJobs=12 allows for three jobs.
Solved! It looks like I can just ignore the return value of EnumJobs, and simply see if the number of jobs it returns > 0 (the last argument when calling). This seems to work fine for all instances listed below, including printer via a share.
maxJobs = 4;
h : THandle;
jia : array [1..maxJobs] of JOB_INFO_1;
jiz, jic : DWord; // size of jia, count of jia
if OpenPrinter('DocTest', h, nil) then
if EnumJobs(h, 0, maxJobs, 1, #jia, SizeOf(jia), jiz, jic) then
EnumJobs returns true or false depending on different conditions listed below. If it returns false in any of the following situations, the error message I'm retrieving is "System Error. Code: 5. Access is denied".
Clearly a permissions problem. I have assigned Print, Manage this Printer, and Manage documents to Everyone in the printer security settings. All jobs have been submitted after those settings have been assigned. My program is running in a session logged in as the domain administrator.
EnumJobs returns TRUE if I print a job from the same session I'm running this program in, and there's only one job in the queue. (See Update above for change)
EnumJobs returns TRUE if I print from another session on the server (it has terminal services installed) as any user, and there's only one job in the queue. (See Update above for change)
EnumJobs returns FALSE if there is more than one job in the queue. It doesn't matter if the jobs are for the same user or not. (See Update above for change)
EnumJobs returns FALSE if I print a job from another server to the printer share. Both servers are in the same domain. It doesn't matter which user prints the job, including the domain administrator.
What's going on here, in particular getting an access denied when enumerating more than (maxJobs / 4) job(s) at a time?

Ignore the return value of EnumJobs and inspect the out argument pcReturned to see if it's greater than 0. This indicates the number of print jobs found.


Reached max children process limit: 2, extra: 0, current: 2, busy: 2, please increase LSAPI_CHILDREN

We are using 2 lb + 2 api's + 3 mysql for running our burger website. During peak order time website get slow and some time not available. We have checked the logs in detail and we could see the below in API litespeed error logs
[STDERR] [24627] Reached max children process limit: 2, extra: 0,
current: 2, busy: 2, please increase LSAPI_CHILDREN
We have tried raising the LSAPI_CHILDREN and other limits via litespeed admin url meanwhile the setting is not getting affected on back end. We get the same error again, when we have tried api cluster restart the settings are again reverted to the same.
I am attaching the screen shot of the changes we have done, the above error log is continuously logged after the change and litespeed restart. Due to continuous down issues we are moving to nginx for now. We need a proper solution for this so that we can use litespeed again.
You may use (add & set) the variable LSWS_MAX_CHILDREN in the LSWS layer (in your case) or in LLSMP layer (in case when LLSMP layer is used) to set the maximum children process limit for the server via the Dashboard.
The variables list access
Add and set the variable
Restart is required to apply changes.
To ensure the best operability, Jelastic sets this value equal to the number of available CPU cores (by default) and due to it this variable is not visible in the variable list. For more details, please follow the link LiteSpeed Web Server.
To read more about environment variables configuration, the below-listed links could be also in use:
Container Configuration

How windows recovery work with failure count?

I am using the following command to configure the service failure recovery
sc failure "service" actions= ""/60000/restart/60000/run/120000 reset= 60 command = "\"c:\\windows\notepad2.exe
(used notepad2.exe just for testing)
From the Microsoft documentation here:-
This field contains an array of integer values that specify the
actions taken by the SCM if the service fails. Separate the values in
the array by [~]. The integer value in the Nth element of the array
specifies the action performed when the service fails for the Nth
So, what I am getting from this is the count of failure will decide the action => For first failure Actions[0] will be executed and for the second Actions[1] will be executed and for all subsequent failures Actions[2] will be
I have following configuration for the service for testing this behavior:-
Then I tried killing the process under which service is running by using taskkill.
Here is the first log
Then I tried starting the service manually.
Then again I tried killing the service after ~ 2 mins ( => the reset count will set failure count to 0 as it is configured to 1 minute).
Here is the log for the error
In above figure, it is clear that why count is resetting to 0 because reset setting we have given60 sec and our service was running more than 2 mins.
But the action described for recovery is wrong as Restarting the service is the action for the second failure not for the first failure.
So why the count for failure is coming 1 but the action for recovery is the action corresponding to the second failure action?
I was just playing around with a similar issue, and after I set the "Reset fail count after:" to "1" day, it seems to be working. A possible explanation is that by setting the "Reset fail count" to 1 day, it will not reset the fail count back to 0 after the first fail (which is you stopping and restarting the service manually), and lets it cycle through the rest of the actions (depending on conditions/actions). Your mileage may vary.

