Cache and Improve performance of JpaRepository method - spring

I have the below code.I am using SPRING BOOT and JAVA 8
public interface LogRepository extends JpaRepository<Log, Integer>{
List<Log> findByDate( Date date) ;
findByDate is returning me suppose 1 million records.findByDate( Date date) method gets fired whenever user is hitting the url /api/get/logs.
How can I keep the data in cache ?I don't want to hit the database every time method findByDate( Date date) is called.

Step 1: You need to add #EnableCaching annotation with #SpringBootApplication in your main class.
Step 2: Add #Cacheable annotation in your method like below
#Cacheable(value="user", key="#date")
User findByDate( Date date) ;
For more details regarding the different cache configuration, you can follow be

Here a great guide about caching and eviction in spring boot
However, you shouldn’t cache 1000000 records from a single query. It’s too expensive and you may risk a socketTimeoutException or a 502 timeout from client/application server. You should implement pagination on your Services (already provided by JPA itself) and eventually cache the pages (pay attention to the updates - take also a look at cache merging annotations)


#cachePut for data update in list of object in spring boot

Hi I am using Spring Boot Cache in my application. I am able to fetch data from db and cached that data.
public Optional<List<Employee>> employeeData(){"Fetched employee details from DB and cached in memory!!");
return employeeRepository.findActiveEmployee();
I want to delete or update or add new record in cached object.
How can I use #cachePut to update existing record or insert record or delete existing record based on some condition.
You can keep your original method as is to call it whenever you want to fetch data from cache. Note that the #Cacheable annotation does not execute the method's body if the cache with name "employee" is not empty, instead it returns the results from cache.
public Optional<List<Employee>> employeeData(){
Then proceed in creating a new method annotated with #CachePut. Having in mind that #CachePut annotation will both execute the method as well as cache the results each and every time:
#CachePut(value="employee", condition="#name=='Tom'")
public Optional<List<Employee>> employeeDataCacheByName(String name){"Fetched employee details from DB and cached in memory depending on condition!!");
return employeeRepository.findActiveEmployee();
The above method will run the query every time and put into employee cache the results if the name argument is "Tom" (condition logic is up to you, this is just an example). This way cache is always updated with the results from the database (as long as the condition is truly evaluated).
For deleting (I don't think #CachePut can be used) maybe you can combine the #CacheEvict annotation, you can see an example in this Answer:

Is it necessary to use Entity annotation for Select query records from Database

I have spring boot application with JPA and MySQL. The table is already created and data are present. From the spring boot application, we need to create two API - get a particular record using id and get all the records. I created a model class but confused with usage of #Entity. Because I'm not going to insert/delete a record from the database. I want to use only for select the record.
For Select query (findBy), do we need to use #Entity annotation at the top of model class?
Yes, you would need to use #Entity to mark your model class, this tells JPA that your class is used for mapping to and from a database table. If you want to make sure that you don't accidentally overwrite the data, you could implement a check via #EntityListener, as described in this answer.

how to stop default query on id when using #cacheable annotation

When using #Cacheable annotation(org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable) on the repository with custom key like name,getting the issue of running extra query on id field on every consecutive request.
See the repository code below:
public interface StatusRepository extends JpaRepository<Status, Integer> {
#Cacheable(value = "StatusByStatusNameCache" , key="#statusName")
public Status findByStatusName(String statusName);
Above you can see that a cache is defined for status name only, now after running first request got the following Hibernate console with query on status name:
Hibernate: select status0_.status_id as status_i1_7_, status0_.status_name as status_n2_7_ from status status0_ where status0_.status_name=?
Hibernate: select event0_.event_id as event_id1_3_, event0_.event_name as event_na2_3_ from events event0_ where event0_.event_name=?
now then hit another second request getting hibernate query in console with id :
Hibernate: select event_.event_id, event_.event_name as event_na2_3_ from events event_ where event_.event_id=?
Hibernate: select requestcha_.request_channel_id, requestcha_.request_channel_name as request_2_6_ from request_channels requestcha_ where requestcha_.request_channel_id=?
Hibernate: select status_.status_id, status_.status_name as status_n2_7_ from status status_ where status_.status_id=?
I don't understand why this extra query is firing as status_name query is cached but how to stop this id query on every consecutive call after first request.
The #Cacheable annotation by Spring is completely independent from the any cache provided by Hibernate/your JPA implementation.
The query by id will not be prevented by caching the result of the by name query, because the caching for the id query would be done by JPAs first level cache, which doesn't know or care about Springs cache.
Here is what is probably going on:
entity is in 1st level cache and in Springs cache.
Any access by id (e.g. navigating to the entity)
entity gets served from 1st level cache.
session ends.
entity is removed from 1st level cache
entity is served from Springs cache. Note that this is now a detached entity. Nothing is in the 1st level cache.
access by id
entity is loaded from database, since it is not found in the 1st level cache.
You should enable Hibernates 2nd level cache to cache entities across sessions for access by id.
I also would advise against combining the caches of JPA/Hibernate with Spring Caches and rather use JPAs own query cache to cache findByName. See Spring JPA Hibernate query cache doesn't work for how to make it work with Spring Data JPA.
Also take a look at this article by Vlad Mihalcea about interaction of query cache and 2nd level cache.
Note that Oliver Drotbohm seems to have a different opinion.

