Hide 'Related' tab from the Case for interactive Experience form in Dynamics 9.0 - dynamics-crm

Is there any way to remove the 'Related' tab from the Case for interactive Experience form? There are no related entities to the form still the related tab is coming up in the form.
Already tried from the customization form.

You can hide the related tab in UCI by following below steps:
Go to the form editor for the entity that you want to hide the related tab
Open form properties
Click on Display tab
Uncheck the checkbox "Show Navigation Items"
Now refresh you entity form page to see if the related tab is hidden
Hope this helps.

Unfortunately this is not configurable/customizable as of today, OOB "Related" tab is showing always (without any navaigation entities under that). This is by design today.
Even scripting is not providing a great user experience. This is bothering all our clients, so created an PowerApps idea.


Buttons in a view in Dynamics 365

I am new with Dynamics 365 and are not sure of how I can achieve this.
I am looking into having some buttons in a view.
Maybe a view isn't the best way of doing it, but what I want to do is to have a list of records connected to the logged in user (similar to a view)
But on each row/record I want to have multiple buttons. These buttons can be like 'Complete' (Changes status on task and updates the view) , 'Send email'(Starts a workflow) and so on.
What are some of the ways of doing this? Either with Javascript/C#/plugin or something else.
You cannot add buttons in views/subgrids directly.
That’s when we add ribbon/command bar buttons using Ribbon workbench usually.
Create a Workflow Short Cut Ribbon Button (No Code Solution!)
There is a PowerApps Components Framework (PCF - preview) coming out soon, then we can build custom grid control with the layout/buttons we want.
This can be achieved with RibbonWorkbench. My answer does not differ much with #arun vinoth answer but just added few explanation lines.
If you look at view below where I have selected number of contact and then I have a Button at top "Nominieren" which is shown and clicking on it will perform whatever action is needed.
There will be java-script on click of button, from Java script you could call Action or workflow or perform operation in Java script itself.
Link for Adding new Button : https://community.dynamics.com/crm/b/crmtipsfromadeveloper/archive/2017/07/26/know-how-add-a-ribbon-button-using-ribbon-workbench
Now when you look at image below I have no contact selected and it does not show button on Ribbon.
It might be possible. I haven't tried this but you can write JavaScript for a view column now (since CRM 2016).
If you go to a view you can double click on a view column to view its properties. There are two properties you might be interested in:
Web Resource
Here's a link to an MS page that explains how to use these options to add an icon. It might be possible to create a clickable button which uses CRM's WebApi to perform some actions: Docs # Microsoft

How to create context menus which appear on right clicking in oracle apex report?

I need to display a context menu when a user right clicks on a report
and the user can perform an action on the rows selected. How to achieve this?
I can see there is already an action button on top of an interactive report. Can we customize that?
There's no built in way to do this. I see a few options:
You could hack together your own actions. You would add a Dynamic Event on mousedown on your report, then some Javascript to handle the action.
If it doesn't have to be a right click option, you can add a custom menu to a report. Here's one way of doing it. http://hardlikesoftware.com/weblog/2015/07/13/apex-5-0-custom-menus/
Also, if using the Interactive Grid is an option, that menu can also be customized. See: http://hardlikesoftware.com/weblog/2017/01/24/how-to-hack-apex-interactive-grid-part-2/
If you're willing to use a commercial Apex add-on product, I have used the FOEX add-ons with great success. However, it's not cheap and it would require changing your report to use their report-style (which we like). Then you can add a context menu that's maintained via the Shared Components -> Lists.
I'm just a user, not a shill or employee...

Unable to Hide See All Records button from Sub Grid in UCI

I am not able to hide 'See All Records' button from UCI, the button is not available in Ribbon Workbench. Please refer below screenshot for better understanding - Is there any other alternative?
Currently I am working on MS Dynamics CRM online version 9.1. I have searched on internet but couldn't find something related to 'See all records' button on sub-grid. I have checked the forms for any setting while adding sub-grid, but no luck.
If you have associated entity in the navigation then this icon will show up. Remove from form editor to remove this.
Read more
“Open Associated view” may be the right keyword to search.
I verified this in my environments ( - these options are not there.
But in our preview org ( - I can see it. No way to hide it.
Without associated entity in navigation:
With associated entity in navigataion:
Here My solution after I expensed a lot of time ..
Use Ribbon workbench , then select Home and look for NavigatetoHomepageGrid , button doesn't have an icon.
Hope It helps.

Drop-down menu/ComboBox/listbox in TinyMce 4?

After doing some research in google for pretty long time found some info on Drop down menu, but the documentation doesn't have clear information for me to understand, or other docs are mostly on TinyMce3. I've customized TinyMce 4 adding a button, menu and sub-menus and have used Window Manager with text box and radio button(which is a checkbox, poor efforts I know), but I need a drop down list/listbox in Window Manager
edit : Radio buttons are not supported in tinymce4
helped a lot, I created a fiddle so that might help somebody out there customizing tinymce 4

Breezing Forms component not saving quick mode form

Iam using a Breezing forms component of joomla on a newly developed website, but the problem is wen i create a Contact us form from quick mode with all the fields, textboxes, text areas etc............but after all the things are done and i try to save the form it is not saving, like after clicking save and navigate away from the page and again i go to quick mode forms
there is no form saved............i tried this on my local version of the website it is working fine there but cant understand why it is not saving on the online version of it.......am i missing something.
any help will be much appreciated thanks.
I had the same problem. The solution I found was so simple so that I was a little bit ashamed.
Just under the menu line in beezingforms - managing forms page, there is a pulldown menu named Package. Select Quickmodeforms of easymodeformsfrom from the pull down and all the forms I thought where not made are showing on the screen.