Visual Basic: How to use timer properly

I'm trying to write a simple program that could perform some tasks at specified time.
Here's what I have:
If (TimeOfDay = "06:12:50") Then
End If
If (TimeOfDay = "06:13:58") Then
End If
This code is placed inside Timer1_Tick, I set time interval - 1000 and it works OK, I get TimeOfDay value in MsgBox when current time is equal to my specified time.
But what should I do to make it work dynamically? For example: I want to type TIME value via TextBox and pass it to Timer1_Tick I need to do it as many times as I want so everytime current time matches with my specified hour,minute,second it would work, but I don't know where I have to put my code, because if I place code in while loop and in Time_Ticker1 it runs while loop every second and UI crashes immediately.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Have you considered setting a Windows Scheduled event of MSG to yourself using the AT command line? The operating system timer/scheduler, dialog, storage and queue are already there and the MSG can optionally be dismissed if there is no one to receive it within a set amount of time. Example to send the time at 06:12:15 run the following into a command shell.
AT 06:12:15 msg %USERNAME% It is 06:12:15 am

Job with multiple tasks on different servers

I need to have a Job with multiple tasks, being run on different machines, one after another (not simultaneously), and while the current job is running, another same job can arrive to the queue, but should not be started until the previous one has finished. So I came up with this 'solution' which might not be the best but it gets the job done :). I just have one problem.
I figured out I would need a JobQueue (either MongoDb or Redis) with the following structure:
hostname: 'host where to execute the task',
task: 'current task number',
[task_id:1, commands:'run these ecommands', hostname:'aaa'],
[task_id:2,commands:'another command', hostname:'bbb']
search for the jobs with same hostname, and running==FALSE
execute the task that is set in that job
upon finish, host sets running=FALSE, checks if there are any other tasks to perform and increases task number + sets the hostname to the next machine from the next task
Because jobs can accumulate, imagine situation when jobs are queued for one host like this: A,B,A
Since I have to run all the jobs for the specified machine how do I not start the 3rd A (first A is still running)?
_id : ObjectId("xxxx"), // unique, generated by MongoDB, indexed, sortable
hostname: 'host where to execute the task',
task: 'current task number',
[task_id:1, commands:'run these ecommands', hostname:'aaa'],
[task_id:2,commands:'another command', hostname:'bbb']
The question is how would the next available "worker" know whether it's safe for it to start the next job on a particular host.
You probably need to have some sort of a sortable (indexed) field to indicate the arrival order of the jobs. If you are using MongoDB, then you can let it generate _id which will already be unique, indexed and in time-order since its first four bytes are timestamp.
You can now query to see if there is a job to run for a particular host like so:
// pseudo code - shell syntax, not actual code
var jobToRun = db.queue.findOne({hostname:<myHostName>},{},{sort:{_id:1}});
if (jobToRun.running == FALSE) {
myJob = db.queue.findAndModify({query:{_id:jobToRun._id, running:FALSE},update:{$set:{running:TRUE}}});
if (myJob == null) print("Someone else already grabbed it");
else {
/* now we know that we updated this and we can run it */
} else { /* sleep and try again */ }
What this does is checks for the oldest/earliest job for specific host. It then looks to see if that job is running. If yes then do nothing (sleep and try again?) otherwise try to "lock" it up by doing findAndModify on _id and running FALSE and setting running to TRUE. If that document is returned, it means this process succeeded with the update and can now start the work. Since two threads can be both trying to do this at the same time, if you get back null it means that this document already was changed to be running by another thread and we wait and start again.
I would advise using a timestamp somewhere to indicate when a job started "running" so that if a worker dies without completing a task it can be "found" - otherwise it will be "blocking" all the jobs behind it for the same host.
What I described works for a queue where you would remove the job when it was finished rather than setting running back to FALSE - if you set running to FALSE so that other "tasks" can be done, then you will probably also be updating the tasks array to indicate what's been done.

vbscript return empty data

I am using vbscript .vbs in windows scheduler.
Sample code:
objWinHttp.Open "POST",, false
CallHTTP= objWinHttp.ResponseText
strRESP= CallHTTP(strURL)
WScript.Echo "after doInstallNewSite: " & strRESP
Problem: blabla.asp is handling a task that need around 1-2 minute to complete.
It should return 'success' when the task completed.
But it return a empty result to the server vbs. (shorter than the normal time to complete the thing. I then go to check whether the task is completed, the answer is yes too.
I found this to happen when the task need longer time to complete.
Is this the weakness of vbs?
You can specify timeouts for the winhttp component:
objWinHttp.SetTimeouts 5000, 10000, 10000, 10000
It takes 4 parameters: ResolveTimeout, ConnectTimeout, SendTimeout, and ReceiveTimeout. All 4 are required and are expressed in milliseconds (1000 = 1 second). The defaults are:
ResolveTimeout: zero (no time out)
ConnectTimeout: 60,000 (one minute)
SendTimeout: 30,000 (30 secs.)
ReceiveTimeout: 30,000 (30 secs.)
So I suggest increasing the ReceiveTimeout
What is objHTTP specifically?
Looking at the target server's log, was the request received?
I can't find this in server log.
objWinHTTP is a standard protocol to send call and wait for response.
I did try using PHP and curl to do the whole process, but failed. Reason: PHP is part of the component in windows server. When come to global privilege and file folder moving, it is controlled by windows server. So I give up, and use vbs.
objWinHTTP is something act like curl in PHP.
sounds to me like the request to is taking too long to complete and the server is timing out. I believe the default timeout for asp scripts is 90 seconds so you may need to adjust this value in IIS or in your script so that the server will wait longer before timing out.
The AspScriptTimeout property
specifies (in seconds) the default
length of time that ASP pages allow a
script to run before terminating the
script and writing an event to the
Windows Event Log. ASP script can
override this value by using the
ScriptTimeout property of the ASP
built-in Session object. The
ScriptTimeout property allows your ASP
application to set a higher script
timeout value. For example, you can
use this setting to adjust the timeout
once a particular user establishes a
valid session by logging in or
ordering a product.