Spring boot , Spring data JPA concurrent access

I am trying to create a Restful API with Spring boot and Spring data JPA to do the CRUD operations. The database will be Oracle relational database.Now for concurrent access , If we only use spring transactions using #Transactional, will that serve our purpose of concurrent CRUD operations.
I see there are JPA Optimistic and pessimistic locking strategy version column. My specific question is , for concurrent CRUD operations do we need both Spring transactions and JPA locking strategy? OR only configuring Spring transactions accordingly will be sufficient?
Try to start with the following simple approach that IMO will be suitable in many cases: Optimistic locking with Spring Retry.
1) Add version property annotated with #Version to your entities (you can do it in base abstract entity class, for example, to simplify the process):
public class MyEntity {
private Long id;
private Long version;
// other stuff
In this case when you, for example, will update your entity then Hibernate will use the current value of version property in condition clause of update query, and increment this value to store the entity with it. For example this code of some service:
public Optional<MyEntity> update(Long id, MyEntity source) {
return myEntityRepository
.map(target -> mapper.updateEntity(source, target));
will generate the following SQL queries:
1. select * from my_entities where id = ?;
2. update my_entities set ..., version = <version value from query #1> + 1 where id = ? and version = <version value from query #1>;
So if another concurrent process manages to update this entity first, then your method fails with an exception (OptimisticLockException).
2) To manage to exceptions in that method, add #Retryable annotation to it (and #EnableRetry annotation on your config or application class):
#Retryable(maxAttempts = 2)
public Optional<MyEntity> update(Long id, MyEntity source) {
// ...
In this case, if an exception rises in that method it will be called again in a new transaction to repeat the operation.
Additional info:
Optimistic Locking in JPA
Guide to Spring Retry
My Spring Retry demo
Optimistic lock is default strategy of JPA. Optimistic locking is can be used for most of the applications. Optimistic lock is much more easier and efficient. Pessimistic lock need to be used in cases like, where you need to know Collision before committing your transaction.
So you do not need to configure a locking strategy.

Spring framework. How to store some data to prevent each time access db

I have in my application list of customers and users. I would like get the list of them only on start. Then use data that is stored locally, not from DB.
Can You advice me some methods with examples?
I think about HttpSession object? But I am not sure is it ok?
Cause this data should be available only for logged user, that access it on start.
List of customers will be available on each page off application!
Take a look at Spring cache
You can annotate your repository methods:
#Cacheable(value="customer", key="#prsonalNum")
public Customer findCustomer(String prsonalNum) {
The application will enter the method body only the first time. After that the value will be taken from the cache.
You can also evict the cache when you update some customer for example.
#CacheEvict(value="customer", allEntries=true)
public void addCustomer(Customer cust)
For synchronizing insert and update operations with the cache use #CachePut annotation and for synchronizing delete operations with the cache use #CacheEvict annotation.
Use the same cache name (value paramter) and same key value
And you should enable caching with #EnableCaching annotation on one of your configuration classes.
You can still use the HttpSession object, however, only put it in the session once, the user has logged in... and you can remove it from the session on page close...
If you want to reuse the data multiple times and do not want to query each time. i would suggested to create a simple Cache suing HashMap or HashTable.
You can easily save the list of customers across every id in such data structure.
and in spring you can easily create a singleton bean which will hold this hashmap and accessible across the application.
