How i can variable dict key in variable file in ansible - ansible

in host file i have host vars:
role: value1
then in group vars there is:
value1: [1,2,3]
value2: [3,4,5]
in playbook i'm trying to reach the result_list:
- name: test
hosts: win
gather_facts: no
- name: pong
- debug:
msg: "{{my_dict.value1}}"
# this message is ok
- debug:
msg: "{{my_dict.role}}"
#this fails
How can i get ther result value (list) threw the host variable role?

my fail, bad searching: answer
and code will be:
- debug:
msg: "{{dds_hosts[role]}}"


Ansible to print the variable value having another variable inside it

In a.yml file, I have stored data like below
"Node1" : ["Node1", "Owner1", "ID1"]
"Node2" : ["Node2", "Owner2", "ID2"]
Now, in xyz.yml playbook, I tried to debug a variable as below and I am passing the Node_Name in commandline (ansible-playbook xyz.yml -e "Node_Name=Node1")
- name: "Print Variable value"
hosts: all
gather_facts: no
Node_Name: Node
ID_Name: "{{ Server.{{ Node_Name }}[2] }}"
- name: "Print the id"
- "The id is {{ ID_Name }}"
But this is failing with error - Template error while templating string :expected name or number
Can someone please help to fix this and let me know how can I get the ID printed as output. Here expected output is ID1
You never nest {{...}} markers.
Recall that to access a nested variable. the syntax Server.Node1 is exactly equivalent to Server["Node1"]. The second syntax allows us to make use of variables (and string interpolation) on the key, so we can write:
In other words:
- name: "Print Variable value"
hosts: all
gather_facts: no
Node_Name: Node
ID_Name: "{{ Server[Node_Name][2] }}"
- name: "Print the id"
- "The id is {{ ID_Name }}"

--tags does not skip vars_prompt in ansible

When I run ansible-playbook --tags tag2, why does not it skip vars_prompt from tag1? Anyhow it skips debug msg from tag1. Please help. This is making me write 2 different playbooks.
- name: variable print using var
hosts: all
gather_facts: no
tags: tag1
- name: ask_user
prompt: enter your name
private: no
- debug:
msg: "{{ ask_user}} works in ABC company"
- hosts: all
gather_facts: no
tags: tag2
- name: normal message
msg: "This is 2nd tag"
Q: "--tags does not skip vars_prompt in Ansible"
A: vars_prompt is not a task and therefore can't be skipped. Quoting from Tags
Using tags to execute or skip selected tasks is a two-step process:
Add tags to your tasks, either individually or with tag inheritance from a block, play, role, or import.
Select or skip tags when you run your playbook.
If you want to skip the prompting for a variable use pause instead of vars_prompt. For example, the playbook below does what you want
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
tags: tag1
- pause:
prompt: Enter your name
echo: true
register: result
- set_fact:
ask_user: "{{ result.user_input }}"
- debug:
msg: "{{ ask_user }} works in ABC company"
- hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
tags: tag2
- debug:
msg: This is tag2

using ansible variable in task conditonal

When I use an Ansible variable in the failed_when conditional, Ansible complains and fails by telling me that I cannot use Jinja2 expressions with failed_when.
Below snippet does not work:
var1: "var"
- name: "sth"
raw: "anothersth"
register: status
failed_when: var1 in status.stdout
I want to use a regex in the above example and use variable var1 within a regex. This also fails.
I want to fail the task if var1 is repeated in the beginning and at the end of the stdout_lines. I was thinking something like this:
failed_when: regex("^{{var1}}/.*/{{var1}}$") in status.stdout
I wonder whether there is a way to achieve what I intend to do?
Exact play and the description:
Let me explain what I am trying to do:
run a command with "raw" module and register the stdout_lines.
iterate over a list of items, where list is a fact of current ansible host
use failed_when to search a pattern in the registered stdout and fail the task if it is not found
peers_underlay is a list defined in the host file:
- ip: ""
- ip: ""
This is the play:
- hosts: leaf-2, spine-1
gather_facts: no
tags: [ verify ]
bgp_underlay: "show ip bgp summary"
- name: "underlay bgp test"
raw: "{{ bgp_underlay }}"
register: underlay_status
with_items: "{{ peers_underlay }}"
failed_when: not regex(".*/{{ item['ip'] }}/.*/Estab/.*") in underlay_status.stdout_lines
Q: "Fail the task if var1 is repeated in the beginning and at the end."
A: It's possible to test strings. For example, use regex
- hosts: localhost
my_stdout1: 'ABC dlkjfsldkfjsldkfj ABC'
my_stdout2: 'alkdjflaksdjflakdjflaksjdflaksdjflasj'
var1: 'ABC'
my_regex: '^{{ var1 }}(.*){{ var1 }}$'
- debug:
msg: my_regex match my_stdout1
when: my_stdout1 is regex(my_regex)
- debug:
msg: my_regex match my_stdout2
when: my_stdout2 is regex(my_regex)
"msg": "my_regex match my_stdout1"
The particular task sequence would be
var1: "var"
my_regex: '^{{ var1 }}(.*){{ var1 }}$'
- name: "sth"
raw: "anothersth"
register: status
failed_when: status.stdout is regex(my_regex)

ansible does not read in variables when connected to another host

I have a playbook which reads in a list of variables:
- vars/myvariables.yml
- name: Debug Variable List
msg: "An item: {{item}}"
with_list: "{{ myvariables }}"
This prints out the list of "myvariables" from a file variables.yml, which contains:
- variable1
- variable2
I get the following as expected.
"msg": "An item: variable1"
"msg": "An item: variable2"
However, when I connect to another host, and run the same Debug statement, it throws an error:
- vars/myvariables.yml
- name: Configure instance(s)
hosts: launched
become: True
remote_user: ubuntu
port: 22
gather_facts: False
- name: Wait for SSH to come up
delegate_to: ***
remote_user: ubuntu
connection: ssh
register: item
- name: Debug Variable List
msg: "An item: {{item}}"
with_list: "{{ myvariables }}"
"msg": "'myvariables' is undefined"
How do I define the variables file when connecting to another host that is not localhost?
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
With "hosts: launched" you started new playbook. Put the vars_files: into the scope of this playbook (see below).
- name: Configure instance(s)
hosts: launched
become: True
remote_user: ubuntu
port: 22
gather_facts: False
- vars/myvariables.yml
Review the Scoping variables.

ansible vars_files and extra_vars to read input

looking to pass the dict to read a set of key value pairs based on the location. When values are hardcoded to the playbook, it works fine but calling through extra_vars giving an error message. Not sure even if it supports. appreciate, your thoughts and inputs.
ansible-playbook play3.yml -e '{"var1":"loc2"}' -vv
- name: testing
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- var_file.yml
- debug:
msg: "{{ var1['first'] }}"
first: name1
last: name2
first: python
last: perl
"Anything's possible in an animated cartoon." -Bugs Bunny
This playook:
- name: testing
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- var_file.yml
- debug:
var: "{{ item }}.first"
with_items: "{{ var1 }}"
Gave me this output:
TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************************************************************
task path: /home/jack/Ansible/CANES/PLAYBOOKS/play3.yml:9
ok: [localhost] => (item=None) => {
"loc2.first": "python"
